Im going over the code of fair.c(kernel 3.14 ) here (for a school project) and I see alot of times the word buddy . Im trying to figure out what is it ??
I found this article about Small task packing which mentions 'buddy' here :
Vincent's patch assigns a "buddy" to each CPU at system initialization time. Arguably "buddy" is the wrong term to use, since the relationship is a one-way affair; a CPU can dump small tasks onto its buddy (and only onto the buddy), but said buddy cannot reciprocate.
But from the context in fair.c file I cant see how is that connected .
If somebody can shed some light on this vague subject
So I want to import my own LCI database to Brightway2, and my process has 3 valuable products.
I found this example with co-products:
The example shows more or less how it works, but I would like to use allocation for my process and not substitution. Should I just change the type to "allocation" instead of putting there "substitution", or is bw2 not supporting allocation? Also, if we have 3 valuable products, the first one is part of the main activity as type="production", and 2 others have 'type="substitution"? And for the other 2, we create 2 separate activities and they are just kinda one exchange activity, in which their type is production, like the example?
Besides just to make sure, if one of the inputs has the type="technosphere", we need to create another activity where we show the process behind it. When it comes to raw products, they have the type="biosphere", and their amounts are negative, in comparison to emissions.
I set other valuable products type as "substitution" and for each of them I created a new activity, where their type was equal to "production". Overall it worked, but the obtained LCA score wasn't correct, so I don't know if it wasn't conceptual mistake.
Thank you in advance for all your help and time!
So, Brightway currently does not have a model where you can enter a multifunctional process and get the software to do allocation for you. You will need to do the allocation yourself :) Here is a notebook I wrote up that shows a simple allocation procedure.
P.S. In the future please only post to one of the beginners mailing list or SO, otherwise everyone doesn't get notified twice.
Changing "substitution" by "allocation" will not work. If you want to use allocation / partition, I would create the activities with the exchanges already allocated.
The meaning of the "substitution" exchange as well as the sign conventions for biosphere flows is explained in the documentation here.
I am working on a project where you use a lot of dsPicc33EP256MU806 micro controllers, and normally they are note really accessible being a really pain when you have to change the code running there, one of the thing i suggested doing was implement a boot loader that would receive by CAN the new code. I soon ran into the following issue i could not resolve, how i would select the pic i was programming, since the physical CAN line has more than one pic in series (normal 10 or more) does any one have an idea on how to fix this?
I expect i could give an ID to each pic, making the BL unique, but i don't really know how to do this, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm working on an app that gives traffic alerts in real time and is based on crowd-sourced information. In other words, people use the app and report traffic problems and at the same time they are informed about traffic problems in their area.
A difficult task is how to distinguish real alert reports from fake ones so that the app behaves properly and is useful.
Do you know of any documentation regarding this issue or any programmer stories, insights into this problem? How should this problem be tackled?
What I've come up until now is:
each person using the app is uniquely identified
each alert report has a reliability value in an interval 1 .. x
the reliability of a report is calculated based on the number of users that reported it or confirmed it and the reputation of those people. But how exactly?
each person has a reputation value which is calculated somehow. But how?
I'm not sure how to handle the reputation/reliability stuff so I'd love some input on this. There must be some documentation on how to create a crowd-sourcing product that works.
Panos Ipeirotis has a fabulous talk on this subject. Yes, you want to incentivize good behavior. If Waze is too complicated this talk will be too, but it will give you a good idea of what is possible if you throw the kitchen sink at it.
Is "Application Definition Statement" the correct term for the plan/idea stage that gets written down of user interface design? I mean before you even reach the stage of sketching > wireframing > prototyping.
And i also mean before any contact with the target market, i guess you could say the hypotheses stage.
And i mean with regards to myself doing this for a web application of my own and not when its for a client.
For a few days i have thought that it was called Requirements Definition but having looked at i think that Application Definition Statement is what i should be calling it, im looking for confirmation/correction on this.
To clarify too, its for a web application not iphone or ipad its just that while im searching to find the right name i keep landing on at various pages, lol
I believe this is called the "I've got an idea" stage. Which is to say: you're so early that it doesn't have a name, and it doesn't really need a name yet. It's not like someone's going to knock off points if you don't use the Correct Name for where you are as you're thinking through what might become an application.
Requirements definition is later in the process, after you've had some time to let your idea gel into something that could become an application. Requirements definition is when you start to solidify your idea into something that will eventually get completed, and when you break down your idea into small manageable chunks (and eventually prioritize those chunks) that can be worked on.
Apple's term of "Application Definition Statement" is okay for stage, although I think that it's a rather grandiose term for something that you haven't started sketching out or researching or anything. "I've got an idea" sounds like it's more descriptive of where you are.
OK. Our product works. Beta testers are actually getting their stuff done. Time for the next iteration. But how to ensure quality? We need a tester!
How do I get someone fresh off the street started in testing? I have no clue on how to do it myself (I'm a developer, not a tester)!
We are a tiny team:
2 architects (as in buildings, not software, they are the domain experts here) figuring out what to build
me building it
and a new guy to do some testing before we push releases out
None of us has a clue on how to do this professionally. So far we have:
a bunch of virtual machines spanning the configurations we would like to test
various versions of windows
german and english, the two languages likely to be in use by our customers
the host software we are writing for (Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010, we are building a plugin for energy calculations)
a text document describing some tests I did (installed release xyz, did this, did that, etc.)
a bug tracking system the tester can add all the bugs he finds
I expect we will need a test script. But how? Who? What? When?
Why are you looking for "someone off the street"? To me, it sounds kind of like asking "I want to hire a new programmer, how do I get someone off the street and get him up to speed programming my software?". Why would you want to do that, over hiring someone who is a programmer already?
In your situation, which is that you don't know much about testing, I'd definitely think about hiring someone with experience in the field.
Specifically, I'd probably look for:
Someone with some experience performing tests under his belt (since you're going to want him actually doing tests).
Someone with some experience writing test plans/etc.
Someone with some experience running a QA team.
The last point is optional, but hopefully your team will be growing as your software grows, so it might make sense to get someone who can grow in the role as well (not to mention having the experience to help you decide when and how to grow the QA team).
Well, are you looking to expand your team with a tester? Have you considered just hiring a test specialist from a consultancy firm?
Before you get somebody to test, make sure you meet the requirements for testing. At a minimum you need:
A specification: Some authoritative source on what the application is supposed to do. This could be an expert that can answer any and all questions on exactly what the app is supposed to do, but the more that is written down and the more formally defined it is the better.
Time: Testing takes time. You can't hand off an application to the tester 30 minutes before it's supposed to go live and expect any worthwhile results. If you're doing waterfall development, testing will require a lot of time at the end. Lots of other development models let testing run in parallel with development, which saves a lot of time, but regardless of the model you use, testing will require more time than not testing.
If you don't have these two things, quality assurance is just a pipe dream.
Now if you do have those met, and you're trying to train somebody to test, here's my crash course on testing.
Fundamentally, testing an application means that you are attempting to ensure two things:
The program does what it is supposed to do.
The program does not do what it is not supposed to do.
That's the core mindset that I use. Building from that I approach things in terms of actions and attempt to verify:
An expected action with expected preconditions produces an expected effect.
An expected action with unexpected preconditions produces no effect or is handled appropriately.
An unexpected action produces no effect or is handled appropriately.
No unexpected effects occur.
Item 1 comes directly from the spec: You make sure that the program does what it is supposed to do.
Items 2 and 3 are where the art of testing comes in. What unexpected actions and preconditions can I perform? I could try to enter the wrong password. I could try to directly type in the URL of a supposedly secured page. I could try to paste odd unicode characters into a text field. I could try to put SQL or javascript code into a text field.
Item 4 is the infinite no-man's land of testing, the part that makes complete testing impossible. (2 and 3 are also infinite, but not as depressing to think about.) That doesn't mean you ignore it. You always keep an eye out for anything unusual. Also, sometimes inspiration strikes and you think of a possible way to cause an unexpected effect: "What happens if I log in between 11:59:59PM and 12:00:00AM on the third tuesday of the month? Oh look, it made me an administrator." Technical knowledge and a peek inside the black box help with coming up with scenarios like that.
There is a whole lot more to say about testing, but that's the bare minimum I can think of: The technical requirements and the approach to the problem.
Ideally, you'll need to give the tester:
training to make sure he knows the product to be tested.
documentation on what the expected results are.
test plans - what needs to be tested and how
a test tracking system to track what is being tested, what passed the tests, what needs to be fixed, etc. That system does not have to be too sophisticated, depending on the size of the project, an Excel spreadsheet may suffice.
In their podcast #64, Jeff and Joel discuss (among other things) what skills a good tester should possess. Transcript also available (about halfway down the page)