Nifi processor batch insert - handle failure - java-8

I am currently in the process of writing an ElasticSearch Nifi processor. Individual inserts / writes to ES are not optimal, instead batching documents is preferred. What would be considered the optimal approach within a Nifi processor to track (batch) documents (FlowFiles) and when at a certain amount batch them in? The part I am most concerned about is if ES is unavailable, down, network partition, etc. prevents the batch from being successful. The primary point of the question, is given that Nifi has content storage for queuing / back-pressure, etc. is there a preferred method for using that to ensure no FlowFiles get lost if a destination is down? Maybe there is another processor I should look at for an example?
I have looked at the Mongo processor, Merge, etc. to try and get an idea of the preferred approach for batching inside of a processor, but can't seem to find anything specific. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Good chance I am overlooking some basic functionality baked into Nifi. I am still fairly new to the platform.

Great question and a pretty common pattern. This is why we have the concept of a ProcessSession. It allows you to send zero or more things to an external endpoint and only commit once you know it has been ack'd by the recipient. In this sense it offers at least-once semantics. If the protocol you're using supports two-phase commit style semantics you can get pretty close to the ever elusive exactly-once semantic. Much of the details of what you're asking about here will depend on the destination systems API and behavior.
There are some examples in the apache codebase which reveal ways to do this. One way is if you can produce a merged collection of events prior to pushing to the destination system. Depends on its API. I think PutMongo and PutSolr operate this way (though the experts on that would need to weigh in). An example that might be more like what you're looking for can be found in PutSQL which operates on batches of flowfiles to send in a single transaction (on the destination DB).
Will keep an eye here but can get the eye of a larger NiFi group at


Event source the whole system is bad

I'm learning a proper microservice architecture using CQRS, MassTransit and different type of storage for the read side. One thing which often comes along CQRS is the event sourcing. I do understand it's not mandatory at all. However, I can't think of why using it on the whole system is really an anti pattern.
Having an store for all events as a single source of truth can help you build / rebuild a read store on the fly whenever you want.
You are not locked in to any vendor (except for the event store)
For me, the question is more like is it easier to not start with event sourcing (and still have separate data storage depending on which the microservices. eg: elasticsearch, mongodb, etc etc) and migrating / provisioning whenever it's needed or on the other hand, start with event sourcing everything so that you don't have to deal with migration later on.
I can't think of why using it on the whole system is really an anti pattern.
I agree -- calling it an "anti pattern" is an overstatement.
The spelling I believe? Using event sourcing on the whole system isn't cost effective today.
It could be tomorrow, as we get more practice with it, and the costs of designing these systems goes down and we learn to extract more benefit from them.
In the mean time - how valuable are the temporal queries that you get from event sourcing? In your core domain, where you get competitive advantage, they could be quite valuable. In places where you are just doing bookkeeping of information provided to you by the outside world? Not so much - you may be getting everything you need out of simpler solutions that only keep track of "now".
I recently published a blog post about this issue. It explains why event sourcing is a persistence strategy and shouldn't be used at global scale.
To summarize it: Event Sourcing forces you to emit an event for every changed data. This can result in very fine grained events. If you use Event Sourcing for inter microservice communication, you expose those events to the outside world.
In the end you expose the your persistence layer, comparable to exposing your (relational) database schema in a CRUD based persistence strategy.

Use Cases of NIFI

I have a question about Nifi and its capabilities as well as the appropriate use case for it.
I've read that Nifi is really aiming to create a space which allows for flow-based processing. After playing around with Nifi a bit, what I've also come to realize is it's capability to model/shape the data in a way that is useful for me. Is it fair to say that Nifi can also be used for data modeling?
Data modeling is a bit of an overloaded term, but in the context of your desire to model/shape the data in a way that is useful for you, it sounds like it could be a viable approach. The rest of this is under that assumption.
While NiFi employs dataflow through principles and design closely related to flow based programming (FBP) as a means, the function is a matter of getting data from point A to B (and possibly back again). Of course, systems aren't inherently talking in the same protocols, formats, or schemas, so there needs to be something to shape the data into what the consumer is anticipating from what the producer is supplying. This gets into common enterprise integration patterns (EIP) [1] such as mediation and routing. In a broader sense though, it is simply getting the data to those that need it (systems, users, etc) when and how they need it.
Joe Witt, one of the creators of NiFi, gave a great talk that may be in line with this idea of data shaping in the context of Data Science at a Meetup. The slides of which are available [2].
If you have any additional questions, I would point you to check out the community mailing lists [3] and ask any additional questions so you can dig in more and get a broader perspective.
Data modeling might well mean many things to many folks so I'll be careful to use that term here. What I do think in what you're asking is very clear is that Apache NiFi is a great system to use to help mold the data into the right format and schema and content you need for your follow-on analytics and processing. NiFi has an extensible model so you can add processors that can do this or you can use the existing processors in many cases and you can even use the ExecuteScript processors as well so you can write scripts on the fly to manipulate the data.

The best way to store restart information in spring-batch readers, processors, writers and tasklets

Currently I'm designing my first batch application with spring batch using several tasklets and own readers, writers and processors primarily doing input data checks and tif-file handling (split, merge etc) depending on the input data i.e. document metadata with the appertaining image files. I want to store and use restart information persistet in the batch_step_execution_context in the spring-batch job-repository. Unfortunately I did not find many examples where and how to do this best. I want to make the application restartable so that it can continue after error correction at the point it left off.
What I have done so far and checked if in case of an exception the step information has been persistet:
Implemented ItemStream in a CustomItemWriter using update() and open() to store and regain information to/from the step_execution_context e.g. executionContext.putLong("count", count). Works good.
Used StepListeners and found that the context information written in beforeStep() has been persistet. Also works.
I appreciate help which will give or point to some examples, "restart tutorial" or sources where to read how to do it in Readers, Processors, Writers and tasklets. Does it make sense in Readers and Processors? I'm aware that handling restart information might also depend on commit-interval, restartable flags etc..
Remark: Maybe I require some deeper understanding of spring-batch concepts beyond what I read and tried so far. Also hints regarding this are welcome. I consider myself as intermediate level lacking details to make my application using some comforts of spring-batch.

Best form of IPC for a decentralized roguelike?

I've got a project to create a roguelike that in some way abstracts the UI from the engine and the engine from map creation, line-of-site, etc. To narrow the focus, i first want to just get the UI (player's client) and engine working.
My current idea is to make the client basically a program that decides what one character (player, monsters) will do for its turn and waits until it can move again. So each monster has a client, and so does the player. The player's client prints the map, waits for input, sends it to the engine, and tells the player what happened. The monster's client does the same except without printing the map and using AI instead of keyboard input.
Before i go any futher, if this seems somehow an obfuscated way of doing things, my goal is to learn, not write a roguelike. It's the journy, not the destination.
And so i need to choose what form of ipc fits this model best.
My first attempt used pipes because they're simplest and i wrote a
UI for the player and a program to pipe in instructions such as
where to put the map and player. While this works, it only allows
one client--communicating through stdin and out.
I've thought about making the engine a daemon that looks in a spool
where clients, when started, create unique-per-client temp files to
give instructions to the engine and recieve feedback.
Lastly, i've done a little introductory programing with sockets.
They seem like they might be the way to go, and would allow the game
to perhaps someday be run over a net. I'd like to, if possible, use
a simpler solution, and since i'm unfamiliar with them, it's more
error prone.
I'm always open to suggestions.
I've been playing around with using these combinations for a similar problem (multiple clients talking via a single daemon on the local box, with much of the intelligence shoved off into the clients).
mmap for sharing large data blobs, with unix domain sockets, messages queues, or named pipes for notification
same, but using individual files per blob instead of munging them all together in an mmap
same, but without the files or mmap (in other words, more like conventional messaging)
In general I like the idea of breaking things up into separate executables this way -- it certainly makes testing easier, for instance. I think the choice of method comes down to usage patterns -- how large are messages, how persistent does the data in them need to be, can you afford the cost of multiple trips through the network stack for a socket-based message, that sort of thing. The fact that you're sticking to Linux makes things easy in terms of what's available -- you don't need to worry about portability of message queues, for instance.
This one's also applicable:

Where is Pentaho Kettle's architecture?

Where can I find Pentaho Kettle architecture? I'm looking for a short wiki, design document, blog post, anything to give a good overview on how things work. This question is not meant for specific "how to" starting guides but rather a good view at the technology and architecture.
Specific questions I have are:
How does data flow between steps? It would seem everything is in memory - am I right about this?
Is the above true about different transformations as well?
How are the Collect steps implemented?
Any specific performence guidelines to using it?
Is the ftp task reliable and performant?
Any other "Dos and Don'ts" ?
See this PDF.
How does data flow between steps? It would seem everything is in
memory - am I right about this?
Data flow is row-based. For transformation every step produce a 'tuple' or a row with fields. Every field is pair of data and a metadata. Every step has input and output. Step takes rows from input, modify rows and send rows to outputs. For most cases every all information is in memory. But. Steps reads data in streaming fashion (like jdbc or other) - so typically in memory only a part of data from a stream.
Is the above true about different transformations as well?
There is a 'job' concept and 'transformation' concept. All written above is mostly true for transformation. Mostly - means transformation can contain very different steps, some of them - like collect steps - can try to collect all data from a stream. Jobs - is a way to perform some actions that do not follow 'streaming' concept - like send email on success, load some files from net, execute different transformations one by one.
How are the Collect steps implemented?
It only depend on particular step. Typically as said above - collect steps may try to collect all data from stream - having so - can be a reason of OutOfMemory exceptions. If data is too big - consider replace 'collect' steps with different approach to process data (for example use steps that do not collect all data).
Any specific performence guidelines to using it?
A lot of. Depends on steps transformation is consists, sources of data used. I would try to speak on exact scenario rather then general guidelines.
Is the ftp task reliable and performant?
As far as I remember ftp is backed by EdtFTP implementation, and there may be some issues with that steps like - some parameters not saved, or http-ftp proxy not working or other. I would say Kettle in general is reliable and perfomant - but for some not commonly used scenarios - it can be not so.
Any other "Dos and Don'ts" ?
I would say the Do - is to understand a tool before starting use it intensively. As mentioned in this discussion - there is a couple of literature on Kettle/Pentaho Data Integration you can try search for it on specific sites.
One of advantages of Pentaho Data Integration/Kettle is relatively big community you can ask for specific aspects.
