Exit command examples - ruby

I want to press a key at any point, causing the simulation to stop without loosing data collected until that point. I don't know how to do the exit command. Can you give me some examples?

I think, WandMaker's comment tells only half of the story.
First, there is no general rule, that Control-C will interrupt your program (see the for instance here), but assume that this works in your case (since it will work in many cases):
If I understand you write, you want to somehow "process" the data collected up to this point. This means that you need to intercept the effect of Control-C (which, IF it works as expected, will make the controlling shell deliver a SIGINT), or that you need to interecept the "exit" (since the default behaviour upon receiving a SIGINT would be to exit the program).
If you want to go along the first path, you need to catch the Interrupt exception; see for example here.
If you want to follow the second route, you need to install an exit handler. Note that it will be called too when the program is exited in the normal way.
If you are unsure, which way is better - and I see no general way to recommend one over the other -, try the first one. There is less chance that you will accidentally ruin something.


With Scilab execution paused, how can I find out which point it is at?

When I put a "pause" command into my program, I can precede it with a disp("Just finished averaging") or something of the kind, so I can read on the console which "pause" I am at.
But when I lose my patience with a program that's taking forever to complete, and hit Ctrl-C to see what is going on, I cannot see a way of finding out which code line I interrupted it at. The "whereami" command tells me I am in pause, which is obviously true but hardly helpful; it's like a GPS device telling me I'm in the driver seat. Oh yeah, I figured that myself, thank you Captain.
I am tempted to create a dedicated variable, say MyApproximateCurrentCodeLine, and updating it every few lines of code with hard-wired substitution commands. This would work but would take a lot of time to write, a similar amount of time to remove when I'm done, and would have to be repeated with every program I need to debug. Not to mention it's just plain ugly.
Is there a better way of finding the current execution point?
Once you have interrupted the program
[linenum, callername] = where()
will give you the full calling tree.

are there any benefits of ending a bash script with exit

I encountered a bash script ending with the exit line. Would anything changes (save scaring users who 'source' rather than calling straight when the terminal closes )?
Note that I am not particularly interested in difference between exit and return. Here I am only interested in differences between having exit without parameters in the end of a bash script (one being closing console or process which sources the script rather than calling).
Could it be to address some less known shell dialects?
There are generally no benefits to doing this. There are only downsides, specifically the inability to source scripts like you say.
You can construct scenarios where it matters, such as having a sourceing script rely on it for termination on errors, or having a self-extracting archive header avoid executing its payload, but these unusual cases should not be the basis for a general guideline.
The one significant advantage is that it gives you explicit control over the return code.
Otherwise the return code of the script is going to be the return code of whatever the last command it executed happened to be. Which may or may not be indicative of the actual success or failure of the script as a whole.
A slightly less significant advantage is that if the last command's exit code is significant, and you follow it up with "exit $?" that tells the maintenance programmer coming along later that yes, you did consider what the exit code of the program should be and he shouldn't monkey with it without understanding why.
Conversely, of course, I wouldn't recommend ending a bash script with an explicit call to exit unless you really mean "ignore all previous exit codes and use this one". Because that's what anyone else looking at your code is going to assume you wanted and they're going to be annoyed that you wasted their time trying to figure out why if you did it just by rote and not for a reason.

How can I exit reader.ReadString from waiting for user input?

I am making it so that it stops asking for input upon CTRL-C.
What I have currently is that a separate go-routine, upon receiving a CTRL-C, changes the value of a variable so it won't ask for another line. However, I can't seem to find a way around the current line.
i.e. I still have to press enter once, to get out of the current iteration of reading for \n.
Is there perhaps a way to push a "\n" into stdin for the reader.ReadString to read. Or a way to stop its execution altogether.
The only decent mechanism that Go gives you to proceed when either of two things happens is select, and select only selects on channel reads, so your only option is to change your signal-handler goroutine to write to a channel, and add another goroutine that handles stdin and passes lines of input to a channel, then select on the two channels.
However, that still leaves your question half-unanswered: your main program can stop waiting for input on a Ctrl-C, but the goroutine that's reading input will still be waiting for input. In some cases that might be okay... if you will never need stdin again, or if you will go right back to processing lines in the same exact way. But if you want to do something other than ReadString from that reader, you're stuck... literally. The only solution I see would be to write your own state machine around Read or ReadByte that is capable of changing its behavior in response to external conditions, but that can easily get horribly complicated.
Basically, this looks like a case where Go simplifies things compared to the underlying system (not exposing anything like EINTR, not allowing select on filehandles), but ends up providing less power to the programmer.

How to detect that foreground process is waiting for input in UNIX?

I have to create a script (ksh or perl) that starts certain number of parallel jobs (another scripts), each of them runs as a foreground process in a separate session. Plus I start monitoring job that has to determine if any of those scripts is expecting input from operator, and switch to the corresponding session if necessary.
My problem is that I have not found a good way to determine that process is expecting input. For the background process it's pretty easy: process state is "stopped" and this can be easily checked with 'ps' command. In case of foreground process this does not work.
So far I tried to attach to the process with dbx or truss to see if it's hanging on 'read', but this approach seems too heavyweight.
Could you suggest some better solution? Perl, shell, C, Java, etc. … is ok as long as it’s standard and does not require extra 3rd party or OS-specific stuff to install.
Thank you.
What you're asking isn't possible, at least not reliably. The process may be using select or other polling method rather than blocking on a read call. You can't know whether it's waiting for operator input or busy doing other stuff, and in general it could be both (doing stuff in the background while being responsive to operator input).
The normal way for a program to signal that it's waiting for operator input is to print a prompt. Thus you should consider a session to be active if it's displayed a prompt since the last time you fed it input.
If your programs don't behave this way, you'll need to find some other program-specific way to know that these processes are waiting for input.

Getting previous exit code of an application on Windows

Is there any way to find out what was the last Exit Code of an application the last time it run?
I want to check if application wasn't exit with zero exit code last time (which means abnormal termination in my case) And if so, do some checking and maybe fix/clean up previously generated data.
Since some applications do this (they give a warning and ask if you want to run in Safe Mode this time) I think maybe Windows can tell me this.
And if not, what is the best practice of doing this? Setting a flag on a file or something when application terminated correctly and check that next time it executed?
No, there's no permanent record of the exit code. It exists only as long as a handle to the process is kept open. And returned by GetExitCodeProcess(), it needs that handle. As soon as the last handle is closed then that exit code is gone for good. One technique is a little bootstrapper app that starts the process and keeps the handle. It can then also do other handy things like send alerts, keep a log, clean up partial files or record minidumps of crashes. Use WaitForSingleObject() to detect the process exit.
Btw, you definitely want to exit code number to mean the opposite thing. A zero is always the "normal exit" value. This helps you detect hard crashes. The exit code is always non-zero when Windows terminates the app forcibly, set to the exception code.
There are other ways, you can indeed create a file or registry key that indicates the process is running and check for that when it starts back up. The only real complication with it is that you need to do something meaningful when the user starts the program twice. Which is a hard problem to solve, such apps are usually single-instance apps. You use a named mutex to detect that an instance of the program is already running. Imprinting the evidence with the process ID and start time is workable.
There is no standard way to do this on the Windows Platform.
The easiest way to handle this case is to put a value on the registry and to clear it when the program exits.
If the value is still present when the program starts, then it terminated unexpectedly.
Put a value in the HKCU/Software// to be sure you have sufficient rights (the value will be per user in this case).
