Spring reactor executing consumers asynchronously - spring

Hi I am trying out Spring reactor so far everything works but my consumers are invoked one after the other ..synchronously
My use case :
The events are published from a restful controller and two simple consumer which prints to console are invoked (In reality one consumer writes to DB and the other publishes the data to a web socket)
I am using spring boot 1.2.7
This is my controller
public class MessageController {
private Reactor r;
public #ResponseBody String welcome(#PathVariable String username) {
r.notify("MessageCreated", Event.wrap(username));
return username;
My event handlers
Handler 1
public class MessageConsumer {
private Reactor reactor;
public void handleRequest(Event<String> evt) {
System.out.println("Called Handler 1 " +evt.getData());
Handler 2
public class MessageConsumer2 {
private Reactor reactor;
public void handleRequest(Event<String> evt) {
System.out.println("Called Handler 2 "+ evt.getData());
My reactor configuration
public class ReactorConfiguration {
Environment env() {
return new Environment();
Reactor myreactor(Environment env) {
return Reactors.reactor()
Whatever I do the result is always
Called Handler 1 Hello
Called Handler 2 Hello
Consumer are invoked in the same order
...please do let m know where did I mess up..The above is a mock implementation as I cant paste the original code here.


Spring ExitCodeEvent using #EventListener not working

I am trying to catch the event code at the time my springboot app is destroyed. I have the following bean:
public class DestroyListenerConfig {
DemoListener demoListenerBean() {
return new DemoListener();
private static class DemoListener {
public void exitEvent(ExitCodeEvent event) {
System.out.println("Exit code: " + event.getExitCode());
The bean is registering properly, but when I kill the application, the exitEvent() method is not invoked ( the system out never displays, or when run in debug mode from IDE, it never enters the method).
Am I leaving something out? My impression was this is all that is needed. Thanks.
ExitCodeEvent is published from org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication#exit. So, you need to manually call SpringApplication.exit as below.
ApplicationContext applicationContext;
void shutdown() {
SpringApplication.exit(applicationContext, () -> 100);
If you want to listen to a bean destroy event then you can use #PreDestroy as following:
Note that if you have multiple beans created for this class, you will get multiple triggers.
//Put this into a #Component(or inside RestController, Controller, Service etc) class
public void destroy() {
System.out.println("Triggered - #PreDestroy.");
If your app is a webapp and you want to listen to shutdown event (ideally the contextDestroyed event) you can register a MyServletContextListener to ServletListenerRegistrationBean:
ServletListenerRegistrationBean<ServletContextListener> servletListener() {
ServletListenerRegistrationBean<ServletContextListener> srb = new ServletListenerRegistrationBean<>();
srb.setListener(new MyServletContextListener());
return srb;
class MyServletContextListener implements ServletContextListener {
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent event) {
System.out.println("Callback triggered - ContextListener.");

Spring Cloud Stream - First Kafka messages get error "Dispatcher has no subscribers"

My app successfully sends Kafka messages, but only after Kafka is initialized. Before that i get the error "Dispatcher has no subscribers". How do i wait for subscribers to finish being registered for channels?
Here's a trace of the order of events (timing in second.ms):
17.165 SenderClass created
17.816 initialization class, #PostConstruct starts PollingTask
24.781 PollingTask sends first Kafka message
24.816 First error: "Dispatcher has no subscribers"
25.778 Registering MessageChannel my-channel
still seeing Dispatcher errors
27.067 Channel my-channel' has 1 subscriber
No more errors after this, messages send fine
i'm not sure how to approach this. Wild guesses have included:
Place sending code in #PostConstruct
Add #AutoConfigureBefore(BindingServiceConfiguration.class) to Sender
Add #AutoConfigureAfter(BindingServiceConfiguration.class) to SenderClass
Add #AutoConfigureBefore(BindingServiceConfiguration.class) to Main
Place #DependsOn({"EnableBindingClass"}) on Task
Place #DependsOn({"ApplicationLifeCycle"}) on SchedulerClass, where ApplicationLifeCycle is a class that does nothing but
implements SmartLifecycle with getPhase returning MAX_INT
Making sure ComponentScan is on for whole package (a suggestion from other SO threads)
Various combinations of the above
Created a new app, made it as simple as i could:
public interface Source {
MessageChannel outboundChannel();
public class Sender {
private Source source;
public boolean send(SomeObject object) {
return source.outboundChannel().send(MessageBuilder.withPayload(object).build());
public class Scheduler {
Sender sender;
ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler;
public void initialize() {
taskScheduler.schedule(new PollingTask(), nextTime);
private class PollingTask implements Runnable {
public void run() {
List<SomeObject> objects = getDummyData();
for(SomeObject object : objects)
Instant nextTime = Instant.now().plusMillis(1_000L);
try {
taskScheduler.schedule(new PollingTask(), nextTime);
} catch (Exception e) {
Edit to add Solution
It works now! In my scheduler that starts the things that send the messages i switched from starting things in #PostConstruct to SmartLifecycle::start().
public class Scheduler implements SmartLifecycle {
Sender sender;
ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler;
public void start() {
taskScheduler.schedule(new PollingTask(), nextTime);
private class PollingTask implements Runnable {
public void run() {
List<SomeObject> objects = getDummyData();
for(SomeObject object : objects)
Instant nextTime = Instant.now().plusMillis(1_000L);
try {
taskScheduler.schedule(new PollingTask(), nextTime);
} catch (Exception e) {
#PostConstruct is too early to send messages; the context is still being built.. Implememt SmartLifecycle, put the bean in a high phase (Integer.MAX_VALUE) and do the sends in start().
Or do the sends in an ApplicationRunner.
I faced a similar problem in Webflux + Spring Cloud Stream functional style. Spring Cloud Function in 2022 is the preferred way. ​
My hypothesis after a lot of debugging was that beans were not created in right order. The bean was probably not registered in spring-cloud-stream's dispatchers before kafka message processing started. similar to what #gary mentioned.
So I added #Order(1) before my consumer beans. Hoping that this bean would be created before it is dispatcher-registrations starts.
​public Function<Flux<Message<Pojo>>, Mono<Void>> pojoConsumer() {
This seems to fix my issue for now.

Vertx instance variable is null in Spring context

I defined a Spring Boot App as a Verticle as follows:
public class SpringAppVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {
private Vertx myVertx;
public void start() {
System.out.println("SpringAppVerticle started!");
this.myVertx = vertx;
#RequestMapping(value = "/api/hello")
public class RequestController {
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json")
public void getEcho() {
JsonObject message = new JsonObject()
.put("text", "Hello world!");
myVertx.eventBus().send(EchoServiceVerticle.ADDRESS, message, reply -> {
JsonObject replyBody = (JsonObject) reply.result().body();
I have a second non-Spring Verticle that is basically a echo service:
public class EchoServiceVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {
public static final String ADDRESS = "echo-service";
public void start() {
System.out.println("EchoServiceVerticle started!");
vertx.eventBus().consumer(EchoServiceVerticle.ADDRESS, message -> {
System.out.println("message received");
JsonObject messageBody = (JsonObject) message.body();
messageBody.put("passedThrough", "echo-service");
The problem is that I get a nullpointer at line myVertx.eventbus().send in SpringAppVerticle class as the myVertx variable is null.
How do I properly instantiate a Vertx variable in a Spring context in order that I can exchange message between my both verticles?
My project can be found here: https://github.com/r-winkler/vertx-spring
The reason of the exception is the following:
SpringAppVerticle bean that is created during spring init is another object than starts the spring boot application. So you have two objects, one that has start() method invoked and another one that doesn't. Second one actually handles requests. So what you need is to register verticles as spring beans.
For samples of vertx/spring interoperability please refer to vertx examples repo.
P.S. I've created a pull request to your repo to make your example work.

Spring Microservices issue with #HystrixCommand

We are facing a problem with Hystrix Command in a Spring Boot / Cloud microservice. We have a Spring Component containing a method annotated with #RabbitListener. When a new message arrives, the method delegates the invocation to NotificationService::processNotification().
The NotificationService is a bean annotated with #Service. The method processNotification() can request third party applications. We want to wrap the invocation of third party applications using #HystrixCommand to provide fault tolerance, but due to some reasons the Hystrix Command annotated method is not working.
If we invoke a Controller and the Controller delegates the invocation to a Service method, which in turns have a Hystrix Command , everything works perfectly. The only problem with Hystrix Command arises when the microservices consume a messages and it seems to be Hystrix Command doesn’t trigger the fallback method.
Here is the non-working code:
public class MessageProcessor {
private NotificationService notificationService;
#RabbitListener(queues = "abc.xyz-queue")
public void onNewNotification(String payload) {
public class NotificationService {
public void processNotification(String payload) {
#HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "notifyThirdPartyAppFallback")
public void notifyThirdPartyApp(NotificationDTO notificationDTO) {
//Do stuff here that could fail
public void notifyThirdPartyAppFallback(NotificationDTO notificationDTO) {
// Fallbacl impl goes here
public class NotificationApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(NotificationApplication.class, args);
I'm not sure about your problem without looking at the code.
As another approach you can take: instead of describing this calls with annotations in your service, just extend HystrixCommand and implement api calling logic in it (read more):
public class CommandHelloWorld extends HystrixCommand<String> {
private final String name;
public CommandHelloWorld(String name) {
this.name = name;
protected String run() {
// a real example would do work like a network call here
return "Hello " + name + "!";

Events in Spring Boot

Is it possible to use events in Spring Boot? I need to execute one method but without waiting for return. I'm trying to use this:
public class GerarSeloEvent extends ApplicationEvent {
private TbPedido pedido;
private Integer cdCartorio;
public GerarSeloEvent(Object source, TbPedido pedido, Integer cdCartorio) {
this.pedido = pedido;
this.cdCartorio = cdCartorio;
public TbPedido getPedido() {
return pedido;
public Integer getCdCartorio() {
return cdCartorio;
public class GerarSeloListener implements ApplicationListener<GerarSeloEvent> {
SeloService seloService;
public void onApplicationEvent(GerarSeloEvent event) {
seloService.gerarSelos(event.getPedido(), event.getCdCartorio());
and my call
GerarSeloEvent gerarSelos = new GerarSeloEvent(this, pedido, cdCartorio);
EnviarEmailPedidoEvent enviarEmail = new EnviarEmailPedidoEvent(this, pedido);
But my code waits to return anything to my front-end. I need one async event.
This should work:
public class GerarSeloListener {
private final SeloService seloService;
public GerarSeloListener(SeloService seloService) { ... }
public void handleGerarSeloEvent(GerarSeloEvent event event) {
You need to add #EnableAsync on one of your configuration (the best place is your #SpringBootApplication annotated class). But as Martin already said you don't need event if you want to process a method asynchronously: only add #Async and invoke it the usual way.
You may want to read the documentation
