Elasticsearch similarity match score for set of terms - elasticsearch

Is there a way to query for similarity (match score) for set of terms in elasticsearch?
Simple example:
"tags":["tag1", "tag2", "tag3", "tag4"]
"tags":["tag1", "tag2", "tag4"]
doc1 - match 100%
doc2 - match 66.6%
doc1 has all tags that are present in search
doc2 has 2 of 3 tags that are present in search
So basically query that will return list of documents ordered by match, where match = how similar are tags in document compared to tags in query. No fuzziness needed. Return in % is just an example, return in points or some other unit is fine. Number of tags can be different.
I am designing system so can store data in any format, whatever works for ElasticSearch. I looked at their docs, but probably missed this type of search.
Many thanks for help.
Is it possible to specify custom weight of match for each tag?
I.e. tag1 - 100points (or 20%), tag2 - 200 points (or 40%).

Yes, you need the similarity module
Not sure about weighted match, maybe the boost attribute?


Unexpected Solr scores for documents boosted by the same boost values

I have 2 documents:
title: "Popular",
registrations_count: 700,
is_featured: false
title: "Unpopular",
registrations_count: 100,
is_featured: true
I'm running this Solr query (via the Ruby Sunspot gem):
fq: ["type:Event"],
sort: "score desc",
q: "*:*",
defType: "edismax",
fl: "* score",
bq: ["registrations_count_i:[700 TO *]^10", "is_featured_bs:true^10"],
start: 0, rows: 30
or, for those who are more used to ruby:
Challenge.search do
boost(10) do
boost(10) do
with(:is_featured, true)
order_by :score, :desc
One document matches the first boost query, and the other matches the other boost query. They have the same boost value.
What I would expect is that both documents get the same score. But they don't, they get something like that
1.2011336 # score for 'unpopular' (featured)
0.6366436 # score for 'popular' (not featured)
I also checked that if i boost an attribute that they both have in common, they get the exact same score, and they do. I also tried to change the 700 value, to something like 7000, but it makes no difference (which makes total sense).
Can anyone explain why they get such a different score, while they both match one of the boost queries?
I'm guessing the confusion stems from "the queries being boosted by the same value" - that's not true - the boost is the score of the query itself, which is then amplified 10x by your ^10.
The bq is additive - the score from the query is added to the score of the document (while boost is multiplicative, the score is multiplied by the boost query).
If you instead want to add the same score value to the original query based on either one matching, you can use ^=10 which makes the query constant scoring (the score will be 10 for that term, regardless of the regular score of the document).
Also, if you want to apply these factors independent of each other (instead of as a single, merged score with contributions from both factors), use multiple bq entries instead.

The boolean fuzzy query in elasticsearch is not returning expected result

I am trying to build a fuzzy bool query on first and last names in elasticsearch 7.2.0. I have a document with "asim" and "banskota" as first and last name respectively. But when I query with "asi" or "asimmm" and the exact last name, elasticsearch returns no result. However, when queried with exact first name or "asimm", it returns me the intended result from the document.
I also wrote a "fuzzy" query instead of "match". I experimented with different fuzziness parameters, but the outcome is same. Both first name and last names are analyzed, and I queried the 'analyzer' API wrt how it analyze
'asim'. It is indexing the document with 'asim' as a single token with standard analyzer.
EDIT: It turns out that the fuzzy query works with 'Substitution' case, for example, it returns the result for 'asim' when queried with 'asmi' but not for deletion. It is surprising to me as the edit distance in the substitution is greater than in the deletion case. When the string length is greater, for instance with the last name 'Banskota', fuzzy matching works for 'deletion' case as well. What should I do to make the fuzzy search work in 'deletion' case with string length of 4 or 5?
fuzzy_body = {"size": 10,
"must": [
"match":{"FIRST_NAME_N":{'query': 'asi',"fuzziness": "AUTO"}},
"fuzzy":{"LAST_NAME_N": "banskota"}
It turns out that if the name fields are indexed as keyword type, the query returns the expected results with "AUTO" fuzziness.

Elasticsearch - query primary and secondary attribute with different terms

I'm using elasticsearch to query data that originally was exported out of several relational databases that had a lot of redundencies. I now want to perform queries where I have a primary attribute and one or more secondary attributes that should match. I tried using a bool query with a must term and a should term, but that doesn't seem to work for my case, which may look like this:
I have a document with fullname and street name of a user and I want to search for similiar users in different indices. So the best match for my query should be the best match on fullname and best match on streetname field. But since the original data has a lot of redundencies and inconsistencies the field fullname (which I manually created out of fields name1, name2, name3) may contain the same name multiple times and it seems that elasticsearch ranks a double match in a must field higher than a match in a should attribute.
That means, I want to query for John Doe Back Street with the following sample data:
"fullname" : "John Doe John and Jane",
"street" : "Main Street"
"fullname" : "John Doe",
"street" : "Back Street"
Long story short, I want to query for a main attribute fullname - John Doe and secondary attribute street - Back Street and want the second document to be the best match and not the first because it contains John multiple times.
Manipulation of relevance in Elasticsearch is not the easiest part. Score calculation is based on three main parts:
Term frequency
Inverse document frequency
Field-length norm
the often the term occurs in field, the MORE relevant is
the often the term occurs in entire index, the LESS relevant is
the longer the term is, the MORE relevant is
I recommend you to read below materials:
What Is Relevance?
Theory Behind Relevance Scoring
Controlling Relevance and subpages
If in general, in your case, result of fullname is more important than from street you can boost importance of the first one. Below you have example code base on my working code:
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "john doe",
"fields": [
In this example result from fullname is ten times (^10) much important than result from street. You can try to manipulate the boost or use other ways to control relevance but as I mentioned at the beginning - it is not the easiest way and everything depends on your particular situation. Mostly because of "inverse document frequency" part which considers terms from entire index - each next added document to index will probably change the score of the same search query.
I know that I did not answer directly but I hope to helped you to understand how this works.

How to find all documents with specific string in field?(Elasticsearch)

I have a document with fields:
"provider": "AppStore",
"device_model": "iPad3,6[graphicsDeviceName: PowerVR SGX 554]",
"days_in_game": 34,
And I need to get all documents with iPad string in device_model!
Is it possible?
There are two types of search queries in Elasticsearch ie. term queries and match queries. The match first analyzes the query string, then looks for documents containing the words in the query and returns result depending upon how closely it matches.
What the term query does is basically a yes or no query and will return only the documents that have an exact match.
I think for your case a term query is better fit. And since field does not contain the exact word iPad but something like iPad3 you should use a prefix, wildcard or possibly a regexp query depending upon what your document actually contain(take a look at this)
You could use the following query:
"query": {
"prefix": {
"device_model": "iPad"

Why does ElasticSearch give a lower score to a term when it's with more terms?

I have an index (on a local, testing, cluster), with some fields using the simple analizer.
When I search for a term, the results where the term is in a field with more terms, get a lower score - why is that? I couldn't find any reference.
For example, 'koala' in a boolean search returns:
(title 'a koala'): score 0.04500804
(title 'how the Koala 1234'): score 0.02250402
In the query explanation, the fieldNorm is 1.0 in the first case, and 0.5 in the second.
Is it possible to return a score indipendent from the number of terms in the field?
To return a bool must term query of koala with all documents scoring equal on "koala". You could use the constant score query to basically remove the score from your query.
Here is a runnable example
