About changing the playground size of the Veins - omnet++

How to reduce the playground size as well as how to start the vehicles from the middle of the road. Where and which file should I have change?

In Veins, node mobility of cars is entirely managed by SUMO. Whenever a new car starts in the SUMO simulation, a node is created in OMNeT++. Whenever (and wherever) the car moves in SUMO, it is moved in OMNeT++. If you want to change how the nodes (that represent cars) move, just change the SUMO simulation (by creating new routes or an entirely new network).
If you want to know more about how to create and change SUMO simulations, you can find in-depth information in the SUMO manual.


Omnet++,Veins,Sumo - Simulation time difference between Omnet++ and SUMO

I have scheduled a flow of vehicles to enter a route at different time steps using the rou.xml file in sumo. And I can see these vehicles entering in those specified times when I run the simulation with the sumo gui. But when I run my simulation with omnet++, the time seems to be different.
I want to know why that is and how I can correct it if can. Please help.
Vehicle movement in SUMO is random. You can choose a pseudorandom seed when the simulation starts. By default, Veins chooses a seed based on the run you are executing (same config, same seed - different replication, different seed). This means that the seed will likely be different to that of a SUMO simulation you manually start. If this is not what you want you will need to change either the seed that pure SUMO uses or the seed that Veins uses. Both are simple configuration options.

how to make that node still moving while sending a Airframe messages in veins example?

I'm working on the veins example in Omnetpp.
In the veins Omnetpp example, I amrun the Erlangen simulation. While sending airframe messages, all nodes were stopped and then they continue moving after finishing sending messages to RSU.
How to make that node still moving while sending messages?
thenk you for helping
The nodes do not actually stop moving. The simulation is slowed down a lot so the communication between vehicles and the RSU can be visualised. As all the communication happens in a split second the nodes only seem to be standing still. In reality they are moving very slowly.

How do we check and know if our RSU is receiving WSM(or BSM) in Veins(omnet++)

I am new to using veins and I'm currently trying to exchange messages between RSU and vehicle. However, only my vehicles are communicating with each other.
I tried using the following: findHost()->getDisplayString().updateWith("r=16,green");
the radius between the vehicles is turning green but the RSU does not show any changes.
From the previous questions, I could see there is an onData() function in the previous versions of veins(TraCIDemp11p.cc) but it is not available in the newer versions. Is there any way how I can establish connection and show it physically in my simulations?
OK, so it seems that the RSU and the vehicles in Veins have the same connections thus are capable of both receiving and transmitting Basic Safety Messages(BSM). One of the potential reasons why the RSU might not be able to receive messages might be because the distance between the vehicle and the RSU might be too great. Thus, try moving your RSU closer to the network(scenario). This can be done in the omnetpp.ini file under RSU settings. Change the x. mobility, y.mobility, and z.mobility to move the RSU closer to the network and this might potentially fix your problem.

How to change the behavior of nodes (cars), rsu in Omnet++ Veins project

I have setup my environment using omnet++, sumo and veins in ubuntu. I want to reduce packet loss in an emergency situation among vehicles and improve packet delivery time and cost. My project is about choosing the suitable processing position among cluster head (nodes), road side unit (rsu) and cloud. I want to achieve certain tasks that is need to implement my veins project. I have configured 50 nodes and 4 rsu and provide data rate about 6mbps and assign the packet size upto 2MB.
Therefore, how can I change the behavior of vehicles (nodes), road side unit (rsu) and cloud in order to implement the following parameters?
processing rate of clusters (nodes) = 3 Mbps.
processing rate of RSUs = 7 Mbps.
processing rate of cloud = 10 Mbps.
the range of clusters (nodes) = 60 m.
the range of RSU = 120 m.
the range of cloud = 500 m.
If you could help with building these parameters I will appreciate it.
Thank you
If you are talking about transsmision rate, then you can set the bit rate in the ini file (check veins example) but if you meant processing delay then it is usually simulated by scheduling self messages (check tictoc example). In terms of transsmsion range, veins uses Free Space Propagation model and the related parameters are set in the ini file so you can change them to decide the required range. Finally, I recommand to read more about veins and how it deal with the parameters you asked about. There are alot of answered questions on StackOverFlow about your questions.

I would like to re-enter the vehicles in VEINS after leaving scenario

After the simulation time the vehicles leave the simulation scenario. I would like to re-enter the same vehicles with same previous ID and information in VEINS after leaving scenario. Is there a way to re-use the same vehicle after it exits the scenario.
You should not re-insert vehicles that have left the simulation, because this means you'd copy your entire vehicle to another location. This will make your VANET application behave incorrectly, because the same vehicle is suddenly in a different location.
If you're looking for more traffic, I would recommend switching to another SUMO scenario (this scenario is a lot bigger and also approximates real traffic).
Alternatively you could change your existing SUMO simulation directly, e.g., to increase the amount of vehicles that are inserted, or to change the behavior of the vehicles (by changing the SUMO input, i.e., erlangen.rou.xml in the example simulation that comes with VEINS).
If you want to keep the same vehicles for some reason, you probably want to reroute them to some other location, which you can do over TraCI (using this method).
