I need to check a code and find if there's the use of timer expressions in a esprima tree. Do you know the best way to do this? thanks
I have to apply the SMA* algorithm for the labyrinth problem in Python. I found just this PDF: pdfSMA, but it didn't help me too much.
I tried to resolve it, but I didn't manage. Any implementation for this algorithm in Python would help me.
The original description of SMA* from the original AIMA book is flawed. If you implement it as described it may not work. The issue is that you need to preserve the ordering of children and be sure to explore unexplored children before re-exploring old children.
Felner introduced the idea of collapse and restore macros which can be very helpful in understanding SMA*. I suggest looking at that paper and then using a similar approach to implement the algorithm.
But, also know that the recent A*+IDA* algorithm may be a better approach than SMA*. (Not much help if it is an assignment.)
As the title says, I am really really really curious about this.
I've been trying to find the cases where you can't use backtracking to solve them but I can't find them.
Share your knowledge please
If there are too many possibilities to check, backtracking search will be impractical - see e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lighthill_report. There may also be cases where you cannot state the problem simply and clearly enough to recognize the correct answer when you find it.
I have a simple linear programming problem. After solving it, I get the correct result. I want to speed it up using hot-start feature of MOSEK, but I don't know how to set some parameters like "res.sol.bas.sku", "res.sol.bas.skn", .... I only know an initial solution, i.e, "res.sol.bas.xx", where the value of the variables are stored for a near to optimal solution. Is it possible for me to accelerate the engine using Hot start feature in this way!
You seem to using MATLAB. Did you read
Does it solve the issue?
I need to know the algorithm(s) it uses, because I have to write my own program. Levenberg-Marquardt doesn't really do the same. Is there like a list of algorithms, from which Mathematica chooses what algorithm to use for a specific problem?
Thank you.
Mathematica 8.x can use the following algorithms for NonLinearModelFit[] for its Method option:
Possible settings for Method include "ConjugateGradient", "Gradient", "LevenbergMarquardt", "Newton", "NMinimize", and "QuasiNewton", with the default being Automatic.
See the documentation for additional options etc.
Note that NonLinearFit[] is obsolete; you should now use FindFit[] instead.
I am currently learning Ruby and I am wondering whether you guys can suggest some medium to difficult iterators to implemet?
There are http://rubyquiz.com/ and more generic http://projecteuler.net/. You will find different exercises in them that you can solve using iterators, recursion, or something else.
Try mastering Enumerable.inject. It's a really helpful method that reduces LOC.