Reverse Procedure for Google Swiffy - google-swiffy

I am wondering if there is a way to reverse what Swiffy is doing on the SWF. Get the code and make a GIF animation out of it.

GIF animation possible do by screenshots


Can the latest openlayers render the animated marker using gif/apng/webp?

According to this QA, by using "gifler" library, we can use animated gif to render on canvas-based openlayers.
can openlayers 3 render the animated marker using gif
But it cannot accept apng/webp, and also, "gifler" library is bit old, it is tough to use with the latest EcmaScript or TypeScript.
Are there any other way to enable this?
Eventually, I couldn't find a way to make it work, so I started developing it myself.
Animated GIF, APNG, and Animated webp can be frame-split and even animated on a canvas context in the following.

Best way for progress & activity bars on Android: GIF or code?

I'm an 2D animator and am new to Android development. I have one idea about creating animated stocks for Android, but what's the best way to create a progress and activity bar, GIF or code?
Using GIF images you have no limits. A lot of animation and effects
using are code, and you have custom control of everything.
So, what's the best? Is it a good idea to use GIF images?

How to use gif image inside html5 canvas?

I've been searching all day to use gif image inside html5 canvas can't find a useful article in it,is there any way I could use gif image inside canvas. I'm in position to use a gif image inside a canvas but it doesn't changes it loads loads the first frame only and how to play the gif image completely or is there any way I could use gif formatted image inside a
Quote from jsgif: A GIF player in JavaScript
Unfortunately, the DOM doesn't expose individual frames of a GIF, so
this is done by downloading the GIF (with XMLHttpRequest), parsing it,
and drawing it on a .
Maybe you would take a look in the jsgif source code to find some ideas

Client-side image cropping and rotating solution using HTML5 <canvas>

Is there any image cropper based on HTML5 canvas API. What I would like to have is rotating and cropping. Actually I have written one but I did not like it very much.
Pixastic has a crop feature, does that work for you?

How to make animated NSCursor?

Is there a way to make animated NSCursor with my custom gif image?
Unfortunately, no--your best bet is to create an array of NSCursors, one for each frame of your image, and set them yourself using whatever animation strategy you'd like (perhaps an NSTimer?).
