Oracle Autovue 3d image extraction with Zoom - image

I am using Oracle Autovue Server to extract 3d images from CAD file. We call Autovue server with CAD file and Autovue server extract the images in different formats like Isometric, Left, Right, Top etc. I would need the image should be extracted with Zoom fit. But I can not find any solution.
Following are the codes that I am using for zooming functionality:


Add Background image to 3D Plotly - Python

I have been trying to add an image to my 3D surface plots on Plotly; where the image is stored in a local file and I give the file path as an input to "source" in go.Layout; but it does not show up and shows no errors.
Plotly background images this doesn't work for me either; can someone explain it a bit more!
The final plot could look like this where instead of json file,I just want to add am image.

Is there a way to adjust the brightness and intensity of colors to introduce a readable signal(data) into the image and retrieve it

I'm doing a sample project on a topic related to Image Recognition where I would like to embed data inside an image, then take a snapshot of the image and retrieve the embeded data from the snapshot image.
Problem Statement: I'm able to embed the data in the image but I'm unable to retrieve the same data from the snapshot image.
Is there a way to adjust the brightness and intensity of colours to introduce a readable signal(data) into the image and retrieve it from a snapshot image?
Example: I would like to achieve what Digimarc Watermarking is currently doing here
It would be great if you guys could provide me any links to do further reseach on solving this issue.

Cognitive Image Search API - Get only transparent background images

I am currently trying to use the Cognitive Image Search API - V5.
My question is quite simple, is there a way to filter the result of the request to get only images with transparent background ? (Not only filtering by file extension, some png are not transparent). Obviously I didn't find anything useful in the doc or on the web.
I would appreciate if you guys could give me some tips!
This particular search parameter is not available. the current filters that are available are listed below.
aspect—Filter images by aspect ratio (for example, standard or wide screen images)
color—Filter images by color or black and white
freshness—Filter images by age (for example, images discovered by Bing in the past week)
height—Filter images by height
imageContent—Filter images by content (for example, images that show only a person's face)
imageType—Filter images by type (for example, clip art or animated GIFs)
license—Filter images by the type of license that applies to the image
size—Filter images by size, such as small images up to 200x200 pixels
width—Filter images by width
You can see further information for Bing Image Search query parameters here

How to convert Autocad drawing to image?

I have an Autocad drawing which is a plan for land squares where each square contains a number.
I tried to convert it to image by choosing: File --> Export Data --> and file format Bitmap (bmp). (I have Autocad 2013 Mac version)
the file converted to image, but the quality is too bad, I can't see the land numbers inside the square when I zoom in the image.
I tried also with Postscript (PS file format), quality is a bit better but it's still bad.
Is there away to convert Autocad file to image but still preserve it's high quality details
I need to convert the file to image because I would like to publish it online on my website. maybe there other was to publish autocad file on line, if so, please advice. But the trick I want the background of the autcad (plan) to be transparent so that I could display it on top of Google maps. I if I used autocad plugin I can't make it transparent. right?
Use the PLOT (for the current drawing) or PUBLISH (for batching) commands to produce high quality images.

Disable color correction in Firefox programatically per image?

this question is in close relation to Firefox 3.5 color correction hack?
The situation I have is that there's a canvas game of mine, and the images that are used in it carry additional information about their shape, connection points etc. This information is stored in the PNG image itself, using meaningful colours (eg RGB(255,255,0) for connection point).
Loading element and painting on the canvas creates Image object, img.src is set, and in img.load function I preprocess image data reading the sensitive information (and removing sensitive pixels from the image data before painting to canvas).
The problem: In FF, the pixel which was supposed to be 255,255,0 is actually 255,254,0. I don't have problems with FF color correction (I don't care if the displayed image has right colors, or slightly modified), but I'd expect that getting image data gives me uncorrected data. I'm looking for a solution which would not involve changing images on the server. Is there some way? Eg.
img.setColorProfile(), or
img.disableColorCorrection(), or
img.getImageData(disableColorCorrection) or img.getImageData(colorProfile)?
The problem might have do more with image loading than image drawing.
I think the proper solution is to strip out color profile information from the images (which you seem to want to aovid). If possible server another image resources for Firefox if you cannot need to have the original data intact.
Also, you could decode PNG immages in pure Javascript if the server is co-operate and allows CORS and AJAX loading of the images. You decode the image in Javascript using png.js and create a source <canvas> from the image data (instead of <img>). This way it's you in the control what RGB values comes out from each PNG pixel.
