In VS2015, how do I promote my current Solution to be the Latest Version on the server - visual-studio

We made a lot of changes to our code and don't want them any more. We would like to roll back these changes to a changeset from a couple of days ago. However, we are having considerable trouble doing so. We have loaded the version we want to use. How do we go about promoting this version to be the Latest Version on the TFS server, so that our other machines can pull it?

Open source control explorer, right click on the folder that you want to roll back, and choose the "roll back" option.


VisualStudion and TFS: go to previous version by Changeset ID, back and forth

I am much more used to SVN than to TFS so I am unsure on how to do this.
I have some project that use to be fast in some data around 10 days ago and now I tested it again on that data and it is much slower. So I would like to go to each of the versions of the entire project (not just a file) between 10 days ago and now, without losing any version.
So basically: how do I checkout some version by Changeset number, run it, then checkout another one and so forth without ever loosing any of the versions? Specifically, every time I go to previous version I may want to change stuff in the code (for testing further) and I want this changes to be lost every time I checkout another version (because I don't want them to remain anywhere).
In Source Control Explorer, right click on a folder and choose Get Specific Version. It's under an "Advanced" menu, if I'm not mistaken.

How can I tell what will be updated if I use "Get Latest Version"?

I have a Visual Studio solution and am using TFS for version control.
When I've made a bunch of changes to my working copy of the solution, the Team Explorer window will show me all the files that I've changed, and allow me to compare my version with either the workspace (original) version, or the latest version in TFS.
However, before I check in my changes, I first want to integrate any changes that have been made (by other people) to the latest TFS version since I got the source from TFS.
I could do a Get Latest Version and hope for the best. However, I would generally prefer to know what will be changed, and have the opportunity to look in detail at those changes, before overwriting my local files.
Is there a way to either compare my workspace (original) version against the latest version in TFS, or to see what the effects of a "Get" will be before I actually execute it?
To be useful, this would have to be a at a solution level - I would not want to have to go through each individual file.
Use Compare... and select Latest Version. That's best executed from the commandline or the Source Control Explorer.
If you compare "Latest Version" (remote) with "Workspace version" (local), then it'll tell you what has changes on the server since the last get-latest.
If you compare "Latest version (remote) with "Latest version" (local), then it'll tell you what has changed both locally and remotely.
The command line is your friend you can use the /preview switch to see what will happen if you do the get
tf get $/MyTeamProject/MySourcePath /recursive /preview

Can AnkhSVN tell me when a solution needs updating?

Sometimes I open a solution, make some change, compile, commit, deploy the software and only later realize that some colleague made a change that is not included in my build, since I forgot to "Update to Latest Version" first.
What I'd like is the following: When opening a solution, AnkhSVN should check whether my version is up-to-date and recommend that I update if it isn't.
I'd send a feature request, but since AnkhSVN has such a lot of features and this is such an obviously useful one (at least to me), I actually assume that this feature is already there and that I missed it when going through the AnhkSVN configuration options.
Is this feature there? If yes, how do I activate it?
This feature is indeed already there. Go to View -> Pending Changes, then click on the clock symbol (Recent Changes). Here check the "Refresh every...." checkbox and select a timespan. Files that are changed on the server and are not updated yet are shown in this view now.

VB6 & Source Safe

We have multiple developers working on the same code base. We also are trying to use SourceSafe (6.0)
When one developer makes code changes to their local copy, we note it in a list of changed objects for this release.
When it's time to compile our next release, we open the "master" copy, update all the changes from SourceSafe to the master copy, then compile.
At this point, all the other developers code is now out of sync with the master copy, and we need to get all the changes pushed downhill to all the developers local copies, so we're all looking at the same version of source at the start of a new release cycle.
Is there a way to have SourceSafe update the local copies with the latest changes, or do we need to do it manually basaed on the list of changed objects (which is what we're doing now...) Please don't tell me to use "Get Latest Version". It only works on one file at a time, and is the process we're using now anyway.
I believe your process is simply incorrect. When your devs get in, just have everyone Get Latest. When your developers want to make a change, have them check out the file. This way, it's one dev working on a single file at a time.
If you want multiple people working on the same file, I'd switch to subversion (there is a vb plugin for it).
There is a reason why the SCC tools work the way they do - it's been tried and tested over the last 20 years.

SVN plugin for VS2008

I'm using VisualSVN with my Visual Studio 2008 and I have to run some sort of commit monitor in the tray area to see if the local copy of project is out of date.
I have two problems with that:
I hate to have it in two places, I want to see that as an icon in my VS,
The commit monitor software keeps an eye on several projects, when I work on project 1 (which VS knows about), I'm not interested in other projects.
I couldn't find any addons for Visual Studio to do that and was wondering if anyone knows about anything good.
Generally, you have 2 options (besides running commitmonitor as you already do):
run update before you start to change something
ignore it all and merge with any updates when you want to commit.
SVN's really designed around the 'wait until you're ready and merge it all together' model, as there's no guarantee that even if you update your working copy immediately before starting to modify it, someone won't commit changes before you've had a chance to commit. So, let the system do the work for you.
The ultimate alternative if you are worried about conflicts is to use the svn:needs-lock property which means you will have to get a lock on any file you modify before modifying it, and you won't be able to get a lock on a file someone else is modifying.
You might like to ask the VisualSVN people if they'd add an option to check the repository when a project is loaded by VS (or run AnkhSVN and implement this feature yourself).
Work has started in AnkhSVN in this direction, we started to implement the 'Synchronize View' that's also used in Eclipse/Subclipse. The things still missing are: Scheduled checking of the repository, and maybe a notification inside VS to tell you that something has changed.
Right now you can manually refresh this view to see local and remote changes (and merges which can be potential conflicts). Patches are welcome to extend this feature :-)
I'm assuming VisualSVN is your "server" (even if running on the same machine).
AnkhSVN is a good Visual Studio Integrated SVN Client.
