Glade Gtk::TreeView::Column signal connect causes segmentation fault - treeview

I have an application with a TreView designed in Glade. I need click in a column header in this TreView and perform some action. But when I connect the callback function the application crash with segmentation fault.
Bellow is the link for my code and glade file (it is a ZIP file!). When I comment out line 70 from monitor.cpp the problem disapear, but I am not able to perform the callbacks.
Another part of the code has the same behavior. Maybe I made the same mistake in both. See from line 129 from monitor.cpp.
Monitor application


handling dynamic pop-up error message in jmeter

I have a Jmeter script for an application for which i get pop up error message intermittently. Where as in jmeter we only come to know that flow got terminated by some failure.But we wont come to know the occurrence of Error pop -up message.
My requirement is if we encounter pop up error i want to write to an external file saying that ,the current page got failed due to pop-up error message.
If we can write the error message it's really great. I'm as of now not getting idea to achieve this.
Please can anyone help me in this. or can provide any hint to do R&D.
Thankyou in advance.
Updated the question with screen shot of error message.
As per JMeter project main page:
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it render the HTML pages as a browser does (it's possible to view the response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a time).
Looking into your screenshot, it is a form of JavaScript popup, most likely window.alert so there is no way to detect it via JMeter.
You can add i.e. Response Assertion to your test in order to introduce some pass/fail criteria, i.e. if you were in the middle of some transaction when the error occurred it should not finish successfully resulting in missing expected entry in the web page (or database), so you can conditionally fail relevant sampler(s) in this case. See How to Use JMeter Assertions in Three Easy Steps to learn more about the concept.
Alternatively you can use WebDriver Sampler plugin which provides JMeter integration with Selenium browser automation framework which drives a real browser, so you will be able to capture this popups and record the page titles/take screenshots, check out IsAlertPresent() class for more information.
you must get this error response in your jmeter request response.simple answer.Have a regex to extract.

Chromecast sample sender application CastHelloText-chrome ends with error when trying to get session

I have problem with launching Google-Cast application similar to sample CastHelloText-chrome. I slightly modified example code for my specific purposes. The goal for creating this application is to send and show image data directly in Chromecast device.
Particularly the difference between official sample and my code is in message format and its content, sent by sender application. Sender application took png image coded by base64 and send through message bus with custom namespace. Receiver application get this message and use this as data source for html object <img>.
Error appears when I do this steps:
Reload sender page, checking console if any device found.
Send the form by just pushing enter on input box (text is ignored).
Now a popup from Chromecast extension shows. Next there are two scenarios:
3a) I confirm casting to device by choosing one from the list, then I get this error message in console:
onError: {"code":"channel_error","description":"Error: Timeout","details":null}
3b) I just click somewhere else, I get this error:
onError: {"code":"cancel","description":"User closed popup menu","details":null}
Both of errors are caused by calling function chrome.cast.requestSession in chromehellotext.html at line 161, but what's really wrong I don't know.
When I step sender script I realize that function sessionListener is never called. I know that something go wrong when code try to call chrome.cast.requestSession, where described error raises. So I need help if I missed about right way to use Google-Cast API or If this problem has something to do with networking issues.
Receiver application is registered on Google Cast SDK Developer Console and I'm testing on registered device with some serial number. I'm using Google Chrome in version 42.0.2300.2 canary (64-bit) and Chrome version 40.0.2214.111 (current stable I suppose). For testing I also tried to turn off Windows Firewall entirely but with no luck.
There were some syntactic errors that caused error message described above.
It seems like you are trying to use the data/control channel to send an image; please don't do that; that channel is not meant to be used for large data communications; in fact it cannot send anything which approaches or exceeds 64k. If your goal is to send images from your local machine, you would need to run a local web server on your local machine and serve images through the web server.
For and easiest tutorial you can have a look to this tutorial.
It is well explained in this tutorial.
Chromecast Sender application
There is no need to maintain session by yourself.
just add button and enjoy casting
I found a source of my problem. There was something wrong in receiver code - syntactic and runtime errors, so I must admit that my code wasn't functional. Now its working in terms of launching application and getting session.
Unfortunate thing is that the error message generated by Chromecast extension didn't match the actual error - at least it was a bit confusing when I didn't know what's really happening on receiver side without ability to debug the code.

Calling DisplayRequest.RequestRelease function in windows 8 app

I want to turn off the display at a particular point using DisplayRequest.RequestRelease but im getting various exception. When i tried for desktop im getting "Arithmetic result exceeded 32 bits" error. In phone im getting system.excecutionEngine exception. I need to know the correct usage of this function.
There are two things wrong here.
DisplayRequest.RequestRelease is used to release a previous request to keep the display alive. If you haven't called RequestActive before, then it won't work and will throw the exception.
If you are doing it to release a previous call, then it's possible that things are going wrong after a suspend operation, because you may have inadvertently called RequestRelease in your OnNavigatingFrom member. Please see my blog for full details at Most of my Windows 8 Apps are broken. Yours probably are too

How to continue a Cucumber step after an unpredictable modal dialog pops up?

I have a Ruby and Watir-webdriver -based Cucumber test suite for a web application and that web application relies on a service to provide some of its data through a sort of search.
There's a lot of data in this external service and sometimes the search will take a long time. When this happens, a modal dialog pops up on the web application. We really can't predict when that will happen and it isn't very practical to throw in browser.alert.ok calls throughout all of my step definitions.
So far, we've been handling the issue with an After hook that simply drops and restarts the browser. This saves the test suite during our full runs, but it doesn't help the test in question.
Long story short, I'd like a way to simply catch the Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnhandledAlertError exception (the associated message is "Modal dialog present") whenever it pops up in a step, recognize what's happening (probably by matching the exception type and text, then matching the modal dialog text), and continue the step from the line we were at when the exception caused the interruption. Any thoughts?
I think you just need something like:
step /^some code$/ do
#Your actual step
I encountered a similar problem in my project, where I used to get random fatal error dialogs.
The approach I followed is to handle the dialog in AfterStep hook. Since in cucumber every step is atomic, after every step I verify whether the fatal error dialog is present. If it is there then click OK and proceed with the execution.
Hope this helps for you.

BITS error codes

I'm writing an application updater that pulls installation package from our distribution web site to the user's PC using the background intelligent download service facility.
More or less everything is working fine now but I'm having a bit of problem getting the application react well to all recoverable errors. Specifically, I'd like the application to handle properly the case of proxy authentication.
In HTTP, it's simple: make a request, get a "407" HTTP response code, prompt for user name/password and repeat until you ether go through or the user press "cancel".
With BITS, it's not that simple. I don't get the HTTP status code. I get a couple of codes: the context (which should be BG_ERROR_CONTEXT_REMOTE_FILE in my case) and an "ErrorCode" that is supposed to depend on the context.
If I request the textual description of the error through GetErrorDescription, I get the correct "407 proxy authentication require" text. But the error code I have is 0x80190197 which is nowhere near 407.
So, does anyone know where I can get a full list of the BITS error code ? Failing that, partial list with the most common errors would be nice.
0x80190197 is not strictly speaking a BITS error, it's an HTTP stack error. The list is available here: Errors (019) FACILITY_HTTP
