Google Compute Engine load balancing keep session - session

I have 2 TomEE servers on google's machines. they both serves the same application.
The web application have login page with jaas. an both servers works with the same DB.
when Im tring to access the servers separatly everything works fine.
but when I try to access via the load-balancer It's look like the load balancer hopping my requests between the two servers and therefore my web app not working well since the VM that I didn't login to rejects my requests.
my problem is how to make the session works well when loadbalancing the servers?

You want to look at the sessionAffinity feature of load balancer.
Specifically, per the load balancer target pool docs:
[Optional] Controls the method used to select a backend virtual machine instance. You can only set this value during the creation of the target pool. Once set, you cannot modify this value. The hash method selects a backend based on a subset of the following 5 values:
Source / Destination IP
Source / Destination Port
Layer 4 Protocol (TCP, UDP)
Possible hashes are:
NONE (i.e., no hash specified) (default)
5-tuple hashing, which uses the source and destination IPs, source and destination ports, and protocol. Each new connection can end up on any instance, but all traffic for a given connection will stay on the same instance if the instance stays healthy.
3-tuple hashing, which uses the source and destination IPs and the protocol. All connections from a client will end up on the same instance as long as they use the same protocol and the instance stays healthy.
2-tuple hashing, which uses the source and destination IPs. All connections from a client will end up on the same instance regardless of protocol as long as the instance stays healthy.
5-tuple hashing provides a good distribution of traffic across many virtual machines. However, a second session from the same client may arrive on a different instance because the source port may change. If you want all sessions from the same client to reach the same backend, as long as the backend stays healthy, you can specify CLIENT_IP_PROTO or CLIENT_IP options.
In general, if you select a 3-tuple or 2-tuple method, it will provide for better session affinity than the default 5-tuple method, but the overall traffic may not be as evenly distributed.
Caution: If a large portion of your clients are behind a proxy server, you should not use CLIENT_IP_PROTO or CLIENT_IP. Using them would end up sending all the traffic from those clients to the same instance.


How does AWS Application Load balancer select a target within a target group? How to load balance the websocket traffic?

I have an AWS Application load balancer to distribute the http(s) traffic.
Problem 1:
Suppose I have a target group with 2 EC2 instances: micro and xlarge. Obviously they can handle different traffic levels. Does the load balancer manage traffic proportionally to instance sizes or just round robin? If only round robin is used and no other factors taken into account, then it's not really balancing load, because at some point the micro instance will be suffering from the traffic, while xlarge will starve.
Problem 2:
Suppose I have target group with 2 EC2 instances, both are same size. But my service is not using a classic http request/response flow. It is using HTTP websockets, i.e. a client makes HTTP request just once, to establish a socket, and then keeps the socket open for longer time, sending and receiving messages (e.g. a chat service). Let's suppose my load balancer is using round robin and both EC2 instances have 1000 clients connected each. Now suppose one of the EC2 instances goes down and 1000 connected clients drop their socket connections. The instance gets back up quickly and is ready to accept websocket calls again. The 1000 clients who dropped are trying to reconnect. Now, if the load balancer would use pure round robin, I'll end up with 1500 clients connected to instance #1 and 500 clients connected to instance #2, thus not really balancing the load correctly.
Basically, I'm trying to find out if some more advanced logic is being used to select a target in a group, or is it just a naive round robin selection. If it's round robin only, then how can I really balance the websocket connections load?
Websockets start out as http or https connections, so a load balancer can dispatch them to a server. Once the server accepts the http connection, both the server and the client "upgrade" the connection to use the websocket protocol. They then leave the connection open to use for websocket traffic. As far as the load balancer can tell, the connection is simply a long-lasting http connection.
Taking a server down when it has websocket connections to clients requires your application to retry lost connections. Reconnecting on connection failure is one of the trickiest parts of websocket client programming. Your application cannot be robust without reconnect logic.
AWS's load balancer has no built-in knowledge of the capabilities of the servers behind it. You have observed that it sends requests equally to big and small servers. That can overwhelm the small ones.
I have managed this by building a /healthcheck endpoint in my servers. It's a straightforward web page. You can put a little bit of content on the page announcing how many websocket connections are currently open, or anything else. Don't password protect it or require a session to hit it.
My /healthcheck endpoints, whenever hit, measure the server load. I simply use the number of current websocket connections, but you can use any metric you want. I compare the current load to a load threshold configured for each server. For example, on a micro instance I can handle 20 open websockets, and on a production instance I can handle 400.
If the server load is too high, my endpoint gives back a 503 http error status along with its content. 503 typically means "I am overloaded, please try again later." It can also mean "I will shut down when all my connections are closed. Please don't use me for any more connections."
Then I configure the load balancer to perform those health checks every couple of minutes on all the servers in the server pool (AWS calls the pool a "target group"). The health check operation detects "unhealthy" servers and temporarily takes them out of its rotation. (The health check also detects crashed servers, which is good.)
You need this loadbalancer health check for a large-scale production setup.
All that being said, you will get best results if all your server instances in your pool have roughly the same capacity as each other.

Client-side load balancing in practice seems to be almost the same as server-side load balancing. Is that so?

In server-side load balancing, the clients call an intermediate server, which then decides which instance of the actual server (or microservice) to call.
In client-side load balancing also, the clients call an intermediate server (the API gateway - Zuul for instance, configured with a load-balancer - Ribbon for instance and a naming server - Eureka for instance), which then decides which instance of the microservice to call.
Unless we include the API gateway as part of the client, the client still doesn't know the IP address of the exact server to which it should send the request. Seems to me, to be a lot like server-side load-balancing. Is there something I'm missing?
(Including the API gateway as part of client seems weird, since its usually deployed on a different server from the client)
In Client Side load balancing, the Client is doing the heavy lifting of discovery and connection to the origin server. The client may reference a lookup (Eureka, Consul, maybe DDNS), to discover what the end destination is and the registry will dole out a valid origin. The communication is direct, client to server without a middle man.
In Server Side load balancing, the client is dumb, and makes a call to a predetermined address (usually DNS or static IP). That device then either proxies (TCP or protocol level) the connection to the origin server based on either a lookup, heartbeat, etc.
I've seen benefits in client side routing in that as long as you have IP connectivity between client and server, the work of the infrastructure is trivial to add new services, locations, products, apps, etc. As long as the new server can "register" with the registry, and the client has IP access to the server, it just works and IT does not have to be involved in rolling out your new service.
The drawback is it makes the client a little more heavy, it does require IP access direct from client to server, and may be confusing for traditional IT folks and auditors. Each client needs to be aware of the registry and have code to make calls (or use a sidecar/sidekick).
I've seen it in practice where a group started to transition their apps to a Docker environment, and they were able to run their Docker based apps along side their non-docker versions at the same time w/o having to get IT involved and do a lot of experimentation and testing quickly and autonomously.
If you have autonomous teams, are highly advanced on the devops spectrum, and have a lot of trust with your teams, Client Side routing and load balancing may be a good experience for you.

Persistent & clustered connections with traefik reverse proxy

Let's say I have a cluster of database replicas that I would like to make available under a frontend. These databases replicate with each other. Can I have Traefik serve the same backend to the same client IP if possible, such that the UI can be made consistent even when the DBs are still replicating the newest state?
What you seem to be asking for is sticky sessions (aka session affinity) on a per-IP address basis.
Traefik supports cookie-based stickiness, which means that a cookie will be assigned on the initial request if the relevant Traefik option is enabled. Subsequent requests will then reach the same backend unless it fails to be reachable, at which point a new sticky backend will be selected.
The option can be enabled like this:
sticky = true
Documentation can be found here (search for "sticky sessions").
If you are running one of the dynamic providers with Traefik (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes, Marathon), there are usually labels/tags/annotations available you can set per-frontend. The TOML configuration file documentation contains all the details.
If you are looking for true IP address-based stickiness where the IP address space gets hashed and traffic evenly distributed across all backends: This isn't possible yet, although there's an open feature request.

Loadbalancing web sockets

I have a server which supports web sockets. Browsers connect to my site and each one opens a web socket to www.mydomain.example. That way, my social network app can push messages to the clients.
Traditionally, using just HTTP requests, I would scale up by adding a second server and a load balancer in front of the two web servers.
With web sockets, the connection has to be directly with the web server, not the load balancers, because if a machine has a physical limit of say 64k open ports, and the clients were connecting to the load balancer, then I couldn't support more than 64k concurrent users.
So how do I:
get the client to connect directly to the web server (rather than the load balancer) when the page loads? Do I simply load the JavaScript from a node, and the load balancers (or whatever) randomly modifies the URL for the script, every time the page is initially requested?
handle a ripple start? The browser will notice that the connection is closed as the web server shuts down. I can write JavaScript code to attempt to reopen the connection, but the node will be gone for a while. So I guess I would have to go back to the load balancer to query the address of the next node to use?
I did wonder about the load balancers sending a redirect on the initial request, so that the browser initially requests www.mydomain.example and gets redirected to www34.mydomain.example. That works quite well, until the node goes down - and sites like Facebook don't do that. How do they do it?
Put a L3 load-balancer that distributes IP packets based on source-IP-port hash to your WebSocket server farm. Since the L3 balancer maintains no state (using hashed source-IP-port) it will scale to wire speed on low-end hardware (say 10GbE). Since the distribution is deterministic (using hashed source-IP-port), it will work with TCP (and hence WebSocket).
Also note that a 64k hard limit only applies to outgoing TCP/IP for a given (source) IP address. It does not apply to incoming TCP/IP. We have tested Autobahn (a high-performance WebSocket server) with 200k active connections on a 2 core, 4GB RAM VM.
Also note that you can do L7 load-balancing on the HTTP path announced during the initial WebSocket handshake. In that case the load balancer has to maintain state (which source IP-port pair is going to which backend node). It will probably scale to millions of connections nevertheless on decent setup.
Disclaimer: I am original author of Autobahn and work for Tavendo.
Note that if your websocket server logic runs on nodejs with, you can tell to use a shared redis key/value store for synchronization.
This way you don't even have to care about the load balancer, events will propagate among the server instances.
var io = require('')(3000);
var redis = require('');
io.adapter(redis({ host: 'localhost', port: 6379 }));
See: Socket IO - Using multiple nodes
But at some point I guess redis can become the bottleneck...
You can also achieve layer 7 load balancing with inspection and "routing functionality"
See "How to inspect and load-balance WebSockets traffic using Stingray Traffic Manager, and when necessary, how to manage WebSockets and HTTP traffic that is received on the same IP address and port."

When would you need multiple servers to host one web application?

Is that called "clustering" of servers? When a web request is sent, does it go through the main server, and if the main server can't handle the extra load, then it forwards it to the secondary servers that can handle the load? Also, is one "server" that's up and running the application called an "instance"?
[...] Is that called "clustering" of servers?
Clustering is indeed using transparently multiple nodes that are seen as a unique entity: the cluster. Clustering allows you to scale: you can spread your load on all the nodes and, if you need more power, you can add more nodes (short version). Clustering allows you to be fault tolerant: if one node (physical or logical) goes down, other nodes can still process requests and your service remains available (short version).
When a web request is sent, does it go through the main server, and if the main server can't handle the extra load, then it forwards it to the secondary servers that can handle the load?
In general, this is the job of a dedicated component called a "load balancer" (hardware, software) that can use many algorithms to balance the request: round-robin, FIFO, LIFO, load based...
In the case of EC2, you previously had to load balance with round-robin DNS and/or HA Proxy. See Introduction to Software Load Balancing with Amazon EC2. But for some time now, Amazon has launched load balancing and auto-scaling (beta) as part of their EC2 offerings. See Elastic Load Balancing.
Also, is one "server" that's up and running the application called an "instance"?
Actually, an instance can be many things (depending of who's speaking): a machine, a virtual machine, a server (software) up and running, etc.
In the case of EC2, you might want to read Amazon EC2 Instance Types.
Here is a real example:
This specific configuration is hosted at RackSpace in their Managed Colo group.
Requests pass through a Cisco Firewall. They are then routed across a Gigabit LAN to a Cisco CSS 11501 Content Services Switch (eg Load Balancer). The Load Balancer matches the incoming content to a content rule, handles the SSL decryption if necessary, and then forwards the traffic to one of several back-end web servers.
Each 5 seconds, the load balancer requests a URL on each webserver. If the webserver fails (two times in a row, IIRC) to respond with the correct value, that server is not sent any traffic until the URL starts responding correctly.
Further behind the webservers is a MySQL master / slave configuration. Connections may be mad to the master (for transactions) or to the slaves for read only requests.
Memcached is installed on each of the webservers, with 1 GB of ram dedicated to caching. Each web application may utilize the cluster of memcache servers to cache all kinds of content.
Deployment is handled using rsync to sync specific directories on a management server out to each webserver. Apache restarts, etc.. are handled through similar scripting over ssh from the management server.
The amount of traffic that can be handled through this configuration is significant. The advantages of easy scaling and easy maintenance are great as well.
For clustering, any web request would be handled by a load balancer, which being updated as to the current loads of the server forming the cluster, sends the request to the least burdened server. As for if it's an instance.....I believe so but I'd wait for confirmation first on that.
You'd' need a very large application to be bothered with thinking about clustering and the "fun" that comes with it software and hardware wise, though. Unless you're looking to start or are already running something big, it wouldn't' be anything to worry about.
Yes, it can be required for clustering. Typically as the load goes up you might find yourself with a frontend server that does url rewriting, https if required and caching with squid say. The requests get passed on to multiple backend servers - probably using cookies to associate a session with a particular backend if necessary. You might have the database on a separate server also.
I should add that there are other reasons why you might need multiple servers, for instance there may be a requirement that the database is not on the frontend server for security reasons
