sonar-pdfreport-plugin-1.4 with Sonar 4.5.1 - sonarqube

I am using Sonar 4.5.1 and sonar-pdfreport-plugin-1.4 to run the build. PDF report is not getting generated an is showing below message : Internal error: Can't retrieve project info. Parent project node is empty. Authentication?.
I saw a bug posted for this ( but would like to know what is the workaround available for this issue. User Authentication is already set for this in General Settings->Pdf report but doesn't work either.

This issue has been fixed in commit a49b8f61afbf47b5f7976d0a759cb0efcd6c5bce.
For now you cannot download jar with this fix, but you can download sources and build custom version:
fetch sources (by git clone or download zip)
execute maven command mvn clean install
copy generated jar to sonar/data/extensions/plugins


Unable to generate allure report in jenkins

getting the following error.
screenshot is also attached.
basically .bat is not getting generated.
ERROR: Step ‘Allure Report’ aborted due to exception: Failed to rename C:\Users\dell\.jenkins\tools\\allure2\allure-2.4.1 to C:\Users\dell\.jenkins\tools\\allure2\allure-2.4.1.__rename
Now its working.
There is problem in allure command installation.
Maven central installer is giving error
Tried by giving link in jenkins global tool configuration and its working
Link :
I faced the same issue when configured with the latest version of Maven under Jenkins->Global Tool Configurations->Allure Commandline. Once i downgraded the Maven version I was able to generate allure reports successfully.
I had the same problem. In my case it was enough to delete allure-jenkins plugin from the list of plugins in Jenkins.

SonarQube downloading is failing

I am trying to downloading Sonarqube from below link but it is always failing after after some time. can some body please share me another link from where i can download it.
You can try downloading it from Maven Central if you constantly have issues with the official Website.
Just follow these steps:
Go into the folder x.y.z that is the version you want to download ("6.3.1" for instance)
Download the file called ""

How do I get Travis-CI to show build artifacts?

I have added Travic-CI on to my github project.
The .travis.yml file looks like this:
language: csharp
solution: MyProject.sln
So, when I go to
, then it shows the build as passing.
I can also see the log-file, but I can nowhere see the the files generated (the .exe).
Do I have to add anything to .travis.yml so it displays/publishes my .exe as artifact on my project's page on ?
Or do I have to flip a switch somewhere else ?
Or is Travis not thought to do this ?
Show the executable on (so I can link to it from github), not publishing it automagically as release to github, althought that would be fine, too.
By default, the build artifacts are thrown away with the machine. What counts is the build and test result. If you want to retain some or all build artifacts, have a look at the deploy options:
Travis now offers a built-in option to upload build artifacts to AWS: To set it up you just have to enable the add-on and provide some configuration:
For a minimal configuration, add the following to your .travis.yml:
artifacts: true
and add the following environment variables in the repository
ARTIFACTS_KEY=(AWS access key id)
ARTIFACTS_SECRET=(AWS secret access key)
ARTIFACTS_BUCKET=(S3 bucket name)

Unit test code analysis using "sonar.*" property and maven-sonar-plugin

I'm trying to do code analysis of Java unit test using maven sonar plugin. But the plugin doesn't seem to take into account my sonar properties "sonar.*". I've tried to modify simple examples and it did work either. According to MSONAR-70, the issue has been fixed and I'm using the version 2.4.
For the test, I've tried it on a simple case:
Clone sonar-examples.git
use the project sonar-examples/projects/languages/java/maven/java-maven-simple as example
Renamed src/main to src/test
In the pom.xml, add to the properties section :
Run mvn sonar:sonar.
--> the code analysis didn't took into account my settings. The project is created on SonarQube but code as not been analyzed.
If I use the sonar-runner command line, it's analyzing the code:
sonar-runner [...] -Dsonar.sources=src/test/java
-Dsonar.projectName="Simple Java Maven Project"
According to a previous revision of the question, the OP solved their problem like this:
We were using SonarQube 4.0 version. Updating the version to 4.4, made the properties be taken into account.
That was in 2014; the current version now is 5.5.
The steps to upgrade can be found here:
Stop the old SonarQube server
Download and unzip the new SonarQube distribution in a fresh directory, let's say NEW_SONARQUBE_HOME.
Start it using the default H2 database and use the update center to install the plugins you need.
Manually install any custom plugins.
Stop the new server.
Update the content of the and wrapper.conf files located in the NEW_SONARQUBE_HOME/conf directory with the content of the related files in the OLD_SONARQUBE_HOME/conf directory (web server URL, database settings, etc.). Do not copy-paste the old files.
If a custom JDBC driver is used, copy it into NEW_SONARQUBE_HOME/extensions/jdbc-driver/.
Back up your database.
Remove the data/es directory.
Start the new web server
Browse to http://localhost:9000/setup (replace "localhost:9000" with your own URL) and follow the setup instructions.

ld: library not found for -lLIBRARY_NAME, only when trying to build using jenkins

I have a project that when built from my machine everything runs smoothly. However, when I push my changes and try to generate the build using jenkins, I'm getting the library not found error message.
This is weird because if I login into the jenkins server and I try to do a manual build, everything works as expected, perfect. It's only when I build from withing jenkins that my build is failing.
I'm assuming LIBRARY_NAME as the name of whatever library, in my case is an internal static library.
Any suggestions?
I've setup: Library Search Headers, Other Linker Flags, Target Dependencies, Proper Architectures
I wrestled with this for three weeks until I accidentally stumbled onto this with the help of a coworker. Basically, you must be sure that the path structure created in your repository is replicated in the .jenkins workspace. To do this just be sure that in your project/job configuration in jenkins the Source Code Management > Subversion > Repository URL field must be at the same level as specified in jenkins in your script or Build > Execute Shell > Command field. So here are my settings as an example:
above Jenkins URL = https://myDuncwa.local/duncwa-repo
above Jenkins Build = "cd $WORKSPACE/mobileapps/projects/PictureBoard/trunk/PictureBoard" and line 2 "xcodebuild -project PictureBoard.xcodeproj" no quotes.
above Subversion URL repository = https://myDuncwa.local/duncwa-repo
This will cause the directory structure mobileapps/projects/PictureBoard in my repository to replicated in the .jenkins/jobs/PictureBoard/workspace/mobileapps/projects/PictureBoard directory that is created automatically by jenkins. Note: 1) This will copy the entire repository so be prepared to change this later and 2) .jenkins is a hidden directory created by the install in the installing user's home directory or "~/"
