Spring Transaction Management usage - spring

Can anybody provide me an example for Spring Transaction management? I have queries like how it basically works? In Java EE , Application server container used to take care of the transaction using EJB's. I wanted to know ,how spring frameworks helps in the same way?

I hope Introduction to Spring Framework transaction management will help.

The Spring Framework’s transaction management support doesn't requires an application server.
Spring Frameworks Claims declarative transactions of spring framework offer more powerful and more productive programming model than EJB CMT.
Compared to transaction management using EJB Spring frameworks enables application developers to use a consistent programming model in any environment. Once we write our code once it can benefit from different transaction management strategies in different environments.
The Spring Framework provides both declarative and programmatic transaction management.
programmatic transaction management - developers work with the Spring Framework transaction abstraction, which can run over any underlying transaction infrastructure.
declarative model - developers typically write little or no code related to transaction management, and hence do not depend on the Spring Framework transaction API, or any other transaction API.

Spring framework provides central interface for transaction
management i.e. 'PlatformTransactionManager'
There are many implementations if it, one which you can quickly
relate to is DataSourceTransactionManager.
Now, this transaction manager does the lower level work of beginning,
rollback and commit of transaction for you.
If you see the source of DataSourceTransactionManager you will see
the same kind of transaction management code that you have seen when
you handle transaction using JDBC api
But importantly, all these things happen declaratively as part of
proxy advise using Spring AOP
Begin Transaction
DataSource ds = /*initialize DS here*/
Connection con = ds.getConnection();
Commit Transaction


Transaction management in Spring: Does support come from Spring or container?

I am trying to understand the transaction management in Spring, and I have got some doubts.
I read a bit about transaction management in EJB world, which can be CMT or BMT. For CMT, as per the documentation, it is Application server (e.g. JBOSS) which manages the transaction.
Now, coming to Spring transaction management, and considering using Web container only (Apache Tomcat), how does this work?
Does Spring have its own transaction management with capability of handling local transaction and global transaction (which works with 2 phase commit). Do the actual support need to come by the underlying container (in this case Apache tomcat) or support from framework is sufficient?
I am not clear how all these pieces fit together.
Can anyone help me understand this?
Spring doesn't include any kind of transaction capability of its own, it only provides ways to connect to transaction functionality provided by the container or by standalone libraries.
If you run your application on Tomcat and don't provide any transaction manager libraries like bitronix, then you get only local jdbc transactions provided by the servlet container.
When you read the bullet points at https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/4.2.x/spring-framework-reference/html/transaction.html notice it says spring is providing abstractions, that means it is providing access through its own apis and using aop to make transactions nonintrusive, but not providing any implementation of transactional functionality. It's facilitating gluing things together, which is the main thing spring does.

which transaction manager should I use (JTA vs JPA)?

I have spring 4 application. At the moment I use JpatransactionManager.
<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager">
<property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="entityManagerFactory" />
Could you tell me how to choose transaction managers?
For instance, when should I use jta transaction manager and when jpa, and what benefit and disadvantages does they have?
And Is I know I have 2 way to work in Spring. First is JPA way and the second Hibernate way. first one includes java standard annotations and standard api and the second is hibenrate implementation. If i need to use JTA, I must use hibernate and not JPA, does not it?
If you want to delegate managed transactions to your Application Server and handle complex transactions across multiple resources you need to use the JtaTransactionManager, but I believe it is not needed in most cases.
Read this for more information http://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/4.0.x/spring-framework-reference/html/transaction.html
Do you need an application server for transaction management?
The Spring Framework’s transaction management support changes
traditional rules as to when an enterprise Java application requires
an application server.
In particular, you do not need an application server simply for
declarative transactions through EJBs. In fact, even if your
application server has powerful JTA capabilities, you may decide that
the Spring Framework’s declarative transactions offer more power and a
more productive programming model than EJB CMT.
Typically you need an application server’s JTA capability only if your
application needs to handle transactions across multiple resources,
which is not a requirement for many applications. Many high-end
applications use a single, highly scalable database (such as Oracle
RAC) instead. Standalone transaction managers such as Atomikos
Transactions and JOTM are other options. Of course, you may need other
application server capabilities such as Java Message Service (JMS) and
Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA).
The Spring Framework gives you the choice of when to scale your
application to a fully loaded application server. Gone are the days
when the only alternative to using EJB CMT or JTA was to write code
with local transactions such as those on JDBC connections, and face a
hefty rework if you need that code to run within global,
container-managed transactions. With the Spring Framework, only some
of the bean definitions in your configuration file, rather than your
code, need to change.

Distributing business logic across different servers(like JBoss/Glassfish) using Spring and still under one transaction

I am willing to create an example(code) using Spring in which business logic to be distibuted across different servers like JBoss or Glassfish and still under one transaction? First of all is this possible in Spring. I know using EJB has this option. Likewise do we have a similar technique in Spring also? I am looking for Synchronous communication approach and not using asynchronous message oriented middleware. Any help/pointer appreciated.
Spring has support for RMI or provides its own remoting mechamism HttpInvoker but according to the doc they don't provide any remote transaction propagation.
Similar questions:
Spring Distributed Transaction Involving RMI calls possible?
Transaction propagation in multiple servlet context with multiple data source

Spring JMS 2-phase-commit in java SE

I am not running under Java EE.
I want to have an XA transaction using Spring to share a transaction between DB and JMS.
Does spring provide such a functionality or must I use an external transaction manager such as Atomikos?
I use currently the DataSourceTransactionManager for the DB, and I see I can also use the JMSTransactionManager. Do they work together? Not clear from the documentation as JtaTransactionManager is mentioned.
Please advise.
Spring only provides a framework for transaction management, it as such doesn't provide any transaction manager. If you are running your application outside a Java EE container and you need a transaction between resources like a DB and JMS, you have to use an external TransactionManager like Atomikos or JOTM (Java Open Transaction Manager).
You might want to refer to http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-04-2007/jw-04-xa.html for more details on XA using Spring.
they are resource local, but Spring does support XA (see this post for explanation and example code) : http://blog.springsource.com/2011/08/15/configuring-spring-and-jta-without-full-java-ee/

Sharing JMS and Hibernate transactions in a Spring MDB using Oracle Streams AQ?

I'm using Oracle 11g for my database and its Oracle Streams AQ feature as JMS implementation.
For all I know, it should be possible to implement a Spring based message-driven POJO (MDP) that uses the same data source for both transactional data access and JMS transactions -- all without XA-Transactions (IIRC, this was marketed as a feature of SpringSource Advanced Pack for Oracle).
Is this possible using Hibernate as well? Ideally, my MDP would start a JMS transaction and read a message from a queue, then re-use the transaction for data access through Hibernate. If anything goes wrong, the JMS and database transaction would both be rolled back, without using 2-phase commit (2PC).
I'm not much of a transaction guru, so before I start digging deeper, can anyone confirm that this is possible and makes sense as well?
What I want is an implementation of the Shared Transaction Resource pattern. The sample code demonstrates it for ActiveMQ and JDBC, but I need to use Oracle Streams AQ and Hibernate.
The SpringSource Advanced Pack for Oracle has been open sourced as part of Spring Data JDBC and it "provides the option of using a single local transaction manager for both
database and message access without resorting to expensive distributed 2-phase commit
transaction management".
2PC shouldn't be necessary, as you say, since the appserver should take care of it. However, you'll pretty much have to use JTA (i.e. JavaEE container) transactions, rather than vanilla DataSource transactions, since JMS only works with JTA.
This isn't a big deal, it's just a bit more fiddly:
Your Spring config should use
<jee:jndi-lookup/> to get a
reference to your container's
DataSource, and you inject that
data source into your spring-managed
hibernate SessionFactory.
You then need to introduce a transaction manager into the context (<tx:jta-transaction-manager/> should work in most app-servers).
In your Spring JMS MessageListenerContainer, plug the above transaction manager reference into it.
Does that all make sense, or should I elaborate? This setup should ensure that the container-managed transactions are held across JMS and Hibernate interactions.
