Z3 enumsort update - set

Is it possible to update an enumerated sort by adding (or removing) a symbol to it? What I would like to do is to add a new value to the list of symbols (see below) even after a variable, say "X", is created from that sort.
EnumSort eSort = con.mkEnumSort(name,symbols);
SetSort eSetSort = con.mkSetSort(eSort);
If I create a new enumerated sort and get a value "v" then I get an error "domain sort and parameter do not match" for the expression v \in X (membership).

There isn't a way to change sorts.
You could create a single enumeration sort and add various
range constraints on sets created over the enumeration sort.


Linq statement involving index based update of value not working

In my C# winforms project, I wanted to update a specific index based position in a collection (named List l1 here).
I tried below code:
l1.Where((s, i1) => i1 == intvalue).Select(s => { if (s > 0) s = -1; return s; };
I wanted to set value at invalue index to -1 in the list l1, but when I do so with above statement the value in l1 is not changed. Please help! I am new to Linq and have searched the topic 'index based change of value in a collection' everywhere, but can't resolve my problem as it involves BigInteger type and I have so many elements in the list that their total count passes the allowed max value for int type in c#. So when I type l1[intvalue] it says can't convert BigInteger to int for index position.
LINQ is Language INtegrated Queries. It's purpose is querying data. If you want to modify list item:
if (l1[intvalue] > 0)
l1[intvalue] = -1;
Also I'd like to explain why your query is not changing list.
On first step you are selecting list items by some condition. Very strange condition by the way. If you want to select item by index, there is operator ElementAt.
Then you are doing projection. I.e. you are calling anonymous method which accepts each selected item and produce some result. Each item passed to that method as s argument. And when you are assigning -1 to s you are actually assigning value to method argument. That does not affect items in the list. Even if your list will contain items of reference type instead of integers, assigning value to method argument will just change where argument variable points. It will not change references in original list. Though you still can modify items of reference type. But such side-effects in projection methods are not good practice.

How does hashtable read correct values in case of collision?

I have some hashtable. For instance I have two entities like
john = { 1stname: jonh, 2ndname: johnson },
eric = { 1stname: eric, 2ndname: ericson }
Then I put them in hashtable:
ht["john"] = john;
ht["eric"] = eric;
Let's imagine there is a collision and hashtable use chaining to fix it. As a result there should be a linked list with these two entities like this
How does hashtable understand what entity should be returned for key? Hash values are the same and it knows nothing about entities structure. For instance if I write thisvar val = ht["john"]; how does hashtable (having only key value and its hash) find out that value should be john record and not eric.
I think what you are confused about is what is stored at each location in the hashtable's adjacent list. It seems like you assume that only the value is being stored. In fact, the data in each list node is a tuple (key, value).
Once you ask for ht['john'], the hashtable find the list associated with hash('john') and if the list is not empty it searches for the key 'john' in the list. If the key is found as the first element of the tuple then the value (second element of the tuple) is returned. If the key is not found, then it means that the element is not in the hashtable.
To summarize, the key hash is used to quickly identify the cell in which the element should be stored if present. Actual key equality is tested for to decide whether the key exists or not.
Is this what you are asking for? I have already put this in comments but seems to me you did not follow link
Collision Resolution in the Hashtable Class
Recall that when inserting an item into or retrieving an item from a hash table, a collision can occur. When inserting an item, an open slot must be found. When retrieving an item, the actual item must be found if it is not in the expected location. Earlier we briefly examined two collusion resolution strategies:
Linear probing
Quardratic probing
The Hashtable class uses a different technique referred to as rehasing. (Some sources refer to rehashing as double hashing.)
Rehasing works as follows: there is a set of hash different functions, H1 ... Hn, and when inserting or retrieving an item from the hash table, initially the H1 hash function is used. If this leads to a collision, H2 is tried instead, and onwards up to Hn if needed. The previous section showed only one hash function, which is the initial hash function (H1). The other hash functions are very similar to this function, only differentiating by a multiplicative factor. In general, the hash function Hk is defined as:
Hk(key) = [GetHash(key) + k * (1 + (((GetHash(key) >> 5) + 1) % (hashsize – 1)))] % hashsize
Mathematical Note With rehasing it is important that each slot in the hash table is visited exactly once when hashsize number of probes are made. That is, for a given key you don't want Hi and Hj to hash to the same slot in the hash table. With the rehashing formula used by the Hashtable class, this property is maintained if the result of (1 + (((GetHash(key) >> 5) + 1) % (hashsize – 1))and hashsize are relatively prime. (Two numbers are relatively prime if they share no common factors.) These two numbers are guaranteed to be relatively prime if hashsize is a prime number.
Rehasing provides better collision avoidance than either linear or quadratic probing.
sources here

sort values of an orddict

In order to extract the values (records) of an orddict as a sorted list, tried this:
-record(node, {name="", cost=0}).
test() ->
List = orddict:append("A",#node{name="A",cost=1},
lists:sort(fun({_,A},{_,B}) -> A#node.cost =< B#node.cost end,
The sort fails with exception error: {badrecord,node}.
What would be the correct syntax?
The correct insertion method is orddict:store/2 instead of orddict:append/2. Then the pattern {_,A} matches for the comparison function.
The correct syntax is:
lists:sort(fun({_,[A]},{_,[B]}) -> A#node.cost =< B#node.cost end,
I not found note about this in documentation,but you can look in source code of module.
As #Pascal write in comments the reason is that orddict:append/3 is a function provided to append a value to an existing Key/Value pair where Value must be a list. In the use case, the key doesn't exist, so the pair is created and the Value append to an empty list.
Btw, you always can print and compare real and expected result.
For your example that is:

sorting using weird groovy code

I'm a beginner at groovy and I can't seem to understand this code. Can you please tell me how does this code operate?
def list = [ [1,0], [0,1,2] ]
list = list.sort { a,b -> a[0] <=> b[0] }
assert list == [ [0,1,2], [1,0] ]
what I know is the second line should return the value of 1 because of the spaceship operator but what is the use of that? and what type of sort is this? (there are 6 sort methods in the gdk api and i'm not really sure which is one is used here)
The code is using Collection#sort(Closure). Notice that this method has two variants:
If the closure is binary (i.e. it takes two parameters), sort uses it as the typical comparator interface: it should return an negative integer, zero or a positive integer when the first parameter is less than, equal, or grater than the second parameter respectively.
This is the variant that is being used in that piece of code. It is comparing the elements of the list, which are, in turn, lists, by their first element.
If the closure is unary (i.e. it takes only one parameter) it is used to generate the values that are then going to be used for comparison (in some languages this is called a "key" function).
Therefore, the snippet of code you posted can be rewritten as:
def list = [[1,0], [0,1,2]]
list = list.sort { it[0] } // or { it.first() }
assert list == [[0,1,2], [1,0]]
Notice that using this unary-closure variant is very convenient when you want to compare the elements by some value or some "weight" that is calculated the same way for every element.
The sort in your code snippet uses the comparator argument method call - see http://groovy.codehaus.org/groovy-jdk/java/util/Collection.html#sort(java.util.Comparator)
So, you are sorting the collection using your own comparator. Now the comparator simply uses the first element of the inner collection to decide the order of the outer collection.

How to transform List type in Power Query / M

Is there a more direct way to transform the type of the elements in a list than via Table.TransformColumnTypes (which would add an additional clumsy transformation step)?
Using List.Transform (List, each _ as text) for example will return errors for number values. Is there a correct syntax for performing that transformation directly on a list (aim is to use Text.Combine in order to concatenate the list's values)?
To convert a number to a text value, use Number.ToText. You can use something like this to use Text.Combine with your numeric list:
= Text.Combine(List.Transform(List, each Number.ToText(_)), "separator")
