Is it logical to use the killall command to exit a script? - bash

I am working around with a pin generator and I have come across a small issue.
I know of a few different methods to exiting a script but I have been playing around with calling the same script that is running as a child process, however when the child process is not called, the script exits perfectly. When called, the parent script does not exit properly after the child has completed and exited and the parent script loops back to the user input. I cannot think of anything other than possibly using the "wait" command though I don't know if this command would be proper with this code. Any thoughts on using the "killall" command to exit the script? I have tested it out, as you may see it in the code below, but I am left with the message, "Terminated" and if I can use killall how would I prevent that message from printing to standard out? Here is my code:
echo ""
echo "Now generating a random pin."
sleep 3
echo ""
echo "----------------------------------------------"
echo ""
# Generates a random 8-digit number
gen_num=$(tr -dc '0-9' </dev/urandom | head -c 8)
echo " Pin = $gen_num "
echo ""
echo "Pin has been generated!"
sleep 3
echo ""
PS3="Would you like to generate another pin?: "
select CHOICE in "YES" "NO"
if [ "$CHOICE" == "YES" ]
bash "/home/yokai/Modules/"
elif [ "$CHOICE" == "NO" ]
echo ""
echo "Okay bye!"
sleep 3
killall ""
exit 0
exit 0

You don't need to call the same script recursively (and then kill all its instances). The following script performs the task without forking:
gen_pin () {
echo 'Now generating a random pin.'
# Generates a random 8-digit number
gen_num="$(tr -dc '0-9' </dev/urandom | head -c 8)"
echo "Pin = ${gen_num}"
PS3='Would you like to generate another pin?:'
select CHOICE in 'NO' 'YES'
case ${CHOICE} in
echo 'OK'
exit 0;;
while true
You can find a lot of information about how to program in bash here.

First of all, when you execut
bash "/home/yokai/Modules/"
The script forks and crates a child process, then, it waits for the child termination, and it does not continue with execution, unless, your script executes something else in background (forking again) without reaping its child. But i can not tell you more because i dont know what is in your script
To prevent messages to be printed to stdout when you execute killall:
killall "" 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
1> stands for stdout redirection to file /dev/null and 2> stands for stderr redirection to file /dev/null


Kill bash command when line is found

I want to kill a bash command when I found some string in the output.
To clarify, I want the solution to be similar to a timeout command:
timeout 10s
Which will execute the script: and kill the script after 10 seconds of execute.
Instead I want something like:
regexout "^Success$"
Which will execute the script until it matches a line that just says Success in the stdout of the program.
Note that I'm assuming that this does not exit at the same time it outputs Success for whatever reason, so simply waiting for the program to exit would waste time if I don't care about what happens after that.
So something like:
bash -e > /tmp/output &
PID="$(ps aux | grep | head -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 2 -d ' ')"
echo $PID
while :; do
echo "$(tail -1 /tmp/output)"
if [[ "$(tail -1 /tmp/output)" == "Success" ]]; then
kill $PID
exit 0
sleep 1
Where is something like:
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
echo "Success"
sleep 1;
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
echo "Fail"
sleep 1;
But that is not very robust (uses a single tmp file... might kill other programs...) and I want it to just be one command. Does something like this exist? I may just write a c program to do it if not.
P.S.: I provided my code as an example of what I wanted the program to do. It does not use good programming practices. Notes from other commenters:
#KamilCuk Do not use temporary file. Use a fifo.
#pjh Note that any approach that involves using kill with a PID in shell code runs the risk of killing the wrong process. Use kill in shell programs only when it is absolutely necessary.
There are more suggestions below from other users, I just wanted to make sure no one came across this and thought it would be good to model their code after.
looping_program() {
for i in 1 2 3; do echo $i; sleep 1; done
echo Success
coproc looping_program
while IFS= read -r line; do
if [[ "$line" =~ Success ]]; then
done <&${COPROC[0]}
exec {COPROC[0]}>&- {COPROC[1]}>&-
kill ${COPROC_PID}
wait ${COPROC_PID}
Do not use temporary file. Use a fifo.
Do not use tail -n1 to read last line. Read from the stream in a loop.
Do not repeat tail -1 twice. Cache the result.
Wait for pid after killing to synchronize.
When you're using a coprocess, use COPROC_PID to get the PID
When you're not using a coprocess, use $! to get the PID of a background process started from the current shell.
When you can't use $! (because the process you're trying to get a PID of was not spawned in the background as a direct child of the current shell), do not use ps aux | grep to get the pid. Use pgrep.
Do not use echo $(stuff). Just run the stuff, no echo.
With expect
#!/usr/bin/env -S expect -f
set timeout -1
spawn ./
expect "Success"
send -- "\x03"
expect eof
Call it looping_killer:
$ ./looping_killer
spawn ./
To pass the program and pattern:
./looping_killer some_program "some pattern"
You'd change the expect script to
#!/usr/bin/env -S expect -f
set timeout -1
spawn [lindex $argv 0]
expect -- [lindex $argv 1]
send -- "\x03"
expect eof
Assuming that your looping program exists when it tries to write to a broken pipe, this will print all output up to and including the 'Success' line and then exit:
./looping_program | sed '/^Success$/q'
You may need to disable buffering of the looping program output. See Force line-buffering of stdout in a pipeline and How to make output of any shell command unbuffered? for ways to do it.
See Should I save my scripts with the .sh extension? and Erlkonig: Commandname Extensions Considered Harmful for reasons why I dropped the '.sh' suffix.
Note that any approach that involves using kill with a PID in shell code runs the risk of killing the wrong process. Use kill in shell programs only when it is absolutely necessary.

How to write process ID and get exit code of the next to last command

I want to run a command, write the process id instantly to a file when the command started and afterwards get the exit status of the command. This means, while the process id has to be written instantly, I want the exit status only when the initial command has finished.
The following statement will unfortunately run the command, write the process id instantly but it won't wait for the command to be finished. Furthermore I will only get the exit status of the echo command, not of the initial command
command in my case is rdiff-backup.
How do I need to modify the statement?
<command> & echo $! > "/pid_file"
if [ "$RESULT" -ne "0" ]; then
echo "Finished with errors"
You need to wait on the background process to get its exit status:
_command_for_background_ & echo $! > pid_file
: ... do other things, if any ...
# it is better to grab $? on the same line to prevent any
# future modifications inadvertently breaking the strict sequence
wait $(< pid_file); child_status=$?
if [[ $child_status != 0 ]]; then
echo "Finished with errors"

applescript blocks shell script cmd when writing to pipe

The following script works as expected when executed from an Applescript do shell script command.
sleep 10 &
#echo "hello world" > /tmp/apipe &
sleep 1
if ps -ef | grep $cpid | grep sleep | grep -qv grep ; then
echo "killing blocking cmd..."
kill -KILL $cpid
# non zero status to inform launch script of problem...
exit 1
But, if the sleep command (line 2) is swaped to the echo command in (line 3) together with the if statement, the script blocks when run from Applescript but runs fine from the terminal command line.
Any ideas?
EDIT: I should have mentioned that the script works properly when a consumer/reader is connected to the pipe. It only block when nothing is reading from the pipe...
OK, the following will do the trick. It basically kills the job using its jobid. Since there is only one, it's the current job %%.
I was lucky that I came across the this answer or it would have driven me crazy :)
echo $1 > $2 &
sleep 1
# Following is necessary. Seems to need it or
# job will not complete! Also seen at
echo "Checking for running jobs..."
kill %% >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "Taking too long. Killed..."
exit 1
exit 0

Trying to capture stdout of background process in bash script

I wrote the following to be used with Jenkins to kick off my selenium tests. Now since they are being executed as background processes, when they fail Jenkins believes they haven't. As you can see my futile attempt on making this work. Any ideas? Thought about piping the output into a file and grepping for keywords. Then I realized I don't know how to reflect an error if a grep for string returns true.
echo "starting"
ruby /root/selenium-tests/test/test1.rb &
ruby /root/selenium-tests/test/test2.rb &
ruby /root/selenium-tests/test/test3.rb &
for job in `jobs -p`
echo $job
wait $job || let "FAIL+=1"
echo $FAIL
if [ "$FAIL" == "0" ];
echo "PASS"
echo "FAIL! ($FAIL)"
Jenkins most likely looks at the process exit code to determine whether tests fails. This is what all Unix tools do.
There are multiple ways of doing this. If your test files output something like "FAIL" instead of properly returning an exit code, you can do:
ruby /root/selenium-tests/test/test1.rb &
ruby /root/selenium-tests/test/test2.rb &
ruby /root/selenium-tests/test/test3.rb &
) > log
! grep "FAIL" log
exit $? # <- happens implicitly at the end of the script, and can be left out
In this case, grep finding "FAIL" will cause the script to fail, and Jenkins to detect the failure.
The more correct way, if your scripts return proper exit codes, is your method but without relying on job control (which by default is turned off in non-interactive shells), and returning correct exit codes:
for test in /root/selenium-tests/test/test*.rb
ruby "$test" &
pids+=( $! )
for pid in "${pids[#]}"
if wait $pid
echo "$pid succeeded"
echo "$pid failed"
(( failures++ ))
if [[ $failures -gt 0 ]]
echo "FAIL: $failures failed tests"
exit 1 # return failure
echo "PASS!"
exit 0 # return success

Best way to make a shell script daemon?

I'm wondering if there is a better way to make a daemon that waits for something using only sh than:
#! /bin/sh
trap processUserSig SIGUSR1
processUserSig() {
echo "doing stuff"
while true; do
sleep 1000
In particular, I'm wondering if there's any way to get rid of the loop and still have the thing listen for the signals.
Just backgrounding your script (./myscript &) will not daemonize it. See, section 1.7, which describes what's necessary to become a daemon. You must disconnect it from the terminal so that SIGHUP does not kill it. You can take a shortcut to make a script appear to act like a daemon;
nohup ./myscript 0<&- &>/dev/null &
will do the job. Or, to capture both stderr and stdout to a file:
nohup ./myscript 0<&- &> my.admin.log.file &
Redirection explained (see bash redirection)
0<&- closes stdin
&> file sends stdout and stderr to a file
However, there may be further important aspects that you need to consider. For example:
You will still have a file descriptor open to the script, which means that the directory it's mounted in would be unmountable. To be a true daemon you should chdir("/") (or cd / inside your script), and fork so that the parent exits, and thus the original descriptor is closed.
Perhaps run umask 0. You may not want to depend on the umask of the caller of the daemon.
For an example of a script that takes all of these aspects into account, see Mike S' answer.
Some of the top-upvoted answers here are missing some important parts of what makes a daemon a daemon, as opposed to just a background process, or a background process detached from a shell.
This describes what is necessary to be a daemon. And this Run bash script as daemon implements the setsid, though it misses the chdir to root.
The original poster's question was actually more specific than "How do I create a daemon process using bash?", but since the subject and answers discuss daemonizing shell scripts generally, I think it's important to point it out (for interlopers like me looking into the fine details of creating a daemon).
Here's my rendition of a shell script that would behave according to the FAQ. Set DEBUG to true to see pretty output (but it also exits immediately rather than looping endlessly):
# This part is for fun, if you consider shell scripts fun- and I do.
trap process_USR1 SIGUSR1
process_USR1() {
echo 'Got signal USR1'
echo 'Did you notice that the signal was acted upon only after the sleep was done'
echo 'in the while loop? Interesting, yes? Yes.'
exit 0
# End of fun. Now on to the business end of things.
print_debug() {
whatiam="$1"; tty="$2"
[[ "$tty" != "not a tty" ]] && {
echo "" >$tty
echo "$whatiam, PID $$" >$tty
ps -o pid,sess,pgid -p $$ >$tty
tty >$tty
me_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
me_FILE=$(basename $0)
cd /
#### CHILD HERE --------------------------------------------------------------------->
if [ "$1" = "child" ] ; then # 2. We are the child. We need to fork again.
shift; tty="$1"; shift
$DEBUG && print_debug "*** CHILD, NEW SESSION, NEW PGID" "$tty"
umask 0
$me_DIR/$me_FILE XXrefork_daemonXX "$tty" "$#" </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &
$DEBUG && [[ "$tty" != "not a tty" ]] && echo "CHILD OUT" >$tty
exit 0
##### ENTRY POINT HERE -------------------------------------------------------------->
if [ "$1" != "XXrefork_daemonXX" ] ; then # 1. This is where the original call starts.
$DEBUG && print_debug "*** PARENT" "$tty"
setsid $me_DIR/$me_FILE child "$tty" "$#" &
$DEBUG && [[ "$tty" != "not a tty" ]] && echo "PARENT OUT" >$tty
exit 0
##### RUNS AFTER CHILD FORKS (actually, on Linux, clone()s. See strace -------------->
# 3. We have been reforked. Go to work.
exec >/tmp/outfile
exec 2>/tmp/errfile
exec 0</dev/null
shift; tty="$1"; shift
$DEBUG && print_debug "*** DAEMON" "$tty"
# The real stuff goes here. To exit, see fun (above)
$DEBUG && [[ "$tty" != "not a tty" ]] && echo NOT A REAL DAEMON. NOT RUNNING WHILE LOOP. >$tty
$DEBUG || {
while true; do
echo "Change this loop, so this silly no-op goes away." >/dev/null
echo "Do something useful with your life, young padawan." >/dev/null
sleep 10
$DEBUG && [[ "$tty" != "not a tty" ]] && sleep 3 && echo "DAEMON OUT" >$tty
exit # This may never run. Why is it here then? It's pretty.
# Kind of like, "The End" at the end of a movie that you
# already know is over. It's always nice.
Output looks like this when DEBUG is set to true. Notice how the session and process group ID (SESS, PGID) numbers change:
<shell_prompt>$ bash blahd
*** PARENT, PID 5180
5180 1708 5180
5188 5188 5188
not a tty
*** DAEMON, PID 5198
5198 5188 5188
not a tty
# double background your script to have it detach from the tty
# cf.
(./ &) &
Use your system's daemon facility, such as start-stop-daemon.
Otherwise, yes, there has to be a loop somewhere.
$ ( cd /; umask 0; setsid </dev/null &>/dev/null & ) &
It really depends on what is the binary itself going to do.
For example I want to create some listener.
The starting Daemon is simple task :
lis_deamon :
# We will start the listener as Deamon process
test -x $LISTENER_BIN || exit 5
case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting Listener Deamon .... "
startproc -f -p $PIDFILE $LISTENER_BIN
echo "running"
echo "Usage: $0 start"
exit 1
this is how we start the daemon (common way for all /etc/init.d/ staff)
now as for the listener it self,
It must be some kind of loop/alert or else that will trigger the script
to do what u want. For example if u want your script to sleep 10 min
and wake up and ask you how you are doing u will do this with the
while true ; do sleep 600 ; echo "How are u ? " ; done
Here is the simple listener that u can do that will listen for your
commands from remote machine and execute them on local :
listener :
# Starting listener on some port
# we will run it as deamon and we will send commands to it.
IP=$(hostname --ip-address)
while [ -a $FILE ] ; do #If file exis I assume that it used by other program
count=$(($count + 1))
# Now we know that such file do not exist,
# U can write down in deamon it self the remove for those files
# or in different part of program
mknod $FILE p
while true ; do
netcat -l -s $IP -p $PORT < $FILE |/bin/bash > $FILE
rm $FILE
So to start UP it : /tmp/deamon_test/listener start
and to send commands from shell (or wrap it to script) :
test_host#netcat 1024
20:01pm up 21 days 5:10, 44 users, load average: 0.62, 0.61, 0.60
Tue Jan 28 20:02:00 IST 2014
punt! (Cntrl+C)
Hope this will help.
Have a look at the daemon tool from the libslack package:
On Mac OS X use a launchd script for shell daemon.
If I had a and i wanted to execute it from bash and leave it running even when I want to close my bash session then I would combine nohup and & at the end.
example: nohup ./ < inputFile.txt > ./logFile 2>&1 &
inputFile.txt can be any file. If your file has no input then we usually use /dev/null. So the command would be:
nohup ./ < /dev/null > ./logFile 2>&1 &
After that close your bash session,open another terminal and execute: ps -aux | egrep "" and you will see that your script is still running at the background. Of cource,if you want to stop it then execute the same command (ps) and kill -9 <PID-OF-YOUR-SCRIPT>
See Bash Service Manager project:
Implementation example
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export PID_FILE_PATH="/tmp/"
export LOG_FILE_PATH="/tmp/my-service.log"
export LOG_ERROR_FILE_PATH="/tmp/my-service.error.log"
. ./
run-script() {
local action="$1" # Action
while true; do
echo "### Running action '${action}'"
echo foo
echo bar >&2
[ "$action" = "run" ] && return 0
sleep 5
[ "$action" = "debug" ] && exit 25
before-start() {
local action="$1" # Action
echo "* Starting with $action"
after-finish() {
local action="$1" # Action
local serviceExitCode=$2 # Service exit code
echo "* Finish with $action. Exit code: $serviceExitCode"
serviceName="Example Service"
serviceMenu "$action" "$serviceName" run-script "$workDir" before-start after-finish
Usage example
$ ./example-service
# Actions: [start|stop|restart|status|run|debug|tail(-[log|error])]
$ ./example-service start
# Starting Example Service service...
$ ./example-service status
# Serive Example Service is runnig with PID 5599
$ ./example-service stop
# Stopping Example Service...
$ ./example-service status
# Service Example Service is not running
Here is the minimal change to the original proposal to create a valid daemon in Bourne shell (or Bash):
if [ "$1" != "__forked__" ]; then
setsid "$0" __forked__ "$#" &
trap 'siguser1=true' SIGUSR1
trap 'echo "Clean up and exit"; kill $sleep_pid; exit' SIGTERM
exec > outfile
exec 2> errfile
exec 0< /dev/null
while true; do
(sleep 30000000 &>/dev/null) &
kill $sleep_pid &>/dev/null
if [ -n "$siguser1" ]; then
echo "Wait was interrupted by SIGUSR1, do things here."
Line 2-7: A daemon must be forked so it doesn't have a parent. Using an artificial argument to prevent endless forking. "setsid" detaches from starting process and terminal.
Line 9: Our desired signal needs to be differentiated from other signals.
Line 10: Cleanup is required to get rid of dangling "sleep" processes.
Line 11-13: Redirect stdout, stderr and stdin of the script.
Line 16: sleep in the background
Line 18: wait waits for end of sleep, but gets interrupted by (some) signals.
Line 19: Kill sleep process, because that is still running when signal is caught.
Line 22: Do the work if SIGUSR1 has been caught.
Guess it does not get any simpler than that.
Like many answers this one is not a "real" daemonization but rather an alternative to nohup approach.
echo "" | at now
There are obviously differences from using nohup. For one there is no detaching from the parent in the first place. Also "" doesn't inherit parent's environment.
By no means this is a better alternative. It is simply a different (and somewhat lazy) way of launching processes in background.
P.S. I personally upvoted carlo's answer as it seems to be the most elegant and works both from terminal and inside scripts
try executing using &
if you save this file as
you can use
$. &
