Optimal generation of Artifacts by maven build - maven

We have a large project in a hierarchical manner with smaller projects inside, that is build using maven and then artifacts are published on to the artifactory. This process is automated by a teamcity run. This run takes a long time to build artifacts and publish to repository as all artifacts are regenerated and republished.
I was wondering, if I can set the maven to just build the artifacts whose associated files are modified after the generation of that artifact. I believe this can save a lot more time and cost on machines to build our codebase.
I would love to know about your experiences and possible solutions.
Though I know, this task can be done manually by building only specific projects that are modified. do we have any smart provision by maven to do that.


Maven Multi Module build

Our project has a requirement where we want to build only modules which got changed and remaining should be referred from maven local repository or remote repository. Is there any way to do this?
Ideal solution would be if maven can detect any changes in modules from SCM like SVN and build only that and remaining pick from repsoitory
We want to do this because we have many modules and it takes lot of time to compile thus will save lot of time for us.

Best practices for storing maven artifacts in nexus

In my company we have teams working on services which are built using maven pom's and gradle build scripts. The problem I have is that when the team's build their web applications, the jar files that get's created by one team member needs to be available for other team members in their pom files.
What we were thinking was to have a local nexus repo and then push the built jar files to nexus so that when any other team member builds they also can refer the same jar file.
However this could lead to versioning problems as two team members could be generating the same jar file if they change different files in the same project.
What I would like to know is are their any best practices in doing these types of builds and versioning.
There are many different opinions and strategies on how to manage this process. Some aspects are relatively common, however.
I'd say there are two key elements:
* Proper use of version definitions and references
* Automated builds and nexus deployments
If you have work ongoing for a specific artifact, for a specific release, then those changes should all go into a specific numbered version of the artifact. While work is ongoing, that version should end with "-SNAPSHOT". When the work for a release is completed, that version number should remove the '-SNAPSHOT". You also likely want to have separate repositories in the Nexus server for "snapshot" and "release" artifacts.
Concerning pushing artifacts to Nexus, this should always be done through automation. Manually pushing artifacts should be very rare. When a regular build is done for ongoing work, that should automatically deploy the "-SNAPSHOT" artifact to the snapshot repo. When your build automation is running a "release" build, those artifacts will deploy the release artifact to the release repo.
There are many other options and details you'll want to examine. Only implement features in this process that provide clear value in your situation. It's very easy to set up a process that is more complicated than you need.

Build Once, Deploy Anywhere, with Maven, Jenkins, and Artifactory

I'm in the latter stages of setting up a CI environment for my project. I'm using Maven, Jenkins and Artifactory Pro and can successfully build my project and deploy it's artifacts to Artifactory. I have also written a bash script to retrieve the resulting artifacts of a specific build from Artifactory and copy them somewhere.
The main part I'm missing right now is automated versioning. I've looked at enabling Artifactory release management, which is really cool, but involves the rebuilding of the project. I'm really trying to follow the mantra of 'Build Once, Deploy Anywhere', so any rebuilding is a no-no.
My question boils down to: Is there an automated way (either with one of the aforementioned tools, or a plugin) to handle versioning, without rebuilding an artifact?
Artifactory Pro allows you to easily extend Artifactory's behavior with your own plugins written in groovy. (https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/RTF/User+Plugins)
You can find here, an example of Promote extension, that will change your artifacts versions without the needs of new build.
You can find more usefully examples in the GitHub "artifactory-user-plugins" repository.

How to do continuous integration with Hudson for Maven 3 multi-module projects well?

It is my current impression that is impossible to do CI for a Maven 3 multi-module project well using Hudson (or Jenkins).
The situation seems to be that you have 2 realistic options of building a multi-module Maven 3 project with Hudson:
A freestyle project can also Build Maven projects, and with the incremental/recursive option it apparently should be able to deal with building only the necessary subtrees of the complete project tree.
A legacy, severly deprecated, with lots of warnings, Maven2/3 legacy build.
With the first option there is the significant disadvantage that your complete project looks like one big blob in Hudson, there is no visibility on the individual subprojects and there is no option for building individual subprojects and their dependees.
With the second option you have to basically swallow very little faith inducing warnings about legacy and "do not use" in order to find out that yes, it will build your multi-module project but the functionality of triggering subproject builds is completely broken and there is no intention of fixing this.
The only alternative I can figure out is to revert to Maven 2 for the build on the server, in which case the legacy plugin seems to work and even the individual sub-project builds can be triggered. But then I'm stuck on Maven 2.
I find my requirements to be rather conservative but I am completely stymied by the lack of Maven support in Hudson/Jenkins. Here's what I would expect:
ability to recognize multi-module projects and build them using Maven 3
ability to have "incremental" builds of such a multi-module project (i.e. only changed modules and its dependees)
ability to see the current status of the multi-module project and what sub-module has failed/succeeded/is unstable
The Maven project in question consists of about 84 Maven modules in a multi-module configuration with a common parent and a split into different subsystems. We are using Hudson 3.1.0.
Do I have any chance of achieving this?
Yes, it is impossible to do it well with the current Maven 2/3 project type.
I have done it well enough using a matrix / multi-configuration project type, and adding a "Module" axis manually. The configuration of the matrix job is a pain, and you have to remember to update your axis any time you add, remove or rename a module. But once configuration is complete, this solution works well for building. You can see the build and test results for each module separately, or integrated under the matrix job.
My colleague has been working on implementing Maven 3 multi-module functionality in Jenkins.
Not sure what the upstream acceptance status is.

How can I group up Jenkins build artifacts in to folders?

I have a large Maven project that is being built by Jenkins. The Jenkins build currently archives about 30 artifacts - zip files, rpms, jars and various other bits and pieces for the various build platforms.
These artifacts are shown very nicely on the build results page, but testing teams find it awkward to find the build artifacts for their tests.
My question is; How can I group the artifacts up in folders?
This would make it a little easier for testers to find the files that they are after. Folders like "Fedora RPMs", "Documentation", "Developer JARs", etc. The artifacts come from all over the build workspace (mostly Maven $project/target/ directories).
An objective is to do this artifacts grouping/folders with no additional services (eg, pushing artifacts to a FTP server isn't great - we'd like to keep them nicely grouped up in Jenkins). A Jenkins plugin would be absolutely fine.
Maybe Flexible Publish plugin could help?
