Publish Delphi EXE to Windows Store - windows

I wrote a Delphi application which contains a single EXE file.
How can I publish it to Windows Store?

The Windows Store doesn't support Classic (Native) Win32 apps, only Universal Windows Apps, which Delphi does not support at this time. So you cannot submit your Delphi app to the Windows Store.
However, Microsoft is currently working on Project Centennial, which will make it possible to package and publish classic Win32 apps to the Windows Store. You can signup for updates about it when it becomes available.

Using 10.1 Berlin Update 2 - Anniversary Edition you can now create .appx for publishing to the Windows Store (uses the Desktop Bridge, formerly called Project Centennial)
Note that there are also updated installer engines from various parties that support the desktop bridge and can create an .appx for your Win32 executables
To publish those .appx to the store (note you can also install them directly if you allow that action at settings/security in Windows 10), you need to fill some online form that Microsoft requests to confirm you own the code. They review your submission and get back to you with the necessary actions to complete submission to the store
for more details, see:


Can Universal Windows Platform be used to develop windows software and not app

I wished to develop a specialized software and NOT an app, which will be deployed at a few customer sites ultimately and not to be posted on Microsoft Store. Can I use Universal Windows Platform for it? I did some research and the official documentation of Microsoft says -
The Universal Windows Platform (UWP) is the app platform for Windows 10. You can develop apps for UWP with just one API set, one app package, and one store to reach all Windows 10 devices – PC, tablet, phone, Xbox, HoloLens, Surface Hub and more.
We want to develop a specialized software, with all its installers / DLLs / binaries etc etc which we will ship to a few customers and install at their PCs. So, my question is - Can we use Universal Windows Platform for developing such a software? Or if it be used only for app development, which ultimately needs to be loaded on the Microsoft Store for disbursement?
UWP apps do not have to be distributed via public Microsoft Store. You can distribute the apps via sideloading and alternatively via Microsoft Store for Business which is a company-specific view into Microsoft Store, where you can publish internal apps.
Furthermore, you can package existing Desktop apps as UWP apps including their installers with the Desktop Bridge, which is useful when your app includes functionality, which is unavailable in pure UWP apps.
The main advantage of using UWP especially in conjunction with Microsoft Store for Business is simpler deployment and easier install and update lifecycle, however it might not suit you in complex scenarios.
2 ways to go about this (of a couple more)
1. You can distribute the appx as you would an exe and have the client use side loading to install it on whatever machine is needed.
2. you can release it in the Microsoft Store for Business or Microsoft Store for Education

Convert windows phone application to universal one

Recently Microsoft announced ability to create universal applications in Visual Studio 2013. Is there any easy way to convert existing Windows Phone 8 application into universal or i have to create new project and properly move the code manually?
It is not about converting a project type or moving code. You will have to port your app from one runtime to another. This is because the Universal project templates use the Windows Runtime APIs where as your existing Windows Phone 8 application uses the Silverlight APIs.
Windows Phone Store apps use the same app model and UI framework as Windows Store apps do, and they use the Windows versions of common features such as background tasks. You will still be able to reuse a lot of your existing code, but these differences mean that it really is a porting exercise, more than just an update, to move a Windows Phone 8 to the new app model.
There are some features that are available in Windows Phone 8 for which there is no Windows Phone Store (Universal apps) equivalent. See more here.
The right-menu option is "Add Windows 8.1...". That will add Windows 8.1 support and add a Shared section to both projects so you can share code between then.
In your solution, right click your Windows Phone application and select "Add Windows 8.1..." and follow the prompts.

Get executable Windows 8 app

I am developing a Windows 8 app (Modern UI) and I was asking if I could get the 'executable' of the app to install and test it in other computers without submitting the app to the market.
I am using the visual studio 2012 ultimate, if it helps.
Thank you in advance.
Right-click the project and choose Store - Create App Package and deselect uploading to the store. This will create a folder with the package for your app and all dependencies. Use the powershell script, which is also located in the folder to install the app. Normally if you run it for the first time it will probably ask you to change your ExecutionPolicy, but then it will install the app.
You can sideload an application on another machine without requiring the application be in the Windows Store.
One way, mentioned by Kai in another response to this question, leverages a developer license on the targeted machine. Because this mechanism uses a developer license it's not a suitable method for distributing apps for several reasons:
The license states "You may use the developer license only for the purpose of developing, testing and evaluating apps"
A developer license has a 30 (or 90 day) limit, after which the user will be re-prompted to renew the license; that's not a suitable experience for a 'finished' app.
Acquiring the license requires an internet connection, so the app may not start if offline.
The approved mechanism for distributing applications to the end-user outside of the Windows Store is via Windows 8 Enterprise or by purchasing enterprise side-loading activation keys for devices not running Enterprise (like RT). Some information on this process can be found here and here.

Porting Windows Phone7 application to Windows 8

I ported my windows phone7 application to windows 8(just copy paste the xaml and c# code in visual studio 2012->new->project->WPFApplication) and made changes in UI sizes.The problem is the .exe file(after building wpf application) runs only in the system with .NET framework installed.I want to run my application in all system running windows(7(32/64),xp,vista).I am newbie to windows application basically wp7 developer.Thank u.
If you really want to port a windos phone 7 app to windows 8, You should go through the following resources. They provide most of the information.
WPF is a part of the .NET framework, so you can't write a WPF application that can run without the framework on the machine.
If you want to create a binary that run on the classic windows runtime you can't use WPF/C#/VB etc.
Best thing if you want to port your Windows Phone app to Windows 8 is to create a Microsoft Store app, File > New Project > Blank App in VS2012. The app won't run on anything except Windows 8 but the Microsoft Store for Windows 8 is probably the best place to have your app if it's ported from Windows Phone.
Migrating application to WP7 is not that easy as it sounds. There is lot of different APIs and also limited async/await in WP7 when using this extension.
I would probably recommend starting with this MSDN article. It describes basic problems and challenges and also contains useful namespace and API mapping:
Migrate/port a Windows Phone 7 app to a Windows Store app

Running an application on an os designed and created in Visual Studio

I have built an os design (and its bsp) in Visual Studio. I need to know how to get started with writing applications for the os by writing a simple application that will run in the os created (probably in an emulator, I still don't have the Evaluation module for the device). I have Visual Studio 2005 and Windows embedded C.E. 6.0 installed.
Some blogs described how to create the application in eMbedded Visual C++. Will I have to install this apart from Visual Studio to get started?
If you built an image from an OSDesign for a specific device you cannot run it in the emulator. The emulator has it's own sepcific BSP based on which you need to create an OSdesign.
To develop an application for your osdesgin of choice open VS2005 create a new project of type Visual C++-> Smart Device and choose the type you want. Alternatively, you can create a C# application for smart devices that will run on any device that includes the Compact Framework component in the OSDesign or has it installed on the device.
You do not need additional software other than VS2005.
You can download a package from this vendor. It includes demo applications for Windows CE6 (for that device). It also includes a document of how to create a new application for the device. You can use the instructions to create an applcation to your own device.
To test your application as it will perform on the image you built, you will need a physical device.
Update: During the New Project wizard you will be asked to choose the designated platform (native projcets at least) and you will need to choose from a list of SDKs. The list shows the installed SDKs on your desktop machine. You can create your own SDK, but in order ofr it to show in that list you need to install it on the Machine. In Windows CE the SDKs are installed to: C:\Program Files\Windows CE Tools\wce600
