Run custom Speculator in Hadoop 2.6.0 - hadoop

I am programming my custom speculator, I reviewed documentation and by default is "" and is set in class "" (function createSpeculator()) in core of Hadoop. I want to know if you can update/change speculator in runtime when executing my job, because i need to test between about 5 speculators.
Thanks !!!

The speculative execution can be turned on and off for map tasks and reduce tasks on a cluster-wide basis or on a per-job basis.
The speculator is instantiated in MRAppMaster (Map-Reduce Application Master). As you mentioned in your question, following is the piece of code in MRAppMaster::serviceInit() function, which instantiates the speculator:
if (conf.getBoolean(MRJobConfig.MAP_SPECULATIVE, false)
|| conf.getBoolean(MRJobConfig.REDUCE_SPECULATIVE, false)) {
//optional service to speculate on task attempts' progress
speculator = createSpeculator(conf, context);
It checks the JobConfig, to see if speculative execution is turned on for either Map or Reduce tasks and then creates the speculator.
Since the speculator is created inside the MRAppMaster, you can enable your custom speculator for each job.
Following are the speculative execution properties: Enable speculative execution for map tasks
mapreduce.reduce.speculative: Enable speculative execution for reduce
tasks Speculator class Estimator class. This is used by speculator for estimating the run time of a task.


Preemption with Tez along with the yarn FairShare scheduler supported?

We've been switching our 10 nodes cluster from MapReduce to Tez lately and we are experiencing issues with resource management since then. It seems like preemption does not work as expected :
a very consuming job arrives it gets all free ressources
a second job arrives and wait for resources to be freed by job1
job2 gets a very little resource (5%) over a long time and it keeps increasing very slowly but most of the time never reach the fair share.
I'm assuming the preemption mechanism used by the FairShare yarn scheduler is not working as it should and resources only get assigned to job2 when some job1 containers are done.
I've looked into Tez doc and I could think that Tez would have been developed with the Capacity Scheduler as a defacto scheduler, but can't find any help for the FairShare scheduler.
Some conf variables used that may help :

Spark streaming jobs duration in program

How do I get in my program (which is running the spark streaming job) the time taken for each rdd job.
for example
val streamrdd = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String, StringDecoder,StringDecoder](ssc, kafkaParams, topicsSet)
val processrdd = operations...).savetoxyz
In the above code for each microbatch rdd the job is run for map and saveto operation.
I want to get the timetake for each streaming job. I can see the job in port 4040 UI, but want to get in the spark code itself.
Pardon if my question is not clear.
You can use the StreamingListener in you spark app. This interface provides a method onBatchComplete that can give you total time taken by the batch jobs.
context.addStreamingListener(new StatusListenerImpl());
StatusListenerImpl is the implementation class that you have to implement using StreamingListener.
There are more other methods also available in listener you should explore them as well.

What can cause hadoop kill reducer task an retry

my hadoop job has a very high ‘Killed Task Attempts’ number on its reducer tasks, I check the status of killed task:
Request received to kill task 'attempt_201308122006_41526_r_000030_1' by user
Task has been KILLED_UNCLEAN by the user
and no stdout and stderr logs
what could cause this ? and how can I solve it?
If you have speculative execution turned on, then you will potentially see a number of map / reduce tasks that will be 'killed'. This is due to hadoop running long running tasks on more than a single task tracker, and the first one to complete 'wins' while the others are killed off.
In general i would only worry about the task attempts that 'failed' in the job tracker
Try turning speculative execution off: = false
mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution = false
If not the speculative execution, it could be the Fair Scheduler kicked in claiming task trackers for pool with minMaps and minReduces.

Hive execution hook

I am in need to hook a custom execution hook in Apache Hive. Please let me know if somebody know how to do it.
The current environment I am using is given below:
Hadoop : Cloudera version 4.1.2
Operating system : Centos
There are several types of hooks depending on at which stage you want to inject your custom code:
Driver run hooks (Pre/Post)
Semantic analyizer hooks (Pre/Post)
Execution hooks (Pre/Failure/Post)
Client statistics publisher
If you run a script the processing flow looks like as follows: takes the command
Driver.compile() starts processing the command: creates the abstract syntax tree
Semantic analysis
Create and validate the query plan (physical plan)
Driver.execute() : ready to run the jobs
ExecDriver.execute() runs all the jobs
For each job at every HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVECOUNTERSPULLINTERVAL interval: is called to publish statistics
If a task fails:
Finish all the tasks (HiveConf.ConfVars.POSTEXECHOOKS)
Before returning the result HiveDriverRunHook.postDriverRun() ( HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_DRIVER_RUN_HOOKS)
Return the result.
For each of the hooks I indicated the interfaces you have to implement. In the brackets
there's the corresponding conf. prop. key you have to set in order to register the
class at the beginning of the script.
E.g: setting the PreExecution hook (9th stage of the workflow)
HiveConf.ConfVars.PREEXECHOOKS -> hive.exec.pre.hooks :
set hive.exec.pre.hooks=com.example.MyPreHook;
Unfortunately these features aren't really documented, but you can always look into the Driver class to see the evaluation order of the hooks.
Remark: I assumed here Hive 0.11.0, I don't think that the Cloudera distribution
differs (too much)
a good start -->
there are examples...
note: hive cli from console show the messages if you execute from hue, add a logger and you can see the results in hiveserver2 log role.

scheduling tasks in rails 3 app

I'm writing an rails 3 application which requires performing small tasks on a custom schedule for each user. The scheduled tasks will be defined dynamically. Right now my plan is to use resque scheduler with redis.
Once I set the schedule for a specify task (for eg. run task A every 48 hours) I would like to run that task indefinitely. So I would like to store those schedules in a db or something so in case an app crashes when it restarts it would load queue those task again.
Is this something Resque supports by default by storing it in redis or do I need to write my own custom thing? I was also looking at ruby-taskr ( I am not sure if taskr supports storing it in a database and registering it on start?
Also it would be helpful if there are applications/demo that I can look at it.
I have a similar setup for batch jobs. The user adds them on a web dashboard and they get run however often is specified.
I use active-record to store the scheduling definitions, use resque for execution and a single cron entry for enqueueing using a rake task.
so then in the rake task:
to_run = Report.daily
to_run += Report.weekly if
to_run += Report.monthly if == 1
to_run.each{|r| r.enqueue!}
where daily, weekly, monthly are named scopes on the model:
class Report < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :daily, where(:when_to_run => 'daily')
scope :weekly, where(:when_to_run => 'weekly')
scope :monthly, where(:when_to_run => 'monthly')
This is a little hacky, but it works well and I stay within the stack nicely. Hope that is useful
