MVC how to hide #Render - model-view-controller

I'm doing a browser check and trying to display a warning message if the person is using a browser that is not compatible(IE 8 and less), believe me, there are people using it where i work
The problem i'm having is i cannot seem to hide the #Render of the page
My if statements are all kicking in fine, and i have wrapped the #Render with a div and i'm trying to hide it based on the conditions i get, like so
else {
<div id="content">
<div id="yourMessage" hidden="hidden">Some Message</div>
Is there something built in to MVC to stop me from being able to do this?


Custom Html.ValidationSummary()

I'm having problems the default Html.ValidationSummary() in MVC 3.
As default it adds this code:
<li style="display:none"></li>
And that empty <ul> causes space I would like to get rid of.
Is there some way to work around this problem? Make it toggle some div around it or similar?
how about conditionally showing ValidationSummary
important if you do this you won't be able to use client-side javascript validation (as the div wont be present)
You can create your own validation summary, for example, like here: Custom ValidationSummary template MVC 3

Grails formRemote redirects rather than to just call method

I'm new to Grails and got some problem with the g:formRemote command..
I want a g:textArea box send a message to my controller and save this messages.
After that the page should be updated via the formRemote Ajax, so that the messages appear on the page.
But instead of updating the page, the formRemote call assumes the given url to be a real link and wants me to redirect to this (non-existing) .jsp site.
The Method I want to start is called in my controller tho
I tried many solutions offered in similar problems, but it seems this problem is different from theirs
Heres the code:
<div id="history">
<g:render template="posts" collection="${ messages }" var="message" />
<div class="postMessageForm">
<g:formRemote name="postChatMessage" url="[controller: 'meetingRoom',
action: 'postMessage']" update="history">
<div class="msg_box">
<g:textArea name="message" value="" style="width: 630px"/><br/>
<div style="float: right;">
<g:submitButton name="Send" style="width: 90px; height: 40px;"/>
and this is the Action which is called in my MeetingRoomController:
def postMessage() {
if (params.message != "") {
def thisUser = lookUpUser()
def thisRoom = thisUser.joinedRoom
def chatPost = new ChatPost(
message: params.message,
author: thisUser
// def messages = currentChatHistory()
// render template: 'posts', collection: messages, var: 'message'
I saw this kind of approach in Jeff Browns Twitter tutorial.
Possible failures i am seeing:
the out-commented render template command has something to do with the Ajax (When I do not comment it the only thing that happens is that the template posts will be rendered on the redirected page
usage of both Ajax and jQuery (But i dont believe that can be the point because I just have used g: and groovy stuff and havent even imported a jQuery lib)
this could be easier with remoteFunction (I dont really know how to get the remoteFunction work in this case tho)
I hope this information is enough to let someone see what I am missing
When the submit button is clicked on your form, the data is sent to the method listed in the url parameter of the formRemote tag. Then you are inside that method, you get to the commented out render tag that outputs data back to the gsp page in the div mentioned in the update tag of the formRemote tag.
formRemote relies upon a javascript library to handle the ajax stuff as mentioned in the grails documentation:
7.7.1 Ajax Support
By default Grails ships with the jQuery library, but through the
Plugin system provides support for other frameworks such as Prototype,
Dojo:, Yahoo UI:
and the Google Web Toolkit. This section covers Grails' support for
Ajax in general. To get started, add this line to the tag of
your page:
You can replace jQuery with any
other library supplied by a plugin you have installed. This works
because of Grails' support for adaptive tag libraries. Thanks to
Grails' plugin system there is support for a number of different Ajax
libraries including (but not limited to):
jQuery Prototype Dojo YUI MooTools
So remove what is in the history div, uncomment the two lines in your postMessage method, and include one of the referenced javascript libraries.

Jquery ui tabs with knockout using mvc 3 how to implement?

I am developing a web app using mvc 3. I have a main layout page which contains jquery ui tabs.
I am using knockout.js binding tool. My issue is from my tabs how can I go the relevant controller to return the view. Example is I click on tasks project so in the container for the view it should show the tasks page as rendered by the tasks controller
Any help would be good
The simplest solution is to us RenderPartial. Then you can either bind each tab via knockout, or bind the whole lot of them.
<div id="tabs">
<li>Nunc tincidunt</li>
<li>Proin dolor</li>
<li>Aenean lacinia</li>
<div id="tabs-1">
<% Html.RenderPartial("TabOne", Model);%>
<div id="tabs-2">
<% Html.RenderPartial("TabTwo", Model);%>
<div id="tabs-3">
<% Html.RenderPartial("TabThree", Model);%>
This assumes that the html content doesn't vary based off of the data, or at least not so much that knockout can't take care of it. If your html varies a lot you can use a routing system like Crossroads.js ( and fetch the data for the div using ajax.

Rhomobile back function

I'm having a problem getting the back button function to work in Rhomobile.
I've tried various methods of url_for(:index, :back => ....) etc etc and nothing seems to work. The problem with this method is (even if it worked) that it only allows navigation to a set place, rather than a dynamic history/back navigation.
The closest I've come to a working solution is by using this in the application_helper:
def page_back
and then Back in the view.
This works, and i can navigate across views and even controllers. However, it generates a "Error loading page" error, even though it does actually render the right page...
Does anybody have any ideas?
Ok this is what I did in the end. I've decided against using rhodes now but here is what I came up with for this problem:
Added data-add-back-btn="true" to:
<div data-role="page" data-add-back-btn="true">
<div data-role="header" data-position="inline">

jQTouch AJAX Form Callback

I've got a simple AJAX POST form set up in a jQTouch application. We're talking out-of-the-box simple here:
<form id="contact" class="topPage" method="post" action="/process/mobile-submit.cfm">
<!-- Various form guts go here -->
And this works just great. My users punch in their info, my server-side script does its job and gobbles up the lead data and spits back an out-of-the-box simple response.
<div class="toolbar">
<div class="info">
<strong>Thank You For Your Submission</strong><br />
We have received your inquiry, and blah blah blah jibber jabber.
Everyone's happy... except those of us who are trying to track the conversion in Google Analytics. Now, I've got virtual pageviews set up on each panel in this application using the pageAnimationEnd event, which is easy as pie when you know what selectors those are going to be attached to in advance, but when jQTouch creates a new segment from the form return, it has a generic serialized ID like #page-N.
I've tried adding a loose script block into the form return. That works fine for Firefox on my desktop, not so much for Safari on my phone.
Since I've allowed jQTouch to handle the AJAX particulars for me in this instance, is there a straightforward way to attach a success handler to it? Or am I better off trying to bind a pageAnimationEnd handler on $('[id^=page-]') and hope the business doesn't want me to do anything else with ad hoc form returns until we replace this app with one written in jQuery Mobile?
Worked it out.
The return fragment can declare its own ID, naturally, and jQTouch will then treat it as though it were an original part of the document. I had previously assumed jQTouch didn't give a toss about what attributes I gave the fragment; I was wrong.
This means that you could goTo it like any other portion of the document. It also means that you can bind a pageAnimationEnd handler on the return fragment either by ID or by class name and it will behave as expected. Thus:
<div class="formResult">
<div class="toolbar">
<div class="info">
<strong>Thank You For Your Submission</strong><br />
We have received your inquiry, and blah blah blah jibber jabber.
$('.formReturn').live('pageAnimationEnd', function(evt, info) {
if (info.direction == 'in') {
// Goal completion code
} else {
