Hadoop 2.7.1 installation no bashrc? - bash

Im trying to install Hadoop 2.7.1 on my current laptop running linux mint 17 right now following this guide: http://tecadmin.net/setup-hadoop-single-node-cluster-on-centos-redhat/#
However, when I am on step 4 i get:
$ ~/.bashrc
-su: /home/hadoopdev/.bashrc: No such file or directory
or when i try: $ vi .bashrc
it shows an empty window with ~ on the side
what am I doing wrong here?

Step 4 just says edit and append those lines at the end of the file.
There is not a problem if the file does not exist. Just open in up and insert those lines, then save.


Ubuntu Terminal showing bash: /home/vostro/.rvm/scripts/rvm: No such file or directory on Launch

In Ubuntu, whenever I launch terminal, on top Terminal shows a message
bash: /home/vostro/.rvm/scripts/rvm: No such file or directory
after that I can enter commands, how to fix it?
Check your .bash_profile or .bashrc file for any startup scripts that may have gotten added by RVM and you probably need to remove or comment out those lines.

no such file or directory at share folder

When I start bash, the following description appears:
-bash: /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper_lazy.sh: No such file or directory
-bash: /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper_lazy.sh: No such file or directory
i'm using Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux, with ubuntu distro.
I already tried uninstalling by powershell pip uninstall virtualenvwrapper or in bash sudo pip uninstall virtualenvwrapper.
I also entered the share directory to delete the virtualenvwrapper folder, but it does not appear. I'm pressing LS and the folder does not appear.
I am also trying "which virtualenvwrapper" or "which virtualenvwrapper_lazy.sh" but this simply returns the same folder as I am.
i just need help to remove that message of bash
Most likely, there is a reference (potentially with source or .) to virtualenvwrapper_lazy.sh in one of bash startup files. Look at the usual suspects: ~/.bashrc, ~/.profile, /etc/profile, /etc/bash.bash.rc, /etc/.bash_login
To help with debugging, consider getting by adding set -x to ~/.bashrc, or by running interactive session
bash -ix /dev/null
UPDATE, based on log:
Per https://superuser.com/questions/893448/bash-shell-error-no-such-file-or-directory/1049989
I just had the same problem on Linux Mint.
The following file was causing the issue:
I made a backup (just in case) and deleted it, and everything seems to
be working fine now.

bash-compl and bash-completion: no such file or directory

Whenever I open a terminal, the following errors pop out instantly:
bash: /usr/share/bash-compl: No such file or directory
bash: etion/bash_completion: No such file or directory
Also, when I try to compile my ~/.bashrc I get the same errors.
What should I do?
P.S. (I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)
There was a newline in ~/.bashrc which caused the breaks in those lines. Removing it fixed the issue.
Following steps worked for me:
Go to /etc/skel and do ls -a.
Locate .bashrc.
Copy that or open it with any editor and copy it to the home .bashrc file.

Terminal is not working as usual mac after trying to install CakePHP

I was downloading the CakePHP framework for a project. Below the steps:
1) Install PHP 5.6 from: http://php-osx.liip.ch/
curl -s http://php-osx.liip.ch/install.sh | bash -s 5.6
2) add the updated PHP version to our path. So we edit .profile file
nano ~/.profile
Add into the file
export PATH= /usr/local/php5/bin:$PATH
Then hit Control + O to write out the file
Then hit Control + X to save the file
Restart the Terminal
Now the terminal doesn't work as usually. I've tried to understand the shell concept and apply different solutions, but I can't even find the .profile file again.
I obtain errors like:
enter code here-bash: ls: command not found
Anybody can explain me what's wrong and the shell concept to properly understand shell (-bash)?
The problem is this:
export PATH= /usr/local/php5/bin:$PATH
You killed your PATH variable. You need to find a way to edit .profile file, and change that line to:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/php5/bin
You could try editing with the following command (using vim):
/usr/bin/vim /Users/yourname/.profile
Or (using nano):
/usr/bin/nano /Users/yourname/.profile
Or just remove .profile file completely by doing /bin/rm /Users/yourname/.profile. Of course, in any case, you need to restart your terminal once you're done.

Torch / Lua after installation is not working

I have followed the following approach in order to install Torch in my machine (Mac).
When I am done with the installation, I type:
$ luarocks install image
or $ luarocks lis
or $th
in order to load the th or to make updates on the lua packages. It says "command not found". Do you have any idea how I can resolve this issue?
If you're on a Mac using the bash terminal, make sure that you've permanently added /Users/you/torch/install/bin to your PATH.
To do this:
Navigate in your terminal to the root directory by running the command:
$ cd
Using the text editor of your choice (emacs, vim, etc.) open the .bash_profile file for editing. For example:
$ emacs .bash_profile
Add the following line to the end of the file (replacing 'you' with your Mac username):
PATH=$PATH\:/Users/you/torch/install/bin ; export PATH
Save and exit the text editor
Source the changes by running:
$ source .bash_profile
Check that your PATH has been updated (look for /Users/you/torch/install/bin in the string returned):
$ echo $PATH
To make sure it has been changed permanently, completely quit Terminal, open it and run echo $PATH again
Now try th and it should run Torch!
For more help on PATH:
The Torch installation (at least for me) added the line . /Users/jb/torch/install/bin/torch-activate to my .profile file, not .bash_profile. I tried adding that exact line to .bash_profile but it didn't work, so based on the recommendations here I got rid of the trailing directory and such.
Have you updated your PATH? It should include something like
I faced the same issue and following this post deleted and reinstalled everything. However in the end what helped was adding /home/user/torch/install/bin/ to the PATH variable.
I have resolved the issue. I have deleted torch and I have installed it again. I have updated my PATH, and I have ran the $ luarocks install image command. After all of these, I was able to ran $ th command and in general torch.
