I would like to inpaint one image with a corrupted part using the patches of another image. in the link below, the authors of PATCHMATCH algorithm has provided the users with the source code. PATCHMATCH algorithm tries to find the nearest patch in the second image to fill the corrupted patches in the first image.
main page of the paper with source code:
and the link of source code:
My problem is that I followed the instruction in the readme.txt file and ran build_unix.sh in terminal of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS,but got an error which says:
Unknown MEX argument '-inline'.
Unknown MEX argument '-inline'.
I removed -inline and execute the bash file in terminal and fortunately it worked and got this message:
MEX completed successfully.
MEX completed successfully.
Now my question is how to use this code to inpaint one image corrupted partially by using another image which comes from the same class (e.g.class)
For example:
I do really appreciate it if you could help me out of this problem. I am really in the need of help and have to make this source code run.
I will provide you with more information if needed.
Update: I have come up with an inpainting algorithm using Convolutional Neural Networks, which you can see the result below, I'd like to implement patchmatch algorithm to compare my result with this algorithm. CNN only gets corrupted image as input.
I am a stamp collector and trying to work with colors on stamps. specifically remove the color of the paper the stamp is printed on as well as any cancellation marks and return the colors of the stamp itself. Right now I have scanned them into .png files but can certainly change them to other file types. I have tried many suggestion that I have found on the internet, but none seem to help or not work. I am very very very naïve on python programming (using pycharm) to write my own script. Can anyone help me? Please keep it basic. I am slowly learning python, it took me about a week to finally be able to read a file and display it. I had a lot of programming when I was in college (1976-83), ancient languages but consider myself capable of learning. Help help help
I tried all scripts that try to return rgb values of an image, no luck. I've tried to convert the image to an Excel files. Some internet programs seem to be what I am looking for but do not run. I always seem to get the program to run but no output and then when I try to run it again, I get a warning that I cannot run "****" in parallel.
I'm just getting into phpBB forums and can't find an extension that would first image dimension reduce then file size reduce then delete original file from server after conversion. I followed a thread here from discussion that DOES the first 2 but not the last. Is this something someone would take on? I'm not a code warrior but can follow basic directions re forum tweaks, ext, etc. I've changed some script per direction to achieve a few tweaks. Anyway, any thoughts about this?
I have 1 running server for handle C-Move, 2 running server for handle C-Store and remote pacs server(GEPACS)
When i tried to C-Move command from remote pacs to C-Store handler, 1 server(py-netdicom) is build and save the file properly and 1 server(go-netdicom) is not.
So there was couple of problems in go-netdicom.
I fixed the code can handle hexadecimals. It originally not supported on go-netdicom.
This was fix almost every problems in my case but still cannot store pixel data properly.
For example, I got 9117252 bytes from original signal from remote pacs and I saved the data itself, but actually it needs to be 18000000 bytes(got an error). even CT images are short for 3 times(got approximately 180000, but need 524288)
I think the problem caused by might be the encapsulation of pixel-data but not sure.
Is there any tip or some help?
Thank you.
EDIT 4: I've got a clue.link here
Somehow C-STORE command have a kind of transfer syntax.
This offer to scp type(compressed or not) of data scu get.
But still I don't have a idea which part of go-netdicom has to be changed.
I'll delete "python" tag because this is not related with python anymore.
I found the solution.
Somehow, GEPACS send the certain transfer syntax for JPEG compression.
if go-netdicom doesn't have the TransferSyntaxUID then pick the GEPACS's first transfer syntax and that was for JPEG compression.
i just put bigendian and explicitvr (GEPACS default) when transfersyntax is empty.
which placed in contextmanager.go line 101 on AssociateRequest, line 127
Hope this result help someone.
Thank you
The problem here is that go-netdicom uses the first PresentationContext sent in the A_ASSOCIATE_RQ (As you can see in the last image). So it accepts "2.16.840.1.113709.1.2.2" which is a privative Transfer Syntax and it is not in the DICOM standart, so no one can manage the C-STORE at the end.
If you are reading this.. maybe you do not use go-netdicom but the problem could be the same if the error involves the transfer Syntax "2.16.840.1.113709.1.2.2", in the Centricity PACs documentation says: "It is expected that other vendors' applications will ignore all Presentation Context proposed with the GE Private Compress Express Transfer Syntax"
And that is what we are suppose to do. I see a list of PRs in go-netdicom so I suppose it is not mantained, so I will post the change for go-netdicom here. I made this changes in contextmanager.go and works like a charm:
I am trying to execute a piece of code which takes fast curvelet transform using 32-bit MATLAB and toolbox in this website. When I execute the line reconstructing signal from its curvelet coefficients, it shows an error:
the line making this error has a break point in the image above. Any of the three choices in this error message results in termination of whole MATLAB program.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
I want to detect overlapping communities in a network. I have file trust.txt whose format is like this- [user-id (trustor), user-id (trustee)]. I want to run snap BIGCLAM algorithm for community detection. How I can run snap BIGCLAM method to get the output as a community. I saw this link https://github.com/snap-stanford/snap/tree/master/examples/bigclam but how I can compile and run this code to get the output.
This answer might be too late for you. Nevertheless, it might be helpful to others.
Once you download the whole snap-master, you need to perform make all, as stated there. This installs advanced features and the examples.
Then you can switch to the directory bigclam within examples and run make there. After that, you can run ./bigclam (on Linux), as stated in the Readme file.
Basically, you put there your prepared data (edge list with node indices; if your nodes have names, also that file is needed). You run it as per the Readme example.
./bigclam -o:'your_out_prefix' -i:'your_nodeids.edgelist' -c:1000