Change background color of ActionMode - android-support-library

I want to change the background color of ActionMode.
I am using AppCompactActivity and so using v4 Fragment.
I tried to change the background color of action mode using below code:
int amId = getResources().getIdentifier("action_context_bar", "id", "android");
View view = findViewById(id);
Above code is working fine in case of activity, but in case of fragments, how to get the action bar context view by calling findViewById as in fragments we need parent view to get the child views.
Please suggest me approach to get action bar view in fragments.

I found the solution by using getActivity() function for AppCompactActivity.


Issues trying to use/apply event handler on specific html element

I would like some advice on how to specify the element for certain event handler. I'm trying to change the color on a paragraph when I click on it but it change the color regardless of where I click on the browser.
function onmouseA(){
document.getElementById("test").style.color = "#C5D9FF";
document.onmousedown = onmouseA;
I actually did specify the with the id="test", but it doesn't work properly, need some advice, thanks.

EmberJS: programmatically adding a child view to a collection view without changing underlying content

My EmberJS app is confusing me a lot at the moment. I have a collection view, that in turn defines an itemViewClass of a custom view I have defined in my code. Something like:
App.CarouselView = Ember.CollectionView.extend({
itemViewClass: App.SlideView.extend(),
And this CarouselView is rendered inside a template that has a dynamic segment backing it (I hope this makes sense?) . The controller for these dynamic segment is an array controller because the model for these dynamic segments is a collection :) (more confusion, please let me know)
App.SlidesController = Ember.ArrayController.extend();
By now all of you have figured that I am basically rendering a bunch of slides inside of a carousel. And these are dynamically backed in the collectionView by setting the property
contentBinding:'controller' // property set in CarouselView, controller corresponds to SlidesController
The confusion begins now. I want to add a slide to the existing set of slides. So I provide a button with an action : 'add' target='view'
In the SlidesView,
add: function(){
var carouselView = this.get('childViews')[0];
// SlidesView has carouselView and another view as it's child, hence this.get('childViews')[0] is carouselView
var newCard = carouselView.createChildView(App.SlideView.extend());
The above piece of code sucks and hurts me bad. I want to basically add a new SlideView to my CarouselView collection programmatically upon a button trigger. But apparently Ember recommends that childViews should not be manipulated directly and I ought to instead change the underlying content.
It states in my console.log that manipulating childViews is deprecated etc.
So essentially I need to add something to my content to my SlidesController content ? However, I don't want to add something to the content, this is just a soft add, that is providing the user with a slide so that he may choose to edit or add something if he wants to. He can always discard it. A hard add that will require me to persist the new slide to the DB will come once the user decides to save this information.

The view area of ckEditor sometimes shows empty at the start

I am using the following directive to create a ckEditor view. There are other lines to the directive to save the data but these are not included as saving always works for me.
app.directive('ckEditor', [function () {
return {
require: '?ngModel',
link: function ($scope, elm, attr, ngModel) {
var ck = ck = CKEDITOR.replace(elm[0]);
ngModel.$render = function (value) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
}; }
The window appears but almost always the first time around it is empty. Then after clicking the [SOURCE] button to show the source and clicking it again the window is populated with data.
I'm very sure that the ck.setData works as I tried a ck.getData and then logged the output to the console. However it seems like ck.setData does not make the data visible at the start.
Is there some way to force the view window contents to appear?
You can call render on the model at any time and it will simply do whatever you've told it to do. In your case, calling ngModel.$render() will grab the $modelValue and pass it to ck.setData(). Angular will automatically call $render whenever it needs to during its digest cycle (i.e. whenever it notices that the model has been updated). However, I have noticed that there are times when Angular doesn't update properly, especially in instances where the $modelValue is set prior to the directive being compiled.
So, you can simply call ngModel.$render() when your modal object is set. The only problem with that is you have to have access to the ngModel object to do that, which you don't have in your controller. My suggestion would be to do the following:
In your controller:
$scope.editRow = function (row, entityType) {
$ = row;
$scope.modal.visible = true;
// trigger event after $scope.modal is set
$scope.$emit('modalObjectSet', $scope.modal); //passing $scope.modal is optional
In your directive:
ngModel.$render = function (value) {
scope.$on('modalObjectSet', function(e, modalData){
// force a call to render
Its not a particularly clean solution, but it should allow you to call $render whenever you need to. I hope that helps.
UPDATE: (after your update)
I wasn't aware that your controllers were nested. This can get really icky in Angular, but I'll try to provide a few possible solutions (given that I'm not able to see all your code and project layout). Scope events (as noted here) are specific to the nesting of the scope and only emit events to child scopes. Because of that, I would suggest trying one of the three following solutions (listed in order of my personal preference):
1) Reorganize your code to have a cleaner layout (less nesting of controllers) so that your scopes are direct decendants (rather than sibling controllers).
2) I'm going to assume that 1) wasn't possible. Next I would try to use the $scope.$broadcast() function. The specs for that are listed here as well. The difference between $emit and $broadcast is that $emit only sends event to child $scopes, while $broadcast will send events to both parent and child scopes.
3) Forget using $scope events in angular and just use generic javascript events (using a framework such as jQuery or even just roll your own as in the example here)
There's a fairly simple answer to the question. I checked the DOM and found out the data was getting loaded in fact all of the time. However it was not displaying in the Chrome browser. So the problem is more of a display issue with ckEditor. Strange solution seems to be to do a resize of the ckEditor window which then makes the text visible.
This is a strange issue with ckeditor when your ckeditor is hidden by default. Trying to show the editor has a 30% chance of the editor being uneditable and the editor data is cleared. If you are trying to hide/show your editor, use a css trick like position:absolute;left-9999px; to hide the editor and just return it back by css. This way, the ckeditor is not being removed in the DOM but is just positioned elsewhere.
Use this java script code that is very simple and effective.Note editor1 is my textarea id
$(function () {
CKEDITOR.timestamp= new Date();
Second way In controller ,when your query is fetch data from database then use th
is code after .success(function().
I know, that this thread is dead for a year, but I got the same problem and I found another (still ugly) solution to this problem:
instance.setData(html, function(){

Display a custom login control in Windows Phone with Mvvm light

Ok, so what I am looking to do is to display some sort of login control (maybe a UserControl with a TextBox and PasswordBox) when the app is started.
In a non-mvvm situation, a way of doing this would be to use the PopUp primitive control, add the usercontrol as a child element and off you go.
In an MVVM situation, i'm a bit confused about how you would achieve a simmilar result.
I have looked into messaging with the DialogMessage and this is fine for displaying a typical MessageBox, but what about a custom usercontrol?
any help would be fantastic! I can't seem to find any demo code of this anywhere.
In a MVVM situation you can use a delegate to let your View open the dialog when the ViewModel requests it.
You define a delegate at the VM:
public Func<LoginResult> ShowLoginDialogDelegate;
In your View you define the function that will be called:
private LoginResult ShowLoginDialog()
LoginResult result;
// show a dialog and get the login data
return result;
Then you "connect" the delegate and method in the View:
_viewModel = new MyViewModel();
DataContext = _viewModel;
_viewModel.ShowLoginDialogDelegate += ShowLoginDialog;
And now you can use it in your ViewModel e.g. when a command is executed like that:
LoginResult result = ShowLoginDialogDelegate();
An easier answer is to control it's visibility through a View State which with a little manipulation can be made to work through databinding allowing the view model to display the "Logon Page" state when required.
I just recently wrote about this for the Silverlight/XNA series which you can view here.
It would be much simplier if the SL4 DataEventrigger was available but hay ho.

Prism 4: Unloading view from Region?

How do I unload a view from a Prism Region?
I am writing a WPF Prism app with a Ribbon control in the Shell. The Ribbon's Home tab contains a region, RibbonHomeTabRegion, into which one of my modules (call it ModuleA) loads a RibbonGroup. That works fine.
When the user navigates away from ModuleA, the RibbonGroup needs to be unloaded from the RibbonHomeTabRegion. I am not replacing the RibbonGroup with another view--the region should be empty.
EDIT: I have rewritten this part of the question:
When I try to remove the view, I get an error message that "The region does not contain the specified view." So, I wrote the following code to delete whatever view is in the region:
// Get the regions views
var regionManager = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IRegionManager>();
var ribbonHomeTabRegion = regionManager.Regions["RibbonHomeTabRegion"];
var views = ribbonHomeTabRegion.Views;
// Unload the views
foreach (var view in views)
I am still getting the same error, which tells me there is something pretty basic that I am doing incorrectly.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks for your help.
I found my answer, although I can't say I fully understand it. I had used IRegionManager.RequestNavigate() to inject the RibbonGroup into the Ribbon's Home tab, like this:
// Load RibbonGroup into Navigator pane
var noteListNavigator = new Uri("NoteListRibbonGroup", UriKind.Relative);
regionManager.RequestNavigate("RibbonHomeTabRegion", noteListNavigator);
I changed the code to inject the view by Registering it with the region, like this:
// Load Ribbon Group into Home tab
regionManager.RegisterViewWithRegion("RibbonHomeTabRegion", typeof(NoteListRibbonGroup));
Now I can remove the RibbonGroup using this code:
So, how you inject the view apparently matters. If you want to be able to remove the view, inject by registration with the Region Manager
StockTraderRI Example Project by Microsoft contains the following example of removing views from region in ViewModel.
private void RemoveOrdersView()
IRegion region = this._regionManager.Regions[RegionNames.ActionRegion];
object ordersView = region.GetView("OrdersView");
if (ordersView != null)
Is it possible you have a RegionAdapter that is wrapping the view inside another view before adding it? The ribbonHomeTabRegion should have a property with the collection of views - is there anything inside it?
