Entering Page Breaks in CKEditor - ckeditor

I have an ASP.NET MVC 4 application that uses the CKEditor control (4.4.5) to capture HTML which is then rendered to a Word (docx) document.
When I use the CKEditor "Page break" button, it produces
<div style="page-break-after: always"><span style="display: none;"> </span></div>
which is retained in the editor's HTML, however it is not rendered in Word.
What does work in Word is:
<br> <br style="page-break-after: always;" />
But I am finding that my CKEditor setup strips this out each time you save data in the CKEditor box.
Can I change CKEditor to put in the code that Word recognizes with the page break button, or should I be considering another option to resolve this?

I've created this tiny plugin for version 4.x:
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('wordpagebreak', {
icons : 'wordpagebreak',
init : function(editor) {
var pluginName = 'wordpagebreak';
editor.addCommand(pluginName, {
exec : function(editor) {
var html = '<br class="wordpagebreak" clear="all" ' +
'style="mso-special-character: line-break; ' +
'page-break-before: always">';
var element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(html);
editor.ui.addButton(pluginName, {
label : 'Word Page Break',
icon : 'wordpagebreak',
command : pluginName,
toolbar : 'insert'


Laravel file manager standalone iframe to input

I don't know how can't I find any examples on this, like no one used it before..
I want to open file manager in iframe and on images click to insert image url to input. Their example opens new window...
I am using laravel file manager standalone button to change avatar image but by their docs I can do it like this:
<div class="input-group">
<span class="input-group-btn">
<a id="lfm" data-input="thumbnail" data-preview="holder" class="btn btn-primary">
<i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i> Choose
<input id="thumbnail" class="form-control" type="text" name="filepath">
<img id="holder" style="margin-top:15px;max-height:100px;">
And calling $('#lfm').filemanager('image');
Which works but it opens new window because this is .filemanager()
(function( $ ){
$.fn.filemanager = function(type, options) {
type = type || 'file';
this.on('click', function(e) {
var route_prefix = (options && options.prefix) ? options.prefix : '/laravel-filemanager';
localStorage.setItem('target_input', $(this).data('input'));
localStorage.setItem('target_preview', $(this).data('preview'));
window.open(route_prefix + '?type=' + type, 'FileManager', 'width=900,height=600');
window.SetUrl = function (url, file_path) {
//set the value of the desired input to image url
var target_input = $('#' + localStorage.getItem('target_input'));
//set or change the preview image src
var target_preview = $('#' + localStorage.getItem('target_preview'));
target_preview.attr('src', url).trigger('change');
return false;
Now changing:
window.open(route_prefix + '?type=' + type, 'FileManager', 'width=900,height=600');
$('iframe').attr('src', route_prefix + '?type=' + type);
Will append filemanager to iframe as I want but when I click on image inside iframe it opens image in new tab as it is setting new url but skipping the script?
I think that I could get image url if it was opening in iframe but it is not...
Do you maybe know how to do this?
I found out answer for my needs, not finished one tho but it works as needed:
Open up script.js from vendor/..../js folder and change useFIle function if/else statement where it looks up are you using any editor (cke,mce,etc..) and if not it just opens image in new window.
I remove that option and added this:
// parent.document.getElementById(field_name).value = url;
var target_input = parent.document.getElementById(localStorage.getItem('target_input'));
target_input.value = url;
//set or change the preview image src
var target_preview = parent.document.getElementById(localStorage.getItem('target_preview'));
target_preview.src = url;
From my question you can see jquery-plugin for opening laravel-filemanager into iframe and adding elements to localstorage.
I used that elements from localstorage in iframe to append url in input and display image in holder.
Now I will change this a little bit, since I wan't to leave this script as it is for full manager page on that url. I will just add another field as uri to be able to say this url is opened by iframe and use someOtherFUnction instead of useFile function by default.

Selenium not grabbing the selected element but the one loaded by Javascript

I am using selenium to grab the href attribute of the a tag. But my code is not grabing the "/pros/52698281" as it should.
Is it because my code is wrong or because some javascript is loading dynamically another url ? Could he ?
Here is the html :
<article class="bi-bloc blocs clearfix bi-pro visited" id="bi-bloc-014805042600000000C0001" data-pjtoggleclasshisto="{"idbloc": {"id_bloc": "014805042600000000C0001", "no_sequence": "" }, "klass":"visited" }">
<div class="zone-bi">
<a class="visible-phone mob-zone-pro pj-lb pj-link" data-pjsearchctx-sethref="" href="/pros/52698281" data-pjstats="{"idTag":"MOB-ZONE-PRO","pos":54,"type_bi":"pro","genreBloc":"1","pjscript":"xt_click({},'C','{%xtn2}','LR_BI::zone_identification::info{%pjstats.type_bi}::identification_pro','A');"}">
<span class="not-visible">
I am using this code to grab the href attribute.:
elements = driver.find_elements(:css, "article.bi-bloc div.zone-bi a.visible-phone")
elements.each do |e|
p e.attribute("href")
Here is the javascript code that, I think, loads dynamically another url (the one printing in my terminal).
<script type="text/javascript">
var pj_searchctx = {
"1989516432": {
"form": {
"quoiqui": "climatisation",
"ou": "paris-75",
"proximite": 0
"search": {
"breadcrumb": "Retour aux résultats",
"stats": {
Any idea how I can do ?
Since you're using direct children in your CSS selector, try using this instead of yours (with >):
"article.bi-bloc > div.zone-bi > a.visible-phone"
This matches more specifically the element your looking for.

using foundation 5 joyride with tabs

Is there a way to switch tabs with foundation 5 Joyride?
I have foundation tabs on the page and want Joyride to point elements on different tabs.
Like mentioned in the comment from Steven, you could use the callback either in the pre or post step callback function you activate the tab you need.
post_step_callback : function (){}, // A method to call after each step
pre_step_callback : function (){} // A method to call before each step
Hope this helps...
Here's what worked for me. I looked around and couldn't find anything useful, so wrote this. The hardest part was figuring out how to get the id of the target anchor. This was found buried in the 'this' object available to the callback.
The 'content' class is used by foundation to identify the content to display when a tab is clicked. So traversing up the .parents tree finding the enclosing elements gives you the content tab(s) holding your link. And then of course you have to add an id to the <a> element of the tab you want to click. If you name it the same as your content div, with '-a' appended, you should be good to go.
<dl class="tabs radius" data-tab id="my_tabs">
<dd class="active">Tab 1</dd>
<dd class="active">Tab 2</dd>
<div class="tabs-content">
<div class="content" id="tab1">
<article id="joyride_stop1">...</article>
<div class="content" id="tab2">
<article id="joyride_stop2">...</article>
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).foundation('joyride', 'start', {
pre_step_callback: function(i, tip) {
var target = $(this.$target)[0].id;
if($('#' + target).parents('.content').length > 0) {
$('#' + target).parents('.content').each(function() {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
if($('#' + id).is(':visible') == false) {
$('#' + id + '-a').click();
This will work on any page, whether it contains tabs or not, so it can be universally included across a site.

View ckeditor content as html in new window

How to view ckeditor content as html in new modal window when a button is clicked which is placed beside the editor.
below is the html
<img src="Image/icons/preview.png" alt="Preview" id="img1" class="preview" />
<textarea rows="30" cols="22" id="txtHtmlHead" class="editor"></textarea>
The above textarea behaves as a ckeditor .
Please help me..
You can use window.open() with a tricky url to do that (fiddle):
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor', {
plugins: 'sourcearea,wysiwygarea,toolbar,basicstyles',
height: 100
} );
// Executen on button click.
function show() {
var url = 'javascript:void( function(){' +
'document.open();' +
// Note that you may need to escape HTML entities here:
'document.write( "' + CKEDITOR.instances.editor.getData() + '" );' +
'document.close();' +
window.open( url );
Such feature is also provided by the official Preview plugin so you might find it interesting.

jQuery cleditor plugin: creating a new button

Using cleditor, I'm trying to set up a custom button with the following code:
(function($) {
$.cleditor.buttons.link_species = {
name: "link_species",
image: "fish.gif",
title: "Species Link",
command: "inserthtml",
popupName: "link_species",
popupClass: "cleditorPrompt",
popupContent: "Genus: <input type='text' size='15'> Species: <input type='text' size='15'><br />Remove italics? <input type='checkbox' value='remove'> <input type='button' value='Ok' />",
buttonClick: link_speciesClick
// Handle the hello button click event
function link_speciesClick(e, data) {
// Wire up the submit button click event
.bind("click", function(e) {
// Get the editor
var editor = data.editor;
var $text = $(data.popup).find(":text"),
genus = $text[0].value,
species = $text[1].value;
var slug = genus + '-' + species;
slug = htmlEntities(slug);
var link = '/dev/species/' + slug + '/';
var rel = link + '?preview=true';
var display = firstUpper(genus) + ' ' + species;
// Get the entered name
var html = '' + display + '';
if ( !$(data.popup).find(":checkbox").is(':checked') ) {
html = '<em>' + html + '</em>';
// Insert some html into the document
editor.execCommand(data.command, html, null, data.button);
// Hide the popup and set focus back to the editor
It's a WordPress website, and the directory structure is something like this:
Within there I have all the cleditor files and config.js.This file is where the above code is stored.
I also have an images folder containing a 24*24 fish.gif file.
For some reason, when I run this code, I get the following error:
a is undefined
Line 17
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
If I change the "image" argument to image:"" the same image for "B" appears, but the plugin works without error.
Does anyone have any ideas what may be wrong?
It would be easier to debug with the non minimized version. You can get it from here: http://premiumsoftware.net/cleditor/ (zip)
There are 2 functions that include a length call in the code that ends up in line 17 of the minimized code. One in the function hex(s) that processes color. The other is the the imagePath function.
function imagesPath() {
var cssFile = "jquery.cleditor.css",
href = $("link[href$='" + cssFile +"']").attr("href");
return href.substr(0, href.length - cssFile.length) + "images/";
It could throw an error of the type you have if your rendered html doesn't include a line like "<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path/to/jquery.cleditor.css" />". (Href would then be undefined.)
For wordpress integration, you may find it easier to setup when using the wordpress plugin version of cleditor.
