NESTED FOR LOOP - Swift 2 - for-loop

I have no coding experience other than this book
Programming Swift! Swift 2 Kindle Edition
by Nick Smith (Author)
I am currently at Chapter
5.3 Nested FOR LOOPS
This code -
for var a = 0; a < 11; a++ {
for var b = 0; b < a; b++ {
print("*", terminator: " ")
Now [after several/ 4 hours 'odd'] I SIMPLY CAN'T WORK OUT HOW TO CHANGE THE ABOVE 'simple' [if you know how] CODE TO GENERATE THIS PATTERN??
I (think I) can see Outer and Inner loops I just can't work out the rest!?? I have tried every variation I can think of!?? (and am aware that just doing 'permutations' doesn't mean I have true understanding of what I am trying to do!...)
Tried using --operators and changing [most/ all] values [but 'permutations' is a limited method]
I feel like a total fool but figure if it's the very first time I've seen this stuff maybe it's not so bad, these things take learning!??
Help (the answer LOL) would be GREATLY appreciated 😬 😬 😬

for var a = 10; a > 0; a-- {
for var b = 0; b < a; b++ {
print("*", terminator: " ")
* * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * * *
* * * *
* * *
* *
UPDATE for nowadays Swift syntax, with the same functionality
for a in stride(from: 10, through: 0, by: -1) {
for _ in stride(from: 0, to: a, by: 1) {
print("*", terminator: " ")

How to do this systematically: If you want to got for example user3441734's output: There are 11 lines. We number the lines from 0 to 10. So we have a loop that sets line to the values 0 to 10.
for var line = 0; line < 11; ++line
Next, what do we want to print in each line? In line 0 we want to print 11 * characters. In line 10 we want to print 1 star character. The number of stars is 11 - line. How do I get the expression 11 - line? The number of stars goes down as line goes up, so it must be something - line. When line = 0 there must be 11 stars, so something - 0 = 11, and something = 11. So the first line in the loop:
let starcount = 11 - line
Then we want to print (star count) times a star and a space character, follow by starting a new line.
for var star = 0; star < starcount; ++star {
print ("*", terminator: " ")
print ("")
All together:
for var line = 0; line < 11; ++line {
let starcount = 11 - line
for var star = 0; start < star count; ++star {
print ("*", terminator: " ")
print ("")
And we simplify the loops a bit:
for var line in 0 ..< 11 {
let starcount = 11 - line
for var star in 0 ..< starcount {
print ("*", terminator: " ")
print ("")
If you wanted a different pattern, all you have to do is change the number 11 if the number of lines is different, and change the calculation of starcount. Actually it would be better to have a variable for linecount as well, so changing for a different pattern is even easier:
let linecount = 11
for var line in 0 ..< line count {
let starcount = linecount - line
for var star in 0 ..< starcount {
print ("*", terminator: " ")
print ("")


using while loop the page keep loading over and over (codewars problem)

heyy guys i m trying to solve Factorial decomposition (codewars task )
well some numbers work with me untill i reach number 23 the page keep looping over and over someone help me please
function decomp(n) {
let c =[]
let sum =1
for(let i=n;i>=1;i--){
let k= 2
sum = sum/k
return c.join('*')
the function works good until i reach the number 23 the keep loading over and over , the tasks is about the function is decomp(n) and should return the decomposition of n! into its prime factors in increasing order of the primes, as a string.
factorial can be a very big number (4000! has 12674 digits, n can go from 300 to 4000).
In Fortran - as in any other language - the returned string is not permitted to contain any redundant trailing whitespace: you can use dynamically allocated character strings.
n = 12; decomp(12) -> "2^10 * 3^5 * 5^2 * 7 * 11"
since 12! is divisible by 2 ten times, by 3 five times, by 5 two times and by 7 and 11 only once.
n = 22; decomp(22) -> "2^19 * 3^9 * 5^4 * 7^3 * 11^2 * 13 * 17 * 19"
n = 25; decomp(25) -> 2^22 * 3^10 * 5^6 * 7^3 * 11^2 * 13 * 17 * 19 * 23
23! cannot be exactly expressed in double-precision floating-point format, which JavaScript uses for its numbers.
However, you don't need to compute n!. You just need to factorize each number and concat their factorization.
Actually, you don't even need to factorize each number. Note that given n and p, there are (n/p) numbers no greater than n that are multiples of p, (n/(p*p)) that are multiples of p*p, etc.
function *primes(n) {
// Sieve of Eratosthenes
const isPrime = Array(n + 1).fill(true);
isPrime[0] = isPrime[1] = false;
for (let i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
if (isPrime[i]) {
yield i;
for (let j = i * i; j <= n; j += i)
isPrime[j] = false;
function decomp(n) {
let s = n + '! =';
for (const p of primes(n)) {
let m = n, c = 0;
// There are (n/p) numbers no greater than n that are multiples of p
// There are (n/(p*p)) numbers no greater than n that are multiples of p*p
// ...
while (m = ((m / p) | 0)) {
c += m;
s += (p == 2 ? ' ' : ' * ') + p + (c == 1 ? '' : '^' + c);
return s;

Triangle (void in the inside) pattern print

Good morning guys, I wanted to ask you help for an exercise that is literally driving me crazy... I should print a triangle of n lines with (n - r) asterisks, but with an empty center. So an exercise with nested loops.
if we had n == 5, it would be something like this:
* *
* *
I tried with this one:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var n int
fmt.Print("Inserire n: ")
for r := 0; r < n; r++ { // r == line
for a := 0; a < n - r; a++ { // a == asterisk
if r > 0 || r < n - 1 {
for s := 0; s < (n - (3 + r) +1); s++ { // s == space
fmt.Print(" ")
My output for n == 5 looks like this:
* * * * *
* * * *
* * *
There are 2 problems that I cannot really understand how to solve:
Why does the first line of asterisks have spaces if I put as a condition that r must be greater than 0 and less than n-1?
How do you prevent unnecessary asterisks, but only spaces, from being printed on the other lines (r)?
Why does the first line of asterisks have spaces if I put as a condition that r must be greater than 0 and less than n-1?
You are correct in that "greater than 0 and less than n-1" would give you what you need but that is not what your statement currently is (if r > 0 || r < n - 1 - || = OR not AND).
How do you prevent unnecessary asterisks, but only spaces, from being printed on the other lines (r)?
Currently you have three levels of loops which makes the algorithm more complex than it needs to be:
You only really need two levels (lines and columns). With this approach you just need to make a decision for each position - do I output * or . Pseudo code for this follows (have left a few bits for you to fill in):
for a := 0; a < n-r; a++ { // a == column
if [Firstline] || [first column] || [last column] {
} else {
fmt.Print(" ")
From comments:
why is the last condition a == n - r -1?
Consider the loop a := 0; a < n-r; a++; if n-r == 5 then a will range from 0 to 4 (inclusive - playground). This means that the last value (column) will be 4 (n-r-1). You could change the loop to a := 1; a <= n-r; a++ in which case n - r would be the last column.

How to calculate the mean of 3D matrices in an image without NaN?

I need to calculate the mean of a 3D matrices (last step in the code). However, there are many NaNs in the (diff_dataframe./dataframe_vor) calculation. So when I use this code, some results will be NaN. How could I calculate the mean of this matrix by ignoring the NaNs? I attached the code as below.
S.amplitude = 1:20;%:20;
S.blocksize = [1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 20];
S.frameWidth = 1920;
S.frameHeight = 1080;
image = 127*ones(S.frameHeight,S.frameWidth,3);
S.yuv2rgb = [1 0 1.28033; 1 -0.21482 -0.38059; 1 2.12798 0];
i_bs = 0;
for BS = S.blocksize
i_bs = i_bs + 1;
hblocks = S.frameWidth / BS;
vblocks = S.frameHeight / BS;
i_a = 0;
dataU = randi([0 1],vblocks,hblocks);
dataV = randi([0 1],vblocks,hblocks);
dataframe_yuv = zeros(S.frameHeight, S.frameWidth, 3);
for x = 1 : hblocks
for y = 1 : vblocks
dataframe_yuv((y-1)*BS+1:y*BS, ...
(x-1)*BS+1:x*BS, 2) = dataU(y,x) * 2 - 1;
dataframe_yuv((y-1)*BS+1:y*BS, ...
(x-1)*BS+1:x*BS, 3) = dataV(y,x) * 2 - 1;
dataframe_rgb(:,:,1) = S.yuv2rgb(1,1) * dataframe_yuv(:,:,1) + ...
S.yuv2rgb(1,2) * dataframe_yuv(:,:,2) + ...
S.yuv2rgb(1,3) * dataframe_yuv(:,:,3);
dataframe_rgb(:,:,2) = S.yuv2rgb(2,1) * dataframe_yuv(:,:,1) + ...
S.yuv2rgb(2,2) * dataframe_yuv(:,:,2) + ...
S.yuv2rgb(2,3) * dataframe_yuv(:,:,3);
dataframe_rgb(:,:,3) = S.yuv2rgb(3,1) * dataframe_yuv(:,:,1) + ...
S.yuv2rgb(3,2) * dataframe_yuv(:,:,2) + ...
S.yuv2rgb(3,3) * dataframe_yuv(:,:,3);
for A = S.amplitude
i_a = i_a + 1;
i_q = 0;
image1p = round(image + dataframe_rgb * A);
image1n = round(image - dataframe_rgb * A);
dataframe_vor = ((image1p-image1n)/2)/255;
for Q = S.quality
i_q = i_q + 1;
namestrp = ['greyjpegs/Img_BS' num2str(BS) '_A' num2str(A) '_Q' num2str(Q) '_1p.jpg'];
namestrn = ['greyjpegs/Img_BS' num2str(BS) '_A' num2str(A) '_Q' num2str(Q) '_1n.jpg'];
imwrite(image1p/255,namestrp,'jpg', 'Quality', Q);
imwrite(image1n/255,namestrn,'jpg', 'Quality', Q);
error_mean(i_bs, i_a, i_q) = mean2((abs(diff_dataframe./dataframe_vor)));
mean2 is a shortcut function that's part of the image processing toolbox that finds the entire average of a 2D region which doesn't include handling NaN. In that case, simply remove all values that are NaN and find the resulting average. Note that the removal of NaN unrolls the 2D region into a 1D vector, so we can simply use mean in this case. As an additional check, let's make sure there are no divide by 0 errors, so also check for Inf as well.
Therefore, replace this line:
error_mean(i_bs, i_a, i_q) = mean2((abs(diff_dataframe./dataframe_vor)));
... with:
tmp = abs(diff_dataframe ./ dataframe_vor);
mask = ~isnan(tmp) | ~isinf(tmp);
tmp = tmp(mask);
if isempty(tmp)
error_mean(i_bs, i_a, i_q) = 0;
error_mean(i_bs, i_a, i_q) = mean(tmp);
We first assign the desired operation to a temporary variable, use isnan and isinf to remove out the offending values, then find the average of the rest. One intricacy is that if your entire region is NaN or Inf, then the removal of all these entries in the region results in the empty vector, and finding the mean of this undefined. A separate check is there to be sure that if it's empty, simply assign the value of 0 instead.

Permutations excluding repeated characters

I'm working on a Free Code Camp problem -
The problem description is as follows -
Return the number of total permutations of the provided string that
don't have repeated consecutive letters. For example, 'aab' should
return 2 because it has 6 total permutations, but only 2 of them don't
have the same letter (in this case 'a') repeating.
I know I can solve this by writing a program that creates every permutation and then filters out the ones with repeated characters.
But I have this gnawing feeling that I can solve this mathematically.
First question then - Can I?
Second question - If yes, what formula could I use?
To elaborate further -
The example given in the problem is "aab" which the site says has six possible permutations, with only two meeting the non-repeated character criteria:
aab aba baa aab aba baa
The problem sees each character as unique so maybe "aab" could better be described as "a1a2b"
The tests for this problem are as follows (returning the number of permutations that meet the criteria)-
"aab" should return 2
"aaa" should return 0
"abcdefa" should return 3600
"abfdefa" should return 2640
"zzzzzzzz" should return 0
I have read through a lot of post about Combinatorics and Permutations and just seem to be digging a deeper hole for myself. But I really want to try to resolve this problem efficiently rather than brute force through an array of all possible permutations.
I posted this question on math.stackexchange -
The maths to resolve the case where only one character is repeated is pretty trivial - Factorial of total number of characters minus number of spaces available multiplied by repeated characters.
"aab" = 3! - 2! * 2! = 2
"abcdefa" = 7! - 6! * 2! = 3600
But trying to figure out the formula for the instances where more than one character is repeated has eluded me. e.g. "abfdefa"
This is a mathematical approach, that doesn't need to check all the possible strings.
Let's start with this string:
To find the solution we have to calculate the total number of permutations (without restrictions), and then subtract the invalid ones.
We have to fill a number of positions, that is equal to the length of the original string. Let's consider each position a small box.
So, if we have
which has 7 characters, there are seven boxes to fill. We can fill the first with any of the 7 characters, the second with any of the remaining 6, and so on. So the total number of permutations, without restrictions, is:
7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 7! (= 5,040)
Any permutation with two equal characters side by side is not valid. Let's see how many of those we have.
To calculate them, we'll consider that any character that has the same character side by side, will be in the same box. As they have to be together, why don't consider them something like a "compound" character?
Our example string has two repeated characters: the 'a' appears twice, and the 'f' also appears twice.
Number of permutations with 'aa'
Now we have only six boxes, as one of them will be filled with 'aa':
6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 6!
We also have to consider that the two 'a' can be themselves permuted in 2! (as we have two 'a') ways.
So, the total number of permutations with two 'a' together is:
6! * 2! (= 1,440)
Number of permutations with 'ff'
Of course, as we also have two 'f', the number of permutations with 'ff' will be the same as the ones with 'aa':
6! * 2! (= 1,440)
If we had only one character repeated, the problem is finished, and the final result would be TOTAL - INVALID permutations.
But, if we have more than one repeated character, we have counted some of the invalid strings twice or more times.
We have to notice that some of the permutations with two 'a' together, will also have two 'f' together, and vice versa, so we need to add those back.
How do we count them?
As we have two repeated characters, we will consider two "compound" boxes: one for occurrences of 'aa' and other for 'ff' (both at the same time).
So now we have to fill 5 boxes: one with 'aa', other with 'ff', and 3 with the remaining 'b', 'd' and 'e'.
Also, each of those 'aa' and 'bb' can be permuted in 2! ways. So the total number of overlaps is:
5! * 2! * 2! (= 480)
The final solution to this problem will be:
And that's:
7! - (2 * 6! * 2!) + (5! * 2! * 2!) = 5,040 - 2 * 1,440 + 480 = 2,640
It seemed like a straightforward enough problem, but I spent hours on the wrong track before finally figuring out the correct logic. To find all permutations of a string with one or multiple repeated characters, while keeping identical characters seperated:
Start with a string like:
Seperate the first occurances from the repeats:
firsts: abcd
repeats: abc
Find all permutations of the firsts:
abcd abdc adbc adcb ...
Then, one by one, insert the repeats into each permutation, following these rules:
Start with the repeated character whose original comes first in the firsts
e.g. when inserting abc into dbac, use b first
Put the repeat two places or more after the first occurance
e.g. when inserting b into dbac, results are dbabc and dbacb
Then recurse for each result with the remaining repeated characters
I've seen this question with one repeated character, where the number of permutations of abcdefa where the two a's are kept seperate is given as 3600. However, this way of counting considers abcdefa and abcdefa to be two distinct permutations, "because the a's are swapped". In my opinion, this is just one permutation and its double, and the correct answer is 1800; the algorithm below will return both results.
function seperatedPermutations(str) {
var total = 0, firsts = "", repeats = "";
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
char = str.charAt(i);
if (str.indexOf(char) == i) firsts += char; else repeats += char;
var firsts = stringPermutator(firsts);
for (var i = 0; i < firsts.length; i++) {
insertRepeats(firsts[i], repeats);
alert("Permutations of \"" + str + "\"\ntotal: " + (Math.pow(2, repeats.length) * total) + ", unique: " + total);
function insertRepeats(firsts, repeats) {
var pos = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < firsts.length, pos < 0; i++) {
pos = repeats.indexOf(firsts.charAt(i));
var char = repeats.charAt(pos);
for (var i = firsts.indexOf(char) + 2; i <= firsts.length; i++) {
var combi = firsts.slice(0, i) + char + firsts.slice(i);
if (repeats.length > 1) {
insertRepeats(combi, repeats.slice(0, pos) + repeats.slice(pos + 1));
} else {
document.write(combi + "<BR>");
// STRING PERMUTATOR (after Filip Nguyen)
function stringPermutator(str) {
var fact = [1], permutations = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= str.length; i++) fact[i] = i * fact[i - 1];
for (var i = 0; i < fact[str.length]; i++) {
var perm = "", temp = str, code = i;
for (var pos = str.length; pos > 0; pos--) {
var sel = code / fact[pos - 1];
perm += temp.charAt(sel);
code = code % fact[pos - 1];
temp = temp.substring(0, sel) + temp.substring(sel + 1);
return permutations;
A calculation based on this logic of the number of results for a string like abfdefa, with 5 "first" characters and 2 repeated characters (A and F) , would be:
The 5 "first" characters create 5! = 120 permutations
Each character can be in 5 positions, with 24 permutations each:
A**** (24)
*A*** (24)
**A** (24)
***A* (24)
****A (24)
For each of these positions, the repeat character has to come at least 2 places after its "first", so that makes 4, 3, 2 and 1 places respectively (for the last position, a repeat is impossible). With the repeated character inserted, this makes 240 permutations:
A***** (24 * 4)
*A**** (24 * 3)
**A*** (24 * 2)
***A** (24 * 1)
In each of these cases, the second character that will be repeated could be in 6 places, and the repeat character would have 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 place to go. However, the second (F) character cannot be in the same place as the first (A) character, so one of the combinations is always impossible:
A****** (24 * 4 * (0+4+3+2+1)) = 24 * 4 * 10 = 960
*A***** (24 * 3 * (5+0+3+2+1)) = 24 * 3 * 11 = 792
**A**** (24 * 2 * (5+4+0+2+1)) = 24 * 2 * 12 = 576
***A*** (24 * 1 * (5+4+3+0+1)) = 24 * 1 * 13 = 312
And 960 + 792 + 576 + 312 = 2640, the expected result.
Or, for any string like abfdefa with 2 repeats:
where F is the number of "firsts".
To calculate the total without identical permutations (which I think makes more sense) you'd divide this number by 2^R, where R is the number or repeats.
Here's one way to think about it, which still seems a bit complicated to me: subtract the count of possibilities with disallowed neighbors.
For example abfdefa:
There are 6 ways to place "aa" or "ff" between the 5! ways to arrange the other five
letters, so altogether 5! * 6 * 2, multiplied by their number of permutations (2).
Based on the inclusion-exclusion principle, we subtract those possibilities that include
both "aa" and "ff" from the count above: 3! * (2 + 4 - 1) choose 2 ways to place both
"aa" and "ff" around the other three letters, and we must multiply by the permutation
counts within (2 * 2) and between (2).
So altogether,
7! - (5! * 6 * 2 * 2 - 3! * (2 + 4 - 1) choose 2 * 2 * 2 * 2) = 2640
I used the formula for multiset combinations for the count of ways to place the letter pairs between the rest.
A generalizable way that might achieve some improvement over the brute force solution is to enumerate the ways to interleave the letters with repeats and then multiply by the ways to partition the rest around them, taking into account the spaces that must be filled. The example, abfdefa, might look something like this:
afaf / fafa => (5 + 3 - 1) choose 3 // all ways to partition the rest
affa / faaf => 1 + 4 + (4 + 2 - 1) choose 2 // all three in the middle; two in the middle, one anywhere else; one in the middle, two anywhere else
aaff / ffaa => 3 + 1 + 1 // one in each required space, the other anywhere else; two in one required space, one in the other (x2)
Finally, multiply by the permutation counts, so altogether:
2 * 2! * 2! * 3! * ((5 + 3 - 1) choose 3 + 1 + 4 + (4 + 2 - 1) choose 2 + 3 + 1 + 1) = 2640
Well I won't have any mathematical solution for you here.
I guess you know backtracking as I percieved from your answer.So you can use Backtracking to generate all permutations and skipping a particular permutation whenever a repeat is encountered. This method is called Backtracking and Pruning.
Let n be the the length of the solution string, say(a1,a2,
So during backtracking when only partial solution was formed, say (a1,a2,....ak) compare the values at ak and a(k-1).
Obviously you need to maintaion a reference to a previous letter(here a(k-1))
If both are same then break out from the partial solution, without reaching to the end and start creating another permutation from a1.
Thanks Lurai for great suggestion. It took a while and is a bit lengthy but here's my solution (it passes all test cases at FreeCodeCamp after converting to JavaScript of course) - apologies for crappy variables names (learning how to be a bad programmer too ;)) :D
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class PermAlone {
public static int permAlone(String str) {
int length = str.length();
int total = 0;
int invalid = 0;
int overlap = 0;
ArrayList<Integer> vals = new ArrayList<>();
Map<Character, Integer> chars = new HashMap<>();
// obtain individual characters and their frequencies from the string
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
char key = str.charAt(i);
if (!chars.containsKey(key)) {
chars.put(key, 1);
else {
chars.put(key, chars.get(key) + 1);
// if one character repeated set total to 0
if (chars.size() == 1 && length > 1) {
total = 0;
// otherwise calculate total, invalid permutations and overlap
else {
// calculate total
total = factorial(length);
// calculate invalid permutations
for (char key : chars.keySet()) {
int len = 0;
int lenPerm = 0;
int charPerm = 0;
int val = chars.get(key);
int check = 1;
// if val > 0 there will be more invalid permutations to calculate
if (val > 1) {
check = val;
while (check > 1) {
len = length - check + 1;
lenPerm = factorial(len);
charPerm = factorial(check);
invalid = lenPerm * charPerm;
total -= invalid;
// calculate overlaps
if (vals.size() > 1) {
overlap = factorial(chars.size());
for (int val : vals) {
overlap *= factorial(val);
total += overlap;
return total;
// helper function to calculate factorials - not recursive as I was running out of memory on the platform :?
private static int factorial(int num) {
int result = 1;
if (num == 0 || num == 1) {
result = num;
else {
for (int i = 2; i <= num; i++) {
result *= i;
return result;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "aab", permAlone("aab")); // expected 2
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "aaa", permAlone("aaa")); // expected 0
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "aabb", permAlone("aabb")); // expected 8
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "abcdefa", permAlone("abcdefa")); // expected 3600
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "abfdefa", permAlone("abfdefa")); // expected 2640
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "zzzzzzzz", permAlone("zzzzzzzz")); // expected 0
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "a", permAlone("a")); // expected 1
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "aaab", permAlone("aaab")); // expected 0
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "aaabb", permAlone("aaabb")); // expected 12
System.out.printf("For %s: %d\n\n", "abbc", permAlone("abbc")); //expected 12

How to do pattern program in Ruby?

I am using Ruby 1.9.3. I have done pattern program like follow:
n = 1
while n <= 5
n.downto 1 do |i|
print "* "
n += 1
Output of above program is like follow:
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
Now I am trying to do pattern program like follow:
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
I am not getting idea how can I do it?
Could anyone help me on this?
Thank you.
You can use rjust:
n = 1
while n <= 5
puts "* " * n
n += 1
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
n = 1
while n <= 5
puts ("* " * n).rjust(10)
n += 1
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
A shortened version of this will be:
5.times { |i| puts ('* ' * (i+1)) }
5.times { |i| puts ('* ' * (i+1)).rjust(10) }
You can do:
1.upto 5 do |n|
print ' ' * (5-n)
print '* ' * n
Here's another way:
def print_two_ways(n, spaces=0)
arr = { |i| { |j| (i >= j) ? '*' : ' ' } }
print_matrix(arr, spaces)
print_matrix(, spaces)
def print_matrix(arr, spaces = 0)
sep = ' '*(spaces)
arr.each { |r| puts "#{r.join(sep)}" }
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
a = 5
b = 1
while a>0
while b<=5
puts "*"*b
b = b+1
a = a-1
Here, a is 5 and b is 1.
In the first iteration of the outer while loop, a is 1 and the inner while loop is inside the body of the outer while loop. So, the inner while loop will be executed and "*"1 ( b is 1 ) i.e "" will be printed and b will become 2 and a will become 4.
Here is simple set variable and use all programs.
# Set vars
n = 4 # Set number of rows
br = "\n" * 2
# Simple loop
puts "Right triangle:#{br}"
for i in 1..n do
puts "* " * i
puts br
simple loop result:
* *
* * *
* * * *
# Countdown loop
puts "Inverted right triangle:#{br}"
n.downto(0) do
puts "* " * n
n -= 1
puts br
countdown loop result:
* * * *
* * *
* *
# Function loop
puts "Inverted pyramid:#{br}"
n = 4 # Reset number of rows
for i in 1..n do
# Use a func to reduce repetition
def printer(var, str)
print "#{str}" * (2 * var - 1)
printer(i, " ")
printer(n, "* ")
print "\n"
n -= 1
puts br
function loop result:
* * * * * * *
* * * * *
* * *
# Count up loop
puts "Close pyramid:#{br}"
n = 4 # Set number of rows
i = 1
1.upto(n) do
#n.times do
# print ' '
print ' ' * n
#(2 * i - 1).times do
# print '*'
print '*' * (2 * i -1)
print "\n"
n -= 1
i += 1
print br
count up loop result:
I'm still new to Ruby, but this was my solution. Anything wrong with doing it this way?
def staircase(n)
sum_tot = n
n.times do
sum_tot-= 1
space = n - sum_tot
puts ('#' * space).rjust(n)
