REST API Layer Orchestration using Spring Integration - spring

We have around 6 individual REST services which we would be calling in our orchestration layer. for example "Calling service-1 to check if a bank account is of certain type, if yes, then call service-2, else call service-3".
Is Spring Integration messaging framework is a right tool for orchestrating calls to those services or its an overkill? Please suggest if there is a better way to accomplish the same.

I can't suggest you better tool, because Spring Integration was the best one for me in the past and now it is my full time job. So, try to find other answers somewhere else.
Now about the point of orchestration with the Spring Integration. To be honest it's just a word which tries to describe the business logic in one application when it calls other external application according some conditions.
So, from big height having HTTP adapters in the Spring Integration, Transformers, Splitters, Routers and Gateways between them, we can say with confidence that messaging layer on Spring Integration fits your requirements and really can help you to distinguish business logic from the orchestration logic.
Not sure what to say else, but I can recommend take a look to the Spring Integration Reference Manual and pay attention to the Routing Slip and Scatter-Gather patterns.


Running multiple Quarkus instances on one machine

I have an application separated in various OSGI bundles which run on a single Apache Karaf instance. However, I want to migrate to a microservice framework because
Apache Karaf is pretty tough to set up due its dependency mechanism and
I want to be able to bring the application later to the cloud (AWS, GCloud, whatever)
I did some research, had a look at various frameworks and concluded that Quarkus might be the right choice due to its container-based approach, the performance and possible cloud integration opportunities.
Now, I am struggeling at one point and I didn't find a solution so far, but maybe I also might have a misunderstanding here: my plan is to migrate almost every OSGI bundle of my application into a separate microservice. In that way, I would be able to scale horizontally only the services for which this is necessary and I could also update/deploy them separately without having to restart the whole application. Thus, I assume that every service needs to run in a separate Quarkus instance. However, Quarkus does not not seem to support this out of the box?!? Instead I would need to create a separate configuration for each Quarkus instance.
Is this really the way to go? How can the services discover each other? And is there a way that a service A can communicate with a service B not only via REST calls but also use objects of classes and methods of service B incorporating a dependency to service B for service A?
Thanks a lot for any ideas on this!
I think you are mixing some points between microservices and osgi-based applications. With microservices you usually have a independent process running each microservice which can be deployed in the same o other machines. Because of that you can scale as you said and gain benefits. But the communication model is not process to process. It has to use a different approach and its highly recommended that you use a standard integration mechanism, you can use REST, you can use Json RPC, SOAP, or queues or topics to use a event-driven communication. By this mechanisms you invoke the 'other' service operations as you do in osgi, but you are just using a different interface, instead of a local invocation you do a remote invocation.
Service discovery is something that you can do with just Virtual IP's accessing other services through a common dns name and a load balancer, or using kubernetes DNS, if you go for kubernetes as platform. You could use also a central configuration service or let each service register itself in a central registry. There are already plenty different flavours of solutions to tackle this complexity.
Also more importantly, you will have to be aware of your new complexities, but some you already have.
Contract versioning and design
Synchronous or asynchronous communication between services.
How to deal with security in the boundary of the services / Do i even need security in most of my services or i just need information about the user identity.
Increased maintenance cost and redundant side code for common features (here quarkus helps you a lot with its extensions and also you have microprofile compatibility).
Deciding to go with microservices is not an easy decision and not one that should be taken in a single step. My recommendation is that you analyse your application domain and try to check if your design is ok to go with microservices (in terms of separation of concenrs and model cohesion) and extract small parts of your osgi platform into microservices, otherwise you mostly will be force to make changes in your service interfaces which would be more difficult to do due to the service to service contract dependency than change a method and some invocations.

Contract Testing - Spring Boot Microservices with external SOAP/REST downstream services

We have a set of microservices communicating with each other and some external downstream services. Spring Cloud Contract is used for integration tests to check the service interfaces. I'm able to test the contracts for communication between the microservices.
I'd like to know how to write the contract tests for a producer which
doesn't provide any contracts (cannot access source code)
Can I impose the contracts from the consumer itself?
Couldn't find the SCC documentation helpful in this regard. Any helpful pointers are appreciated. Thanks!
If it's SOAP based then it's a standard XML based communication. You can generate XML based contracts (an example is here ). Now as for the one where you don't have access to source code, what you can is the following:
You can create a test that will go via a proxy (e.g. WireMock proxy) to the real application and that way you will store that communication in a form of stubs (, you can also check the code ( The problem here is that the producer might not be idempotent or may require a lot of concrete setup on the input to get proper response (e.g. a precisely defined date).
You can create contracts on the consumer side, tell stubrunner where they lay ( and turn the generateStubs feature (, example of code ( The problem here is that as a consumer you can write whatever you want and it might not have anything to do with reality. On the other hand you already have the contracts that you could upload to the producer side with a request that they implement their part one day.
It's up to you to decide which one you prefer, bearing in mind that each of the solutions might have its issues.
As for Pact, Pact follows the second approach since it's the consumer that defines how the interaction should look like. That again might have nothing to do with reality.

How BPM Workflow will be implemented in Micro Services

I am implementing Spring Micro Services application, here we have a requirement to initiate a workflow by using Software AG.
to achieve this, I have two approaches.
From UI layer I will directly call BPM and BPM will call my Micro services after initiation.
My second approach here is From UI I will call my Microservices and then I will call BPM.
here I would call BPM for both Initiation and update the task so can anybody please suggest me which approach is best the one.
Which approach I should go on which case
what are the Pros and Cons for both the approaches.
if any suggestions would be a great help, thanks in advance.
I would not suggest UI layer directly calling BPM. You should call micro-service first so that you have complete control in future of any changes. You can put all validations here in micro-service and then call BPM.
Always to external client; we expose an interface.. an agreement..which won't change ever and is very minimalistic.

Does Spring Boot with its Blocking IO really fit well with Microservices?

There are a lot of tutorials and articles (including official site) promoting spring boot as a good tool for building microservices.
Let's say we have some rest api endpoint (User profile) which aggregates data from multiple services (User service, Stat service, Friends service).
To achieve this, user profile endpoint makes 3 http calls to those services.
But in Spring, requests are blocking and as I see, the server will quickly run out of available resources (threads) to serve request in such system.
So to me, it as quite inefficient way to build such systems (compared to non-blocking frameworks, like play! framework or node.js)
Do I miss something?
P.S.: I do not mean here spring 5 with its new webflux framework.
No one prevents you from building an asynchronous microservice architecture with Spring Boot :).
Something along these lines:
Instead of one service calling another synchronously, a service can put events to a queue (e.g. RabbitMQ). The events are delivered to services that subscribe to those events.
Using RabbitMQ and its "exchange" concept, the event producing service doesn't even need to the consumers of its events.
A blog post detailing this with Spring Boot code can be found here:
This is not a limitation of Spring rather it is more to do with the Application Architecture.
For instance, the scenario that you have is commonly solved using Aggregate Design Pattern
While this solution is quite prevalent,it has the limitation of being synchronous, and thus blocking. Asynchronous behaviour in such scenarios should be implemented in an application specific way.
Having said that if you have to call other services in order to be able to serve a response to a request from a client(outside), this is typically an architectural problem. It really doesn’t matter if you are using HTTP or asynchronous message passing (with a request-reply pattern), the overall response time for the outside client will be bad
Also, I have seen quite a few applications which uses synchronous REST calls for external clients, but when communication is needed between internal MicroServices, it should always be asynchronous. You can read an interesting paper on this topic here MicroServices Messaging Patterns

Use EIP and integration solutions to distribute layers on cloud?

I want to adopt a solution of EIP for cloud deployment for a web application:
The application will be developed in such an approach that each layer (e.g. data, service, web) will come out as a separate module and artifact.
Each layer has the opportunity to deployed on a different virtual resource on the cloud. In this regards, web nodes will in a way find the related service nodes and likewise service nodes are connected to data nodes.
Objects in the service layer provide REST access to the services in the application. Web layer is supposed to use REST services from service layer to complete requests for users of the application.
For the above requirement to deliver a "highly-scalable" application on the cloud, it seems that solutions such as Apache Camel, Spring Integration, and Mule ESB are of significant options.
There seems to be other discussion such as a question or a blog post on this topic, but I was wondering if anybody has had specific experiences with such a deployment scheme on "the cloud"? I'd be thankful for any ideas and sharing experiences. TIA.
To me this looks a bit like overengineering. Is there a real reason that you need to separate all those layers? What you describe looks a lot like the J2EE applications from some years ago.
How about deploying all layers of the application onto each node and just use simple Java calls or OSGi services to communicate.
This aproach has several advantages:
Less complexity
No serialization or DTOs
Transactions are easy / no distributed transactions necessary
Load Balancing and Failover is much easier as you can do it on the web layer only
Performance is probably a lot higher
You can implement such an application using spring or blueprint (on OSGi).
Another options is to use a modern JavaEE server. If this is interesting to you take a look at some of the courses of Adam Bien. He shows how to use JavaEE in a really lean way.
For communicating between nodes I have good experiences with Camel and CXF but you should try to avoid remoting as much as possible.
