JSF2 with jdbctemplate in Spring 3.0 - spring

I am using JSF2 with Spring3 JDBC template. I have added the following content to the web.xml file
I have added the following code into faces-config.xml
DAO code is the following
public class XXXDAOImpl implements ZZZDAO{
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate
public void methodname(object){
I have added the following code in application context xml file.
The managed bean is
#ManagedBean(name = "aaaBean")
public class CustomerBean{
I am using Spring 3.0 jar files and javax.faces-2.2.8 jar file.
The intention is to get customer details from a JSF view page and store it in a table.
Upon execution of the code a null pointer exception is thrown from DAO where jdbc template's update method is invoked. Help is apprciated.


JSF 2.3 (CDI) + Spring 4 integration

I have created a new web project from scratch using JSF 2.3 and Weld as CDI implementation running on Tomcat 9. This works all fine.
Now I would like to add a dependency to a service library (Spring 4 + Hibernate 5) which implements e.g. the user authentication against a database. This is all existing code, so it cannot be modified.
I have already read many articles, but unfortunately no one really helped me. I am facing the issue that I do not know how to inject the Spring-Bean (4.3.12.RELEASE) into a JSF-CDI managed bean.
public class AuthenticationController extends AbstractBean {
transient private IUserService _springUserService;
public void postConstruct() {
// _springUserService is null
The service implementation class is annotated as
public class UserService implements IUserService {
In web.xmlI have configured the spring context loader:
And in faces-config.xml I have configured the Spring-EL-Resolver
So which annotation do I need to have the Spring Bean injected?
Am I missing any additional configuration for CDI in order to have it finding the Spring bean?
Thanks in advance and best regards!

Vaadin and Spring integration - #Inject doesn't work

I'm trying to integrate Vaadin with Spring. In my main Vaadin application class I have:
public class MyVaadinApplication extends UI {
private PrivatePersonBo privatePersonBo;
public void init(VaadinRequest request) {
Layout layout = new FormLayout();
layout.setCaption("New Private Person");
ApplicationContext appContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("resources/spring/Context.xml");
PrivatePersonBo privatePersonBo = (PrivatePersonBo) appContext.getBean("privatePersonBo");
PrivatePerson existingEmployee = privatePersonBo.findByName("TestUserName");
If I get bean from context directly I recieve bean, however If I comment line which recieves bean from appContext then #Inject annotation doesn't work and I get NullPointerException. My deployment descriptor is below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
Any suggestions please?
You can integrate Vaadin 7 with Spring in two simple steps:
1) Create a UIProvider that lookup UIs in spring context:
public class SpringUIProvider extends DefaultUIProvider {
public UI createInstance(UICreateEvent event) {
ApplicationContext ctx = WebApplicationContextUtils
return ctx.getBean(event.getUIClass());
2) Declare the UIProvider in web.xml:
And remember to use prototype scope for UI classes.
If you want to integrate Vaadin with Spring then use #Configurable feature. Then all instantiated objects (even if you create them using new MyObject() code) will be integrated with Spring context. You can find more details about such setup in Spring documentation: http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/aop.html#aop-using-aspectj

RestEasy with Spring renders no answer

I can see that the FilterDispatcher is called (by debugger), but it doesn't seem to find the service to call. I've got trouble grasping how RestEasy actually maps between resources defined in Spring and RestEasy.
Main story: Getting http://my.local.no:8087/rest/typeaheads/h only renders 404
resteasy resource is set up by bean:
#ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = TypeaheadsRestService.class)
public class SpringConfig {
public class TypeaheadsRestService {
public List<NameUrl> get(#PathParam("search") String search) {
The RestEasy SpringContextLoaderListener seem to be the missing part. I created a stripped down problem from RestEasy example and used it. For my somewhat more complex application however it would not work. That is probably because it overrides the deprecated createContextLoader-method. In Spring 3 ContextLoaderListener is an instance of ContextLoader. So I reimplemented it like this:
public class MyContextLoaderListener extends ContextLoaderListener {
private SpringContextLoaderSupport springContextLoaderSupport = new SpringContextLoaderSupport();
protected void customizeContext(ServletContext servletContext, ConfigurableWebApplicationContext applicationContext) {
super.customizeContext(servletContext, applicationContext);
this.springContextLoaderSupport.customizeContext(servletContext, applicationContext);
I originally tried to do the customizeContext(...) in a bean initialisation. That worked in RestEasy 2.2.1.GA, but not in 2.3.4.FINAL.

NoSuchBeanDefinitionException with spring and gwt (requestFactory)

I get this error with a gwt (using requestfactory) and spring
org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No unique bean of type [org.calibra.server.service.AccountService] is defined: expected single bean but found 0:
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory.getBean(DefaultListableBeanFactory.java:271)
at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.getBean(AbstractApplicationContext.java:1101)
at org.calibra.server.SpringServiceLocator.getInstance(SpringServiceLocator.java:24)
at com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.server.LocatorServiceLayer.createServiceInstance(LocatorServiceLayer.java:56)
My service locator
public class SpringServiceLocator implements ServiceLocator {
public Object getInstance(Class<?> clazz) {
ApplicationContext context = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(
return context.getBean(clazz);
My spring service
public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService{
public void addNewAccount(Account account) {
public List<Account> loadAllAccounts() {
Gwt requestContext, reference my spring service
#Service(value=AccountService.class, locator=SpringServiceLocator.class)
public interface AccountRequest extends RequestContext {
Request<Void> addNewAccount(AccountProxy account);
Request<List<AccountProxy>> loadAllAccounts();
my web.xml
I don't understand how i can have 0 AccountService beans ?
i tried to add in the dispatcher-servlet
<bean id="accountService" class="org.calibra.server.service.AccountServiceImpl"/>
I got the same result
Any idea?
edit: if somebody have a full complete example, that could be useful.
I think using the ContextLoaderListener alone is not enough as you don't seem to have the DispatcherServlet in use (have you?).
The following lines work for me:
I've seen this question in a couple of other places. You should try explicity defining the AccountServiceImpl as a bean in your applicationContext.xml (not the dispatch-servlet.xml) first and see if you still get the error, if you don't then you know it's that you're missing the component-scan in your application context xml which is what I think is the case.
hope this helps

Using ApplicationContext in Spring MVC.

I have a spring.xml file where in all the bean definitions are listed, where i have listed all the dependencies using beans, specified messageSource, dataSource etc. Also i have a class ApplicationContext class where iam using the context to get all the beans.
The code is ::
package models;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
public class ApplicationContextClass {
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
AbstractApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("Spring.xml");
ATTModel attmodel = (ATTModel) context.getBean("att");
//ProjectModel project = (ProjectModel)context.getBean("project");
System.out.println(context.getMessage("insertiondone",null, "Default greeting",null));
and i have Dao class where an applicationContext is used to access JDBCtemplate related bean. I have to develop a web application now using spring MVC and i need to use this applicationContext. How can i use these applicationContext classes in SpringMVC. I knw i need to use applicationcontextlisteners but where to write them ? Thanks..
You have two ways. In web.xml define this.
And to your WEB-INF folder add yourapp-servlet.xml with your beans and mvc configuration.
Other way is. In web.xml define this.
And to your WEB-INF add applicationContext.xml with your beans.
You can also combine these approaches.
