Is it possible to have more descriptive error reporting with when using the heroku local command? Currently it just shows the file name and line number but doesn't actually say what has gone wrong.
I'm extremely new at k6 + influxdb + grafana, and I was given a task related to execute certain K6 Scripts locally but save/pass the data over a remote InfluxDB instance.
As of now I'm having issues given that I'm not sure what I'm missing regarding the needed configurations in order to do this since everytime I try to run the script pointing at the InfluxDB instance I'm just getting an error everytime I run it:
The command that I'm executing is:
k6 run --out influxdb="https://my_influxdb_url/write" //sampleScript.js
But the original URL that was handed over to me was something like this:
And when I execute the first mentioned script I'm getting the following error:
ERRO[000X] Couldn't write stats error="404 page not found\n" output=InfluxDB1
So I've tried creating K6_INFLUXDB_USERNAME and K6_INFLUXDB_PASSWORD as environment variables but I'm still getting the same error.
I'm not sure if I might be missing some .yaml file like a datasource in which I should fill those 3 values? (DB_NAME, USERNAME, PASSWORD)
Or maybe I'm just doing it all wrong and not calling the execution command properly for this scenario.
Another weird thing that I noticed is that OUTPUT is throwing InfluxDB1 instead of my actual InfluxDB url which I guess might be where my issue lies.
Any kind of tip would be greatly appreciated since the actual documentation that I've found so far is always run either on a Docker container instance of Grafana+InfluxDB or simply running it locally which is not my case :(
Thanks a lot in advance as always!!
While deploying existing business network getting following error:-
SyntaxError: missing ; before statement
There is not very much information in your question, but I would guess that you have made changes to your logic.js script and have a syntax error in it!
For some reason i just can't get an Amazon Aurora DB launched. I haven't launched one before but have read many Amazon help / instruction pages. Launching other Amazon products did work well after some digging. This one just doesn't. Any suggestions?
Access denied to Performance Insights (Service: AmazonRDS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterCombination; Request ID: 8ef6c7b9-be54-4bd8-aa87-XXXXXXXX)
Today it works.. selected the same settings as yesterday. All i did different was omit dashes (-) from the database name and other stuff you have to name. If that was the actual cause of the 3h headache yesterday Amazon really sucks it just doesn't tell you that instead of showing a cryptic error message.
I just had the same issue with the same error message, restarting the setup process from the start (with a database name without a dash in it), fixed the issue.
I get this error sometimes when trying to save things to Parse or to fetch data from it.
This is not constant and appear once in a while making the operation to fail.
I have contacted Parse for that. Here is their answer:
Starting on 4/28/2016, apps that have not migrated their database may see a "428" error code if the request cannot be handled by the remaining shared pool of resources. If you see this error in your logs, we highly recommend migrating the database for your app without delay.
Means this happens because of starting this date all apps are on low priority but those who started DB migration. So, Migration of the DB should resolve that.
I have looked everywhere but cannot seem to figure out how to setup cloud coding on the Parse Open Server using Heroku.
I see this link which tells me what to put in the Index.js and Main.js file: Implementing Cloud Code on Open Source Parse Server. However, I cannot seem to find those files. Nor can I find the "cloud" folder.
How do I find the cloud folder?
I created the Parse Server on MongoDB using the "Deploy to Heroku" link on this page: After creating my application by filling out all the information, I ran the command heroku git:clone -a yourAppName to clone the application files. However, when I use the command I obtain a empty repository and get the following message in my terminal:
Cloning into 'hyv3-moja'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
So, how/where do I find the cloud folder with main.js? Did I miss any step in creating the Parse Server?
I also tried using the Parse Command Line. However, when I try to use the parse new command, it requires me to login to a Parse account. However, since Parse is going down, they are not accepting new accounts and I did not have an account before. Regardless, this seems like a deadend.
So can someone please explain to me how to set up Cloud Code?? I want to create a code that decrements a column in the database every second so it operates like a timer. Basically, I want my application to create objects on the database that last a certain amount of time chosen by the user. For this example, ill say 24 hours. So from the moment it is created, I want to decrement those 24 hours in the database. That way when a user of my application clicks to view the object, I translate the time remaining from the database and just output that value to the user to show how much time is remaining for the life of the object.