Understanding Ruby and Sinatra syntax - ruby

I have a need to decipher some Ruby code. Being a Python dev, I am having hard time making sense to some of the syntax.
I need to deal with some (mostly clean and readable) Sinatra code. I started with a Sinatra tutorial, and it looks something like this:
get '/' do
"Hello, World!"
Now, I know that in Ruby you don't need parentheses to call a function. So if I were to try to understand the above, I would say:
get is a function that takes as its first argument the route.
'/' is the first argument
do ... end block is an anonymous function
Please correct me if I am wrong above, and explain in detail anything I might be missing.
Also they say that Sinatra is a DSL -- does this mean that it is parsing some special syntax that is not official Ruby?

do ... end (or { ... }) is a block, a very important concept in Ruby. It was noticed that very often functions that take other functions as parameter (map, filter, grep, timeout...) very often accept a single function. So the Ruby designer decided to make a special syntax for it.
It is often said that in Ruby, everything is an object. This is not quite true: code is not an object. Code can be wrapped into an object. But Ruby blocks are pure code - not an object, not a first-order value at all. Blocks are a piece of code associated with a function call.
Your code snippet is equivalent to this:
self.get('/') do
return "Hello, World!"
The get method takes one parameter and a block; not two parameters. In a hypothetical example where get did take two parameters, we would have to write something like this:
get('/', lambda { "Hello, World" })
get('/', Proc.new { "Hello, World" })
but notice that the way we wrap code into objects involves calling methods lambda and Proc.new - and giving them a block (and zero parameters)!
There are many tutorials on "Ruby blocks", so I will not link any particular one.
Because of the block syntax, Ruby is very good at making dialects (still fully syntactic Ruby) that express certain concepts very neatly. Sinatra uses the get... "syntax" (but actually just a method call) to describe a web server; Rake uses task... "syntax" to describe build processes; RSpec, a testing framework, has its own DSL (that is still Ruby) that describes desired behaviours.

After some reading, I understood the code blocks.
Ruby code blocks are simple. They are 'closures'. There's two ways to write a block
do |x|
{|x| do_something(x) }
The |x| is the argument that gets passed to the code within the block.
The crucial bit to grasping code blocks is to understand how they are used with methods.
In Ruby, methods are a bit different.
In addition to arguments, any method can accept a code block.
Code blocks are NOT arguments, but they are a separate entity that can be passed to a method along with arguments
A method can choose not to call the code block, in which case, any code block that was passed is ignored
If a method calls a code block, then it is necessary to pass it when calling the method, or otherwise Ruby will complain.
yield within a method executes the code block
For more on code blocks read this: http://mixandgo.com/blog/mastering-ruby-blocks-in-less-than-5-minutes


Which is correct REPL or command-line?

when i write method missing in Object class i'm getting the output different in each interface.
the code is
class Object
def method_missing(hgh)
puts self
when i use REPL like irb, i get
when i use the command line, i get no error, any reasons would be helpful, thanks in advance
The tl;dr answer is that both are correct. Just more stuff happen in the REPL.
When you run the code from the command line like:
ruby script.rb
All that happens is that it's evaluated.
Whereas REPLs like IRB read your input, evaluate it and print it in a loop.
In this case evaluating your code literally broke the REPL and resulted in the subsequent print failing.
Now you may be a bit confused by this. "There is a print in both cases, I use puts!". The print I'm referring to here is the result that gets visualised after each evaluation. In this case the method definition result (=> :method_missing).
It might not only be the printing itself. It can be the ton of other under the hood code that the REPL has to execute to keep state like "what code was defined on which line" and so on.
Think of what you just did - you made it so that every object has every method possible to return nil. That is not just for the code you write in the REPL. It's for the code of the REPL itself as well.

Ruby Koans: blocks and arguments (test_blocks_can_take_arguments)

Ruby Koans has the following exercise in about_blocks.rb:
def method_with_block_arguments
def test_blocks_can_take_arguments
method_with_block_arguments do |argument|
assert_equal __, argument
I know the answer is assert_equal "Jim", argument, but I'm struggling to understand what is happening. Specifically:
Is argument or assert_equal... the block?
What is yield doing given that method_with_block_arguments returns "Jim" without yield?
I think some of the above commenters are correct in saying that you currently don't have a very deep understanding of Ruby, but don't let that discourage you. It just takes time to learn. When I was first learning Ruby, the concept of blocks and their syntax did take some time to wrap my head around. Once you get it the syntax is very simple, but you until you reach that point...
Anywho, this is my attempt to help you out. :)
argument is a block variable. All the stuff between do and end is the block. assert_equal is just a regular method call, nothing to do with blocks.
What yield does is the key to understanding how blocks work. What yield does it that it "yields" control to the calling function. You may think of it as a callback. When you say "yield" in the middle of a function, you are essentially saying "in the middle of this function, I want to allow someone else to plug in their code and make decisions about what should happen." If you use yield with no arguments, no data from your method gets passed back to the caller.
In essence, yield is a way of "yielding" control to somebody else, in this case the caller of your function.
When you call yield with one or more arguments, you are passing data from the your function back up to the caller. So when you say yield("Jim") you are handing the String "Jim" back to whoever calls method_with_block_arguments.
Lastly, you have to understand that in Ruby, methods always return the result of whatever was the last expression in a particular method. That's why you usually don't need an explicit return statement.
For instance, this method will return 42.
def foo
That's because 42 is a valid expression in Ruby. It's just an identity, but it's valid Ruby, so Ruby just says "okay, you said 42 and that's the last thing in this method declaration. So when people call 'foo' they get 42 back".
I hope this helps. I think at this point you should assume that you're still pretty early on in terms of your Ruby learning, but you're on the right track investigating blocks. Once you get them you'll understand one of the most powerful parts of Ruby.
Is argument or assert_equal... the block?
No, neither argument nor assert_equal is a block, argument is the variable and anything between do and end is the block. assert_equal is a normal method call.
What is yield doing given that method_with_block_arguments returns "Jim" without yield?
Yield is what makes it special. It calls the block (ie. everything between do and end) and executes it. "Jim" is the argument to the block.
Here is a gist that I copied from Paul while I was learning ruby. That should help in learning about closures in ruby.

Ruby as a "pure" object oriented language --- inconsistency with Ruby puts?

I've often read that Ruby is a pure object oriented language since commands are typically given as messages passed to the object.
For example:
In Ruby one writes: "A".ord to get the ascii code for A and 0x41.chr to emit the character given its ascii code.
This is in contrast to Python's: ord("A") and chr(0x41)
So far so good --- Ruby's syntax is message passing.
But the apparent inconsistency appears when considering the string output command:
Now one has: puts str or puts(str) instead of str.puts
Given the pure object orientation expectation for Ruby's syntax, I would have expected the output command to be a message passed to the string object, i.e. calling a method from the string class, hence str.puts
Any explanations? Am I missing something?
I would have expected the output command to be a message passed to the string object, i.e. calling a method from the string class, hence str.puts
This is incorrect expectation, let's start with that. Why would you tell a string to puts itself? What would it print itself to? It knows nothing (and should know nothing) of files, I/O streams, sockets and other places you can print things to.
When you say puts str, it's actually seen as self.puts str (implicit receiver). That is, the message is sent to the current object.
Now, all objects include Kernel module. Therefore, all objects have Kernel#puts in their lists of methods. Any object can puts (including current object, self).
As the doc says,
puts str
is translated to
$stdout.puts str
That is, by default, the implementation is delegated to standard output (print to console). If you want to print to a file or a socket, you have to invoke puts on an instance of file or socket classes. This is totally OO.
Ruby isn't entirely OO (for example, methods are not objects), but in this case, it is. puts is Kernel#puts, which is shorthand for $stdout.puts. That is, you're calling the puts method of the $stdout stream and passing a string as the parameter to be output to the stream. So, when you call
puts "foo"
You're really calling:
Which is entirely consistent with OO.
puts is a method on an output streams e.g.
$stdout.puts("this", "is", "a", "test")
Printing something to somewhere at least involves two things: what is written and where it is written to. Depending on what you focus on, there can be different implementations, even in OOP. Besides that, Ruby has a way to make a method look more like a function (i.e., not being particularly tied to a receiver as in OOP) for methods that are used all over the place. So there are at least three logical options that could be thought of for such methods like printing.
An OOP method defined on the object to be printed
An OOP method defined on the object where it should be printed
A function-style method
For the second option, IO#write is one example; The receiver is the destination of writing.
The puts without an explicit receiver is actually Kernel#puts, and takes neither of the two as the arguments; it is an example of the third option; you are correct to point out that this is not so OOP, but Matz especially provided the Kernel module to be able to do things like this: a function-style method.
The first option is what you are expecting; it is nothing wrong. It happens that there is no well known method of this type, but it was proposed in the Ruby core by one of the developers, but unfortunately, it did not make it. Actually, I felt the same thing as you, and have something similar in my personal library called Object#intercept. A simplified version is this:
class Object
def intercept
tap{|x| p x}
:foo.intercept # => :foo
You can replace p with puts if you want.

RSpec -- test if block called with block defined in before

I recently asked how to test in RSpec if a block was called and the answers to that question seem to work in a simple case. The problem is when the initialization with the block is more complex. Then it is done in before and reused by a number of different tests in the context, among them the one testing if the block was evaluated. See the example:
context "the node definition using block of code" do
before do
#n=node do
# this block should be called
# some more complex setup concerning #n
it "should call the block" do
# how to test it?
# here a bunch of other tests using #n
In this case the solution with side effect changing value of a local variable does not work. Raising an exception from the block is useless since the whole statement must be properly evaluated to be used by the other tests.
Obviously I could do the tests separately, but it seems to stink, since I must copy-paste the initialization part and since the was-the-block-called test inherently belongs to this very context.
How to test if the block was evaluated in such a case?
Explanation for question asked by #zetetic below.
The context is that I'm implementing a kind of DSL, with nodes defined by their parameters and blocks of code (that can define something else in the scope of node). Since the things defined by the node's block can be pretty generic, at least for the first attempt I just need to be sure the block is evaluated and that what a user provides there will be considered. For now does not matter what it is.
Probably I should refactor my tests now and using mocks make them test behaviors rather then implementation. However it will be a little bit tricky, for the sake of some mixins and dynamic handling of messages sent to objects. For now the cincept of such tests is a little bit fuzzy in my head ;-)
Anyway your answers and comments helped me to better understand how RSpec works and explained why what I'm trying to do looks as if it did not fit to the RSpec.
Try something like this (untested by me):
context "the node definition using block of code" do
node = Node.new "arg1", "arg2", node_block
# more complex stuff here
context "checking the block is called" do
let(:node_block) {
double = double("node_block")
double.should_receive("some kind of arg").and_return("something")
# this will now cause a fail if it isn't called
it "should call the block" do
let(:node_block) {
# some real code
subject { node.blah() }
it { should == 2 }
# ...
So that's a very shaky piece of code (you'll have to fill in the gaps as you didn't give very much to go on, and let is obviously a lambda too, which could mean you've got to play around with it a bit) that uses let and a double to check it's called, and avoids using before, which is really for side effects not setting up variables for use in the specs.
#zetetic makes a very insightful comment that you're not testing behaviour here. I'm not against using rspec for doing more unit test style stuff (guidelines are made to be broken), but you might ask how later tests will pass when using a real block of code if that block isn't being called? In a way, I'm not even sure you need to check the block is called, but only you know.

What is the semantics of this "do ... end"

I am new to Ruby and am learning from reading an already written code.
I encounter this code:
label = TkLabel.new(#root) do
text 'Current Score: '
background 'lightblue'
What is the semantics of the syntax "do" above?
I played around with it and it seems like creating a TkLabel object then set its class variable text and background to be what specified in quote. However when I tried to do the same thing to a class I created, that didn't work.
Oh yeah, also about passing hash into function, such as
object.function('argument1'=>123, 'argument2'=>321)
How do I make a function that accepts that kind of argument?
Thanks in advance
What you're looking at is commonly referred to as a DSL, or Domain Specific Language.
At first glance it may not be clear why the code you see works, as text and background are seemingly undefined, but the trick here is that that code is actually evaluated in a scope in which they are. At it's simplest, the code driving it might look something like this:
class TkLabel
def initialize(root, &block)
#root = root
if block
# the code inside the block in your app is actually
# evaluated in the scope of the new instance of TkLabel
def text(value)
# set the text
def background(value)
# set the background
Second question first: that's just a hash. Create a function that accepts a single argument, and treat it like a hash.
The "semantics" are that initialize accepts a block (the do...end bit), and some methods accepting string parameters to set specific attributes.
Without knowing how you tried to do it, it's difficult to go much beyond that. Here are a few, possible, references that might help you over some initial hurdles.
Ruby is pretty decent at making miniature, internal DSLs because of its ability to accepts blocks and its forgiving (if arcane at times) syntax.
