Swift Dictionary Memory Consumption is Astronomical - xcode

Can anyone help shed some light on why the below code consumes well over 100 MB of RAM during runtime?
public struct Trie<Element : Hashable> {
private var children: [Element:Trie<Element>]
private var endHere : Bool
public init() {
children = [:]
endHere = false
public init<S : SequenceType where S.Generator.Element == Element>(_ seq: S) {
self.init(gen: seq.generate())
private init<G : GeneratorType where G.Element == Element>(var gen: G) {
if let head = gen.next() {
(children, endHere) = ([head:Trie(gen:gen)], false)
} else {
(children, endHere) = ([:], true)
private mutating func insert<G : GeneratorType where G.Element == Element>(var gen: G) {
if let head = gen.next() {
let _ = children[head]?.insert(gen) ?? { children[head] = Trie(gen: gen) }()
} else {
endHere = true
public mutating func insert<S : SequenceType where S.Generator.Element == Element>(seq: S) {
var trie = Trie<UInt32>()
for i in 0..<300000 {
trie.insert([UInt32(i), UInt32(i+1), UInt32(i+2)])
Based on my calculations total memory consumption for the above data structure should be somewhere around the following...
3 * count * sizeof(Trie<UInt32>)
Or –
3 * 300,000 * 9 = 8,100,000 bytes = ~8 MB
How is it that this data structure consumes well over 100 MB during runtime?

sizeof reports only the static footprint on the stack, which the Dictionary is just kind of a wrapper of the reference to its internal reference type implementation, and also the copy on write support. In other words, the key-value pairs and the hash table of your dictionary are allocated on the heap, which is not covered by sizeof. This applies to all other Swift collection types.
In your case, you are creating three Trie - and indirectly three dictionaries - every iteration of the 300000. I wouldn't be surprised if the 96-byte allocations mentioned by #Macmade is the minimum overhead of a dictionary (e.g. its hash bucket).
There might also be cost related to growing storage. So you may try to see if setting a minimumCapacity on the dictionary would help. On the other hand, if you do not need a divergent path generated per iteration, you may consider an indirect enum as an alternative, e.g.
public enum Trie<Element> {
indirect case Next(Element, Trie<Element>)
case End
which should use less memory.

Size of your struct is 9 bytes, not 5.
You can check it with sizeof:
let size = sizeof( Trie< UInt32 > );
Also, you iterate 300'000 times, but insert 3 values (of course, it's a trie). So that's 900'000.
Anyway, that does not explain by itself the memory consumption you are observing.
I'm not really fluent in Swift, and I don't understand you code.
Maybe there's also some error in it, making it allocate more memory than needed.
But anyway, in order to understand what's happening, you need to run your code in Instruments (command-i).
On my machine, I can see 900'000 96 bytes allocations by swift_slowAlloc.
That's more like it...
Why 96 bytes, assuming there's no error in your code?
Well, it might be because of the way memory is allocated for your elements.
When satisfying a request, the memory allocator may allocate more memory than requested. That may be because it needs some internal metadata, because of paging, because of alignment, ...
But even though, it seems really exaggerated, so use instruments and double check what your code is doing.


boost beast async_write increases memory footprint dramatically

I am currently experimenting with the boost beast library and now very surprised by it's memory footprint. I've found out by using three different response types (string, file, dynamic) the program size grows up to 6Mb.
To get closer to the cause, I took the small server example from the library and reduced it to the following steps:
class http_connection : public std::enable_shared_from_this<http_connection>
http_connection(tcp::socket socket) : socket_(std::move(socket)) { }
void start() {
tcp::socket socket_;
beast::flat_buffer buffer_{8192};
http::request<http::dynamic_body> request_;
void read_request() {
auto self = shared_from_this();
socket_, buffer_, request_,
[self](beast::error_code ec,
std::size_t bytes_transferred)
self->write_response(std::make_shared<http::response<http::string_body>>(), true);
template <class T>
void write_response(std::shared_ptr<T> response, bool dostop=false) {
auto self = shared_from_this();
[self,response,dostop](beast::error_code ec, std::size_t)
if (dostop)
self->socket_.shutdown(tcp::socket::shutdown_send, ec);
when I comment out the three self->write_response lines and compile the program and execute the size command on the result, I get:
text data bss dec hex filename
343474 1680 7408 352562 56132 small
When I remove the comment of the first write, then I get:
864740 1714 7408 873862 d5586 small
text data bss dec hex filename
After removing all comments the final size become:
text data bss dec hex filename
1333510 1730 7408 1342648 147cb8 small
4,8M Feb 16 22:13 small*
The question now is:
Am I doing something wrong?
Is there a way to reduce the size?
the real process_request looks like:
void process_request() {
auto it = router.find(request.method(), request.target());
if (it != router.end()) {
auto response = it->getHandler()(doc_root_, request);
if (boost::apply_visitor(dsa::type::handler(), response) == TypeCode::dynamic_r) {
auto r = boost::get<std::shared_ptr<dynamic_response>>(response);
if (boost::apply_visitor(dsa::type::handler(), response) == TypeCode::file_r) {
auto r = boost::get<std::shared_ptr<file_response>>(response);
if (boost::apply_visitor(dsa::type::handler(), response) == TypeCode::string_r) {
auto r = boost::get<std::shared_ptr<string_response>>(response);
"Invalid request-method '" + std::string(req.method_string()) + "'\r\n")));
Thanks in advance
If you aren't actually leaking memory, then there is nothing wrong. Whatever memory is allocated by the system will either be reused for your program or eventually given back. It can be very difficult to measure the true memory usage of a program, especially under Linux, because of the virtual memory system. Unless you see an actual leak or real problem, I would ignore those memory reports and simply continue implementing your business logic. Beast itself contains no memory leaks (tested extensively per-commit on Travis and Appveyor under valgrind, asan, and ubsan).
Try use malloc_trim(0) , ex: in destructor of http_connection.
from man:
malloc_trim - release free memory from the top of the heap.
The malloc_trim() function attempts to release free memory at the top of the heap (by calling sbrk(2) with a suitable argument).
The pad argument specifies the amount of free space to leave untrimmed at the top of the heap.
If this argument is 0, only the minimum amount of memory is maintained at the top of the heap (i.e., one page or less). A nonzero argument can be used to maintain some trailing space at the top of the heap in order to allow future allocations to be made without having to extend the heap with

how do I allocate memory for some of the structure elements

I want to allocate memory for some elements of a structure, which are pointers to other small structs.How do I allocate and de-allocate memory in best way?
typedef struct _SOME_STRUCT {
PDATATYPE1 PDatatype1;
PDATATYPE2 PDatatype2;
PDATATYPE3 PDatatype3;
PDATATYPE12 PDatatype12;
I want to allocate memory for PDatatype1,3,4,6,7,9,11.Can I allocate memory with single malloc? or what is the best way to allocate memory for only these elements and how to free the whole memory allocated?
There is a trick that allows a single malloc, but that also has to weighed against doing a more standard multiple malloc approach.
If [and only if], once the DatatypeN elements of SOME_STRUCT are allocated, they do not need to be reallocated in any way, nor does any other code do a free on any of them, you can do the following [the assumption that PDATATYPEn points to DATATYPEn]:
size_t siz;
void *vptr;
// NOTE: this optimizes down to a single assignment
siz = 0;
siz += sizeof(DATATYPE1);
siz += sizeof(DATATYPE2);
siz += sizeof(DATATYPE3);
siz += sizeof(DATATYPE12);
sptr = malloc(sizeof(SOME_STRUCT) + siz);
vptr = sptr;
vptr += sizeof(SOME_STRUCT);
sptr->Pdatatype1 = vptr;
// either initialize the struct pointed to by sptr->Pdatatype1 here or
// caller should do it -- likewise for the others ...
vptr += sizeof(DATATYPE1);
sptr->Pdatatype2 = vptr;
vptr += sizeof(DATATYPE2);
sptr->Pdatatype3 = vptr;
vptr += sizeof(DATATYPE3);
sptr->Pdatatype12 = vptr;
vptr += sizeof(DATATYPE12);
return sptr;
Then, the when you're done, just do free(sptr).
The sizeof above should be sufficient to provide proper alignment for the sub-structs. If not, you'll have to replace them with a macro (e.g. SIZEOF) that provides the necessary alignment. (e.g.) for 8 byte alignment, something like:
#define SIZEOF(_siz) (((_siz) + 7) & ~0x07)
Note: While it is possible to do all this, and it is more common for things like variable length string structs like:
struct mystring {
int my_strlen;
char my_strbuf[0];
struct mystring {
int my_strlen;
char *my_strbuf;
It is debatable whether it's worth the [potential] fragility (i.e. somebody forgets and does the realloc/free on the individual elements). The cleaner way would be to embed the actual structs rather than the pointers to them if the single malloc is a high priority for you.
Otherwise, just do the the [more] standard way and do the 12 individual malloc calls and, later, the 12 free calls.
Still, it is a viable technique, particularly on small memory constrained systems.
Here is the [more] usual way involving per-element allocations:
void *vptr;
sptr = malloc(sizeof(SOME_STRUCT));
// either initialize the struct pointed to by sptr->Pdatatype1 here or
// caller should do it -- likewise for the others ...
sptr->Pdatatype1 = malloc(sizeof(DATATYPE1));
sptr->Pdatatype2 = malloc(sizeof(DATATYPE2));
sptr->Pdatatype3 = malloc(sizeof(DATATYPE3));
sptr->Pdatatype12 = malloc(sizeof(DATATYPE12));
return sptr;
free_some_struct(PSOME_STRUCT sptr)
If your structure contains the others structures as elements instead of pointers, you can allocate memory for the combined structure in one shot:
typedef struct _SOME_STRUCT {
DATATYPE1 Datatype1;
DATATYPE2 Datatype2;
DATATYPE3 Datatype3;
DATATYPE12 Datatype12;
// Or without malloc:

Swift Dictionary slow even with optimizations: doing uncessary retain/release?

The following code, which maps simple value holders to booleans, runs over 20x faster in Java than Swift 2 - XCode 7 beta3, "Fastest, Aggressive Optimizations [-Ofast]", and "Fast, Whole Module Optimizations" turned on. I can get over 280M lookups/sec in Java but only about 10M in Swift.
When I look at it in Instruments I see that most of the time is going into a pair of retain/release calls associated with the map lookup. Any suggestions on why this is happening or a workaround would be appreciated.
The structure of the code is a simplified version of my real code, which has a more complex key class and also stores other types (though Boolean is an actual case for me). Also, note that I am using a single mutable key instance for the retrieval to avoid allocating objects inside the loop and according to my tests this is faster in Swift than an immutable key.
EDIT: I have also tried switching to NSMutableDictionary but when used with Swift objects as keys it seems to be terribly slow.
EDIT2: I have tried implementing the test in objc (which wouldn't have the Optional unwrapping overhead) and it is faster but still over an order of magnitude slower than Java... I'm going to pose that example as another question to see if anyone has ideas.
EDIT3 - Answer. I have posted my conclusions and my workaround in an answer below.
public final class MyKey : Hashable {
var xi : Int = 0
init( _ xi : Int ) { set( xi ) }
final func set( xi : Int) { self.xi = xi }
public final var hashValue: Int { return xi }
public func == (lhs: MyKey, rhs: MyKey) -> Bool {
if ( lhs === rhs ) { return true }
return lhs.xi==rhs.xi
var map = Dictionary<MyKey,Bool>()
let range = 2500
for x in 0...range { map[ MyKey(x) ] = true }
let runs = 10
for _ in 0...runs
let time = Time()
let reps = 10000
let key = MyKey(0)
for _ in 0...reps {
for x in 0...range {
if ( map[ key ] == nil ) { XCTAssertTrue(false) }
print("rate=\(time.rate( reps*range )) lookups/s")
and here is the corresponding Java code:
public class MyKey {
public int xi;
public MyKey( int xi ) { set( xi ); }
public void set( int xi) { this.xi = xi; }
#Override public int hashCode() { return xi; }
public boolean equals( Object o ) {
if ( o == this ) { return true; }
MyKey mk = (MyKey)o;
return mk.xi == this.xi;
Map<MyKey,Boolean> map = new HashMap<>();
int range = 2500;
for(int x=0; x<range; x++) { map.put( new MyKey(x), true ); }
int runs = 10;
for(int run=0; run<runs; run++)
Time time = new Time();
int reps = 10000;
MyKey buffer = new MyKey( 0 );
for (int it = 0; it < reps; it++) {
for (int x = 0; x < range; x++) {
buffer.set( x );
if ( map.get( buffer ) == null ) { Assert.assertTrue( false ); }
float rate = reps*range/time.s();
System.out.println( "rate = " + rate );
After much experimentation I have come to some conclusions and found a workaround (albeit somewhat extreme).
First let me say that I recognize that this kind of very fine grained data structure access within a tight loop is not representative of general performance, but it does affect my application and I'm imagining others like games and heavily numeric applications. Also let me say that I know that Swift is a moving target and I'm sure it will improve - perhaps my workaround (hacks) below will not be necessary by the time you read this. But if you are trying to do something like this today and you are looking at Instruments and seeing the majority of your application time spent in retain/release and you don't want to rewrite your entire app in objc please read on.
What I have found is that almost anything that one does in Swift that touches an object reference incurs an ARC retain/release penalty. Additionally Optional values - even optional primitives - also incur this cost. This pretty much rules out using Dictionary or NSDictionary.
Here are some things that are fast that you can include in a workaround:
a) Arrays of primitive types.
b) Arrays of final objects as long as long as the array is on the stack and not on the heap. e.g. Declare an array within the method body (but outside of your loop of course) and iteratively copy the values to it. Do not Array(array) copy it.
Putting this together you can construct a data structure based on arrays that stores e.g. Ints and then store array indexes to your objects in that data structure. Within your loop you can look up the objects by their index in the fast local array. Before you ask "couldn't the data structure store the array for me" - no, because that would incur two of the penalties I mentioned above :(
All things considered this workaround is not too bad - If you can enumerate the entities that you want to store in the Dictionary / data structure you should be able to host them in an array as described. Using the technique above I was able to exceed the Java performance by a factor of 2x in Swift in my case.
If anyone is still reading and interested at this point I will consider updating my example code and posting.
EDIT: I'd add an option: c) It is also possible to use UnsafeMutablePointer<> or Unmanaged<> in Swift to create a reference that will not be retained when passed around. I was not aware of this when I started and I would hesitate to recommend it in general because it's a hack, but I've used it in a few cases to wrap a heavily used array that was incurring a retain/release every time it was referenced.

Hand-over-hand locking with Rust

I'm trying to write an implementation of union-find in Rust. This is famously very simple to implement in languages like C, while still having a complex run time analysis.
I'm having trouble getting Rust's mutex semantics to allow iterative hand-over-hand locking.
Here's how I got where I am now.
First, this is a very simple implementation of part of the structure I want in C:
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node {
struct node * parent;
struct node * create(struct node * parent) {
struct node * ans = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
ans->parent = parent;
return ans;
struct node * find_root(struct node * x) {
while (x->parent) {
x = x->parent;
return x;
int main() {
struct node * foo = create(NULL);
struct node * bar = create(foo);
struct node * baz = create(bar);
baz->parent = find_root(bar);
Note that the structure of the pointers is that of an inverted tree; multiple pointers may point at a single location, and there are no cycles.
At this point, there is no path compression.
Here is a Rust translation. I chose to use Rust's reference-counted pointer type to support the inverted tree type I referenced above.
Note that this implementation is much more verbose, possibly due to the increased safety that Rust offers, but possibly due to my inexperience with Rust.
use std::rc::Rc;
struct Node {
parent: Option<Rc<Node>>
fn create(parent: Option<Rc<Node>>) -> Node {
Node {parent: parent.clone()}
fn find_root(x: Rc<Node>) -> Rc<Node> {
let mut ans = x.clone();
while ans.parent.is_some() {
ans = ans.parent.clone().unwrap();
fn main() {
let foo = Rc::new(create(None));
let bar = Rc::new(create(Some(foo.clone())));
let mut prebaz = create(Some(bar.clone()));
prebaz.parent = Some(find_root(bar.clone()));
Path compression re-parents each node along a path to the root every time find_root is called. To add this feature to the C code, only two new small functions are needed:
void change_root(struct node * x, struct node * root) {
while (x) {
struct node * tmp = x->parent;
x->parent = root;
x = tmp;
struct node * root(struct node * x) {
struct node * ans = find_root(x);
change_root(x, ans);
return ans;
The function change_root does all the re-parenting, while the function root is just a wrapper to use the results of find_root to re-parent the nodes on the path to the root.
In order to do this in Rust, I decided I would have to use a Mutex rather than just a reference counted pointer, since the Rc interface only allows mutable access by copy-on-write when more than one pointer to the item is live. As a result, all of the code would have to change. Before even getting to the path compression part, I got hung up on find_root:
use std::sync::{Mutex,Arc};
struct Node {
parent: Option<Arc<Mutex<Node>>>
fn create(parent: Option<Arc<Mutex<Node>>>) -> Node {
Node {parent: parent.clone()}
fn find_root(x: Arc<Mutex<Node>>) -> Arc<Mutex<Node>> {
let mut ans = x.clone();
let mut inner = ans.lock();
while inner.parent.is_some() {
ans = inner.parent.clone().unwrap();
inner = ans.lock();
This produces the error (with 0.12.0)
error: cannot assign to `ans` because it is borrowed
ans = inner.parent.clone().unwrap();
note: borrow of `ans` occurs here
let mut inner = ans.lock();
What I think I need here is hand-over-hand locking. For the path A -> B -> C -> ..., I need to lock A, lock B, unlock A, lock C, unlock B, ... Of course, I could keep all of the locks open: lock A, lock B, lock C, ... unlock C, unlock B, unlock A, but this seems inefficient.
However, Mutex does not offer unlock, and uses RAII instead. How can I achieve hand-over-hand locking in Rust without being able to directly call unlock?
EDIT: As the comments noted, I could use Rc<RefCell<Node>> rather than Arc<Mutex<Node>>. Doing so leads to the same compiler error.
For clarity about what I'm trying to avoid by using hand-over-hand locking, here is a RefCell version that compiles but used space linear in the length of the path.
fn find_root(x: Rc<RefCell<Node>>) -> Rc<RefCell<Node>> {
let mut inner : RefMut<Node> = x.borrow_mut();
if inner.parent.is_some() {
} else {
We can pretty easily do full hand-over-hand locking as we traverse this list using just a bit of unsafe, which is necessary to tell the borrow checker a small bit of insight that we are aware of, but that it can't know.
But first, let's clearly formulate the problem:
We want to traverse a linked list whose nodes are stored as Arc<Mutex<Node>> to get the last node in the list
We need to lock each node in the list as we go along the way such that another concurrent traversal has to follow strictly behind us and cannot muck with our progress.
Before we get into the nitty-gritty details, let's try to write the signature for this function:
fn find_root(node: Arc<Mutex<Node>>) -> Arc<Mutex<Node>>;
Now that we know our goal, we can start to get into the implementation - here's a first attempt:
fn find_root(incoming: Arc<Mutex<Node>>) -> Arc<Mutex<Node>> {
// We have to separate this from incoming since the lock must
// be borrowed from incoming, not this local node.
let mut node = incoming.clone();
let mut lock = incoming.lock();
// Could use while let but that leads to borrowing issues.
while lock.parent.is_some() {
node = lock.parent.as_ref().unwrap().clone(); // !! uh-oh !!
lock = node.lock();
If we try to compile this, rustc will error on the line marked !! uh-oh !!, telling us that we can't move out of node while lock still exists, since lock is borrowing node. This is not a spurious error! The data in lock might go away as soon as node does - it's only because we know that we can keep the data lock is pointing to valid and in the same memory location even if we move node that we can fix this.
The key insight here is that the lifetime of data contained within an Arc is dynamic, and it is hard for the borrow checker to make the inferences we can about exactly how long data inside an Arc is valid.
This happens every once in a while when writing rust; you have more knowledge about the lifetime and organization of your data than rustc, and you want to be able to express that knowledge to the compiler, effectively saying "trust me". Enter: unsafe - our way of telling the compiler that we know more than it, and it should allow us to inform it of the guarantees that we know but it doesn't.
In this case, the guarantee is pretty simple - we are going to replace node while lock still exists, but we are not going to ensure that the data inside lock continues to be valid even though node goes away. To express this guarantee we can use mem::transmute, a function which allows us to reinterpret the type of any variable, by just using it to change the lifetime of the lock returned by node to be slightly longer than it actually is.
To make sure we keep our promise, we are going to use another handoff variable to hold node while we reassign lock - even though this moves node (changing its address) and the borrow checker will be angry at us, we know it's ok since lock doesn't point at node, it points at data inside of node, whose address (in this case, since it's behind an Arc) will not change.
Before we get to the solution, it's important to note that the trick we are using here is only valid because we are using an Arc. The borrow checker is warning us of a possibly serious error - if the Mutex was held inline and not in an Arc, this error would be a correct prevention of a use-after-free, where the MutexGuard held in lock would attempt to unlock a Mutex which has already been dropped, or at least moved to another memory location.
use std::mem;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
fn find_root(incoming: Arc<Mutex<Node>>) -> Arc<Mutex<Node>> {
let mut node = incoming.clone();
let mut handoff_node;
let mut lock = incoming.lock().unwrap();
// Could use while let but that leads to borrowing issues.
while lock.parent.is_some() {
// Keep the data in node around by holding on to this `Arc`.
handoff_node = node;
node = lock.parent.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
// We are going to move out of node while this lock is still around,
// but since we kept the data around it's ok.
lock = unsafe { mem::transmute(node.lock().unwrap()) };
And, just like that, rustc is happy, and we have hand-over-hand locking, since the last lock is released only after we have acquired the new lock!
There is one unanswered question in this implementation which I have not yet received an answer too, which is whether the drop of the old value and assignment of a new value to a variable is a guaranteed to be atomic - if not, there is a race condition where the old lock is released before the new lock is acquired in the assignment of lock. It's pretty trivial to work around this by just having another holdover_lock variable and moving the old lock into it before reassigning, then dropping it after reassigning lock.
Hopefully this fully addresses your question and shows how unsafe can be used to work around "deficiencies" in the borrow checker when you really do know more. I would still like to want that the cases where you know more than the borrow checker are rare, and transmuting lifetimes is not "usual" behavior.
Using Mutex in this way, as you can see, is pretty complex and you have to deal with many, many, possible sources of a race condition and I may not even have caught all of them! Unless you really need this structure to be accessible from many threads, it would probably be best to just use Rc and RefCell, if you need it, as this makes things much easier.
I believe this to fit the criteria of hand-over-hand locking.
use std::sync::Mutex;
fn main() {
// Create a set of mutexes to lock hand-over-hand
let mutexes = Vec::from_fn(4, |_| Mutex::new(false));
// Lock the first one
let val_0 = mutexes[0].lock();
if !*val_0 {
// Lock the second one
let mut val_1 = mutexes[1].lock();
// Unlock the first one
// Do logic
*val_1 = true;
for mutex in mutexes.iter() {
println!("{}" , *mutex.lock());
Edit #1
Does it work when access to lock n+1 is guarded by lock n?
If you mean something that could be shaped like the following, then I think the answer is no.
struct Level {
data: bool,
child: Option<Mutex<Box<Level>>>,
However, it is sensible that this should not work. When you wrap an object in a mutex, then you are saying "The entire object is safe". You can't say both "the entire pie is safe" and "I'm eating the stuff below the crust" at the same time. Perhaps you jettison the safety by creating a Mutex<()> and lock that?
This is still not the answer your literal question of to how to do hand-over-hand locking, which should only be important in a concurrent setting (or if someone else forced you to use Mutex references to nodes). It is instead how to do this with Rc and RefCell, which you seem to be interested in.
RefCell only allows mutable writes when one mutable reference is held. Importantly, the Rc<RefCell<Node>> objects are not mutable references. The mutable references it is talking about are the results from calling borrow_mut() on the Rc<RefCell<Node>>object, and as long as you do that in a limited scope (e.g. the body of the while loop), you'll be fine.
The important thing happening in path compression is that the next Rc object will keep the rest of the chain alive while you swing the parent pointer for node to point at root. However, it is not a reference in the Rust sense of the word.
struct Node
parent: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node>>>
fn find_root(mut node: Rc<RefCell<Node>>) -> Rc<RefCell<Node>>
while let Some(parent) = node.borrow().parent.clone()
node = parent;
return node;
fn path_compress(mut node: Rc<RefCell<Node>>, root: Rc<RefCell<Node>>)
while node.borrow().parent.is_some()
let next = node.borrow().parent.clone().unwrap();
node.borrow_mut().parent = Some(root.clone());
node = next;
This runs fine for me with the test harness I used, though there may still be bugs. It certainly compiles and runs without a panic! due to trying to borrow_mut() something that is already borrowed. It may actually produce the right answer, that's up to you.
On IRC, Jonathan Reem pointed out that inner is borrowing until the end of its lexical scope, which is too far for what I was asking. Inlining it produces the following, which compiles without error:
fn find_root(x: Arc<Mutex<Node>>) -> Arc<Mutex<Node>> {
let mut ans = x.clone();
while ans.lock().parent.is_some() {
ans = ans.lock().parent.clone().unwrap();
EDIT: As Francis Gagné points out, this has a race condition, since the lock doesn't extend long enough. Here's a modified version that only has one lock() call; perhaps it is not vulnerable to the same problem.
fn find_root(x: Arc<Mutex<Node>>) -> Arc<Mutex<Node>> {
let mut ans = x.clone();
loop {
ans = {
let tmp = ans.lock();
match tmp.parent.clone() {
None => break,
Some(z) => z
EDIT 2: This only holds one lock at a time, and so is racey. I still don't know how to do hand-over-hand locking.
As pointed out by Frank Sherry and others, you shouldn't use Arc/Mutex when single threaded. But his code was outdated, so here is the new one (for version 1.0.0alpha2).
This does not take linear space either (like the recursive code given in the question).
struct Node {
parent: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node>>>
fn find_root(node: Rc<RefCell<Node>>) -> Rc<RefCell<Node>> {
let mut ans = node.clone(); // Rc<RefCell<Node>>
loop {
ans = {
let ans_ref = ans.borrow(); // std::cell::Ref<Node>
match ans_ref.parent.clone() {
None => break,
Some(z) => z
} // ans_ref goes out of scope, and ans becomes mutable
fn path_compress(mut node: Rc<RefCell<Node>>, root: Rc<RefCell<Node>>) {
while node.borrow().parent.is_some() {
let next = {
let node_ref = node.borrow();
node.borrow_mut().parent = Some(root.clone());
// RefMut<Node> from borrow_mut() is out of scope here...
node = next; // therefore we can mutate node
Note for beginners: Pointers are automatically dereferenced by dot operator. ans.borrow() actually means (*ans).borrow(). I intentionally used different styles for the two functions.
Although not the answer to your literal question (hand-over locking), union-find with weighted-union and path-compression can be very simple in Rust:
fn unionfind<I: Iterator<(uint, uint)>>(mut iterator: I, nodes: uint) -> Vec<uint>
let mut root = Vec::from_fn(nodes, |x| x);
let mut rank = Vec::from_elem(nodes, 0u8);
for (mut x, mut y) in iterator
// find roots for x and y; do path compression on look-ups
while (x != root[x]) { root[x] = root[root[x]]; x = root[x]; }
while (y != root[y]) { root[y] = root[root[y]]; y = root[y]; }
if x != y
// weighted union swings roots
match rank[x].cmp(&rank[y])
Less => root[x] = y,
Greater => root[y] = x,
Equal =>
root[y] = x;
rank[x] += 1
Maybe the meta-point is that the union-find algorithm may not be the best place to handle node ownership, and by using references to existing memory (in this case, by just using uint identifiers for the nodes) without affecting the lifecycle of the nodes makes for a much simpler implementation, if you can get away with it of course.

How to put my structure variable into CPU caches to eliminate main memory page access time? Options

It's clear that there is no explicit way or certain system calls that
help programmers to put a variable into the CPU cache.
But I think that a certain programming style or well designed
algorithm can make it possible to increase the possibilities that the
variable can be cached into the CPU caches.
Here is my example:
I want to append an 8 byte structure at the end of an array consisting
of the same type of structures, declared in the global main memory
This process is continuously repeated for 4 million operations. This process takes 6 seconds, 1.5 us for each operation. I think this result tells that the two memory areas have not been cached.
I got some clues from a cache-oblivious algorithm, so I tried several
ways to enhance this. Until now, no enhancement.
I think some clever codes can reduce the elapsed time, up to 10 to 100
times. Please show me the way.
Appended (2011-04-01)
Damon~ thank you for your comment!
After reading your comment, I analyzed my code again, and found several things
that I missed. The following code that I attached is the abbreviated version of my original code.
To accurately measure each operation's execution time (in the original code, there are several different types of operations), I inserted the time measuring code using clock_gettime() function. I thought if I measure each operation's execution time and accumulate them, the additional cost by the main loop can be avoided.
In the original code, the time measuring code was hidden by a macro function, so I totally forgot about it.
The running time of this code is almost 6 seconds. But if I get rid of the time measuring function in the main loop, it becomes 0.1 seconds.
Since the clock_gettime() function supports very high precision (upto 1 nano second), executed on the basis of an independent thread, and also it requires very big structure,
I think the function caused the cache-out of the main memory area where the consecutive insertions are performed.
Thank you again for your comment. For further enhancement, any suggestion will be very helpful for me to optimize my code.
I think the hierachically defined structure variable might cause unnecessary time cost,
but first I want to know how much it would be, before I change it to the more C-style code.
typedef struct t_ptr {
uint32 isleaf :1, isNextLeaf :1, ptr :30;
t_ptr(void) {
isleaf = false;
isNextLeaf = false;
ptr = NIL;
} PTR;
typedef struct t_key {
uint32 op :1, key :31;
t_key(void) {
op = OP_INS;
key = 0;
} KEY;
typedef struct t_key_pair {
KEY key;
PTR ptr;
t_key_pair() {
t_key_pair(KEY k, PTR p) {
key = k;
ptr = p;
} KeyPair;
typedef struct t_op {
KeyPair keyPair;
uint seq;
t_op() {
seq = 0;
} OP;
#define MAX_OP_LEN 4000000
typedef struct t_opq {
int freeOffset;
int globalSeq;
bool queueOp(register KeyPair keyPair);
} OpQueue;
bool OpQueue::queueOp(register KeyPair keyPair) {
bool isFull = false;
if (freeOffset == (int) (MAX_OP_LEN - 1)) {
isFull = true;
ops[freeOffset].keyPair = keyPair;
ops[freeOffset].seq = globalSeq++;
OpQueue opQueue;
#include <sys/time.h>
int main() {
struct timespec startTime, endTime, totalTime;
for(int i = 0; i < 4000000; i++) {
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &startTime);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &endTime);
totalTime.tv_sec += (endTime.tv_sec - startTime.tv_sec);
totalTime.tv_nsec += (endTime.tv_nsec - startTime.tv_nsec);
printf("\n elapsed time: %ld", totalTime.tv_sec * 1000000LL + totalTime.tv_nsec / 1000L);
YOU don't put the structure into any cache. The CPU does that automatically for you. The CPU is even more clever than that; if you access sequential memory, it will start putting things from memory into the cache before you read them.
And really, it should be common sense that for a simple bit of code like this, the time you spend on measuring is ten times more than the time to perform the code (apparently 60 times in your case).
Since you put so much confidence in clock_gettime (): I suggest you call it five times in a row and store the results, then print the differences. There's resolution, there's precision, and there's how long it takes to return the current time, which is pretty damned long.
I have been unable to force caching, but you can force memory to be uncache-able. If you have large other datastructures you might exclude these so that they will not pollute your caches. This can be done by specifying PAGE_NOCACHE for the Windows VirutalAllocXXX functions.
