Pattern matching over borrowed HashMap containing enums - enums

I'm trying to learn Rust, so bear with me if I'm way off :-)
I have a program that inserts enums into a HashMap, and uses Strings as keys. I'm trying to match over the content of the HashMap. Problem is that I can't figure out how to get the correct borrowings, references and types in the eval_output function. How should the eval_output function look to properly handle a reference to a HashMap? Is there any good document that I can read to learn more about this particular subject?
use std::prelude::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
enum Op {
fn eval_output(output: &str, outputs: &HashMap<String, Op>) -> u16 {
match outputs.get(output) {
Some(&op) => {
match op {
Op::Not(input) => return eval_output(input.as_str(), outputs),
Op::Value(value) => return value,
None => panic!("Did not find input for wire {}", output),
fn main() {
let mut outputs = HashMap::new();
outputs.insert(String::from("x"), Op::Value(17));
outputs.insert(String::from("a"), Op::Not(String::from("x")));
println!("Calculated output is {}", eval_output("a", &outputs));

Review what the compiler error message is:
error: cannot move out of borrowed content [E0507]
Some(&op) => {
note: attempting to move value to here
Some(&op) => {
help: to prevent the move, use `ref op` or `ref mut op` to capture value by reference
While technically correct, using Some(ref op) would be a bit silly, as the type of op would then be a double-reference (&&Op). Instead, we simply remove the & and have Some(op).
This is a common mistake that bites people, because to get it right you have to be familiar with both pattern matching and references, plus Rust's strict borrow checker. When you have Some(&op), that says
Match an Option that is the variant Some. The Some must contain a reference to a value. The referred-to thing should be moved out of where it is and placed into op.
When pattern matching, the two keywords ref and mut can come into play. These are not pattern-matched, but instead they control how the value is bound to the variable name. They are analogs of & and mut.
This leads us to the next error:
error: mismatched types:
expected `&Op`,
found `Op`
Op::Not(input) => return eval_output(input.as_str(), outputs),
It's preferred to do match *some_reference, when possible, but in this case you cannot. So we need to update the pattern to match a reference to an Op — &Op. Look at what error comes next...
error: cannot move out of borrowed content [E0507]
&Op::Not(input) => return eval_output(input.as_str(), outputs),
It's our friend from earlier. This time, we will follow the compilers advice, and change it to ref input. A bit more changes and we have it:
use std::collections::HashMap;
enum Op {
fn eval_output(output: &str, outputs: &HashMap<String, Op>) -> u16 {
match outputs.get(output) {
Some(op) => {
match op {
&Op::Not(ref input) => eval_output(input, outputs),
&Op::Value(value) => value,
None => panic!("Did not find input for wire {}", output),
fn main() {
let mut outputs = HashMap::new();
outputs.insert("x".into(), Op::Value(17));
outputs.insert("a".into(), Op::Not("x".into()));
println!("Calculated output is {}", eval_output("a", &outputs));
There's no need to use std::prelude::*; — the compiler inserts that automatically.
as_str doesn't exist in stable Rust. A reference to a String (&String) can use deref coercions to act like a string slice (&str).
I used into instead of String::from as it's a bit shorter. No real better reason.


How to write fuctions that takes IntoIter more generally

I was reading an answer to stackoverflow question and tried to modify the function history to take IntoIter where item can be anything that can be transformed into reference and has some traits Debug in this case.
If I will remove V: ?Sized from the function definition rust compiler would complain that it doesn't know the size of str at compile time.
use std::fmt::Debug;
pub fn history<I: IntoIterator, V: ?Sized>(i: I) where I::Item: AsRef<V>, V: Debug {
for s in i {
println!("{:?}", s.as_ref());
fn main() {
history::<_, str>(&["st", "t", "u"]);
I don't understand why compiler shows error in the first place and not sure why the program is working properly if I kind of cheat with V: ?Sized.
I kind of cheat with V: ?Sized
It isn't cheating. All generic arguments are assumed to be Sized by default. This default is there because it's the most common case - without it, nearly every type parameter would have to be annotated with : Sized.
In your case, V is only ever accessed by reference, so it doesn't need to be Sized. Relaxing the Sized constraint makes your function as general as possible, allowing it to be used with the most possible types.
The type str is unsized, so this is not just about generalisation, you actually need to relax the default Sized constraint to be able to use your function with str.

Is there some syntactic sugar for matching on deeply nested Option and Result chains?

I am issuing calls that return an Option that contains a Result which contains another Option that contains custom variants.
I am only ever interested in a specific chain of variant results like this:
if let Some(Ok(Some(CustomVariant(Some(value))))) = expr {
// handle value case
This is getting quite verbose and not really helpful, since I actually treat it as a single Result in all of my code. Can I somehow alias this code so that instead of writing the entire chain of Options and Results I can do something similar to:
alias TheCase(value) = Some(Ok(Some(CustomVariant(Some(value))));
if let TheCase(value) = expr {
//handle value
You don't need such an alias, just use a function to retrieve the one case you want:
fn oneCaseICareAbout(value: &Option<Result<Option<Foo>, Bar>>) -> Option<&Foo> {
if let Some(Ok(Some(CustomVariant(Some(value)))) = value {
} else {
if let Some(value) = oneCaseICareAbout(expr) {
//handle value
I would however consider refactoring your code not to use such a type. Option<Result<_, _>> is already a red flag, but Some(Ok(Some(CustomVariant(Some(…)))) is just on the edge of insanity!

Read from an enum without pattern matching

The Rust documentation gives this example where we have an instance of Result<T, E> named some_value:
match some_value {
Ok(value) => println!("got a value: {}", value),
Err(_) => println!("an error occurred"),
Is there any way to read from some_value without pattern matching? What about without even checking the type of the contents at runtime? Perhaps we somehow know with absolute certainty what type is contained or perhaps we're just being a bad programmer. In either case, I'm just curious to know if it's at all possible, not if it's a good idea.
It strikes me as a really interesting language feature that this branch is so difficult (or impossible?) to avoid.
At the lowest level, no, you can't read enum fields without a match1.
Methods on an enum can provide more convenient access to data within the enum (e.g. Result::unwrap), but under the hood, they're always implemented with a match.
If you know that a particular case in a match is unreachable, a common practice is to write unreachable!() on that branch (unreachable!() simply expands to a panic!() with a specific message).
1 If you have an enum with only one variant, you could also write a simple let statement to deconstruct the enum. Patterns in let and match statements must be exhaustive, and pattern matching the single variant from an enum is exhaustive. But enums with only one variant are pretty much never used; a struct would do the job just fine. And if you intend to add variants later, you're better off writing a match right away.
enum Single {
fn main() {
let a = Single::S(1);
let Single::S(b) = a;
println!("{}", b);
On the other hand, if you have an enum with more than one variant, you can also use if let and while let if you're interested in the data from a single variant only. While let and match require exhaustive patterns, if let and while let accept non-exhaustive patterns. You'll often see them used with Option:
fn main() {
if let Some(x) = std::env::args().len().checked_add(1) {
println!("{}", x);
} else {
println!("too many args :(");

Can Rust attributes be used for something like mapping URL routes to functions? [duplicate]

I've gotten as far as having the custom attribute invoked:
pub fn registrar(reg: &mut rustc::plugin::Registry) {
use syntax::parse::token::intern;
use syntax::ext::base;
// Register the `#[dummy]` attribute.
// Decorator for `dummy` attribute
pub fn dummy_expand(context: &mut ext::base::ExtCtxt, span: codemap::Span, meta_item: Gc<ast::MetaItem>, item: Gc<ast::Item>, push: |Gc<ast::Item>|) {
match item.node {
ast::ItemFn(decl, ref style, ref abi, ref generics, block) => {
trace!("{}", decl);
// ...? Add something here.
_ => {
context.span_err(span, "dummy is only permissiable on functions");
Invoked via:
extern crate dummy_ext;
fn hello() {
println!("Put something above this...");
...and I've seen a few examples around of things that use quote_expr!( ... ) to do this, but I don't really understand them.
Let's say I want to add this statement (or is it expression?) to the top of any function tagged #[dummy]:
How do I achieve that?
There's two tasks here:
creating the AST you wish to insert
transforming the AST of some function (e.g. inserting another piece)
when I say "item" in this answer, I specifically meant the item AST node, e.g. fn, struct, impl.
when doing anything with macros, rustc --pretty expanded is your best friend (works best on smallest examples, e.g. avoiding #[deriving] and println!, unless you're trying to debug those specifically).
AST creation
There's 3 basic ways to create chunks of AST from scratch:
manually writing out the structs & enums,
using the methods of AstBuilder to abbreviate that, and
using quotation to avoid that altogether.
In this case, we can use quoting, so I won't waste time on the others. The quote macros take an ExtCtxt ("extension context") and an expression or item etc. and create an AST value that represents that item, e.g.
let x: Gc<ast::Expr> = quote_expr!(cx, 1 + 2);
creates an Expr_ with value ExprBinary, that contains two ExprLits (for the 1 and 2 literals).
Hence, to create the desired expression, quote_expr!(cx, println!("dummy")) should work. Quotation is more powerful than just this: you can use $ it to splice a variable storing AST into an expression, e.g., if we have the x as above, then
let y = quote_expr!(cx, if $x > 0 { println!("dummy") });
will create an AST reprsenting if 1 + 2 > 0 { println!("dummy") }.
This is all very unstable, and the macros are feature gated. A full "working" example:
#![crate_type = "dylib"]
extern crate syntax;
use syntax::ext::base::ExtCtxt;
use syntax::ast;
use std::gc::Gc;
fn basic_print(cx: &mut ExtCtxt) -> Gc<ast::Expr> {
quote_expr!(cx, println!("dummy"))
fn quoted_print(cx: &mut ExtCtxt) -> Gc<ast::Expr> {
let p = basic_print(cx);
quote_expr!(cx, if true { $p })
As of 2014-08-29, the list of quoting macros is: quote_tokens, quote_expr, quote_ty, quote_method, quote_item, quote_pat, quote_arm, quote_stmt. (Each essentially creates the similarly-named type in syntax::ast.)
(Be warned: they are implemented in a very hacky way at the moment, by just stringifying their argument and reparsing, so it's relatively easy to encounter confusing behaviour.)
AST transformation
We now know how to make isolated chunks of AST, but how can we feed them back into the main code?
Well, the exact method depends on what you are trying to do. There's a variety of different types of syntax extensions.
If you just wanted to expand to some expression in place (like println!), NormalTT is correct,
if you want to create new items based on an existing one, without modifying anything, use ItemDecorator (e.g. #[deriving] creates some impl blocks based on the struct and enum items to which it is attached)
if you want to take an item and actually change it, use ItemModifier
Thus, in this case, we want an ItemModifier, so that we can change #[dummy] fn foo() { ... } into #[dummy] fn foo() { println!("dummy"); .... }. Let's declare a function with the right signature:
fn dummy_expand(cx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span, _: Gc<ast::MetaItem>, item: Gc<ast::Item>) -> Gc<Item>
This is registered with
reg.register_syntax_extension(intern("dummy"), base::ItemModifier(dummy_expand));
We've got the boilerplate set-up, we just need to write the implementation. There's two approaches. We could just add the println! to the start of the function's contents, or we could change the contents from foo(); bar(); ... to println!("dummy"); { foo(); bar(); ... } by just creating two new expressions.
As you found, an ItemFn can be matched with
ast::ItemFn(decl, ref style, ref abi, ref generics, block)
where block is the actual contents. The second approach I mention above is easiest, just
let new_contents = quote_expr!(cx,
and then to preserve the old information, we'll construct a new ItemFn and wrap it back up with the right method on AstBuilder. In total:
#![feature(quote, plugin_registrar)]
#![crate_type = "dylib"]
// general boilerplate
extern crate syntax;
extern crate rustc;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use syntax::ext::base::{ExtCtxt, ItemModifier};
// NB. this is important or the method calls don't work
use syntax::ext::build::AstBuilder;
use syntax::parse::token;
use std::gc::Gc;
pub fn registrar(reg: &mut rustc::plugin::Registry) {
// Register the `#[dummy]` attribute.
fn dummy_expand(cx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span, _: Gc<ast::MetaItem>,
item: Gc<ast::Item>) -> Gc<ast::Item> {
match item.node {
ast::ItemFn(decl, ref style, ref abi, ref generics, block) => {
let new_contents = quote_expr!(&mut *cx,
let new_item_ = ast::ItemFn(decl, style.clone(),
abi.clone(), generics.clone(),
// AstBuilder to create block from expr
// copying info from old to new
cx.item(item.span, item.ident, item.attrs.clone(), new_item_)
_ => {
cx.span_err(sp, "dummy is only permissible on functions");

Using traits as types in enums

Here's my code:
trait UnaryOperator {
fn apply(&self, expr: Expression) -> Expression;
pub enum Expression {
UnaryOp(UnaryOperator, Expression),
Which gives the following errors:
error: the trait 'core::marker::sized' is not implemented for type 'parser::UnaryOperator'
note: 'parser::UnaryOperator' does not have a constant size known at compile-time
I'm not sure how to accomplish what I want. I've tried:
trait UnaryOperator: Sized {
As well as
pub enum Expression {
UnaryOp(UnaryOperator + Sized, Expression),
And neither solved the issue.
I've seen ways to possibly accomplish what I want with generics, but then it seems like two expressions with different operators would be different types, but that's not what I want. I want all expressions to be the same type regardless of what the operators are.
Traits do not have a known size - they are unsized. To see why, check this out:
trait AddOne {
fn add_one(&self) -> u8;
struct Alpha {
a: u8,
struct Beta {
a: [u8; 1024],
impl AddOne for Alpha {
fn add_one(&self) -> { 0 }
impl AddOne for Beta {
fn add_one(&self) -> { 0 }
Both Alpha and Beta implement AddOne, so how big should some arbitrary AddOne be? Oh, and remember that other crates may implement your trait sometime in the future.
That's why you get the first error. There are 3 main solutions (note that none of these solutions immediately fix your problem...):
Use a Box<Trait>. This is kind-of-similar-but-different to languages like Java, where you just accept an interface. This has a known size (a pointer's worth) and owns the trait. This has the downside of requiring an allocation.
trait UnaryOperator {
fn apply(&self, expr: Expression) -> Expression;
pub enum Expression {
UnaryOp(Box<UnaryOperator>, Expression),
Use a reference to the trait. This also has a known size (a pointer's worth two pointers' worth, see Matthieu M.'s comment). The downside is that something has to own the object and you need to track the lifetime:
trait UnaryOperator {
fn apply<'a>(&self, expr: Expression<'a>) -> Expression<'a>;
pub enum Expression<'a> {
UnaryOp(&'a UnaryOperator, Expression<'a>),
Use a generic. This has a fixed size because each usage of the enum will have been specialized for the specific type. This has the downside of causing code bloat if you have many distinct specializations. Update As you point out, this means that Expression<A> and Expression<B> would have different types. Depending on your usage, this could be a problem. You wouldn't be able to easily create a Vec<Expression<A>> if you had both.
trait UnaryOperator {
fn apply<U>(&self, expr: Expression<U>) -> Expression<U>;
pub enum Expression<U>
where U: UnaryOperator
UnaryOp(U, Expression<U>),
Now, all of these fail as written because you have a recursive type definition. Let's look at this simplification:
enum Expression {
How big is Expression? Well, it needs to have enough space to hold... an Expression! Which needs to be able to hold an Expression.... you see where this is going.
You need to add some amount of indirection here. Similar concepts to #1 and #2 apply - you can use a Box or a reference to get a fixed size:
enum Expression {
