No such file or directory error from os.Open - go

I am struggling to figure out an issue with os.Open. I keep getting a 'no such file or directory' error when using os.Open on a folder named templates. So I have my folder MVCApp with bin pkg src and templates in it. Then I have main in the src folder. So I have this code:
basePath := "templates"
templateFolder, err := os.Open(basePath)
if err != nil {
defer templateFolder.Close()
I think it has something to do with the basePath that I am using with the open, but I cannot figure out how I need to preface "templates" in order for it to find this directory. I am sure this is an easy fix, but it has me perplexed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Per our discussion in the comments, it turned out that the issue was caused by the application running in an incorrect working directory.
The fix was to modify the path, as such:
basePath := "../../templates"
You can also use os.Chdir to change the working directory permanently (for the duration of the process), and avoid using the ../... More info here:


Handling Viper Config File Path During Go Tests

So I have a pretty basic configuration with Viper reading a .env file from my base directory. I fatal kill the process if there's no .env file. All goes well when running my app normally.
When I run my tests with go test -v ./.., the test framework seems to step into each file's directory, and calls my config init() function each time, so the viper.AddConfigPath(".") is pointing to the wrong location.
this is my directory structure:
package util
// global variables available via util package
var (
Port int
DbURI string
func init() {
viper.SetDefault(PORT, 8080)
fmt.Println("---------to see in test printout")
cwd, _ := os.Getwd()
if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
log.Fatal("no environment file!")
Port = viper.GetInt("PORT")
DbURI = viper.GetString("DB_URI")
Every package basically relies on my util package and this init function therefore runs for every test. Is there some way to have viper always pull the .env file from the base directory even when there are tests running? I've tried a few different AddConfigPath() calls. Kinda new to Go. Or is this structure setup for environment variables not going to work since it fails my tests each time?
So apparently the viper.SetConfigFile() call does not respect the viper.AddConfigPath() call... I modified this to using viper.SetConfigName(".env") and it would actually pick up the calls to AddConfigPath, so I could then add config paths for the current directory and parent.
The problem is the path you are giving to the viper.AddConfigPath(".") method, but your env file relative path is not on the test file based on the folder structure tree you shared, it must be this: viper.AddConfigPath("./../util").

How to read env files by runnnig Go application?

I have an application which is developed in Go. I have a config.env file and get some critical variables from it by using the godotenv library. Here is the code:
func InitializeEnvVars() error {
err := godotenv.Load("./config.env")
return err
When I build my project with go build . on MacOS and I want to run the application, the app gives an error about reading the .env file:
2021/03/07 17:42:21 [ERROR]: Error loading .env file
But when I run my app with go run main.go command, everything works well.
How can I solve this problem?
As per the comments godotenv.Load("./config.env") will attempt to load the .env file from the working directory. The method used to set the working directory depends upon how you are starting the application (i.e. command line/gui).
If you would prefer that the .env be loaded from the folder holding the executable then try the following (note that there are some caveats).
ex, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to get executable path: %s", err))
envPath := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(ex), ".env")
err = godotenv.Load(envPath)
You can find the solution below step by step:
Create a folder like cmd
Move executable file to the folder
Create env file with written named in the code into this folder
Open terminal (zsh - MacOS) and run this command: open <executableFileName>
Output file should be in separated folder.

File paths for running golang code for debug vs run

I have a golang code on Linux VM which I am remotely debugging using VS Code. Below is my folder structure
|__Other folders
Other Files
When I run the code using VS debugger, it runs properly and my code is able to find the path to files. But when I use the terminal to the code (I have workspace configured and need other project to run, and one project to debug) using go run ./folder, it gives some path like /tmp/go-build2342342342/b001/ when absolute path is populated. Any idea why it works this way and how to make the behavior consistent for properly getting the path?
Below is the code converting relative path to absolute
dir, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(os.Args[0]))
if err != nil {
var path = filepath.Join(dir, relPath)
absPath, err := filepath.Abs(path)
Go binaries are compiled, even when run via go run. When you go run a package, os.Args[0] is set to the path of the compiled binary within the build cache, not the directory containing the source code for that binary.
To determine the path to source files, you must either pass the source location explicitly (as a flag or explicit argument), or invoke go run in a well-known directory and use os.Getwd to located it.
However, for run-time debugging information specifically, see the runtime and runtime/debug packages.

How to load local assets within a GCP cloud function?

I'm building a tiny GCP cloud function in Golang that returns a generated PNG file when calling it via HTTP. I deployed my code via ZIP-Upload in the Google Cloud Console.
Currently it gets called properly and the code gets compiled etc. But in my code I have to load several local files - a font and a .png image.
I bundled those in the ZIP I uploaded and the files are visible in the Source-View in GCP. All files (images, fonts and go-files) are within the same directory.
When calling the cloud function the log states the following:
2019/01/21 14:59:31 open /english.png: no such file or directory
I tried to change the way i build the path to the file in go. I already used /german.png statically, used several attempts to build the path dynamically.
I'm not 100 percent sure if this is the way to go, but it is my first experiment with "serverless" and i am willing to get it done the "right" way.
import ""
func main() {
ex, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
executableDir := filepath.Dir(ex)
img, err :=gg.LoadPNG(path.Join(executableDir, "./english.png"))
if err != nil {
Currently the file can not be found in any attempt i made. Maybe the path the images get "deployed" into are different from the ones i tried - i have not found any note on that in the documentation.
I'd obviously expect it to be loaded properly.
For the Go 1.13 according to the documentation, as of today (Jul 2020), source code is located in the ./serverless_function_source_code directory.
A good reference to follow is the buildpack.
I created http functions with the following structure:
And wrote simple function to reply with file content:
package api
import (
// FileTest func
func FileTest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./test.txt")
if err != nil {
It returns the file content without any problems.
So in your case I would try change the path to gg.LoadPNG("./english.png")
./serverless_function_source_code didn't work for me using go113 runtime with vendoring. I wanted to locate a file in the vendor directory.
My file structure is:
|- main.go
|- go.mod
|- .gcloudignore
My deployment steps are:
cd myfn
go mod vendor
gcloud functions deploy MyFunction --runtime go113 --set-env-vars "PATH_FILES=./src/myfn/vendor/static"
I found this out by deploying a function that listed all files to a certain depth starting with "." and didn't see a serverless_function_source_code directory. But there was src/myfn.

Get project root path on runtime to read config file

I have a Go project with the following structure and Im struggling to read config file which is located in my project,I need to read the config yaml (which inside the root project) and I should read it inside other package under sub root directory and I got error of not found
- config.yaml
- cmd
Inside the fs.go I need to read the config.yaml and in not having success with it. I try with os.Getwd and also ex, err := os.Executable() and also "../../../" without success, any idea ?
#VonC - suggested to use which can help I guess but the problem is that I need to call it inside the fs.go file and I need to pass this as parameter from the main.go file, is there a better approach ? because I need to pass this parameter in lots of functions...
does viper can help?
My program is CLI program which will be used as bin.
2018: If the binary is built in GOPATH/bin, while your sources are in GOPATH/src, then the relative path would be (at runtime) ../src/myproject.
But a cleaner way would be to embed that file in your binary.
See for instance gobuffalo/packr.
Update Q1 2021: with Go 1.16, you would use the embed package
Go source files that import "embed" can use the //go:embed directive to initialize a variable of type string, []byte, or FS with the contents of files read from the package directory or subdirectories at compile time.
//go:embed hello.txt
var f embed.FS
data, _ := f.ReadFile("hello.txt")
