codeignighter redirect issues to refresh - codeigniter

I have a registration page.after completing the registration the user will redirect to a new page. In new page when I click the back button I redirect to last page with last data filled to refresh the page to delete form data. The framework is codeignighter.

To refresh or redirect page in codeigniter there is function redirect(YOUR_URL).
Have a Look in Helper class for more details

If you are referring to browser back button keep autocomplete off for the form fields in your first form
You can use autocomplete for the complete form
<form action="/action_page.php" autocomplete="off">
Or specifically to each control as
<input type="email" name="email" autocomplete="off">
You can also make it on for specific controls/entire form if you need it
if your problem still persists you could use
<body onload="document.refresh();">
This shall refresh the page on loading for the first time
include this in your page if required to force reset the form on load if you need you can bind this with a javascript onload function
<script type="text/javascript">
in case of application back button {if used with href or redirect()}
Shall keep form clean even if autocomplete is not set unless the user takes from browser autofill or you fill them with code


Radbutton Onclick mozilla bug

When i click a radbutton then postback changing page url as /blabla.aspx?btnMsg_ClientState=&btnCarDetails=Sorgula&btnCarDetails_ClientState=&btnPrice_ClientState=&btnReject_ClientState=# ..
First pop-up work but then break.
There are 5 extra buttons and seems all in page url. Where is coming these query strings ?
Ie Developer tools says:
I cant find solution, please help.
It appears that the form on your page is configured to use a GET request when submitted.
<form id="form1" runat="server" method="get">
In this case all parameters on the page are specified as part of the URL, which includes the input elements that are used for rendering the button, as well as the other input elements on your page.
You can change this behavior by setting the method attribute of the form to post, so that a POST request is utilized for submitting the form.
<form id="form1" runat="server" method="post">
In this case the parameters will be passed in the message body of the HTTP request.

Refresh Captcha Image on JQUERY Dialog

I've a jquery model dialg box below. When user clicks on one of the link on page, the dialog box appears with Captcha. When user enters the invalid captch the captch image should be refreshed and should show new text. But this is not happening. Below is the code snippet:
<div id="model">
<img id="captchaImage" src="#Url.Content("~/CaptchaImage.ashx?text=" + ViewBag.EncryptedCaptcha)" />
<input id="captchText" type="text" value="" />
When user clicks on Validate, the text is sent to MVC controller via $.getJSON. The controller returns back isCpatchValid and encryptedText wrapped in JSON object Captcha. I've a done below if
the captcha text is not valid:
$("#captchaImage").attr("src", "~/CaptchaImage.ashx?text=" +
On Chrome debugger I can see the controller is returning a correct encrypted text. But this line above doesn't deem to fresh the captch image. I suspect this is due to async call.
COuld someone please help me with how to refresh the captcha image on Jauery Dialog box.
You can't use the "~" feature in javascript. That's a .NET thing. You'll need to wrap it around a .NET call, like:
attr("src", "#Url.Content("~/CaptchaImage.ashx")?text=" + Captcha.encryptedText)
Or if this JS is in a separate file, you can define a variable back on the view, then use it in the JS file, like:
** in the view **
var CAPTCHA_IMAGE_URL = "#Url.Content("~/CaptchaImage.ashx")";
** in the JS file **
attr("src", CAPTCHA_IMAGE_URL + "?text=" + Captcha.encryptedText)

Reinitialize jquery-mobile after inserting a form into the page

I'm inserting a form via ajax dynamically into the page. After inserting it into the dom tree, i would like to reinitialize the jquery mobile to style the form. I had a look into but since the documentation is pretty unhelpful for jquery mobile I'm not able to find the correct event.
After you have added the form to the DOM, use .trigger('create'); on the form to initialize any widgets (form elements) you've just added:
...html('<form><input data-role="slider" type="text" /><input type="button" value="button" /></form>').trigger('create');
Here is a demo:

How to store to browser auto-complete/auto-fill when using AJAX calls

I've noticed that browsers do not store form values until the form is submitted, which means that if you're using AJAX instead of a standard form submit, your browser's auto-fill is never populated. Is there a way to force populate your browsers auto-fill/auto-complete so that I can have this convenience with forms that are submitted via AJAX? It's annoying to go to my AJAX page and have to type in the same things in the form fields every time because the browser doesn't remember them.
My question is pretty much identical to the this one, except that only a work around in FireFox is provided as the accepted answer to that question. I'm looking for a solution that works in all major browsers (at least Chrome, FF, and IE), if there is one.
Note: I am not talking about AJAX auto-complete plugins, which is what almost always pops up when googling this question. I am talking about your browser's built-in auto-complete or auto-fill that helps you fill out forms by remembering what you entered in the past.
For anyone who's still trying to solve this, seem like I've found the answer.
Chromium tries to recognize the submit event, even if you preventDefault and handle the actual submission yourself.
That's it, you need to preventDefault the submit event, not the click event.
This worked on Chrome, Edge and IE 11 at the time of writing (I'm too lazy to download and test it on Firefox).
Here's your form:
<form method="POST" id="my-form">
<input autocomplete="email" type="email" name="email">
<button type="submit">Subscribe</button>
Notice the autocomplete attribute. These are all the possible values that you can use for autocomplete.
In JavaScript, simply do this:
$("#my-form").on("submit", function (ev) {
// Do AJAX stuff here
The browser will remember whatever email you've entered on clicking subscribe button.
I have also come across this; there doesn't seem to be a great solution, certainly not a cross browser one, but here is one for IE I haven't seen anyone mention:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
function subForm()
<FORM id=f1>
User ID : <input type=text name=id></input><br>
Password :<input type=password name=pw></input><br>
E-mail :<input type = text VCARD_NAME = "vCard.Email"> <br>
<input type=button value=submit onclick="subForm()">
Use this Method:
AutoCompleteSaveForm = function(form){
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'uniqu_asdfaf'; = 'position:absolute; height:1px; top:-100px; left:-100px';
var oldTarget =;
var oldAction = form.action; = 'uniqu_asdfaf';
form.action = '/favicon.ico';
setTimeout(function(){ = oldTarget;
form.action = oldAction;
Tested with ie10, ff latest, chrome latest
Test yourself:
Have you try the answer of my question that you mention?
The answer is using hidden iframe but seems he claim the idea is not working on IE and Chrome on that time.
Try to take the idea, and instead of using hidden iframe, just put the username/password/submit visible input element in a form POST, in an iframe. So user will enter login details directly into iframe. With proper Javascript you can put loading image, get success or denied from server and update the parent or the whole page. I believe it should work on any browser.
Or if you still want to use AJAX since you probably implemented the API on server side. You can make the iframe to just send a dummy POST at the same time send the real user/pass to AJAX URL.
Or back to use hidden iframe, not to hide it but move it to the invisible area like top: -1000px.
After several hours searching, I found a solution at Trigger autocomplete without submitting a form.
Basically, it uses a hidden iframe in the same page, set the action of your form to the 'src' of the iframe, and add a hidden submit button inside the form, when user clicks your button which triggers AJAX requests, you should programmatically click the hidden button before sending the AJAX request. see example below:
In your form page:
<iframe id="hidden_iframe" name="hidden_iframe" class="hidden" src="/content/blank"></iframe>
<form target="hidden_iframe" method="post" action="/content/blank" class="form-horizontal">
<input type="text" name="name">
<input type="text" name="age">
<button id="submit_button" type="submit" class="hidden"></button>
<button id="go_button" type="submit" class="hidden">Go</button>
Then java script:
//submit the form to the hidden iframe
//do your business here
//whatever you want here
Hope this helps.

Executing Javascript functions from an AJAX - HTML response

I have a web page that displays comments, and users can click a 'Flag' link to report an inappropriate comment.
When they click the Flag link, I use AJAX and innerHTML to display a dropdown box underneath the comment with a reason code, e.g. Spam, Offensive, Unrelated to topic, etc., as well as a Cancel button.
If the user clicks Submit, I want to use another AJAX request to send their response to a PHP file, where the database is updated, and they receive a "Thank you" on their end (without reloading the page). I essentially want the DIV that displays the dropdown box to be replaced with "Thank you" using another AJAX request.
That's where the problem is. It seems that I cannot execute an AJAX request from within the HTML response from the first AJAX request. The JavaScript functions fail -- even a simple Alert('hello world') doesn't work. I tried placing the JavaScript functions in the main page that calls the first AJAX request, as well placing it in the PHP file that displays as the HTML response from the first AJAX request, but I did not have any luck -- the functions just do not run when they are called.
Everything works fine if I load the PHP file externally, so I know the JavaScript is correct. It just doesn't work when I load the PHP file into the HTML response DIV and then call the JavaScript from there.
So to sum everything up, how do you execute JavaScript functions from the HTML response of an AJAX request?
EDIT: here is a sample of what I want to do:
This is the AJAX part that populates the DIV when the person clicks the Flag link:
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4)
The value of xmlhttp.responseText comes from this external file:
<input type="hidden"/>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function displayalert()
alert ('Hello World!');
<form name="myform" id="myform">
<input type="text" name="myfield" value="teststring"/><br/>
<input type="button" name="button" value="Submit"
Note: the <input type="hidden"/> above comes from a suggestion I found off of
When the user clicks the button, the javascript displayalert() function doesn't run. The alert box never pops up. If I load the file externally instead of calling it with innerHTML, the script works fine.
Can the xmlhttp.responseText contain JavaScript code?
depends on the browser:
IE doesnt support scriptEval on html that is loaded with ajax, which means that if you have script blocks in your html, they wont be called.
Firefox supports script eval.
What i usually do is shove some json into an input, then check if the browser supports scriptEval, if it doesnt, pull the json, eval it, and call some method passing json.
if the browser supports scriptEval, i also include a script block that contains a call to the same method with the json.
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