spark history server does not show jobs or stages - hadoop

We are trying to use spark history server to further improve our spark jobs. The spark job correctly writes the eventlog into HDFS and the spark history server also can access this eventlog: we do see the job in the spark history server job listing but aside from the environment variables and executors everything is empty...
Any ideas on how we can make the spark history server show everything (we really want to see the DAG for instance) ?
We are using spark 1.4.1.

I had a similar issue. I am browsing the history server with port forwarding with ssh. After granting the read permission to all the files in the log directory, they appear in my history server!
chmod +r * # grant the read permission to all users for all files


Is there any way our Job history server wont show our MR application related information

I tried spark.eventlog.dir=false and then the Spark history server is not showing any information related to this.
Is there any similar way Job history server wont show our application related information similar to Spark History Server when spark.eventlog.dir is set to false.
This can be done if we set below highlighted property to any location other than default location which is there in mapred-site.xml
yarn jar /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar pi -D -D mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb=512 -Dmapreduce.jobhistory.intermediate-done-dir=<<"new-location">> 2 10
When this is done then the Job history server can't move logs from intermediate done dir to done dir. Since it reads from the location which is configured in mapred-site.xml

Apache Spark: History server (logging) + non super-user access (HDFS)

I have a working HDFS and a running Spark framework in a remote server.
I am running SparkR applications and hope to see the logs of the completed UI as well.
I followed all the instructions here: Windows: Apache Spark History Server Config
and was able to start the History Server on the server.
However, only when the super-user(person who started the name node of Hadoop) and who started the Spark processes fires a Spark application remotely, the logging takes places successfully in HDFS path & we are able to view the History Web UI of Spark as well.
When I run the same application from my user ID (remotely), though it shows on port 18080 a History Server is up and running, it does not log any of my applications.
I have been given read, write and execute access to the folder in HDFS.
The spark-defaults.conf file now looks like this:
spark.eventLog.enabled true
spark.history.fs.logDirectory hdfs://XX.XX.XX.XX:19000/user/logs
spark.eventLog.dir hdfs://XX.XX.XX.XX:19000/user/logs
spark.history.ui.acls.enable false
spark.history.fs.cleaner.enabled true
spark.history.fs.cleaner.interval 1d
spark.history.fs.cleaner.maxAge 7d
Am I missing out on some permissions or config settings somewhere(Spark? HDFS)?
Any pointers/tips to proceed from here would be appreciated.

JobHistory server in Hadoop 2 could not load history file from HDFS

Error message looks like this:
Could not load history file hdfs://namenodeha:8020/mr-history/tmp/hdfs/job_1392049860497_0005-1392129567754-hdfs-word+count-1392129599308-1-1-SUCCEEDED-default.jhist
Actually, I know the answer to the problem. The defaul settings of /mr-history files is:
hadoop fs -chown -R $MAPRED_USER:$HDFS_USER /mr-history
But when running a job (under $HDFS_USER), job file is saved to /mr-history/tmp/hdfs under $HDFS_USER:$HDFS_USER and then not accessible to $MAPRED_USER (where JobHistory server is running). After changing the permissions back again the job file can be load.
But it is happening again with every new job. So can someone help me, what is the pernament solution to this, thank you.
I ran into the same problem.
As a workaround I added the $MAPRED_USER user to the $HDFS_USER group, it helped.

Hadoop: Pseudo Distributed mode for multiple users

I appreciate your help in advance.
I have setup Hadoop in Pseudo Distributed mode using the root user credentials. I want to provide access to multiple users (let us say hadoop1, hadoop2, etc) to be able to submit and run MapReduce jobs on this cluster. How do we get this done?
What I have done so far?
> - Setup Hadoop to run in Pseudo-distributed mode
> - Used "root" user credentials to set this up.
> - Added users hadoop1 and hadoop2 to a group called "hadoop".
> - Added root also to be part of the group "hadoop".
> - Created a folder called hdfstmp and set this as the path for hadoop.tmp.dir.
> - Started the cluster using bin/
> - Ran MapReduce jobs using hadoop1 and hadoop2 users.
I got the error below:
Exception in thread "main" Permission denied
at Method)
at org.apache.hadoop.util.RunJar.main(
To overcome this error, I gave group "hadoop" rwx permissions to folder hdfstmp. The permissions on this folder look like drwxrwxr-x.
Submitted MapReduce jobs using hadoop1 and hadoop2 users login. The job ran fine without any errors.
However, if I do a and then do a, the DataNode (and occassionally even NameNode) does not start up. When I check the logs, i see an error as below:
2013-09-21 16:43:54,518 WARN org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode: Invalid directory in Incorrect permission for /data/hdfstmp/dfs/data, expected: rwxr-xr-x, while actual: rwxrwxr-x
Now, without change to the group ownership of the hdfstmp directory, my MR jobs submitted by different users do not run. But when the NameNode gets restarted, i get the issue as above.
How do i overcome this issue? What is the best practice for the same?
Also, is there a way to monitor the jobs that are being submitted by the different users? I am assuming the Web UI should allow me to do this. Please confirm.
I appreciate any assistance you can provide me on this issue. Thanks.
Adding a dedicated Hadoop system user
We will use a dedicated Hadoop user account for running Hadoop. While that’s not required it is recommended because it helps to separate the Hadoop installation from other software applications and user accounts running on the same machine (think: security, permissions, backups, etc).
#addgroup hadoop
#adduser --ingroup hadoop hadoop1
#adduser --ingroup hadoop hadoop2
This will add the user hduser and the group hadoop to your local machine.
Change permission of your hadoop installed directory
chown -R hduser:hadoop hadoop
And lastly change hadoop temporary directoy permission
If your temp directory is /app/hadoop/tmp
#mkdir -p /app/hadoop/tmp
#chown hduser:hadoop /app/hadoop/tmp
and if you want to tighten up security, chmod from 755 to 750...
#chmod 750 /app/hadoop/tmp

Hadoop on CentOS streaming example with python - permission denied on /mapred/local/taskTracker

I have been able to set up the streaming example with python mapper & reducer. The mapred folder location is /mapred/local/taskTracker
both root & mapred users have the ownership to this folder & sub folders
however when I run my streaming it creates maps but no reduces and gives the following error
Cannot Run Program
Permission Denied
I noticed that though it have provided a+rwx permission to mapred/local/taskTracker and all its sub directories, when mapreduce creates the temp folders for this job, the folders do not have the rwx for all users ...and hence I get the permission denied error
I have been looking for forum threads on this, and though there are threads mentioning the same error ...I could not find any responses with resolutions.
any help would be greatly appreciated
I assume that you run your Hadoop daemons as user root. In this case the permissions of newly created files are determined by the umask of user root. However you must not change the umask for root.
If you'd like to run MapReduce jobs and cluster as different users, it would be better to start the Hadoop daemons as user hadoop and the MapReduce jobs as user mapreduce. However both users should belong to the same group, i.e. hadoop. Furthermore the umask for user hadoop shall be set accordingly.
