How do I log from an Extension? - gnome-shell

I'm writing new Extension code and want to log to a file for debugging purposes.
I've tried using the print() function to write to ~/.cache/gdm/session.log as explained here:
This does not work. Does print() write elsewhere? Also, I see that other extensions use log(). Where can I view the output of that?
Is any of this documented anywhere?

You can find an answer in this topic : How to test / debug GNOME Shell extensions? Is there any tool for that?
Some features are outdated, but you can use in a terminal :
gnome-shell --replace &
journalctl -f
Every log(blabla); in your extension will be printed in the terminal.


using ctags or cscope(without interactive mode) from commandline

I am using a custom editor for an embedded systems project. For source code I would like to get ctags working from command line and give me search results on commandline. Other option is to work with cscope in non interactive mode so I can include it in my editor at a later date. I did some initial web search but couldn't find anything relevant to accomplish this.
Does anyone know how to use either of these tools from command line?? Any tutorial?
Have a great day.
Using readtags.c shipped as part of ctags implementation, you can search a tag from given tags file.
Let me show an example:
$ ctags -R main
$ readtags -t tags kindDefinition
kindDefinition main/types.h /^typedef struct sKindDefinition kindDefinition;$/
$ readtags -t tags -e kindDefinition
kindDefinition main/types.h /^typedef struct sKindDefinition kindDefinition;$/;" kind:t typeref:struct:sKindDefinition

Win 10 bash shell and highlighting of the directories in console

I implemented bash shell into my windows 10 as "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows".
And now I just want to remove the highlight from folders in console.
Additionally I use bashIt library to change design of my console but I don't know how to change that hightlight :(
I find an answer and if somebody need it there is solution.
You need to add this :
export LS_COLORS=$LS_COLORS:'ow=1;34:';
into your .bashrc file
More information here :
or here :

ARFF file extension to csv binary executable

Thanks in advance for the help.
I'm looking for a binary executable to convert an .arff into a .csv in a bash script. Ideally something that I could run along the lines of
#! /bin/sh
... some stuff....
converstionFunc input.arff output.csv
... some more stuff ...
Looking into writing this myself I found that weka provides a library that I could utilize that would allow me to do this. However, as much as I looked for it, I could not find it. I have weka installed on my mac and after looking around for the library I still was unable to find it.
Does anyone know where I may find such an executable, or able to point me where I could get a hold of the weka java library that would let me write it myself?
Clone this github repository. It contains an arff2csv tool in the "tools" subdirectory.
arff2csv is designed to run in pipes of unix commandline tools.
arff2csv is a one-line shell-script that calls another shell script that calls weka.jar,
so it needs java installed on your machine; and note that arff2csv needs Weka version 3.6. (According to my experiments the newer v3.7 does not work.)
The script wants this environment variable set:
export WEKAPATH=/path/to/wekajar-dirname
and then you can do
cat /opt/smallapps/weka-stable/data/breast-cancer.arff | arff2csv > breast-cancer.arff.csv
Large arffs need some time to get processed.
You can read J.Janssen's book (see repo-README) for a bit more info.
Try an web search for arff2csv. It looks like there are lots of utilities out there.

Observing gVim console output on Windows

I am attempting to debug a misbehaving Vim plug-in that is apparently writing stuff to stdout and stderr, but since gVim seems to launch in a separate process when run from the command line, I have to way to inspect it. Is there any solution?
As it's hard to write to stdout / stderr from Vimscript, I doubt that this is what the plugin does.
In any way, hardly any plugin is GVIM-only, so you can just launch terminal Vim to capture the output.
debugging tips
To troubleshoot the misbehaving plugin, I recommend to capture a verbose log with vim -V20vimlog.
If that doesn't suffice, you can step through the plugin, e.g. with :breakadd file plugin/pluginname.vim. Finally, don't hesitate to contact the plugin's author; he's best suited to help you.

Textmate tutorial terminal mac-osx

I have installed Textmate editor on my terminal and I am looking for some tutorial to discover Textmate's command lines ? Does anyone has a some links ?
The textmate bin that is optionally installed for command line access is really nothing but a simple manner to open files in the OSX gui application.
That said, there are a few handy shortcuts. -w issues a "wait" while opening the file, thus following commands in a sequence will wait until the document is closed to execute. For example:
alias bashrc="mate -w ~/.bashrc; source ~/.bashrc"
That said, if you are looking for a good command set for using within the gui itself, let me know and I will fill in a list of handy commands (it has been my default editor for 6 years now).
Edit: Here are the beginnings of my TextMate docs. I currently have the Cheat Sheet in a state that should prove useful. I will be adding to it and writing up some more extensive docs in the near future.
TextMate Cheat Sheet
You can invoke it from the command line with:
mate path/to/file/you/want/to/edit.txt
You can use more than one file, space separated. To see more options do:
mate --help
This if you installed the commandline option. which you can also do from preferences at any time (its just a symlink)
