Use Winapi Sendmessage to retrieve a value from the message's recipient - winapi

Given two applications, A and B, B needs to get value from A in a synchronous way.
In other words, taking the object model for inspiration, application B wants to do some kind of myVar = A.getValue() and continue its execution using myVar in the rest of the code.
I have the handle of application A's main form and i know how to send message to it with SendMessage(). This function waits for the message to be proceed and then return an integer that is the result of the execution. But i don't know how to use this mechanism so that B gets back some complex data structure (string or data record).
It seems to me that using the SendMessage return value is not a good idea for many reasons, so is there a way to do that?
It has to be done through Windows Messages (i already know how to do it through pipes and sockets).
Thank you!
PS: i work with Delphi but that has no importance here, unless you are able to give examples in Delphi to illustrate your answer :)

The return value of a message is an LRESULT, that is a pointer sized value. If what you wish to return fits in such a value, that would be the clean way to proceed. Otherwise you need something else.
You say that you must use Windows messages, and that you are sending these messages between different processes. Given those constraints, there is exactly one solution, namely WM_COPYDATA. That is the only Windows message which can marshal custom data across a process boundary.
So the procedure is as follows:
Send a message from process B to process A. Include in that message a window handle from process B.
When process A receives the message, it must send a WM_COPYDATA to the window handle that was sent in stage 1.
Process B can then receive and process the message sent in stage 2.
Note that the WM_COPYDATA message is sent from process A to process B whilst process A is handling the original message. This means that the WM_COPYDATA is received and processed by process B, before the original message from B to A returns. This can be somewhat confusing, but you did state that you wanted to do this entirely with Windows messages.

This can be done by one of your processes performing VirtualAllocEx() to allocate memory in another process and then use Read/WriteProcessMemory to copy data there.


Create channels with extra flags in an idiomatic way

TL;DR I want to have the functionality where a channel has two extra fields that tell the producer whether it is allowed to send to the channel and if so tell the producer what value the consumer expects. Although I know how to do it with shared memory, I believe that this approach goes against Go's ideology of "Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating."
I wish to have a server S that runs (besides others) three goroutines:
Listener that just receives UDP packets and sends them to the demultplexer.
Demultiplexer that takes network packets and based on some data sends it into one of several channels
Processing task which listens to one specific channel and processes data received on that channel.
To check whether some devices on the network are still alive, the processing task will periodically send out nonces over the network and then wait for k seconds. In those k seconds, other participants of my protocol that received the nonce will send a reply containing (besides other information) the nonce. The demultiplexer will receive the packets from the listener, parse them and send them to the processing_channel. After the k seconds elapsed, the processing task processes the messages pushed onto the processing_channel by the demultiplexer.
I want the demultiplexer to not just blindly send any response (of the correct type) it received onto the the processing_channel, but to instead check whether the processing task is currently even expecting any messages and if so which nonce value it expects. I made this design decision in order to drop unwanted packets a soon as possible.
My approach:
In other languages, I would have a class with the following fields (in pseudocode):
class ActivatedChannel{
boolean flag_expecting_nonce;
int expected_nonce;
LinkedList chan;
The demultiplexer would then upon receiving a packet of the correct type simply acquire the lock for the ActivatedChannel processing_channel object, check whether the flag is set and the nonce matches, and if so add the message to the LinkedList chan!
This approach makes use of locks and shared memory, which does not align with Golang's "Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating" mantra. Hence, I would like to know... :
... whether my approach is "bad" regarding Go in the sense that it relies on shared memory.
... how to achieve the outlined result in a more Go-like way.
Yes, the approach described by you doesn't align with Golang's Idiomatic way of implementation. And you have rightly pointed out that in the above approach you are communicating by sharing memory.
To achieve this in Go's Idiomatic way, one of the approaches could be that your Demultiplexer "remembers" all the processing_channels that are expecting nonce and the corresponding type of the nonce. Whenever a processing_channels is ready to receive a reply, it sends a signal to the Demultiplexe saying that it is expecting a reply.
Since Demultiplexer is at the center of all the communication it can maintain a mapping between a processing_channel & the corresponding nonce it expects. It can also maintain a "registry" of all the processing_channels which are expecting a reply.
In this approach, we are Sharing memory by communicating
For communicating that a processing_channel is expecting a reply, the following struct can be used:
type ChannelState struct {
ChannelId string // unique identifier for processing channel
IsExpectingNonce bool
ExpectedNonce int
In this approach, there is no lock used.

MPI_SSEND : How does it guarantee reuse of the sender buffer?

I understand that MPI_Bsend will save the sender's buffer in local buffer managed by MPI library, hence it's safe to reuse the sender's buffer for other purposes.
What I do not understand is how MPI_Ssend guarantee this?
Send in synchronous mode.
A send that uses the synchronous mode can be started whether or not a matching receive was posted. However, the send will complete successfully only if a matching receive is posted, and the receive operation has started to receive the message sent by the synchronous send. Thus, the completion of a synchronous send not only indicates that the send buffer can be reused, but also indicates that the receiver has reached a certain point in its execution, namely that it has started executing the matching receive
As per above, MPI_Ssend will return (ie allow further program execution) if matching receive has been posted and it has started to receive the message sent by the synchronous send. Consider the following case:
I send a huge data array of int say data[1 million] via MPI_Ssend. Another process starts receiving it (but might not have done so completely), which allows MPI_Ssend to return and execute the next program statement. The next statement makes changes to the buffer at very end data[1 million] = \*new value*\. Then the MPI_Ssend finally reaches the buffer end and sends this new value which was not what I wanted.
What am I missing in this picture?
MPI_Ssend() is both blocking and synchronous.
From the MPI 3.1 standard (chapter 3.4, page 37)
Thus, the completion of a synchronous send not only indicates
that the send buffer can be reused, but it also indicates that the
receiver has reached a certain point in its execution, namely that it
has started executing the matching receive.

How to handle lifecycle of dynamically allocated data in Windows messages?

Simple task: Send a windows message with dynamically allocated data, e.g. an arbitrary length string. How would you manage the responsibility to free this data?
The receiver(s) of the windows message could be responsible to free this data. But: How can you guarantee that all messages will actually be received and thus the linked data will be freed? Imagine the situation that the receiver is shutting down, so it won't process it's message queue any more. However, the message queue still exists (for some time) and can still accept messages, which won't be processed any more.
PostMessage returns a BOOL that tells you whether the message was posted or not. This is usually good enough, because your window should be valid until it receives the WM_DESTROY and the WM_NCDESTROY messages. After a call to DestroyWindow (which sends these messages) you should not be able to successfully call PostMessage again.
Now, if your PostMessage returns FALSE you have to clean up. If it doesn't, the window procedure has to clean up. Don't send messages that have to be cleaned up to random windows that might not handle them. Actually, don't send any WM_USER + x messages to any windows you don't handle.
There's nothing to do here. As soon as the call to SendMessage returns, you can free the data. As it happens, the other app isn't looking at your memory anyway since it's in a different process. Instead Windows marshals the data across the process boundary.
What's more, if you are receiving the data in a WndProc, you can't take a copy of the pointer to the string. Instead you must take a copy of the contents of the string since that pointer is only valid for the duration of that call to WndProc.
The other point to make is that you have a confusion about the message queue. When you send a message, that happens synchronously and the queue is not involved. The message queue is where posted messages are placed. They are process asynchronously.

Sending and receiving Windows messages

Windows messages seems a good way to notify an application on Windows OSes. It actually works well, but few question comes up to my mind:
How to specify structured data to the lparam of the SendMessage routines (like many message codes does)? I mean... of course the parameter is a pointer, but how the process access to it? Maybe is it allocated by a DLL loaded by the processes sending/receiving the message?
Is it possible to share message structured parameters (between sender and receiver)? They are marshalled between the send operation and the peeking operation? If this is the case, it is possible to return data from the caller by modifying the structured parameter? This could be usefull with SendMessage, since it is executed synchronously, instead the PostMessage routine.
Other doubts...
What the differences from PostMessage and SendNotifyMessage?
Is it possible to cause a deadlock in the case an application calls SendMessage to itself while processing the message pump?
If the message is one of the standard window's messages - usually with a message id between 0 and WM_USER, then the systems window message dispatching logic contains code to marshal the struct to the any processes the message is dispatched to.
Messages above WM_USER get no such treatment - and this includes all the common control messages introduced with Windows 95 - you cannot end any of the LVM_* (list view messages) or other new control messages to a control in a different process and get a result back.
WM_COPYDATA was specifically introduced as a general purpose mechanism for user code to marshal arbitrary data between processes - outside of WM_COPYDATA (or reusing other windows standard messages) there is no way to get windows to automatically marshal structured data using the message queue mechanism into another process.
If it is your own code doing the sending AND receiving of messages, you could use a dll to define a shared memory section, instead of sending pointers (the dll might be based differently in each process) sends offsets to the shared memory block.
If you want to exchange structured data with external applications that do not marshal their data (for example to extract data from a list or tree view) then you need to perform dll injection so you can send and process the message from "in-process".
SendNofityMessage is different to PostMessage because PostMessage always puts the message in the message queue, whereas SendNotifyMessage acts like SendMessage for windows in the same process. Then, even if the target window is in another process, the message is dispatched DIRECTLY to the window proc not placed in the posted message queue for retreivel via GetMessage or PeekMessage.
Lastly it is possible to cause a deadlock - however while in a "blocking" sendmessage waiting for another thread to reply, SendMessage will dispatch messages sent (not posted) from other threads - to prevent deadlocks. This mitigates most potential deadlocks, but its still possible to create deadlocks by calling other blocking apis, or going into modal message processing loops.
Your concerns apply primarily in the case of messages sent between processes -- within a process, you can just send a pointer, and the sender just has to ensure the data remains valid until the receiver is finished using it.
Some interprocess messages require you to work with an HGLOBAL (e.g., the clipboard messages). Others require an explicit block size (e.g., with WM_COPYDATA). Still others send data in a pre-specified structure (e.g., a zero-terminated string) to support marshalling.
Generally speaking you can't return a value by modifying the block you received. To return a value, you need to (for example) send a reply message.
SendMessage has some (fairly complex) logic to prevent deadlocks, but you still need to be careful.

How can I handle window messages from a separate thread?

I wish to launch a separate thread for handling window messages (via a blocking GetMessage loop), but still create the windows in the initial thread, afterward.
Within the separate thread, as soon as it launches, I am calling PeekMessage with PM_NOREMOVE to ensure a message queue exists (is this necessary?), followed by..
AttachThreadInput(initial thread id,GetCurrentThreadId(),true)
..before finally entering the message loop
I am not yet using a mutex or cs to ensure this is happening in time, but am merely using a Sleep statement in my initial thread for the sake of simplicity.
Regardless, window messages do not appear to be intercepted by the separate thread.
I am a little unsure as to whether I am doing this correctly, and would appreciate any possible guidance. Both threads are in the same process
Thank you all
That's not what AttachThreadInput does. Even after you attach your input queue to another thread, Windows still have thread affinity. Messages in the queue for a given window can only be removed from the queue by that window's thread.
What AttachTheadInput does is to make two threads share an input queue. This allows them to query information about the input state and know that the other thread will get the same answer for the same query. For instance, one thread could call GetAsyncKeyState and know that the answer reflected the key state for the other thread.
It allows two or more threads to have the same relationship to the input queue and each other as processes had in Windows 3x. This is the reason that this API exists; so that complex multiprocess applications could be ported from Win 3x to Win95/WinNT.
It seems the best way to instigate window creation from the main thread, while having messages for them handled in a separate, looping thread is to use a custom message, that can be sent to the separate thread - Thus allowing it to create the window, but still allowing that action to be invoked from the initial thread:
1) Allocate a custom message, and create a structure to hold the window initialisation parameters:
message_create_window = WM_USER + 0;
class Message_create_window{
2) Instead of calling CreateWindow(Ex), use something similiar to the following, passing in the relavant window creation parameters:
new Message_create_window(...),
3) Handle the custom message in the message pump of your ui handling thread, extract the creation parameters, & free afterwards:
MSG msg;
case message_create_window:{
Message_create_window *data=msg->wParam;
delete data;
This does, however, have the following side-effects:
The window will be created asynchronously. If it is required that the initial thread block until the window is created (or, indeed, that the window's existence can ever be asserted) then a thread synchronisation tool must be used (such as an event)
Care should be taken when interacting with the window (it is a multithreaded application, after all)
If there are any major holes in this answer, or this seems like a terrible approach, please correct me.
(This is still my question, & I am trying to find the best way to accomplish this)
