How to Perform shell script like operation in Hadoop - hadoop

I am facing a problem with respect to performing operation like cut, tail, sort, etc. as I was able to do on files in Unix Shell Environment.
I am having a situation like I want the highest time stamp in my file which is not sorted by time stamp and store it in say 'X' and then pass 'X' as argument to my MapReducer Driver Class while executing the MR job.
In Local Mode it is easy to do this :
cut -d, -f <<fieldIndexNo>> <<FileName>> | sort -n | tail -1
This gives me the greatest time stamp.
Now In distributed mode, How to go about performing such operations., Or In other Words, what tricks can we use to help solve such problems,
I donot wish to trigger a Mapreduce Job to find the Greatest Time Stamp and then pass it to another Map Reduce Job.
Kindly suggest.
Let me know in case more information is needed.

I'm going to assume the files are stored in HDFS and not on the local file system on each node. In that case, you only have 2 options:
Read all files in your local shell and do the filtering as you did before. Mind you, this is very slow, very inefficient, and completely opposed to the idea of hadoop. But you could do something like:
hadoop fs -cat <foldername>/* | cut -d, -f <<fieldIndexNo>> <<FileName>> | sort -n | tail -1
Write a Pig job (or spark job or ...) that does it efficiently. It should be a simple max 3 lines script that sorts a file by timestamp and takes the top 1. Then you store this number on HDFS. This will be executed in parallel on each node and will be much quicker than the first solution.


parallel computing in multiple cores for data which is indepedently run with the program

I have a simulation program in fortran which takes the input from a .dat. This file has 100.000 lines which takes really long to run. The program take the first line, run all the simulations and write in a .out the result and pass to the next line. I have a computer with 16 cpu so how can I do to split my data in 16 parts and run it separatly in each of the cpus? I am running in a machine with ubuntu. It is totally independent each line from the other.
For example my data is HeadData10000.dat, then I have a file simulation.ini with the name of the input data in this case: HeadData10000.dat and with the name of the output data. So the file simulation.ini will look like that
Then now I have two computer so I split my HeadData10000.dat y two files and I do two simulation.ini for each input data and I run it like this in each computer: ./simulation.exe<./simulation.ini.
Assuming your list of 100,000 jobs is called "jobs.txt" and looks like this:
You could run this:
parallel 'printf "{}\n{.}.out" | ./simulation.exe' < jobs.txt
If you want to do a dry run to see what that would do without doing anything:
parallel --dry-run 'printf "{}\n{.}.out" | ./simulation.exe' < jobs.txt
Sample Output
printf "JobA\nJobA.out" | ./simulation.exe
printf "JobB\nJobB.out" | ./simulation.exe
printf "JobC\nJobC.out" | ./simulation.exe
printf "JobD\nJobD.out" | ./simulation.exe
If you have multiple servers available, look at using the -S parameter to GNU Parallel to spread the jobs across the machines. Also, look at the --eta and --bar parameters for getting progress reports.
I used printf "line1 \n line2" to generate two lines of input in order to avoid having to create, and later delete 100,000 files.
By default, GNU Parallel will keep 1 job per CPU core running, so there will always be 16 jobs running on your 16-core machine, but you can change that to, say, 8 if you want to with parallel -j 8. You can also specify the number of jobs to run on your second (and subsequent) machines.

Input / Output error when using HDFS NFS Gateway

Getting "Input / output error" when trying work with files in mounted HDFS NFS Gateway. This is despite having set dfs.namenode.accesstime.precision=3600000 in Ambari. For example, doing something like...
$ hdfs dfs -cat /hdfs/path/to/some/tsv/file | sed -e "s/$NULL_WITH_TAB/$TAB/g" | hadoop fs -put -f - /hdfs/path/to/some/tsv/file
$ echo -e "Lines containing null (expect zero): $(grep -c "\tnull\t" /nfs/hdfs/path/to/some/tsv/file)"
when trying to remove nulls from a tsv then inspect for nulls in that tsv based on the NFS location throws the error, but I am seeing it in many other places (again, already have dfs.namenode.accesstime.precision=3600000). Anyone have any ideas why this may be happening or debugging suggestions? Can anyone explain what exactly "access time" is in this context?
From discussion on the apache hadoop mailing list:
I think access time refers to the POSIX atime attribute for files, the “time of last access” as described here for instance ( While HDFS keeps a correct modification time (mtime), which is important, easy and cheap, it only keeps a very low-resolution sense of last access time, which is less important, and expensive to monitor and record, as described here ( and here (
However, to have a conforming NFS api, you must present atime, and so the HDFS NFS implementation does. But first you have to configure it on. [...] many sites have been advised to turn it off entirely by setting it to zero, to improve HDFS overall performance. See for example here (, section "Don’t let Reads become Writes”). So if your site has turned off atime in HDFS, you will need to turn it back on to fully enable NFS. Alternatively, you can maintain optimum efficiency by mounting NFS with the “noatime” option, as described in the document you reference.
[...] check under /var/log, eg with find /var/log -name ‘*nfs3*’ -print

Concatenating multiple text files into one very large file in HDFS

I have the multiple text files.
The total size of them exceeds the largest disk size available to me (~1.5TB)
A spark program reads a single input text file from HDFS. So I need to combine those files into one. (I cannot re-write the program code. I am given only the *.jar file for execution)
Does HDFS have such a capability? How can I achieve this?
What I understood from your question is you want to Concatenate multiple files into one. Here is a solution which might not be the most efficient way of doing it but it works. suppose you have two files: file1 and file2 and you want to get a combined file as ConcatenatedFile
.Here is the script for that.
hadoop fs -cat /hadoop/path/to/file/file1.txt /hadoop/path/to/file/file2.txt | hadoop fs -put - /hadoop/path/to/file/Concatenate_file_Folder/ConcatenateFile.txt
Hope this helps.
HDFS by itself does not provide such capabilities. All out-of-the-box features (like hdfs dfs -text * with pipes or FileUtil's copy methods) use your client server to transfer all data.
In my experience we always used our own written MapReduce jobs to merge many small files in HDFS in distributed way.
So you have two solutions:
Write your own simple MapReduce/Spark job to combine text files with
your format.
Find already implemented solution for such kind of
About solution #2: there is the simple project FileCrush for combining text or sequence files in HDFS. It might be suitable for you, check it.
Example of usage:
hadoop jar filecrush-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar crush.Crush -Ddfs.block.size=134217728 \
--input-format=text \
--output-format=text \
--compress=none \
/input/dir /output/dir 20161228161647
I had a problem to run it without these options (especially -Ddfs.block.size and output file date prefix 20161228161647) so make sure you run it properly.
You can do a pig job:
A = LOAD '/path/to/inputFiles' as (SCHEMA);
STORE A into '/path/to/outputFile';
Doing a hdfs cat and then putting it back to hdfs means, all this data is processed in the client node and will degradate your network

Hive - Possible to get total size of file parts in a directory?

I have some gzip files in a HDFS directory. These files are named in the format yyyy-mm-dd-000001.gz, yyyy-mm-dd-000002.gz and so on.
I want to build a hive script which produces a table with the columns: Column 1 - date (yyyy-mm-dd), Column 2 - total file size.
To be specific, I would like to sum up the sizes of all of the gzip files for a particular date. The sum will be the value in Column 2 and the date in Column 1.
Is this possible? Are there any in-built functions or UDFs that could help me with my use case?
Thanks in advance!
A MapReduce job for this doesn't seem efficient since you don't actually have to load any data. Plus, doing this seems kind of awkward in Hive.
Can you write a bash script or python script or something like that to parse the output of hadoop fs -ls? I'd imagine something like this:
$ hadoop fs -ls mydir/*gz | python | hadoop fs -put - counts.txt

Fastest access of a file using Hadoop

I need fastest access to a single file, several copies of which are stored in many systems using Hadoop. I also need to finding the ping time for each file in a sorted manner.
How should I approach learning hadoop to accomplish this task?
Please help fast.I have very less time.
If you need faster access to a file just increase the replication factor to that file using setrep command. This might not increase the file throughput proportionally, because of your current hardware limitations.
The ls command is not giving the access time for the directories and the files, it's showing the modification time only. Use the Offline Image Viewer to dump the contents of hdfs fsimage files to human-readable formats. Below is the command using the Indented option.
bin/hdfs oiv -i fsimagedemo -p Indented -o fsimage.txt
A sample o/p from the fsimage.txt, look for the ACCESS_TIME column.
INODE_PATH = /user/praveensripati/input/sample.txt
MODIFICATION_TIME = 2011-10-03 12:53
ACCESS_TIME = 2011-10-03 16:26
BLOCK_SIZE = 67108864
BLOCK_ID = -5226219854944388285
USER_NAME = praveensripati
GROUP_NAME = supergroup
To get the ping time in a sorted manner, you need to write a shell script or some other program to extract the INODE_PATH and ACCESS_TIME for each of the INODE section and then sort them based on the ACCESS_TIME. You can also use Pig as shown here.
How should I approach learning hadoop to accomplish this task? Please help fast.I have very less time.
If you want to learn Hadoop in a day or two it's not possible. Here are some videos and articles to start with.
