spring replace class ExpressionEvaluationUtils - spring

I have the following code and I migrated my project from spring 3 to spring 4.
But ExpressionEvaluationUtils is obsolete actually.
Do you have any idea to replace it ?
* Set quote escaping for this tag, as boolean value. Default is "true".
public void setQuoteEscape(String quoteEscape) throws JspException {
this.quoteEscape = ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateBoolean("quoteEscape", quoteEscape, pageContext);
* Set breakLine escaping for this tag, as boolean value. Default is "true".
public void setBackslashEscape(String backslashEscape) throws JspException {
this.backslashEscape = ExpressionEvaluationUtils.evaluateBoolean("backslashEscape", backslashEscape, pageContext);
Do you have any idea to replace it?


Why does Mockito return null when I specify an Optional of my type

I have a method on a controller to get a list of all the punishment types for a chat room (Kick, Ban, Warn and Mute). On the first test when I mock the data it works as expected and the test passes.
However, on my second test I provided. I defined what should be returned as an Optional<Punishment> with the attribute of punishmentName set as "mute". I am very confused why this is giving me null. When I run the Spring application outside of testing, the route works fine. For some reason the mock never wants to return the value I specified but only null. Specifically, this is being caught in the test on the line .andExpect(jsonPath("$.punishmentName", Matchers.equalTo("mute"))); as the fields value is null giving the following error:
java.lang.AssertionError: No value at JSON path "$.punishmentName"
For clarity, I have also provided the controller methods and service methods.
Punishment Controller Test:
public class PunishmentControllerTest {
private MockMvc mvc;
private PunishmentService punishmentService;
private PunishmentValidator punishmentValidator;
public void getAllPunishmentTypesReturnsAListOfPunishmentTypes() throws Exception {
List<Punishment> punishments = new ArrayList<>();
punishments.add(new Punishment("mute"));
punishments.add(new Punishment("kick"));
punishments.add(new Punishment("ban"));
punishments.add(new Punishment("warn"));
.andExpect(jsonPath("$", Matchers.hasSize(4)))
.andExpect(jsonPath("$[0].punishmentName", Matchers.equalTo("mute")))
.andExpect(jsonPath("$[1].punishmentName", Matchers.equalTo("kick")))
.andExpect(jsonPath("$[2].punishmentName", Matchers.equalTo("ban")))
.andExpect(jsonPath("$[3].punishmentName", Matchers.equalTo("warn")));
public void getPunishmentTypeReturnsMuteWhenMuteIsSpecified() throws Exception {
Optional<Punishment> mute = Optional.of(new Punishment("mute"));
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.punishmentName", Matchers.equalTo("mute")));
Controller methods:
* GET request for all punishment types.
* #return List<Punishment> - When Punishments are found in the database they are returned in a List object.
* Otherwise, an empty list is returned if no records are found or an error occurs.
public List<Punishment> getAllPunishments() {
return punishmentService.getAllPunishmentTypes();
* GET request for one punishment type.
* #param punishmentType String - The type of punishment.
* #return Optional<Punishment> - The rule that gets returned or an empty optional if no rule is found.
#GetMapping(path = "{punishmentType}")
public Optional<Punishment> getPunishment(#PathVariable("punishmentType") String punishmentType) {
boolean isPunishmentTypeValid = punishmentValidator.validatePunishmentName(punishmentType);
if (isPunishmentTypeValid) {
return punishmentService.getPunishmentType(punishmentType);
} else {
return Optional.empty();
Service methods:
* Gets all the punishment types
* #return List<Punishment> - The rules in the community
public List<Punishment> getAllPunishmentTypes() {
return punishmentRepository.findAll();
* Gets a specific punishment type.
* #param punishmentType String - The type of punishment.
* #return The punishment retrieved.
public Optional<Punishment> getPunishmentType(String punishmentType) {
return punishmentRepository.findById(punishmentType);
I believe it is because you forget to mock the method PunishmentValidator#validatePunishmentName("mute") to return true such that the method that you stub on PunishmentService is never invoked because by default if you do not stub a method , it will return false (see this).
Also it is a known behaviour that #MockBean is configured as lenient stubbing which will not reported error (i.e. throw UnnecessaryStubbingException) if you stub a method but it actually does not get executed.
So change the following should fix your problem :
public void getPunishmentTypeReturnsMuteWhenMuteIsSpecified() throws Exception {
Optional<Punishment> mute = Optional.of(new Punishment("mute"));
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.punishmentName", Matchers.equalTo("mute")));

Check permission; always a request against database?

I have a question regarding Apache Shiro.
I´m using permission and role concept.
I have on the left side a menu with many links to my other pages (create an employee, show employee list etc.).
For each menu item I have also security for it to hide it or not (depends on the permission), like:
<pm:menu widgetVar="me"
rendered="#{checkPermissionController.checkPermission(['myprofile:show', 'myprofile:edit'])}">
To check if the user is permitted or not, I have those two functions in my bean:
* Check permission for login User
* #return
* #throws IOException
* #throws PermissionGroupNotFoundException
public boolean checkPermission(String permissionName) throws IOException {
if (loginBean.getCurrentUserShiro().isPermitted(permissionName)) {
return true;
return false;
* If one of the permission is true
* #param strings
* #return
public boolean checkPermission(List<String> list) {
int i = list.size();
if (i != 0) {
for (String s : list) {
if (loginBean.getCurrentUserShiro().isPermitted(s)) {
return true;
return false;
My question is now more against performance.
Is Apache Shiro execute for each menu entry a request against the database if the user is permitted or not?
Or does Shiro fetch at login time all permission for a user and "hold" it in the "Shiro User" object?
If yes: how can I improve it?
Here my LoginBean:
public class LoginBean implements Serializable {
private Subject currentUserShiro;
public String submit() {
LOGGER.info("START submit");
try {
currentUserShiro = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
UsernamePasswordToken token = new UsernamePasswordToken(username, password);
// Getter + Setter
public String getUsername() {
return username;
public Subject getCurrentUserShiro() {
return currentUserShiro;
I'd recommend using Shiro's filters to handle the actual login logic for you.
Otherwise, you could end up with the Subject not tied to your Session. It looks like your application might be forcing a log in any time getCurrentUserShiro is called. You should let the framework handle this for you.
It's not a JSF, but you can see a basic JSP example here (the Shrio config logic will be the same):
You would likely just replace the login page: https://github.com/apache/shiro/blob/master/samples/servlet-plugin/src/main/webapp/login.jsp with your custom page

Thymeleaf - check if a template exists

I am searching a way to check if a template exists before returning it in a view with Thymeleaf and Spring.
In my controller i was trying to do something like this:
String finalTemplate = template.getPrefix() + "/" + templateName;
try {
return finalTemplate;
} catch(TemplateInputException e) {
logger.debug("Sono qua");
return templateName;
but the exception is not catch...
The way you are handling exception here will not work for template exceptions.
Check below threads regarding this in issues section github.
StringTemplateResource from the comment above seems to return true in every case for thymeleaf 3.0. Here is a method to do this for classpath included templates:
public static String baseDir = "templates";
* Check if a template exists in subfolder templates.
* #param templateName relative name of template below the basedir.
* #return true if exists, otherwise false
public static boolean templateExists(final String templateName)
final ClassLoaderTemplateResource iTemplateResource =
new ClassLoaderTemplateResource(baseDir + "/" + templateName, "UTF8");
return iTemplateResource.exists();
public void testNonExisting()
public void testExisting()
Assuming a classpath resource templates/foo.txt exists.

ConfigurationFactory from log4j2 not executed in Spring boot application

I am trying to load a configuration file (.yaml) to configure log4j2 in a SpringBoot application. Using documentation provided by log4j2 team I am trying to execute a ConfigurationFactory. But nothing is executed. I have to do it when applications starts because there are some properties not defined until this point.
This is the code I have:
#Plugin(name = "LoggingConfigurationFactory", category = "ConfigurationFactory")
public class LoggingConfigurationFactory extends ConfigurationFactory {
* Valid file extensions for XML files.
protected static final String[] SUFFIXES = new String[] {".yaml", "*"};
* Return the Configuration.
* #param source The InputSource.
* #return The Configuration.
public Configuration getConfiguration(final LoggerContext loggerContext, final ConfigurationSource source) {
return new NuarYamlConfiguration(loggerContext, source);
* Returns the file suffixes for XML files.
* #return An array of File extensions.
public String[] getSupportedTypes() {
return SUFFIXES;
If anyone knows how to do it, I would appreciate it
Thanks in advance

Externalized message.properties file is not picking up in Tomcat

According to my requirement, I need to externalize the message.properties file (Keep outside from war file) and in same time it should be automatically re loadable on update.
So I achieved both by following code and its working fine with Jetty Server. But in when I use Tomcat Server that externalized property file is not picking up by the system, instead its uses only the file inside the war.
public final class Messages
public static final String BUNDLE_NAME = "com.sample.project.core.ui.resources.messages";
// private static ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(BUNDLE_NAME);
private static ResourceBundle resourceBundle;
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Messages.class);
private static ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource;
FileInputStream fis =
new FileInputStream(System.getProperty("resources.messages.file.path"));
resourceBundle = new PropertyResourceBundle(fis);
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
LOGGER.error("messages.properties file not found: " + e);
resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(BUNDLE_NAME);
catch (Exception e)
LOGGER.error("messages.properties file reading failed: " + e);
resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(BUNDLE_NAME);
private Messages()
* <p>
* setter methos to ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource object.
* </p>
* #param inMessageSource
* set reloadable resources bundle
public static void setMessageSource(final ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource inMessageSource)
Messages.messageSource = inMessageSource;
* <p>
* Resolve a message by a key and argument replacements.
* </p>
* #see MessageFormat#format(String, Object...)
* #param key
* the message to look up
* #param arguments
* optional message arguments
* #return the resolved message
public static String getMessage(final String key, final Object... arguments)
if (messageSource != null)
return messageSource.getMessage(key, arguments, Locale.getDefault());
if (arguments != null)
return MessageFormat.format(resourceBundle.getString(key), arguments);
return resourceBundle.getString(key);
catch (NoSuchMessageException e)
LOGGER.error("Message key not found: " + key);
return '!' + key + '!';
catch (MissingResourceException e)
LOGGER.error("Message key not found: " + key);
return '!' + key + '!';
(Here file path I'm passing as a VM argument using "resources.messages.file.path" key)
First I thought it was a problem with accessing the file system and tried many ways. Then I heard about catalina.policy file and I added some lines like this..
grant codeBase "file:${catalina.base}/webapps/sample.war/-" {
permission java.security.AllPermission;
permission java.io.FilePermission "file:${catalina.base}${file.separator}webapps${file.separator}messages.properties", "read, write";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "resources.messages.file.path", "read";
But non of them gave me luck. I'm desperate. Any idea what this issue is? Please help me. Thank you in advance. (Tested on Tomcat6)
Finally I found where I screwed up.
This setter method of messageSource should not be static and I removed static access of messageSource
messageSource = inMessageSource;
Now code is working fine. And no need of that permission entry in catalina.policy file. Thanks to everyone who helped me.
