there is a form in a EvolusPencil-document with a lot of controls (objects) on it
how can I select several controls on this form without clicking each of them holding CTRL-key?
You need to lock any of the objects around the objects you want to select by right clicking on the objects and selecting "Locked" from the context menu.
Here is a video detailing this:
I understand in order to create a toggle group, I have to select the game object I want as the holder/parent of the toggle objects, and then in the Inspector, click on Add Component and then of course select UI -> ToggleGroup
Is it wise to select Canvas to be the holder/parent of the group, or should I create a Panel first and then set the Panel as the holder/parent, or...?
Is there a set of guidelines and what might be a good design regarding this situation?
Depends on your Canvas. If its a screen overlay type I would advice to create a holder for the toggles, since you might want to have multiple toggle groups. If for example its a world space canvas holding only the Toggles then adding the Toggle group component to the canvas itself shouldn't be an issue.
This morning I came back to my Xcode 5.1.1 project after a few days away. I switched to the (already open) Interface Builder window. Just as I was clicking on the object I wanted to change, I happened to notice in the lower right that the Objects Library showed a list of items I hadn't seen before. I was already clicking the mouse button, and in the brief moment before the click took effect, I noticed objects for disclosure buttons, beveled buttons, and a few other button shapes that aren't normally there.
Of course, then the mouse click took effect, selected the object I was intending to edit, and the objects library changed back to the usual array of views, labels, buttons, etc. I didn't manage to see what was actually selected prior to clicking the mouse.
I've been searching for the objects library, but haven't found anything that explains the list of items I was looking at. I assume it must be options specific to some element in my UI, but I've tried clicking through all my elements, including a table, but can't find that same list of objects.
What am I missing out on?
The objects you were seeing belong to the MacOSX development set - it seems that InterfaceBuilder loads them first and waits until later to load iOS ones if required.
Just like the UITableView on iphone.
users can remove or move a row on UITableView.
There is only one button to switch the UITableView to editing mode.
but for listbox on wp7 , I need 3 buttons, one for removing the selected row, one for moving the row up, one for moving the row down.
Welcome any comment
The Windows Phone ListBox doesn't support these features out of the box, but it would be possible to add them yourself using a DataTemplate.
Here's a blog post about creating a custom DataTemplate for your ListItems.
At a high level, you'll need to create a template that contains:
Enter edit mode button
Delete button
Sort up/down buttons
Then in your code, you'll need to toggle the visibility of the delete and sort buttons, as well as handle user clicks on each of the buttons. Doable, but a fair amount of work.
In my opinion, a better option would be to use a approach that's different from what you might be used to but is more familiar to Windows Phone users: the ContextMenu. This control allows you to pop up a menu when the user performs a long touch (tap-and-hold) on an item.
Here's a good tutorial about incorporating this control into your app.
Take a look at re-order ListBox here. It shows how to retemplate the ListBox.
For removing on item, you just need to remove its data source item. See how to use ObservableCollection.
If you want to show effect when an item is removed, use Event Triggers for the Unloaded event.
I'm following the instructions for creating a ScrollView in the book 'Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, 3rd Edition'. I'm using Xcode 3.2.3.
I've already created a view, into which I've drawn shapes and lines.
The next task is to convert this to a NSScrollView, which according to the book should be a simple case of selecting the existing view and choosing Layout -> Embed Objects In -> Scroll View.
However whatever object I select, the items in the 'Embed Objects In' menu are all disabled.
How can I enable the Embed Objects In -> Scroll View item?
Got it. The important thing here is not to try selecting the view in the MainMenu.xib window. Select the view in the actual document window and make sure the resize handles are visible. A little fiddly, but once you get the right object selected, then the embed objects menu items become enabled.
I got an application which has a NSToolbar in its main window. Depending on which icon is clicked a NSView is displayed in this window. My problem is, that one of these views shows data in a NSTableView that I want to be reloaded each time the view is visible. Since -init is only called once, I don't know how to do that.
(example: When the application starts it shows the Documents section [on of the sub views of the window]. Now when I click on Employees [which displays another sub view instead of the first one] and then on Documents again, I want the data in Documents' NSTableView to reload.)
How do I do that?
Thanks in advance.
I got an application which has a NSToolbar in its main window. Depending on which icon is clicked a NSView is displayed in this window.
Use a tab view. You can hide the tabs, then implement your action methods for the toolbar items to act as the tabs, changing the selected tab view item to whichever one corresponds to the pressed toolbar item.
Now when I click on Employees [which displays another sub view instead of the first one] and then on Documents again, I want the data in Documents' NSTableView to reload.
Why? Why not reload it only when the data changes?
You don't have to hold NSTableView's hand; if it needs the data from you again, it'll ask you for it again.
And if you're concerned about reloading the data while the view is not visible, that's premature optimization. Don't worry about it until you prove via profiling that it is a real performance problem.