While installing appcelerator studio in windows for titanium, node js not installed correctly error - appcelerator

I don't have previously installed version of node in my system.
When I try to install Appcelerator Studio in windows, I keep getting this error
NoteJS mandatory prerequisite was not correctly installed.

I see you've already reported this on JIRA (https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TISTUD-7869) and it seems this is a regression of https://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TISTUD-6618 so I hope we'll be able to fix it soon. Please follow progress on JIRA.


Cannot install Azure Functions Extension

I have visual studio 2017 v2 and am trying to install the Azure functions extension. I have tried on a fresh vs install on a fresh PC as well as an older one. Each time I get the error message 'The extension cannot be installed to this product due to prerequisites that cannot be resolved'. It doesn't tell me what they are or what I can do to resolve the problem. How can I fix the problem?
Last I checked (a couple of weeks ago) the Azure functions extensions/tooling is only available with VS2017 preview.
You can install it alongside your other stable VS2017 install - see the azure functions blog.

Visual Studio: Android SDK Setup (API Level 19 and 21,22,23)

I have this problem with the setup of Android SDK in Virtual Studio Community 2015. Whenever I try to install or repair VS, I always get problems with the setup of API Level 19 and 21,21 and 23. It always says that the packages were not downloaded and I should check my internet connection. However, my internet connection is working perfectly. I have seen many other users having similar problems, but none of the proposed fixes work for me. I have reinstalled VS twice and repaired it like 3 or 4 times. I checked my Java version and my proxy settings or tried installing them via the Android SDK Manager/alongside Android Studio. So far without any luck. I hope I have not overseen any fixes.
Unfortunately, the log is very long, so I can´t post it here (if you have any suggestions where I can post it, please tell me!). In the links you will find two screenshots of the error message I get.
Can you help me?
All I did was install Java SE Development Kit 8u151 from Oracle (Apparently VS 2015 uses Java 7 instead of 8) and then run VS 2015 as administrator and modify. The third party SDK's (19, 21, 23 & 22) were available and all installed correctly. Wish I had of known this before multiple installs and eventually a reinstall of my OS ...suppose I could have done with a clean slate though.
I was able to solved the problem above using the suggestion and comment of #Richard_Norton and #bugzapper from, https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/780c0b11-41da-4935-9ae5-dadf38292b51/android-sdk-setup-api-not-installed?forum=vssetup .
I uninstall the older version of Java SE Development Kit which is not Version 8.
I download and install the Java SE Development Kit Version 8 which you can get in here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html .
Then after that i modify Visual Studio 2015 to Install Android SDK Setup (API Level 19 and 21), and 23.
I Hope, this answer can help future someone who is encountering this kind of problem.
Refer to the error message, you can have a try with the following methods:
Open Android SDK Manager and click Tools-Options… and check the option “Force https://... Sources to be fetched using https://...” and try to download those android SDK packages again. If you already tried this before, you can ignore it.
Check this blog: Visual Studio 2015 install failures (Android SDK Setup) behind a Proxy and follow the steps as below to fix it:
• BEFORE installing Visual Studio, create a file at this location: %USERPROFILE%.android\androidtool.cfg
• In the androidtool.cfg file that you just created, place those contents that you can find from the blog. Make sure to update “http.proxyPort” and “http.proxyHost” in the file!
• Install Visual Studio normally
Have a look at this similar issue: Visual Studio 2015 setup issue with Android SDK – hack it!, if you found the same root cause: all google repositories don’t have this package anymore on your side, you can try to create your own repository contains this missing package and let Visual Studio setup “think” he download the package and unzip it successfully.
BTW, the installation log file can upload to https://onedrive.live.com/ and share the link here.
Just start the SDK Manager from Visual Studio's menu (Tools/Android/Android SDK Manager...) and select the desired API level you do want and download them!
Anyhow, check with the SDK Manager, this is THE tool to get the Android SDK and at times you will need to update stuff through it!

"Setup has detected that Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 may not be completely installed...."

"...Please repair Visual Studio 2015 Update 3, then install this
product again."
I'm getting this when I try and update the ASP.NET Web Tools Extension in my version of VS 2015 which I installed only today. After I got this error I checked and my version was Update 3. I tried to install it regardless and got a message saying that I already had it.
Any ideas on how I can get around this issue?
Ok after some digging I got to the bottom of this. It seems that I need to have .Net Core Installed. However when I go to install that I get the same error. The workaround is to run the downloaded .exe from the command line with the added parameter:
DotNetCore.1.0.0-VS2015Tools.Preview2.exe SKIP_VSU_CHECK=1
This will install the latest version of Web Tools as well.
Instead of downloading it from VisualStudio tools update tab, just go to http://www.asp.net/core and download the latest dev tools DotNetCore.1.0.0-VS2015Tools.Preview2.0.1.exe.
Installed perfectly for me.

Xamarin install fails requiring Build Tools that are already installed

I have VS Community 2015 installed on a Windows 7 machine.
Few days ago new Xamarin version, the one, has been released.
I have tried to install it (upgrading from many times but every time I receive message about Build Tools requirement, even if the Build Tools 2013 and 2015 are correctly installed on the machine.
I have tried to reinstall Build Tools, repair VS and actual Xamarin installation without any success.
What may I check to be able to upgrade?
Thanks in advance for any help I will receive.
Am not sure if you were lucky enough to find a solution yet.
I faced a similar issue and was able to overcome it by :
1)First running the VS as Administrator.
2)Then Follow the normal update process Via Tools -> Options -> Xamarin -> Other
You will be asked to close VS during installation which is OK.
I guess that means the update process needs to access some files which require Admin rights? anyway it worked for me and I hope it works for you as well.
All the best!.

Installing Xamarin for VS 2015 not working

I recently installed VS 2015 Enterprise. Im trying to add Xamarin for VS from the setup menu, and when downloading it just hangs at this point for hours and eventually says an error was encountered. This is my 5th installation attempt. I dont have any other VS version installed on my machine.
Try this:
Download Bonjour Print Services for Windows v2.0.2 and install from the following link: https://support.apple.com/kb/DL999?locale=en_US
Then activate bonjour service in win10. Refer to:https://discussions.apple.com/thread/7420758?start=0&tstart=0
Then you can re-install VS to see if it works.
By the way, that's an open bug.
Have you tried to install it by downloading the kit from xamarin.com? What do you mean by "from the setup menu"?
