Bash split string according to string - bash

In python, I would do something simple like sRet = sOut.split('Word')
In bash, scrounged from other answers, I have the following two methods that are insufficient in my case, but may be useful to someone in the future:
sOut="I want this Point to matter"
1) sRet=( $sOut )
2) IFS="Point " read -r -a sRet <<< ${sOut}
echo ${sRet[-1]}
I want returned: "to matter"
(1) gives: "matter"
(2) gives: "er"
The first only splits by spaces, the second splits by the last character, in this case it would be 't'.
How do I split by a full string, as I would in python?

sOut="I want this Point to matter"
s="Point "
[[ $sOut =~ $s(.*) ]] && echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
to matter

IFS is single character, so you will need to deploy another tool. I'd suggest awk in this case:
$ awk -F 'Point' '{print $NF}' <<< "$sOut"
to matter
You can replace 'Point' with a variable holding the delimiter. You can also change which part of the split you get back. The variable $NF means "the last element". You can also use $1 for the first element, $2 for the second, and so on.

You can use awk for splitting the string:
text="I want this Point to matter"
awk -v s="$s" -v text="$text" 'BEGIN {split(text, a, "[[:blank:]]*" s "[[:blank:]]*");
for (i in a) print a[i]}'
I want this
to matter
To get only the last match:
awk -v s="$s" -v text="$text" 'BEGIN {n=split(text, a, "[[:blank:]]*" s "[[:blank:]]*"); print a[n]}'
to matter
awk -v s="$s" 'BEGIN{FS="[[:blank:]]*" s "[[:blank:]]*"} {print $NF}' <<< "$text"
to matter
IFS on the other hand doesn't work with multiple character string. So IFS='Point' will split the output on each character P, o, i, n, t.

sRet1=$(awk -F ${sDelim} '{print $1}' <<< ${sOut})
sRet2=$(awk -F ${sDelim} '{print $NF}' <<< ${sOut})
Given all the other excellent answers, I prefer this one most for the following reasons:
1) Its short ans sweet
2) Everything is fairly explicit when wanting to use variables
3) Any elements can be selected: 1,2,.. from the beginning, NF, NF-1,.. from the end
4) if sDelim is not actually in sOut, the script doesn't freak out
Thanks mainly to #bishop for leading me to this

You could use the parenthesis feature of sed to retrieve
the string that is matched.
The below code:
sOut="I want this point to matter"
s="point "
echo $sOut | sed "s/.*$s\(.*\)/\1/"
would give me:
to matter
as output.


AWK Finding a way to print lines containing a word from a comma separated string

I want to write a bash script that only prints lines that, on their second column, contain a word from a comma separated string. Example:
>cat log1.txt
What I want is to print only lines that contain a whole word from the "words" variable. That means that "ab" won't match, neither will "abcdef". It seems so simple yet after trying for manymany hours, I was unable to find a solution.
For example, I tried this as my awk command, but it matched any substring.
-F \; -v b="TSLA;NVDA" 'b ~ $2 { print $0 }'
I will appreciate any help. Thank you.
A sample input would look like this
A variable like this would be set
And according to this filter, I want to echo these lines
Grep is a good choice here:
grep -Fw -f <(tr ';' '\n' <<<"$words") log1.txt
With awk I'd do
awk -F ';' -v w="$words" '
n = split(w, a, /;/)
# next line moves the words into the _index_ of an array,
# to make the file processing much easier and more efficient
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) words[a[i]]=1
$2 in words
' log1.txt
You may use this awk:
awk -F';' -v s=";$words;" 'index(s, FS $2 FS)' log1.txt

How to extract two pieces of data from a string

I am trying to extract two pieces of data from a string and I have having a bit of trouble. The string is formatted like this:
11111111-2222:3333:4444:555555555555 aaaaaaaa:bbbbbbbb:cccccccc:dddddddd
What I am trying to achieve is to print the first column (11111111-2222:3333:4444:555555555555) and the third section of the colon string (cccccccc), on the same line with a space between the two, as the first column is an identifier. Ideally in a way that can just be run as one-line from the terminal.
I have tried using cut and awk but I have yet to find a good way to make this work.
How about a sed expression like this?
echo "11111111-2222:3333:4444:555555555555 aaaaaaaa:bbbbbbbb:cccccccc:dddddddd" |
sed -e "s/\(.*\) .*:.*:\(.*\):.*/\1 \2/"
11111111-2222:3333:4444:555555555555 cccccccc
The following awk script does the job without relying on the format of the first column.
awk -F: 'BEGIN {RS=ORS=" "} NR==1; NR==2 {print $3}'
Use it in a pipe or pass the string as a file (simply append the filename as an argument) or as a here-string (append <<< "your string").
Instead of lines this awk script splits the input into space-separated records (RS=ORS=" "). Each record is subdivided into :-separated fields (-F:). The first record will be printed as is (NR==1;, that's the same as NR==1 {print $0}). In the second record, we will only print the 3rd field (NR==2 {print {$3}}); in case of the record aaa:bbb:ccc:ddd the 3rd field is ccc.
I think the answer from user803422 is better but here's another option. Maybe it'll help you use cut in the future.
str='11111111-2222:3333:4444:555555555555 aaaaaaaa:bbbbbbbb:cccccccc:dddddddd'
first=$(echo "$str" | cut -d ' ' -f1)
second=$(echo "$str" | cut -d ':' -f6)
echo "$first $second"
With pure Bash Regex:
str='11111111-2222:3333:4444:555555555555 aaaaaaaa:bbbbbbbb:cccccccc:dddddddd'
echo "$([[ $str =~ (.*\ ).*:.*:([^:]*) ]])${BASH_REMATCH[1]}${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
[[ $str =~ (.*\ ).*:.*:([^:]* ]]: Match $str against the POSIX Extended RegEx (.*\ ).*:.*:([^:]*) witch contains two capture groups: 1: (.*\ ) 0 or more of any characters, followed by a space; and capture group 2: ([^:]*) witch contains any number of characters that are not :.
$([[ $str =~ (.*\ ).*:.*:([^:]*) ]]): execute the RegEx match in a sub-shell during the string value expansion. (here it produces no output, but the RegEx captured groups are referenced later).
${BASH_REMATCH[1]}${BASH_REMATCH[2]}: expand the content of the RegEx captured groups that Bash keeps in the dedicated $BASH_REMATCH array.

print first 3 characters and / rest of the string with stars

I'have this input like this
I want to print rest of the string with stars and keep only 3 characters of the string.
The output will be like this
this my command
awk -F ":" '{print $1,$2 ":***"}'
I want to use only print command if possible. Thanks
With GNU sed:
echo 'John:boofoo' | sed -E 's/(:...).*/\1***/'
With GNU awk for gensub():
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"} {print $1, substr($2,1,3) gensub(/./,"*","g",substr($2,4))}' file
With any awk:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"} {tl=substr($2,4); gsub(/./,"*",tl); print $1, substr($2,1,3) tl}' file
Could you please try following. This will print stars(keeping only first 3 letters same as it is) how many characters are present in 2nd field after first 3 characters.
awk '
$2=val stars
' Input_file
Output will be as follows.
Explanation: Adding explanation for above code too here.
awk '
BEGIN{ ##Starting BEGIN section from here.
FS=OFS=":" ##Setting FS and OFS value as : here.
} ##Closing block of BEGIN section here.
{ ##Here starts main block of awk program.
stars="" ##Nullifying variable stars here.
val=substr($2,1,3) ##Creating variable val whose value is 1st 3 letters of 2nd field.
for(i=4;i<=length($2);i++){ ##Starting a for loop from 4(becasue we need to have from 4th character to till last in 2nd field) till length of 2nd field.
stars=stars"*" ##Keep concatenating stars variable to its own value with *.
$2=val stars ##Assigning value of variable val and stars to 2nd field here.
1 ##Mentioning 1 here to print edited/non-edited lines for Input_file here.
' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file name here.
Or even with good old sed
$ echo "John:boofoo" | sed 's/...$/***/'
(note: this just replaces the last 3 characters of any string with "***", so if you need to key off the ':', see the GNU sed answer from Cyrus.)
Another awk variant:
awk -F ":" '{print $1 FS substr($2, 1, 3) "***"}' <<< 'John:boofoo'
Since we have the tags awk, bash and sed: for completeness sake here is a bash only solution:
printf "%s:%s\n" ${INPUT%%:*} $(TMP1=${INPUT#*:};TMP2=${TMP1:3}; echo "${TMP1:0:3}${TMP2//?/*}")
It uses two arguments to printf after the format string. The first one is INPUT stripped of by everything uncluding and after the :. Lets break down the second argument $(TMP1=${INPUT#*:};TMP2=${TMP1:3}; echo "${TMP1:0:3}${TMP2//?/*}"):
$(...) the string is interpreted as a bash command its output is substituted as last argument to printf
TMP1=${INPUT#*:}; remove everything up to and including the :, store the string in TMP1.
TMP2=${TMP1:3}; geht all characters of TMP1 from offset 3 to the end and store them in TMP2.
echo "${TMP1:0:3}${TMP2//?/*}" output the temporary strings: the first three chars from TMP1 unmodified and all chars from TMP2 as *
the output of the last echo is the last argument to printf
Here is the bash -x output:
+ INPUT=John:boofoo
++ TMP1=boofoo
++ TMP2=foo
++ echo 'boo***'
+ printf '%s:%s\n' John 'boo***'
Another sed : replace all chars after the third by *
sed -E ':A;s/([^:]*:...)(.*)[^*]([*]*)/\1\2\3*/;tA'
Some more awk
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"}{s=sprintf("%0*d",length(substr($2,4)),0); gsub(/0/,"*",s);print $1,substr($2,1,3) s}' infile
You can use the %* form of printf, which accepts a variable width. And, if you use '0' as your value to print, combined with the right-aligned text that's zero padded on the left..
Better Readable:
awk 'BEGIN{
print $1,substr($2,1,3) s
' infile
Test Results:
$ awk --version
GNU Awk 3.1.7
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991-2009 Free Software Foundation.
$ cat f
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"}{s=sprintf("%0*d",length(substr($2,4)),0); gsub(/0/,"*",s);print $1,substr($2,1,3) s}' f
Another pure Bash, using the builtin regular expression predicate.
if [[ $input =~ ^([^:]*:...)(.*)$ ]]; then
printf '%s%s\n' "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" "${BASH_REMATCH[2]//?/*}"
echo >&2 "String doesn't match pattern"
We split the string in two parts: the first part being everything up to (and including) the three chars found after the first colon (stored in ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}), the second part being the remaining part of string (stored in ${BASH_REMATCH[2]}). If the string doesn't match this pattern, we just insult the user.
We then print the first part unchanged, and the second part with every character replaced with *.

cut string in a specific column in bash

How can I cut the leading zeros in the third field so it will only be 6 characters?
desired output
or here's a solution using awk
echo " xxx,aaa,00000000cc
rrr,ttt,0000000yhh"|awk -F, -v OFS=, '{sub(/^0000/, "", $3)}1'
awk uses -F (or FS for FieldSeparator) and you must use OFS for OutputFieldSeparator) .
sub(/srchtarget/, "replacmentstring", stringToFix) is uses a regular expression to look for 4 0s at the front of (^) the third field ($3).
The 1 is a shorthand for the print statement. A longhand version of the script would be
echo " xxx,aaa,00000000cc
rrr,ttt,0000000yhh"|awk -F, -v OFS=, '{sub(/^0000/, "", $3);print}'
# ---------------------------------------------------------^^^^^^
Its all related to awk's /pattern/{action} idiom.
If you can assume there are always three fields and you want to strip off the first four zeros in the third field you could use a monstrosity like this:
$ cat data
$ cat data |sed 's/\([^,]\+\),\([^,]\+\),0000\([^,]\+\)/\1,\2,\3/
Another more flexible solution if you don't mind piping into Python:
cat data | python -c '
import sys
for line in sys.stdin():
print(",".join([f[4:] if i == 2 else f for i, f in enumerate(line.strip().split(","))]))
This says "remove the first four characters of the third field but leave all other fields unchanged".
Using awks substr should also work:
awk -F, -v OFS=, '{$3=substr($3,5,6)}1' file
It just take 6 characters from 5 position in field 3 and set it back to field 3

What is the optimal way to extract values between braces in bash/awk?

I have the output in this format:
Infosome - infotwo: (29333) - data-info-ids: (33389, 94934)
I want to extract the last two numbers in the last pair of braces. Some times there is only a single number in the last pair of braces.
This is the code I used.
echo "Infosome - infotwo: (29333) - data-info-ids: (33389, 94934)" | \
tr "," " " | tr "(" " " | tr ")" " " | awk -F: '{print $4}'
Is a more clean way to extract the values? or a more optimal way?
Try this:
awk -F '[()]' '{print $(NF-1)}' input | tr -d ,
It's kind of refactoring of your command.
awk -F\( '{gsub("[,)]", " ", $NF); print $NF}' input
will give
33389 94934
I am a bit unclear about the meaning of "optimal"/"professional" in this problem's context, but this only uses one command/tool, not sure if that qualifies.
Or building on #kev's approach (but not needing tr to eliminate the comma):
awk -F'[(,)]' '{print $4, $5}' input
33389 94934
This can also be done in pure bash. Assuming the text always looks like the sample in the question, the following should work:
$ text="Infosome - infotwo: (29333) - data-info-ids: (33389, 94934)"
$ result="${text/*(}"
$ echo ${result//[,)]}
33389 94934
This uses shell "parameter expansion" (which you can search for in bash's man page) to strip the string in much the same way you did using tr. Strictly speaking, the quotes in the second line are not necessary, but they help with StackOverflow syntax highlighting. :-)
You could alternately make this a little more flexible by looking for the actual field you're interested in. If you're using GNU awk, you can specify RS with multiple characters:
$ gawk -vRS=" - " -vFS=": *" '
{ f[$1]=$2; }
print f["data-info-ids"];
# Or you could strip the non-numeric characters to get just numbers.
#print gensub(/[^0-9 ]/,"","g",f["data-info-ids"]);
}' <<<"$text"
I prefer this way, because it actually interprets the input data for what it is -- structured text representing some sort of array.
