Apple Mach-O Linker Error/Boost Wave Compilation Issues - xcode

I'm trying to compile a simple Boost Wave example and while Xcode is recognizing the headers, it is giving me a slew of Apple Mach-O Linker(Id) Errors. I have encountered this before and I don't remember how I solved it. Please help!
I have attached a screenshot.
P.S. I have Boost 1.57.0 and it works just fine with any Xcode Project. For whatever reason, though, it isn't in the case when it involves the header boost/wave.hpp like so...
#include <boost/wave.hpp>
Also, I ruled out the body of the code as a culprit. This throws the linker erros:
#include <boost/wave.hpp>
int main() { return 0; }
Other Boost headers like these, do not:
#include <boost/function.hpp>
int main() { return 0; }

I figured it out, but have no idea why this is the case. If anyone would like to add an explanation, that would be splendid. I had to manually add the various dynamic and static libraries referenced in each of the above issues. I attached a new screenshot so others having this issue can see the end result.

Well, the explanation is very simple. In order to be able to build your project, the compiler working under the hood needs to know:
Where to search for the #include <..> within your project's files: this corresponds to the -I directory option for the g++ compiler. In Xcode this corresponds to set the "Header Search Paths" in the Build Settings of you project.
Without specifying the Header Search Paths, you will get errors on the #include lines since Xcode doesn't know where to look for those included files.
Where to search for the library that must be linked to your source code while building the project: this corresponds to the -L directory option for the g++ compiler. In Xcode this corresponds to set the "Library Search Paths" in the Build Settings of you project.
Without specifying the ** Library Search Paths**, you will get errors while trying to build your project since Xcode doesn't know where to look for the linked libraries.
What libraries must be linked to your project files at compilation time: this corresponds to the -l linking option for the g++ compiler.
In Xcode this corresponds to add the .dylib files to the Link Binary With Libraries in the Build Phases settings of your project. Note that you don't need to add manually the libraries to the main folder of your project, the last described step suffice.
See here and here for the directory and linking options of the g++ compiler, respectively.


Eigen library + Code::Blocks

Trying to use Code::blocks with the library Eigen. Using windows vista. With some help from a forum I got this command to compile a sample program:
C:\Users\Me\Desktop\eigen>g++ -I C:\Users\Me\Desktop\eigen\eigen3
-o test2.exe C:\Users\Me\Desktop\eigen\test.cpp
But if I cd anywhere else (other than my folder containing test.cpp) and try to build, I get a permission denied error.
On code blocks I started a new project and went to Settings->Compiler->Linker settings->Link libraries-> and added C:\Users\Me\Desktop\eigen
And also added the same link under build options. I got this error:
C:\Users\Me\Desktop\GUI\vector\main.cpp|2|fatal error:
Eigen/Dense: No such file or directory|
The pages I followed were:
As eigen has already stated, all you have to do is copy the headers from the eigen folder to the include folder of your compiler (or just make sure your compiler can find your eigen folder).
Just copy the entire Eigen folder from drive/(where eigen is)/eigen/ to the include folder of code blocks in CodeBlocks\MinGW\include.
After that, all you have to do is make sure in Settings->Compiler in the Search directories tab, the compiler tab has the location to include and linker tab to lib, and the same goes for your build options.
There is absolutely no use of adding the Eigen folder to link libraries option of the linker tab, since Eigen has no libraries and works only with headers.

Integrate a prebuilt .a into my Xcode 5

I'm trying to integrate a prebuilt a static c library (a .a library )into my Xcode 5 project. But it failed and returned tons of Apple Mach-O linker errors. What I did is I added the Library Search Path to correct path and added the Other C flags, Other C++ flags as something like -lmylib ( the lib file name is libmylib.a). I remembered it worked in my previous Xcode which using GCC.
Can anybody advise what I should do to fix the problem. Thanks.
By adding these flags to Linker flag solved the problem. But I have another issue. The .a built for normal simulator doesn't work for the one with 64 bit. How should I solve this problem?
My bad. Add the flag to the wrong place. Should add to Other Linker Flag.

Error in CodeBlocks C++ program and how to set default main class

I have included the boost library in a Codeblocks c++ project.
Now, in the file
there is an include statement
#include <boost/preprocessor/iterate.hpp>
However I get this error in Codeblocks when I try and compile:
/home/arvind/Documents/Workspace/Browser/boost/function.hpp|15|fatal error:
boost/preprocessor/iterate.hpp: No such file or directory|
What am I doing wrong here? I have simply included the Boost library as it is.
Also, I cannot find the screen/option to set the main class (which will actually execute).
How do I do this?(I am new to CodeBlocks hence this question).
Your boost includes seem to be in a non-standard/system directory : /home/arvind/Documents/Workspace/Browser, you must tell the compiler to look there (gcc -I command-line switch).
Go to Project->Build Options->Search Directories->Compiler and add the directory where boost includes are. I don't have a codeblocks install right here so this was from here.
If you can, I would recommand installing boost on your system once and for all instead of just copying files in your codeblocks workspace.

Xcode: setting to enable C++ even when no C++ sources are in the project?

I have an Objective-C/Cocoa project that incorporates a static library. That static library has some object files that have C++ in them.
I've found that if the project that I'm using the library in contains no other C++ in it, the link fails (can't link new/delete/etc). But simply adding a single (empty) .cpp file to the project causes the link to succeed.
In practice, what happens is that the build will invoke g++ instead of gcc when there is any cpp, which succeeds. No other difference in the build is apparent to me.
Is there an explicit switch I can use to link in this library without using the dummy cpp file in the project?
(This is mostly a curiosity question-- it's not the end of the world to put in one empty file. :) )
try to link libstdc++
gcc main.c -lstdc++
or in Xcode:
Project->Edit Project Settings
To the config section "Other Linker Flags", add -lstdc++.

Linking in Xcode

How do I make Xcode link object files properly?
The file containing "main" and all the dependencies compile properly (and I can easily link them in the command line to generate the executable). However, Xcode seems to refuse to do it, resulting in ld errors of "symbol not found".
This is what my current setup looks like. All the dependencies (Calculator, input, etc) are detected and compile properly. The cpp file contains main but fails to be linked to the .o file (generated by the dependencies), resulting in several ld "symbol not found" errors.
Any ideas?
.o's generated by dependencies do not get linked into the including target. In the example above, "Calculator" needs to generate something, generally a static library (.a), that you would then add to the list of libraries to be linked into the project.
