What is the max password length for a Parse account - parse-platform

I am new to Parse and i was thinking about what might be the max length of characters permitted for a Parse Account's password?

On https://www.parse.com/signup, when making an account, there doesn't seem to be a limit. I just made a test account with a 90,000 character long password, and no errors were given.
[Edit: I tried a password of length 1,000,000 and the account was created successfully]

Try and Error: I created an Account with a passwort-length of more then 100.
It looks like it is unlimited.
Why does this matter to you?
#TZHX: I could use more then 30 characters


CI encrypt and decrypt

I get that the encryption class produces different output each time the same word/string is encrypted, for example, $this->encrypt->encode("word") ran five times would produce five different encrypted strings.
How can I reference the encrypted string in a DB query if each time I call $this->encrypt->encode("word") gives me something different?
Asked in a different way, is there something I can encrypt with that doesn't have a random value so that each time I encrypt I get the same output for the same input?
Base64 encoding is not encryption (referring to your own answer). I have not used codeigniter, but I notice on its doc pages that it allows:
You could encrypt with ECB mode (MCRYPT_MODE_ECB) for deterministic encryption where the same data always encrypts to the same ciphertext. This way, you encrypt your search string, and it will match the encrypted data in the database.
This is considered a weakness of ECB mode, but in this case, the deterministic behavior may be what you want.
I think base64_encode($str) is what I'm looking for.
this code works only on php 5.5 or higher
echo password_hash(variable, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
The first parameter is the password string that needs to be hashed and the second parameter specifies the algorithm that should be used for generating the hash.
The default algorithm is currently bcrypt, but a stronger algorithm may be added as the default later at some point in the future and may generate a larger string. If you are using PASSWORD_DEFAULT in your projects, be sure to store the hash in a column that’s capacity is beyond 60 characters. Setting the column size to 255 might be a good choice. You could also use PASSWORD_BCRYPT as the second parameter. In this case the result will always be 60 characters long.
and to check the password hash here is the syntax
if (password_verify($oldpassword, $hash)) {
// Success!
// the first parameter is your password that's not yet encrypted, the secode is your password encrypted
else {
// Invalid password

Disabling visually ambiguous characters in Google URL-shortener output

Is there a way to say (programmatically, I mean their API) the Google URL shortener not to produce short URL with characters like:
0 O
1 l
Because people often make mistake when reading those characters from displays and typing them elsewhere.
You cannot request the API to use a custom charset, so no.
Not a proper solution, but you could check the url for unwanted characters and request another short URL for the same long URL until you get one you like. Google URL shortner issues a unique short URL for an already shortned URL if you provide an OAuth token with the request. However I am not sure if a user is limited to one unique short URL per a specific long URL in which case this won't work either.
Since you're doing it programmatically, you could swap out those chars for their ascii value, '%6F' for the letter o, for instance. In this case, just warn the users that in doubt, it's a numeral.
Alternatively, use a font that distinguishes ambiguous chars, or better yet, color-code them (or underline numerals, or whatever visual mark)

What is the length and characters in ids generated by elasticsearch?

The documentation of elastic search states:
The index operation can be executed without specifying the id. In such
a case, an id will be generated automatically.
But it does not provide any information about the properties of the ids.
What is the length (minimun/maximum)?
my guess is 22.
Which characters are used in the id?
My guess is [-_A-Za-z0-9]
Can the properties of the generated ids change at any time (is that part of the API)?
Auto-generated ids are random base64-encoded UUIDs. The base64 algorithm is used in URL-safe mode hence - and _ characters might be present in ids.
Auto-generated ids by elasticsearch are exactly 20 characters length (not 22 characters) and encoded by url-safe base64 algorithm [-_A-Za-z0-9].
Read more in documentation: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/master/index-doc.html#_autogenerating_ids

What are the restrictions of valid user name in joomla 2.5

I have searched the web with no joy, I want to know what restrictions joomla places on a valid username.
For example , min and max length.
Illegal characters.
Looking at the database field size, I assume the max length is 150, I have also read that {}[]- are illegal, but suspect there are other invalid characters.
Same question for the password, what's the size and character restrictions.
Thank you
Username has a maximum 150 character length per the database and a minimum 2 character requirement. It doesn't have a restriction on {}[]- however does not let you use any of: <>\"'%;()&
Password doesn't have any limitations as it's hashed to salted MD5. The field itself is limited to 100 characters though the hashing will ensure that it'll not get that long.
Ref: https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/blob/master/libraries/joomla/table/user.php#L184

How can I sort an array of emails by the email provider?

So I dumped all the emails from a DB into a txt file and I`m looking to sort them by email provider, basically anything that comes after the # sign.
I know I can use regex to validate each email.
However how do I indicate that I want to sort them by anything that comes after the # sign?
I know I can use regex to validate each email.
Careful! The range of valid e-mail addresses is much wider than most people think. The only correct regexes for e-mail validation are on the order of a page in length. If you must use a regex, just check for the # and one ..
However how do I indicate that I want to sort them by anything that comes after the # sign
email_addresses.sort_by {|addr| addr.split('#').last }
