Editing waveform audio input before it reaches a application - windows

I am working on a voice changer that is supposed to manipulate the input buffer of a waveform-audio input device before the buffer is returned to a application.
The waveInOpen()-function gives 4 options to be notified when the buffer provided by waveInAddBuffer() has been filled.
I have tried several things to to get my waveform manipulation to work but haven't found a reliable and clean solution yet.
What worked so far was intercepting waveInAddBuffer()-calls with Detours. I am saving all WAVEHDR-pointer used by waveInAddBuffer() and each time the function is called I delay the program for a few miliseconds and search for waveform-buffers that have been filled during the delay.
This isn't reliable though because the buffer size differs for each application and therefore there isn't a delay-time that works for every application.
I would be really thankful for new ideas!
Heres the other stuff I have tried:
Most applications set multiple flags when calling waveInOpen() that actually exclude each other. So you can never be sure what callback method actually is used. (e.g.: the flags CALLBACK_EVENT | CALLBACK_FUNCTION | CALLBACK_WINDOW are all set.)
When the CALLBACK_WINDOW flag is set, I have used the SetWindowLongPtr() function to create a subclass window that received MM_WIM_DATA messages before the window of the application. Unfortunately this didn't work, my subclass window never gets called.
I have created a custom-callback function that I replace with the callback function of the application when the CALLBACK_FUNCTION flag is set.
This didn't work because my function never gets called. I guess this is because my function is defined in a DLL, outside of the address space of the application.
There were several other things I have tried that didn't work because I made attempts that never could have worked because I didn't know enough about injection and hooks. I have learned quite a lot and I cant really summarize everything I have tried, because it's not helping the cause.


What's the correct way to CheckDeviceState in DirectX11?

I have built the DX11VideoRenderer sample (a replacement for EVR that uses DirectX11 instead of EVR's DirectX9), and it's working. Problem is, it's not working very well. It's using twice the CPU time that the EVR does for the same videos (more on this in the next question).
Since I've got the source, I decided to profile it to see what's going on. (Among other things) this led me to:
HRESULT DX11VideoRenderer::CPresenter::CheckDeviceState(BOOL* pbDeviceChanged)
I'm not much of a DirectX expert (actually, I'm not one at all), but it seems likely that window handles can invalidate as monitors get unplugged, windows get FullScreened, closed, etc so a function like this makes perfect sense to me.
When I look at the code for CheckDeviceState, the first thing it does is call SetVideoMonitor, which seems odd.
SetVideoMonitor looks like the routine you call when you first initialize the presenter (or change the target window), not something you'd call repeatedly to "Check" the device state.
Indeed, SetVideoMonitor calls TerminateDisplaySystem, followed by InitializeDisplaySystem. I could see doing this once at startup, but those functions are being called once per frame. That can't be right.
I can comment out the call to SetVideoMonitor in CheckDeviceState (or actually all of CheckDeviceState), and the code continues to function correctly (it's predictably a bit faster). But then I'm not checking the device state anymore.
Trying to figure out the proper way to check for state changes in DX11 brought me here which talks about just checking the return codes for IDXGISwapChain::Present and ResizeBuffers. Is that how this should be done? Because that makes it seem like this whole routine is some leftover from DX9 (where it still would have been poorly implemented).
What's the correct way to check the device state in DX11? Is this even a thing anymore?

Is there any way to determine if a program uses a specific Windows API functions?

Ok, it may be a bit difficult to explain:
Suppose someone creates a Windows application (using C# or any other language) that uses the GetDesktopWindow() function on the user32.dll to capture a Screenshot and then sends this image to any online service.
Since it's custom made application, no anti-virus software will be able to determine that it's a virus because it's still an unknown application for it. Also, there are legitimate uses for such API, so it's not necessarily a virus, it can be a harmless window capture tool or some kind of espionage tool.
What I want to know is: Is there any way to see what a specific EXE file does regarding the Windows functions? Can I know if "myapp.exe" uses GetDesktopWindow() of user32.dll?
This is only one example. There are plenty other Windows endpoints that I would like to know when they're used by any application.
Is there a way to do that?
It depends to what lengths you want to go doing that. It's essentially a game of cat and mouse - bad actors will attempt to find new ways to circumvent your detection by jumping through some obscure hoops, you will add more sophisticated detection methods for those tricks, they will think of new tricks, and so on.
Also, it depends on whether you want to statically or dynamically determine that, and whether you actually want to know if GetDesktopWindow is called or if "the program gets a handle to the desktop window" (which can be achieved in other ways as well).
Here is a non-exhaustive list of ideas:
You could statically determine whether the function is imported by looking at the import directory. Research the PE file structure to find out more. This article may help.
This method of detection can be easily circumvented by dynamically importing the function using LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress.
You could scan the file for the string GetDesktopWindow to detect possible usage for dynamic import.
This method of detection can be easily circumvented by packing, encrypting or otherwise obfuscating the name of the dynamically imported function.
You could dynamically observe whether the GetDesktopWindow function gets called by registering an AppInit_DLL or a global hook which is injected into every new process and hook the GetDesktopWindow function from inside the process by overwriting its first bytes with a jump to your own code, notifying your detection component somehow, executing the original bytes and jumping back. (Microsoft Detours can help there.)
This method of detection can be circumvented if the target notices the hook and removes it before calling, since its in its own process space. (You could also do some tricks with acting like a debugger and setting a hardware breakpoint on the first instruction of GetDesktopWindow, but yet again there would be ways to detect or circumvent that since the target could also modify the debug registers.)
You could build a driver that does this from kernel-mode instead, but now we are getting really deep.
Note that until now we focused on the actual GetDesktopWindow function from user32.dll. But what if the target will just use a different way to achieve its goal of getting a desktop window handle?
The desktop window handle for the current thread is stored in the TIB (thread information block) which is accessible via fs:[18] from user mode. You can see this in the GetDesktopWindow source code of ReactOS which is pretty accurate compared to Microsoft's actual implementation (which you can verify by looking at it in a debugger). The target could therefore just access the TIB and extract this value, without even calling GetDesktopWindow at all.
The target could just take a known top-level window such as the shell's hidden compatibility window which you'll get via GetShellWindow() or - to avoid detection of GetShellWindow too - for example FindWindow(NULL, "Program Manager") (or even a newly created window!) and call GetAncestor(hWnd, GA_PARENT) on it to get the desktop window handle.
I'm sure, with some creativity, your adversaries will come up with more clever ideas than these.
Also, if we take this one step further and take a look at the ultimate goal of taking a screenshot, there as well exist other ways to achieve that. First example coming to mind: They could use keybd_event to emulate pressing the PrnSc key and then read the screenshot out of the clipboard data.
So it's all a matter of how far you want to take this.
By the way, you may find the drltrace project interesting - it is a library call tracer.

Guarding against system changes between function calls in Windows

Given some code like this...
auto res = GetScreenResolution();
// Can windows change the screen resolution between these calls?
// How do you guard against it?
Can the resolution of the screen be changed between the function calls? Say from the user adjusting display settings. I assume it can but I'll ask for certainty.
If the resolution is changed between calls, then the function DoSomething might not work correctly, or cause a major problem depending on the code.
Is there any way at all of making sure the system (or particular settings) cannot be changed during the execution of a piece of code?
The same concept could be applied to various things, like checking if a network is up or checking the status of a file.
The probability of something happening is so small that it's not worth bothering with, but I was curious.
Some overnight thoughts...
Call GetScreenResolution() again after DoSomething() to check for a match. This would also allow you to undo changes you've made and correct them. It's still possible for a problem to occur, but it's much much lower still.
With exceptions, DoSomething() may throw a software exception with out of date data. You can then do whatever is necessary.
If you have to do a lot of processing between GetScreenResolution and DoSomething, say for a minute, then it may be worth checking for changes to the system. If you receive a message that resolution changed, you can also reset the processing if you're architecture allows for that.
You just have to prepare for failure and/or make sure you are notified about any changes.
Even if there was a lock you could take to prevent another application from changing the display settings there is nothing you can do to prevent me from pulling out my monitor cable and Windows reacting to that and making my laptop screen the primary monitor.
If you look at ChangeDisplaySettings for example you will see this on MSDN:
When the display mode is changed dynamically, the WM_DISPLAYCHANGE message is sent to all running applications with the following message parameters.
The only thing you can do to prevent something is to use a job object to restrict a specific process/processes under your control from calling certain functions (JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT_DISPLAYSETTINGS etc.).

Is KillTimer really necessary?

This may seem to be a duplicate question for Is KillTimer necessary?, but i would like to confirm this with credible source.
Does destroying window really free the resource allocated by the OS for the timer? (does DestroyWindowsTimers really get called let alone if such function actually exists? if so, where?)
No, it is not necessary. From the documentation of DestroyWindow (with emphasis added):
The function sends WM_DESTROY and WM_NCDESTROY messages to the window to deactivate it and remove the keyboard focus from it. The function also destroys the window's menu, flushes the thread message queue, destroys timers, removes clipboard ownership, and breaks the clipboard viewer chain (if the window is at the top of the viewer chain).
Doing a google search the only actual real looking reference to it looked to be some Win2k source code. The url ended with /Censorship/win2k_sources/private/.../timers.c, I'm assuming from the source code leak a while back. I did not look at the code, nor will I post a link here.
That function most likely exist - something like that almost has to exist for timers linked to window handles - since the timer message is delivered to a specific window handle.
I can't see anywhere in the documentation that states that you don't have to call KillTimer to get rid of a timer. So based on the documented contract, you need to call KillTimer. In practice Windows will probably clean it up for you, but since that is undocumented behavior you should write your code to follow the documented behavior and call KillTimer on all your timers.

How to deal with a second event-loop with message-dispatch?

I am working on a program which is essentially single-threaded, and its only thread is the main event-loop thread. Consequently, all its data structures are basically not protected by anything like critical region.
Things work fine until it recently integrates some new functions based on DirectShow API. Some DirectShow APIs open a second event-loop and within that second loop it dispatch messages (i.e. invoke other event-handling callbacks unpredictably). So when a second event-handling function is invoked, it might damage the data struct which is being accessed by the function that invokes the DirectShow API.
I have some experience in kernel programming. And what comes in my mind is that, for a single-threaded program, how it should deal with its data structure is very like how kernel should deal with per-CPU data structure. And in kernel, when a function accesses per-CPU data, it must disable the interrupt (very like the message-dispatching in a second event-loop). However, I find there is no easy way to either avoid invoke DirectShow API or to prevent the create of a second event-loop within them, is there any way?
mutexes. semaphores. locking. whatever name you want to call it, that's what you need.
There are several possible solutions that come to mind, depending on exactly what's going wrong and your code:
Make sure your data structures are in a consistent state before calling any APIs that run a modal loop.
If that's not possible, you can use a simple boolean variable to protect the structure. If it's set, then simply abort any attempt to update it or queue the update for later. Another option is to abort the previous operation.
If the problem is user generated events, then disable the problematic menus or buttons while the operation is in progress. Alternatively, you could display a modal dialog.
