Team Explorer for VS 2013 - can't check in - visual-studio

I have an existing solution that has previously had no problems. I added two new projects to the solution, completing my dev work with no problem, however when I try to check the solution in I get an error similar to the following:
C:\Project1Path\Project1.csproj: Download of item $/Project1/Project1/Project1.csproj was not completed. Perform a get operation to correct.
I get the same when I try to check in just this project. I have not tried checking in the other new project yet as ideally I want to check everything in together.
I did a Get Latest on the solution on the outside chance that that was what the error was telling me to do but to no avail.
Any help appreciated as sooner or later someone else is going to want to work on the solution.
Many thanks

I had this issue and when I ran get latest in source control it picked up a non version controlled file with the same name and asked to overwrite it.
If you get that conflict make sure you overwrite the local file.
If you don't get a conflict maybe delete local file manually and then get latest.
I'm not sure that'll work but you could try.

If this isn't resolved with a get latest, go to the actual file in team explorer. If it has a small diagonal icon next to it then right click to resolve the conflict manually. Here you can override the changes.
This is here for anyone else who may run into the problem.

In my case the file was deleted in the TFS. Undo pending changes for this file (undelete it) then try to check in again.
Note: you cannot tell if the file is delete just by looking at solution explorer.

It happened to me as well when I tried to checkin the code from TRUNK after merging from feature branch.
What I did is rolling back the change from TRUNK and merging it again.


Getting a "vspscc could not be found in your workspace, or you do not have permission to access it" error

Today, while trying to publish an app so I could test it, I suddenly got this error message:
The item
could not be found in your workspace, or you do not have permission to
access it.
That's a mystery to me, as I've never gotten this before and I was working with this app just last week. Publishing it, too.
I've looked for the .vspscc file. Found it exactly where it said it should be. So, the alternative is that I don't have permissions to it. I don't understand why I shouldn't have permissions to a file on my machine that I created, but whatever. So, how do I get permissions to my own file?
I'm working with VS 2017, TFS 2015 on premise.
This issue may due to the wrong source control binding for that specific xx.vspscc file.
Double check your source control bindings for that file in TFS. You could also try to unbind and rebind the file.
Then delete the file in local(back up local changes first) and get latest version from TFS. Finally do the publish again.
If above solution is still not working, try to delete local workspace and create a new one, get latest version of the file, modify the file with local changes (if you have) in your backup , check in the file, then do the publish .
Another reason for this problem is, that the vspscc file is not checked in.
Just do a "Compare" on the project folder to see, if it's missing.
If the csproj.vspscc is missing you can create a new one by removing the project in visual studio and adding it back
I was able to 'fix' the problem by going to the source control explorer, selecting the smproj file (which was checked out for editing), and checked it in by itself. Then, I checked in the Model.bim. Was able to do both of these things without getting the error.
I also tried all the usual things, deleting the entire solution directory, getting it from TFS again but nothing worked.
Noticed the version of Visual Studio 2019 was a few months old so upgraded to the latest. That fixed it!

Can't commit changes to GitHub in Visual Studio

I'm pretty new to programming, and I'm having an incredibly difficult time making GitHub and Visual Studio Community 2015 play nice with each other. Usually the first commit goes well, and I can see it on just fine. But it never lets me make any more commits. I make changes to the file, save it, but the commit button in VS stays grayed out. I've been all over the Team Explorer to figure out what I'm doing wrong, and I can't figure it out. It says I have no unpublished changes or anything, even though I'm changing tons of things in the file.
Is there any reason it would stop working after the first commit?
Close VS
Open the particular .sln file from the repo
This worked for me.
You would need to add your username and email in you global configuration. Then you will be able to see the commit button enabled.
I had to add username and mail in VS to activate the commit button. The visual studio message telling me to add the data only appeared after a restart of VS. Maybe this will help someone else.
Try to use git push on git shell, the console will tell you if there are any errors, and give you searchable errors.
I think I figured it out, and as predicted, I'm an idiot. I was accidentally saving the files OUTSIDE the local repo folder. If anyone else has this problem, make sure you are saving things in the right places. Also, cloning the remote repo instead of trying to create two in each place helped a lot.
If you have a local database file, then you will not be able to copy/move the database file, and so any change in the solution cannot be committed. You have either to close the database service, close the connection inside the application or to close the solution and do the commit.

SVN multiple developer working on single file at same time

Actually I have faced this issue many time during working with SVN. Most of the time I am working with VSS for source control but since last couple of months working with SVN.
We are using tortoise and AnkhSVN with VS 2010.
In our team there are 5-6 people and some of them are working on same file at a time. Now when somebody commit , we have seen that some other developer changes get vanished and Sometime we get some line with version number. This thing get consume lots of time and we have to resolve conflict and all.
Please provide information so we can avoid such issues.
If two developers are working on the same file and make changes to the same are of code, then you have to manually resolve this conflict. There is no way to avoid it, no matter which version control you use.
The version control cannot know what the correct code is, so it requires a human intervention.
There is no way around this, other than preventing the users from working on the same code. this is done in svn by locking the file.
Each developer must svn update before svn commit. Between the update and commit, the developer must do a full, clean build and run all tests to make sure their code still works after merging in all other developer's changes into their copy.
You can set svn:needs-lock on files or folders that need to be locked before making changes, they'll be forced to check for locks. When you will try to edit a file, you will be required to lock it first. And when it is already locked by someone else, they you get an error message, preventing you from making any changes. This can be done in Tortoise SVN in Properties -> Advanced

Getting a "Commit from Multiple Working Copies" message.. not sure what to do?

I opened a project yesterday via Open From Subversion
I accidentally saved the project to C:\Users\blahblah....
I then immediately closed the project, and Opened From Subversion again, saving it to the correct directory.
Now I'm trying to commit the changes I made since opening the correct project and I'm getting this message:
Is there a risk that I can screw things up if I deselect C:\etc and instead select D:\etc and commit that?
There are no changes to the C:\ project. Also, I now have to merge the changes from yesterday into another branch.
This dialog appears whenever more than one working copy is involved and is mostly seen when changing your code and an external. It means it will commit your code and the external separate because this is dealt like different working copies and so this must be done.
In your case your solution was partly saved somewhere else making a second working copy (from the same repository). Guess you did the right think when deleting the mistakenly created files.
I deleted the C:... solution. It seems to have done the trick because the D:.. solution committed ok after that.

SVN: Colleague checked in a folder into repository, but I can't Update my version to it

In showing a colleague how to use SVN yesterday, we created a test folder and file within our existing Visual Studio Solution. We'll call it "Test" folder with two files, "Test.ascx" and "Test.ascx.cs". We added it (or Visual SVN added it, 'cos it's awesome), and committed it. We also added and committed other files elsewhere in the project.
We can see it in the repository (and the other files).
Doing an update on my own machine to pull down these new files resulted in the other files being pulled down correctly, BUT the Test folder does not appear. No matter how many times I try Updating from various points in VS and in TortoiseSVN (urgh) Repo browser, it can't see that there are any changes to pull down.
Where am I going wrong?
This is a known problem.
You can use
$ svn update --depth=infinity
to force the update. With TortoiseSVN, use the "Update to revision" command in the Submenu, then change the depth combobox to "fully recursive".
I've had ghost errors like this before and found the easiest work around is to delete the parent folder and update it's parent:
Project Root
Delete Project, then Update Project Root
We can see it in the repository (and the other files).
No matter how many times I try Updating from various points in VS and in TortoiseSVN (urgh) Repo browser, it can't see that there are any changes to pull down.
So you can or cannot see it in the repository browser?
Did you commit and update the parent folder of your Test folder?
I don't know, svn is always telling me to clean, did you try that?
It's not an answer, I know, but I have tried all the solutions you guys have kindly suggested and I just end up with conflicts, crashed TortoiseSVN and built up Karma. Therefore, a trusty edit in the .svn/entries file sorted it.
I have until now been a single developer using SVN just to manage my source code. Other people don't have problems, and I just check in stuff. I use Visual SVN as a layer to frig SVN for .NET (which it isn't great with) and I seem to constantly run into issues. I am performing very simple operations, not even branching/tagging. Simple simple simple. And yet I have issues with it?
