Environment variables in LFTP script - bash

I am trying to run lftp with a script like so:
$ lftp -f deploy.scp
However I would like to use environment variables for l/p inside deploy.scp like so:
Is that possible in any way? I have struck out finding any help in the man-pages.

If you put this to last line of deploy.scp (*After bye command) :
then you can use the following command :
lsftp -f deploy.scp `cat deploy.scp | tail -1`

You can do
<deploy.scp xargs -l sh -c 'eval echo $0 $*' | lftp
or, to save some typing, make an alias, let's say
alias xv=$'xargs -l sh -c \'eval echo $0 $*\''
and then
xv <deploy.scp | lftp


execute a string in a bash script containing multiple redirects

I am trying to write a bash script which simply acts as an emulator. It takes input from the user and executes the command while forwarding the command along with the result onto a file. I am unable to handle inputs which have either a | or a > in them.
The only option I could find was segregating the commands based on the | into an array and run them individually. However, this does not allow > redirects.
Thanking in advance.
$cmd is a command taken as input from the user
I used the command
$cmd 2>&1 | tee -a $flname
but this does not work if there is a | or a > in $cmd
/bin/bash -c "$cmd 2>&1 | tee -a $flname" does not run/store the command either
Try this:
read -r -p "Insert command to execute"$'\n' cmd
echo "Executing '$cmd'"
/bin/bash -c "$cmd"
# or eval "$cmd"
Example of execution:
$ ./script.sh
Insert command to execute
printf '1\n2\n3\n4\n' | grep '1\|3'
Executing 'printf '1\n2\n3\n4\n' | grep '1\|3''

tee not working in script but working in bash

So i'm trying to take the line-by-line output of a program, then send it to a file if it matches "CPU", also I want every line to go to the screen.
This command works but only after quitting the script with ^C:
cpuminer-multi/cpuminer -u user -p pass -a sha256d -o stratum+tcp://stratum.pool.com:3333 -t cputhreads | tee >(grep "CPU" >> cpu.txt);
but then if I copy and paste it into a bash script "start.sh"
cpuminer-multi/cpuminer -u user -p pass -a sha256d -o stratum+tcp://stratum.pool.com:3333 -t cputhreads | tee >(grep "CPU" >> cpu.txt);
and run it from bash as "./start.sh", it populates cpu.txt with nothing, even after quitting with ^C
So my questions are
A: Why does it only populate the cpu.txt file after ^C?
B: Why does it work as a plain bash command, but not in a script?

running a pipe command with variable substitution on remote host

I'd to run a piped command with variable substitution on a remote host and redirect the output. Given that the login shell is csh, I have to used "bash -c". With help from users nlrc and jerdiggity, a command with no variable substitution can be formulated as:
localhost$ ssh -f -q remotehost 'bash -c "ls /var/tmp/ora_flist.sh|xargs -L1 cat >/var/tmp/1"'
but the single quote above will preclue using variable substitution, say, substituting ora_flist.sh for $filename. how can I accomplish that?
Something like this should work:
ssh -f -q remotehost 'bash -c "ls /var/tmp/ora_flist.sh|xargs -L1 cat >/var/tmp/1"'
So your problem was that you want the shell variable to be extended locally. Just leave it outside the single quotes, e.g.
ssh -f -q remotehost 'bash -c "ls '$filename' | xargs ..."'
Also very useful trick to avoid the quoting hell is to use heredoc, e.g.
ssh -f -q remotehost <<EOF
bash -c "ls $filename | xargs ... "

How to execute arbitrary command under `bash -c`

What is a procedure to decorate an arbitrary bash command to execute it in a subshell? I cannot change the command, I have to decorate it on the outside.
the best I can think of is
>bash -c '<command>'
works on these:
>bash -c 'echo'
>bash -c 'echo foobar'
>bash -c 'echo \"'
but what about the commands such as
echo \'
and especially
echo \'\"
The decoration has to be always the same for all commands. It has to always work.
You say "subshell" - you can get one of those by just putting parentheses around the command:
(x=inner; echo "x=$x"; exit)
echo "x=$x"
produces this:
You could (ab)use heredocs:
bash -c "$(cat <<-EOF
echo \'\"
This is one way without using -c option:
bash <<EOF
echo \'\"
What you want to do is exactly the same as escapeshellcmd() in PHP (http://php.net/manual/fr/function.escapeshellcmd.php)
You just need to escape #&;`|*?~<>^()[]{}$\, \x0A and \xFF. ' and " are escaped only if they are not paired.
But beware of security issues...
Let bash take care of it this way:
1) prepare the command as an array:
astrCmd=(echo \'\");
2) export the array as a simple string:
export EXPORTEDastrCmd="`declare -p astrCmd| sed -r "s,[^=]*='(.*)',\1,"`";
3) restore the array and run it as a full command:
bash -c "declare -a astrCmd='$EXPORTEDastrCmd';\${astrCmd[#]}"
Create a function to make these steps more easy like:
export EXPORTEDastrCmd="`declare -p astrCmd| sed -r "s,[^=]*='(.*)',\1,"`";
bash -c "declare -a astrCmd='$EXPORTEDastrCmd';\${astrCmd[#]}";
FUNCbash echo \'\"

How to refer to redirection file from within a bash script?

I'd like to write a bash script myscript such that issuing this command:
myscript > filename.txt
would return the name of the filename that it's output is being redirected to, filename.txt. Is this possible?
If you are running on Linux, check where /proc/self/fd/1 links to.
For example, the script can do the following:
readlink /proc/self/fd/1
And then run it:
$ ./myscript > filename.txt
$ cat filename.txt
Note that if you want to save the value of the output file to a variable or something, you can't use /proc/self since it will be different in the subshell, but you can still use $$:
outputfile=$(readlink /proc/$$/fd/1)
Using lsof:
outfile=$(lsof -p $$ | awk '/1w/{print $NF}')
echo $outfile
