Nullreference when trying to set ACL property of new Parse object - parse-platform

As the title already explains I have null reference exception when I try to set the ACL property of my new parse object.
The code is this:
ParseObject storeAssets = new ParseObject("StoreAssets");
ParseACL storeAssetsPermissions = new ParseACL(ParseUser.CurrentUser)
PublicReadAccess = true,
PublicWriteAccess = false
storeAssets.ACL = storeAssetsPermissions;
the code looks like in the examples of the documentation but it's not working...
I believe it stopped working with new version of Parse Unity SDK, because the app that I have on the store uses the same code and works correctly.
The code gives me Nullreference exception on the ACL setter.
I am using Parse Unity SDK version 1.6.2
Is anybody else experiencing the same problem?

Since I spent hours trying to figure out what the problem was, I think I will answer my question so that other people that encounter the same problem don't waste time.
I solved the NullReferenceException by downgrading to Parse Unity SDK version 1.6.1.
You can download it following this link
I tried one more time with version 1.6.2 just to be sure. Result is that with the same exact code, in version 1.6.1 the code works while in version 1.6.2 I have NullReferenceException
If you find a fix in 1.6.2 please share it.

This issue is solved. It was a tricky call, because it was due to the Asset store publishing system that corrupted the Parse Package, so you would think you got the latest version of Parse, but it was not the case.


#pnp/sp seems to be missing the .get() method

I am running into a strange (and hopefully very simple) issue where the .get() method does not seem to be defined in my spfx project.
This is a typescript 2.4.2 project for creating an spfx webpart for SharePoint 2016 on prem.
The project was started using yo #microsoft/sharepoint
There was a fix applied to update some typescript 2.2.2 references as per instructions here
The dependencies for PnP were loaded:
npm install #pnp/logging #pnp/common #pnp/odata #pnp/sp --save
Imports included
import { sp, Web } from '#pnp/sp';
Within a function of my render() method I am trying to make a very simple call as follows
let web = new Web(;
return web.lists.getByTitle("Title eq 'Decision Status'").get();
I am getting an error that says Property 'get' does not exist on type 'Fields'. To try and make it even simpler I tried running
let web = new Web(;
And I get a similar error saying 'get' does not exist on type 'Web'. The examples they show in the documentation show very similar code, but I can't determine what about my code is incorrect here.
If this issue is still relevant,check the version of the #pnp/sp installed. The latest one as of today is 1.2.9 and should support get
I was dealing with this issue, my solution was install this others dependencies with the same version.
hope that helps for anyone with this problem!

Java SDK for Facebook Ads API 2.10 missing AdsInsights.getFieldImpressionDevice() method

Currently using Facebook Ads SDK for Java v2.9 and trying to upgrade to v2.10 or v2.11. However, neither of the newer versions has the method getFieldImpressionDevice on the AdInsights object? I haven't found any change log info that discusses a change or deprecation around this call. Anyone have any insight into this problem?
Also a little confused as to why github :
doesn't have the 2.10 or 2.11 libs only the 2.9 libs even though this link indicates it, eg.,
src/main/java/com/facebook/ads Ads SDK v2.11 Release Nov 8, 2017
Thanks for any help
There's a known issue it turns out. Some (or all) of the breakdown fields and methods in the AdsInsights class were left out. It can be worked around using raw json, eg.,
JsonObject jo = insight.getRawResponseAsJsonObject();
JsonElement je = jo.get("impression_device");
String device = je.getAsString();

HttpUtility.ParseQueryString Mono 4.8 Xamarin Mac Upgrade Issue

I have an app I have been working on that was running fine.
I upgraded to the latest Xamarin with mac support and now I get an error when I try to use HttpUtility.ParseQueryString.
I have an App.config file and it is telling me that it can't parse it, but this happens when trying to call ParseQueryString. How are those 2 related?
I thought I had found the problem because my app also has a ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file for http client settings. I copied my App.config section to the ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file and that fixed it until I went to show my fellow dev the new error.
The new error was saying something about Path.Combine path1 being null.
I looked up that error and found a reference to a page talking about MacSupport in xamarin here:
I don't know if they are related, but that is the closest I found to the stack trace I was seeing.
Can anyone tell me what changed in Mono 4.8 for Mac in Xamarin that would cause an issue with HttpUtility.ParseQueryString and how to solve it?
System.Configuration is a common point of pain during mono upgrades, as it's behavior sometimes subtly (or not so subtly) changes.
You'll need to post a much larger chunk of information here for anyone to be able to help you.
Or you could post on the XM Forms or file a bug if you believe this is a bug, as those are a more appropriate place for such reports.

Migrating from Parse to back{4}app, new parse SDK is throwing errors Parse/PFNullability.h' file not found

I have migrated from Parse to back{4}app. I have updated the parse SDK and have been deleting and retrying frameworks for the past two days to no avail. When I go to run the app Xcode returns two errors. 'Parse/PFNullability.h' file not found
and 'failed to import bridging header'. The app works perfectly before I add the new Parse SDK and new code for parse client configuration. But as soon as I update the Parse SDK it returns the errors. I have deleted paths, frameworks a number of times. Updated Xcode to the latest version.
I have read all the relevant posts and none of the answers have worked for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. SDKs and Parse API are up to date.
First check the Facebook and Parse SDK versions, if you need you can update your Facebook parse version
and update your Parse SDK version.

initWithCoder has been explicitly marked unavailable error using newest version of Xamarin.iOS

I'm seeing the following error during compile time when working with the latest version of Xamarin.iOS that was released yesterday:
UIActivityViewController.h:23:1: note: 'initWithCoder:' has been
explicitly marked unavailable here
- (nullable instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder NS_UNAVAILABLE;
I don't recall ever having this issue before and my code hasn't changed much between the last update and now. Can anyone help me figure out what's going on?
It's a known issue which is harder to diagnose because of a clang bug, i.e. it has nothing to do with UIActivityViewController.
You might be able to workaround this by removing [Export ("initWithCoder:")] inside your code. That should be fine unless your managed object needs to be created from native code. YMMV
