Issues installing PhantomJS for windows: command not recognized - windows

following the docs here:, I am trying to install phantomjs on my windows machine.
I tried adding multiple lines to my Path system variable, and yet, I get the same error in the command prompt when I type in phantomjs --version.
" 'phantomjs' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
I added the phantomjs.exe to C:\phantomjs\bin\, and added C:\phantomjs\bin\phantomjs to the path, and any variation that I could think of, such as:
C:\phantomjs\bin\phantomjs.exe\; C:\phantomjs\bin; C:\phantomjs\bin\phantomjs\;
How am I not installing this right?

You don't need to put all the directories to the environment PATH variable.
Add only following to your path and restart your command prompt.

Add phantomjs.exe to C:\Windows\System32 folder.


'mongoimport' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I'm running Windows 10 and calling !mongoimport -d osm -c bham --file bham.json using Python 3.85 in Jupyter Notebook, from a conda environment.
I get 'mongoimport' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. and the file is not imported.
I have added the MongoDB tools bin folder and the server bin folder to PATH:
I have also tried:
Copying mongoimport.exe to the server bin folder.
Putting .\ before mongoimport in the command.
Calling the file directly !<full file path>.
Removing the \ after bin in PATH.
This is the only MongoDB installation I have, and I can see that the database service is running, as is Compass.
It worked on this computer before I did a clean install.
Edit: change tags
Turns out restarting my computer did the trick. Restarting the kernel after setting the PATH variable was not it. So, it might just have been restarting the command prompt from which Jupyter Notebook was launched after setting the PATH variable that did it.

How to remove "mvn" from windows 10 CMD

I installed node.js and run following command
npm install mvn
now, mvn command is binding to node.js even I uninstalled it.
'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Actually, I need to binding "mvn" to maven which I already setted into system PATH.
but, it doesn't work (still points to node.js)
Please help.
There are a "mvn.cmd" file under the following folder
C:\Users\Your name\AppData\Roaming\npm
Simply delete this file.

JPM not recognized as a command

I'm trying to write my fist firefox addon, but I can't seem to get jpm working. My OS is Windows 7. I have node js installed and I'm trying to follow the instructions here to install the add-on sdk. However, after I install jpm and I try running the command, I get the error jpm is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file." below is a screenshot of the command prompt window.
Let's say nodejs folder's path is C:/nodejs/
You can run jpm from the command line, but you must do it from nodejs installation directory.
If you wish to run it from any directory, what you need to do is edit a System Variable called Path, by appending to it the path to your nodejs installation, like this: ;C:\nodejs\. Afterwards open a new terminal (command prompt) session.
So for example: go to Control Panel -> search for "system variable" -> edit system variables -> find "Path" system (not user) variable on the list -> edit it -> append ;C:\nodejs\ to the end of its text -> open new command prompt.
I'm running a Polish version of Windows at the moment, so the guide isn't exact. I'll update it later. By system variable I mean global system environment variable as opposed to user environment variable.
I had the same problem...
when you install jpm using the npm --global option, the package is installed in c:\users\<your-user-name>\AppData\Roaming\npm\
In your example, you can either call jpm by specifying the complete path.
Or add the C:\users\B^3\AppData\Roaming\npm to the environment variable PATH as suggested by #Sagi

Need Windows Command

I am using this Windows command:
Administrator>netsh interface ipv4 add address “Local Area Connection” <IP Address> <Subnet Mask> <Default Gateway>
and it returns an error not recognized as an internal or external command operable or batch file what is wrong with this command?
It could be one of these problems:
a path issue that can be solved by editing the path environment variable, or
the program is not installed in your computer.
Check if the file netsh.exe exists in the c:/windows/system32 folder. If it is there, then open the terminal and execute the command:
You will see the whole path. Make sure that the system32 folder is in it. If it is not present then you can add it using the following command:
PATH %PATH%;C:\windows\system32
If you don't have the file netsh.exe, the Network Shell might not be installed. You can download and install it from here.

cmd 'patch' is not recognised as an internal/external command, operable program or batch file

I'm trying to patch my wordpress installation to protect from user enumeration.
I found a patch - here
It said to use it I need to navigate to the sites root folder, add the patch file then run it using cmd , patch -p0 <wpuserEnum.patch
When I hit enter I get the 'patch' is not recognised as an internal/external command, operable program or batch file' message
Not the most helpful error reporting. I have googled the problem all day and have not found any solutions regarding 'patch' specifically
I have checked PATH and there is a C:\Windows\System32 path there
Can anybody shed any light on what is happening and why?
I am running Windows Server 2008.
patch is not part of Windows so it won't be installed unless you install it yourself. You can get it as part of the GnuWin32 project -
You need to edit your system environment variables, then add the path to patch.exe(in GnuWin32\bin) to the PATH environment variable...after restarting the cmd, patch should be recognized...
It helped me to run the next command:
npm i patch-package
(From here: )
I don't think GnuWin32 works for Win10 (at least they only mentioned Win7 in their website).
The safest way (works for me) is Git for Windows:
It has patch.exe in Git\usr\bin folder. Just add it to your path will work!
