FlashAir Execute on Write Event Properties - flashair

Using the dropbox sample code I am working on a Lua script that will run each time a new file is added (a photo in this case) to a specific folder. I see examples to iterate through a folders files to upload them each in turn. What I need is the properties that are passed to the file that will execute each time a new file is written. I'm hoping it will be passed the filename for the last file created so I can use that to upload the file directly to Dropbox or FTP site.

HI someone in japan solved your doubt as the following.
last_filepath = ""
max_mod = 0
fpath = "/DCIM/100__TSB"
for filename in lfs.dir(fpath) do
filepath = fpath .. "/" .. filename
mod = lfs.attributes( filepath, "modification" )
if mod > max_mod then
max_mod = mod
last_filepath = filepath
basically it set a directory to search for the latest file with newest modification date/time.
details r here


Issues with os.listdir when script is an executable

I have created a script that takes a file from one folder and produces another file in another folder. This is a project to convert one format into another to be used by people who dont have strong background in informatics so I have created a folder with the script plus the input folder and the output folder. The user just need to put the input file in the input folder and take the results from the output folder.
The script works fine if I run this python script when running with visual code as well as If I run the script using the terminal ( python CSVtoVCFv3.py )
but when I convert my script in an executable with pyinstaller I found the next error.
File "CSVtoVCFv3.py", line 99, in <module>
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/manoldominguez/input/'
[99327] Failed to execute script CSVtoVCFv3
The code used in line 99 is:
97 actual_path = os.getcwd()
98 folder_input = '/input/'
99 input_file_name = os.listdir(actual_path+folder_input)
100 input_file_name= ''.join(input_file_name)
101 CSV_input = actual_path+folder_input+input_file_name
I have also tried this:
actual_path = (os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath('CSVtoVCFv3.py')))
So as conclusion as far as I can understand the issue is:
In these lines If I run my script I get this
If my script is ran with my executable I get this
os.getcwd() gives Current Working Directory - it means folder in which script was executed, but it doesn't have to be folder in which script is saved. This way you can run code in different folder and it works with files in different folder - and it can be usefull.
But if you need with files in folder where you have script then you can get this folder using
SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
import sys
SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
not with 'CSVtoVCFv3.py'
And then you can join it
SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
folder_input = '/input/'
full_folder_input = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, folder_input)
all_filenames = os.listdir(full_folder_input)
for input_file_name in all_filenames:
#CSV_input = os.path.join(full_folder_input, input_file_name)
CSV_input = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, folder_input, input_file_name)
I only don't like your
input_file_name = os.listdir(actual_path+folder_input)
input_file_name= ''.join(input_file_name)
because listdir() may gives more files and then your join may create incorrect path. Better get input_file_name[0] for single file or use for-loop to work with all files in folder.
BTW: Maybe you should use sys.argv to get path as parameter and then everyone may decide where to put file.

UFT File system test

Im a rookie on HP UFT testing and work on a data migration project I would like to automate.
Every day, we get a set of folder and files syncronize from a vendor with a following syncronization report(.csv file).
I would really like to test if the actual .csv file containing a list of files updated in the filesystem exists.
I get the .csv file on a network share, I open it and see a list of files with
data paths, which should be used to (loop)search though the filesystem and check if the files is actually on the location. How do I do that with UFT??
sample script to get all csv content and looping through content and verifying whether files exists or not.
filename = "C:\path\list.csv"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(filename)
Do Until f.AtEndOfStream
filepath=f.ReadLine 'assuming every line as file full path
if FSO.fileexists(filepath) then
print filepath & " file is avaialble"
' do your checks here
print filepath & " file is not avaialble"
End if

Vbscripting to search for file via user input, calling functions to ask a series of questions to do tasks

First of all I'm really new into programming i have all these ideas on what i want to do but cannot seem to figure it out. Anyways i want a vbscript or batch file, anything at this point that when executed will ask for user input and say (Name of the file you want to search for). When i type in say hello.txt and hit enter it will then ask me another question saying where do you want me to look for these files. Then if i type in C:\ or any given drive letter it will search the entire drive letter directory including folders inside of folders if im not specific on actual path. Example c:\Program Files (x86)\ it will then search that directory and all of the folders in that directory and not the entire C:\ drive. I'm thinking to achieve this i need to call a function somehow that when i type something in a certain way it calls a function that runs a specific set of code. Example the second question asked file location so i type its location and it runs the code but replaces the location with the location i entered, this way its not only working for the location written into the code and can update and replace the line of code with user input of the location entered. Otherwise having it ask those questions were competently pointless if it doesn't have the ability to be able to replace parts of the code to adapt to user input and be more efficient, and not having to re write the script every single time you wanted to search for a new file.
Sorry lot of rambling on but i have looked everywhere found things like this but nothing close would be greatly appreciated if someone could help me out or point me in the rite direction.
This is what i have tryed for user input nothing close to what i want but here it is.
Dim Input
Input = InputBox("Enter your name")
MsgBox ("You entered: " & Input)
It ask for your name and then says the name you entered i need this concept but when i type that in it calls a function and executes it. Hope someone knows what I'm talking about. Thanks
Here's a script to do that. I'll add comments to it later to explain what each part does. Right now it just outputs everything to a message box, but you can do what you want with it.
// Comments added
Dim fso, userfile, userdir, fileslist()
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ReDim fileslist(-1) ' Find results will be stored in this dynamic array
userfile = InputBox("Enter file to search for") ' Get file to search for
userdir = InputBox("Enter search directory") ' Get search directory
If Len(userfile) < 1 Then ' Check length of file name to ensure something was entered.
MsgBox "No file name entered", 4096 + 16 ' Message box. 4096 = "System modal", essentially always on top.
ElseIf Len(userdir) < 1 Then ' Check length of dir
MsgBox "No directory entered", 4096 + 16 ' 16 = exclamation/error
ElseIf Not fso.FolderExists(userdir) Then ' Make sure search directory actually exists
MsgBox "Folder " & userdir & " doesn't exist", 4096 + 16
FindFile userfile, userdir ' Call FindFile sub, with the user's file and dir args passed to it
If UBound(fileslist) >= 0 Then ' After sub completes, check whether any results were found.
MsgBox Join(fileslist, vbCrLf), 4096, "Results" ' If so, output the whole array ("join"), one result per line (delimited with vbcrlf)
MsgBox "File " & userfile & " not found", 4096 + 48 ' Otherwise file not found, message stating so
End If
End If
Sub FindFile(searchname, searchdir) ' Two parameters: file name, search directory
On Error Resume Next ' Enable error handling so we don't crash out on access denied errors
Dim file, folder, subfolder
For Each file In fso.GetFolder(searchdir).Files ' Process each file (as a file object) in the search directory
If LCase(searchname) = LCase(file.Name) Then ' See if file name matches. Using LCase to convert both to lowercase for case insensitivity.
ReDim Preserve fileslist(UBound(fileslist) + 1) ' If match found then increase array size by 1
fileslist(UBound(fileslist)) = file.Path ' Store the file path in newly added array entry
End If
' Now the recursive bit. For any subfolders in current search directory, call FindFile again
' with (1) the same file name originally passed in as "searchname", and (2) a new search
' directory of the subfolder's name. FindFile then starts again on this new directory: finds files,
' adds matches to the fileslist array, then does the same on each subfolder found. This
' is how it searches each subfolder (and subfolders of subfolders... etc) in a directory
For Each subfolder In fso.GetFolder(searchdir).SubFolders
FindFile searchname, subfolder.Path
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Create a directory and move files into it

I am taking screenshots using selenium for my cucumber test. I want one of my steps to place a screenshot file in a folder with a folder name generated using input from the step + time stamp.
Here is what I have accomplished so far:
Then /^screen shots are placed in the folder "(.*)"$/ do |folder_name|
time = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
source ="screen_shots"
destination = "screen_shots\_#{folder_name}_#{time}"
if !Dir.exists? destination
Dir.new destination
Dir.glob(File.join(source, '*')).each do |file|
if File.exists? (file)
File.move file, File.join(destination, File.basename(file))
If the directory does not exist, I want to create it. Then I want to place all screenshots into the new directory.
The folder is to be created in the same directory as the screenshots and then all screenshot files are to be moved into the folder. I am still learning ruby, and my attempts to put this together are not working out at all:
Desktop > cucumber_project_folder > screenshots_folder > shot1.png, shot2.png
In short, I want to create a new directory in screenshots and move shot1.png and shot2.png into it. How can I do so?
Based on the answer given this is the solution (for cucumber)
Then /^screen shots are placed in the folder "(.*)" contained in "(.*)"$/ do |folder_name, source_path|
date_time = Time.now.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S')
source = Pathname.new(source_path)
destination = source + "#{folder_name}_#{date_time}"
destination.mkdir unless destination.exist?
files = source.children.find_all { |f| f.file? and f.fnmatch?('*.png') }
FileUtils.move(files, destination)
The source path is indicated in the step so different users do not have to modify the definition.
I'm not sure what's going on with your first line of code
Then /^screen shots are placed in the folder "(.*)"$/ do |folder_name|
as it's not Ruby code, but I've made it work with a notional line from a file.
The Pathname class allows things like destination.exist? instead of File.exist?(destination). It also lets you build composite paths with + and provides the children method.
The FileUtils module provides the move facility.
Note that Ruby allows forward slashes to be used in Windows paths, and it is usually easier to use them instead of having to escape backslashes everywhere.
I've also added a hyphen between the date and the time in the directory name, as otherwise it's pretty much unreadable.
require 'pathname'
require 'fileutils'
source = Pathname.new('C:/my/source')
line = 'screen shots are placed in the folder "screenshots"'
/^screen shots are placed in the folder "(.*)"$/.match(line) do |m|
folder_name = m[1]
date_time = Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
destination = source + "#{folder_name}_#{date_time}"
destination.mkdir unless destination.exist?
jpgs = source.children.find_all { |f| f.file? and f.fnmatch?('*.jpg') }
FileUtils.move(jpgs, destination)

How do I move files to appropriate folder based on Month and Year?

I have this very complicated requirement.
We have a bunch of zipped files downloaded from an ftp server into a folder in our local directory.
Then we use the code below to unzip the files.
Set objZip = CreateObject("XStandard.Zip")
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fldr = FSO.GetFolder("C:\MUSK\FTP\MainFolder\")
For Each fil In fldr.Files
If LCase( Right( fil.Name, 4 ) ) = ".zip" Then
zipFilePath = fil.Path
objZip.UnPack zipFilePath, ("C:\MUSK\FTP\Current\")
End If
So far so good.
Here is where problems come in.
These downloaded files have the following naming convention:
Example: Assuming today is May 16, 2012, the filename looks like this:
Our requirement is to grab the downloaded zipped files and place them in their correct folder.
For instance, we have folders named according month and year.
Example: We have JAN2012, FEB2012, etc
So taking myFIle_5-16-2012.zip as an example, the myFile_5-16-2012.zip is for MAY2012.
We would like to use the script above to grab the myFile_5-16-2012.zip and place it in the appropriate folder. In this example, the appropriate folder would be MAY2012 and then unzip it.
Basically, the MonthYear folder will replace this:
objZip.UnPack zipFilePath, ("C:\MUSK\FTP\Current\")
In other words, instead of the Current folder, it will be MAY2012 or whatever MonthYear combination.
Is this possible?
I would be more than happy to clarify. Sorry if I confused anyone.
This is pretty straight forward. I would:
Create a function which converts file name to appropriate MMMYYYY format
Use the FileSystemObject to determine if the folder name created in step 1 exists, and create if needed
Pass the full directory to your XStandard.Zip object
Check out the supported methods of FileSystemObject here:
You'll need .FolderExists and .CreateFolder, at least.
A quick VBScript I whipped up, could probably use some error checking and whatnot. Enjoy
' parse date, assumes file name is in foo_M-D-YYYY.ext format
Function parseDate(s)
dim dt
dt = CDate(split(split(s, "_")(1), ".")(0))
parseDate = Monthname(Month(dt)) & Year(dt)
End Function
