Spring adding beans at runtime - spring

I'm trying to come up with a way to add spring beans dynamically after an application has started.
I've found a couple of places with similar questions such as in here
And I'm aware of ApplicationContext extension points such as ApplicationContext events and BeanFactoryPostProcessor.
The issue I have at hand is that I need to add beans after some beans have been created, I guess that discards the BeanFactoryPostProcessor option, as it would happen before the application context starts registering beans.
I tried to add a singletonBean after the context was refreshed:
public void postProcess(ContextRefreshedEvent refreshedEvent) throws BeansException {
ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = ((ConfigurableApplicationContext)refreshedEvent.getApplicationContext()).getBeanFactory();
List<Api> apis = repository.findAll();
apis.forEach(api -> {
api.getEndpoints().forEach(endpoint -> {
HttpRequestHandlingMessagingGateway gateway = createGateway(endpoint);
The problem is that IntegrationFlow depends on a post processor that is not triggered after registering the singleton bean. I can't really force a refresh here.
Is there a way out of this chicken-egg problem?

See AutowireCapableBeanFactory.initializeBean(beanName).
You need to make sure the bean's not used between registration and initialization.
Also, be aware that registering singletons after the context is initialized wasn't really thread-safe until recently (4.2.2, I think). It could cause ConcurrentModificationExceptions if other code is iterating over the beans in the factory.
However, in this case, it might be too late to get the HTTP paths registered, you might need more code to do that.


Spring - how to debug to find specific use of spring's auto-wiring or a request parameter?

Spring is auto-wiring in a request parameter - let's call it "bob".
I don't know where nor how it is doing this, so I cannot debug it. What spring specific code (using intellij, so I can at lest set a conditional) would be appropriate to find where the auto-wiring of the request parameter is happening, so I can work out what the system is doing?
I think I understood the question, so I will try to answer it as best as I can.
You are facing a dilemma of choosing between managing your instances, or letting Spring manage them. If you let Spring manage dependency injection, you will often face situations where you wish you had more fine control over the beans lifecycle.
By default, Spring beans are "singletons", which means that only one
instance of that object will be created, and every class that demands
a dependency injection of that object will receive the same instance.
The first step on beans lifecycle is its construction. You can setup a breakpoint to catch that moment on any method annotated with #PostConstruct. This article describes the need of running some code on bean initialization, and how it is solved by this annotation. For example:
public class AnyBean {
public void init(){
// any code or breakpoints inserted here will
// be run whenever an instance of this bean is created.
// if a singleton bean, only one instance is created and,
// only one #PostConstruct will be called.
// If a bean is a prototype bean, a new instance will be created
// for every dependency injection, and hence one #PostConstruct
// will be called for each.

How to register JSF ExceptionHandlerFactory programmatically in Spring Boot

I'm using Joinfaces to build a JSF + Spring Boot application and Omnifaces is packed with it.
When the View expires and I navigate I get the ViewExpiredException. When I execute Ajax, the page does nothing and the error shows in the console.
Is it possible to register the org.omnifaces.exceptionhandler.FullAjaxExceptionHandlerFactory programatically with Spring, without having to add a .xml (web, faces-config) to my project?
Use the following to set up a custom exception handler sans web.xml:
The trick here is to make sure this line is executed as early in the startup as possible; once FactoryFinder.getFactory() has been called by the JSF runtime, it's too late to change the configured handler.
The good thing is that I actually can't find anywhere in the Mojarra codebase where the exception handler factory is being set by default, so you probably could execute this maybe in the constructor (not the #PostConstructor) of any #ApplicationScoped bean. You could also do it in a static initializer of the ame bean.
Additionally, you could do it in a FacesInitializer. So asssuming you're running Mojarra, you'll need to setup the handler very early on in the startup process of the servlet context
public class YourWebAppInitializer extends FacesInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer {
public void onStartup(ServletContext ctxt) throws ServletException {
AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext root = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext();
ctxt.addListener(new ContextLoaderListener(root));
The WebApplicationInitializer is a standard interface supported by Spring for bootstrapping a web application and I'm assuming you already have that in place because you don't have a web.xml - feel free to replace the contents of the onStartup method with whatever you have in your actual implementation. The key thing here is to make sure you set the factory there, which is pretty early in the startup of the application.
Also note that you can hand set the actual ExceptionHandler on any given instance of FacesContext (although I haven't tested this to see how it'll behave or whether it'll perform well)

injecting spring beans into non-singleton classes

is it possible to inject spring beans into a polling filter class (FClass) controlled by a scheduler job?
i don't quite understand how singleton applies here.
i understand spring beans are singleton so in order to inject the spring beans into class FClass. i need to define FClass as a bean and add the DI as property etc..
so how do i know if FClass should be a singleton? i assume only classes that are singletons can be created and beans and have DI done to them.
my problem is :
i need to be able to inject my facade bean xfacade into FClass. x_facacde handles the dao object. it has Y_dao and a Z_hibernate session beans injected as DI.
when i tried to create a spring bean of StatusPollingFilter (FClass) and injected the facade bean - i got a null and the setter is never called for the injection in debug mode.
the problem:
i'm thought it might be something to do with the thread / scheduler nature of StatusPollingFilter, and since spring beans are singletons it might not work due to that.
i'm thinking of creating a factory for the StatusPollingFilter (FClass). but need to know if this is correct thing and i'm on right track before i do too much work and realize even that doesn't work as the problem might be somewhere else. ideally i just want to update a table in the easiest possible way. but i have to use hibernate as the DAO exists but hibernate is configured using
<bean id="sessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean">
with /hibernate/TopoObject.hbm.xml
so no matter how i try this i always get null pointer exception on session or injected facade bean.
reading some of the QA's here seems like because StatusPollingFilter is instantiated using the scheduler and not spring it cant be aware of the DI beans. so would the above factory pattern help here.
I may have an additional problem but i'll cross that bridge when i come to it. but just to mention briefly, in case anyone is aware of issues that i might hit ... not sure what / how the scheduler would invoke the factory for an instance as its all controlled by 3rd party api - which invokes a StatusPollingFilter but i'm assuming if i pass in the factory as the class and parameter it would find its way through... but initial part is the main question. please ignore the latter waffle. thanks in advance.
Actually :
i assume only classes that are singletons can be created
is where you are wrong.
A bean is just a class that you let spring instantiate. By default, they are created as singleton but you can specify the scope on your bean using the attribute scope (quite surprisingly). The value you can specify are those specified in the documentation here
So one thing you have to be careful with is the injection of beans scoped as prototype or request into singletons.
having read more - i have come across the ans.
because the StatusPollingFilter object is under control of scheduler (i knew that scheduler had something to do with it) then it is unaware of the spring beans which is why i keep getting null when i try injecting the bean.
i created a class:
ApplicationContextProvider implements ApplicationContextAware
added static access
private static ApplicationContext appContext;
did a setter for it :
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context)
appContext = context;
and added
public static Object getBean(String beanName) throws BeansException
return appContext.getBean(beanName);
used in code as :
EvoTAMDAOFacade evoDao = (EvoTAMDAOFacade) ApplicationContextProvider.getBean("evoDaoFacade");
i now have access to the facade bean and all injected beans into facade.
i still have an issue with hibernate session but thats prob due to some other issue.
pt here is i don't have access to the bean as its not in control of the spring container so i needed to somehow get it , probably could have done it via the factory method but why mess around when there a simpler way.
thanks for help by anyone who may have posted or tried to understand my problem.

How can I instantiate an injected class (using Spring) before logback configuration

I am using spring to inject a class into my PropertyDefiner implementation which will be used to help set up some properties within the logback.xml file (through dynamic property loading).
I'd love to get this class loaded and instantiated before logback is configured. Any thoughts on how to do this?
If you're using annotations in Spring, it's convenient to do this by marking the class (i.e. the dependency) you'll be injecting as #Component and then using #Autowired in your PropertyDefiner implementation. This ensures that the first class will be instantiated first. http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.0.0.M3/spring-framework-reference/html/ch04s12.html
Any other initialization you require could be achieved using instance initializer blocks http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/initial.html
I do not know if this can be done elegantly at present time (2012-07). However, support for injection has been requested in LOGBACK-719.
If your bean factory implements AutowireCapableBeanFactory, given the Spring Applicaton context, you could invoke autowireBean(Object existingBean) to autowire the bean. Here is a tentative implementation:
class Your.PropertyDefiner implements PropertyDefiner, LifeCycle {
String myKey;
public void start() {
ApplicationContext appContext = ... somehow get the spring app context
AutowireCapableBeanFactory factory = appContext.getAutowireCapableBeanFactory();
factory.autowireBean(this); // declare victory
The start() method will be invoked only if your PropertyDefiner implements the LifeCycle interface. Moreover, you need logback version 1.0.7 or later. Earlier versions do not invoke start().
My solution resulted in not implementing a PropertyDefiner. The original question became an issue of not having the application context from spring to set the dynamic properties. I'm not sure why, but code in a later listener (after the Spring listeners) would get called (invoking the LoggerFactory call) before the application context was available. I tried a number of things, until I starting looking at a different approach.
Instead of using dynamic properties I created a listener (called on server startup) which then programmatically sets up my appender with the properties I want (through the createAdminNotifyAppender).
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent arg0)
//Set up the property reader to pull the correct properties
ServletContext context = arg0.getServletContext();
ApplicationContext appContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(context);
propReader = (AppConfigPropertiesReader)appContext.getBean("propertySourcesPlaceholder");
LoggerContext lc = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
createAdminNotifyAppender(lc, propReader);
The createAdminNotify method simply sets up an appender and adds it to the logging context. (if you're really interested, you can see that method's implementation on this thread).
Now I have a separate and modular listener that I can add to other apps that are using logback, but possibly with different properties. The properties are pulled from a database and can also vary by environment.

Spring: how AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext could not overwrite later beans?

I have a web application that use Sring IoC framework.
I use the Java configuration for Spring, and I only use #Configuration annoted module definition (no DI related tags elsewhere in the code).
The Spring registry is built on web application start-up thanks to (a bit modified version of) Spring context loader listener, and the contextConfigLocation param in web.xml configured to point to the #Configuration annotated class.
All that is good and I get a AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext.
Now, I want to have plugins in my application, that will have their own #Configuration annotated configuration classes, and will use some of the main application services. BUT I don't want to have main application to be modified to load these new modules.
So, I thought that I could simply use the package searching of annotated class for that, but now, it seems that I can use two beans with the same type, even if they have different ids, and clearly AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext doc states that:
Note: In case of multiple #Configuration classes, later #Bean definitions will override ones defined in earlier loaded files. This can be leveraged to deliberately override certain bean definitions via an extra Configuration class.
I don't want that, because modules should be able to contribute alternative version of services, not (alwways) override existing one - especcially if I want to have a "moduleDef" bean.
I tried to use differents approach on that, but the hierachy of Context and related services is just to big for me.
So, does anybody know how I could reach my goal ?
You can have multiple beans of the same type, but You cannot have 2 or more beans with the same ID in a single Spring ApplicationContext - no matter if You use XML or JavaConfig.
The overriding mechanism matches the bean ID's, so all You need to do is to ensure unique ID, i.e.: coreModuleDef, someOtherModuleDef, anotherModuleDef. I don't think You need the ID of each module definition to be identical? What should be sufficient is the type to be the same, but not ID.
You can also turn off the overriding mechanism by setting allowBeanDefinitionOverriding to false on Your AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext to get an exception if You accidentally override a bean:
public class MyDispatcherServlet extends DispatcherServlet {
protected void postProcessWebApplicationContext(
ConfigurableWebApplicationContext wac) {
((AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext) wac)
public class MyContextLoaderListener extends ContextLoaderListener {
protected void customizeContext(
ServletContext servletContext,
ConfigurableWebApplicationContext applicationContext) {
((AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext) wac)
